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Translation and adaptation of the Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale-Retrospective: Patient Version to Brazilian portuguese

Tradução e adaptação da Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale-Retrospective: Patient Version para português brasileiro

BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and often severe mental disease, associated with a significant burden in affected individuals. The characterization of a premorbid (prodromal) period and possible development of preventive interventions are recent advances in this field. Attempts to characterize high-risk stages in BD, identifying symptoms prior to the emergence of a first manic/hypomanic episode, have been limited by a lack of standardized criteria and instruments for assessment. The Bipolar Prodrome Symptom Scale-Retrospective (BPSS-R), developed by Correll and collaborators, retrospectively evaluates symptoms that occur prior to a first full mood episode in individuals with BD. OBJECTIVE: To describe the translation and adaptation process of the BPSS-R to Brazilian Portuguese. METHOD: Translation was conducted as follows: 1) translation of the scale from English to Brazilian Portuguese by authors who have Portuguese as their first language; 2) merging of the two versions by a committee of specialists; 3) back-translation to English by a translator who is an English native speaker; 4) correction of the new version in English by the author of the original scale; 5) finalization of the new version in Brazilian Portuguese. RESULTS: All the steps of the translation process were successfully accomplished, resulting in a final version of the instrument. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the BPSS-R is a potentially useful instrument to investigate prodromal period of BD in Brazil.

Bipolar disorder; at-risk mental sates; questionnaire; prodromal symptoms

Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 5311/202, 90610-001 Porto Alegre RS/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 51) 3024 4846 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil