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Effects of flooding regime and diel cycle on diet of a small sized fish associated to macrophytes

Efeitos do regime hidrológico e do ciclo diário na dieta de uma espécie de pequeno porte associada à macrófitas

AIM: In this paper we assessed the effects of flooding (low and high water period) on the feeding activity and diet composition of Serrapinus notomelas in patches of the macrophyte Eichhornia azurea in a shallow floodplain lake (upper Paraná River Floodplain, Brazil). We also assessed the variations of diet composition and feeding activity along the diel cycle. METHODS: Traps were used to catch the fish inside of macrophyte patches monthly from June/2007 to May/2008. A total of 1038 stomachs were examined. We assessed the feeding activity with the mean stomach fullness degree method. To summarize and support the results of diet composition in the different periods (low and high water periods) and times (dawn, light period, and dusk), was applied a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS). RESULTS: The feeding activity of S. notomelas did not differ between low and high water periods, but it differed along the diel cycle. The feeding activity was higher during the light period and dusk, at both the low and high water period. The diet composition differed significantly between low and high water periods, and also along the diel cycle. In the low water the diet of S. notomelas was composed mainly by algae and in the high water by Cladocera. Algae were consumed mainly during the light period while Cladocera in dawn and dusk. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the oscillations in the water level affect the diet composition, but not the feeding activity of S. notomelas. These seasonal changes are probably related to the temporal abundance of food resources, thus, when Cladocera density was low (low water), S. notomelas consumed mainly algae but when Cladocera was more abundant (high water), it became a common food resource.

Serrapinus notomelas; feeding activity; Paraná River; Eichhornia azurea

Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil