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Characteristics of innovations in television journalism and the expressiveness of the anchor


: To present innovation features in Brazilian newscast and to analyze their impact on the expressiveness of the anchors, emphasizing non-verbal resources.


: The corpus of the research is five Brazilian TV news shows: Primeiro Jornal (Bandeirantes Television ), Bom Dia Brasil (Globo Television ), Jornal da EPTV (Globo Television ), GloboNews 6PM-edition (Globo News), Leitura Dinâmica (Rede TV). The news shows were recorded for five weeks during October and November, 2011. The shooting script and edition of the material was conducted and the selected scenes were frozen and converted into images (.jpg format). The analysis was carried out by the researcher and by a language and speech specialist with experience in voice studies, and aimed at identifying aspects of the work conditions (scenery, furniture, materials, resources and and/or equipment) and its relation to the anchors’ expressiveness (posture, dislocation, and non-verbal behavior: body and face expressions and gestures).


: The following technologies were observed: monitors, screens, interactive screens, virtual sceneries, remote control of the teleprompter by the anchor, notebooks, tablets, and internet access. The inclusion of new technologies, equipment and resources in news broadcasting makes the anchor, during the interaction with these devices, perform other and different forms of accommodation, posture, positions and movements, different from those employed in traditional news broadcasting.


: As to work conditions, integrated-environment settings, lack of counter or other types of furniture, new resources, technologies and equipment, such as monitors, screens and interactive screens, virtual settings, teleprompter remote control used by the presenter, notebooks, tablets and internet access were observed. A new dynamics is created in news casting, involving direct, mediated and/or virtual interactive processes. Such situations, not foreseen in traditional newscast models or in journalism and speech and language therapy literatures, lead the news presenter to adopt other and different forms of accommodation, postures, positions, movements, and displacement as verbal, vocal and non-verbal resources are used. The entire body of the journalist/presenter is under expressive demand.


: Innovation features in TV newscast have an impact on expressiveness and need to be considered by Speech and Language Studies.

Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Journalism; Occupational health; Video-audio Media; Television

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil