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Perceptual confusions among consonants in Brazilian Portuguese as a function of noise


(a) to determine whether an individual’s behavior, in the perception of consonants in different noise conditions, is directly related to how these sounds are represented in the mind, (b) to determine whether there is a relationship between phonological and perceptual similarity.


The study used a non-probability sample based on typicality, with participation of eleven adults, aged between twenty and thirty years. The inclusion criteria were: age between eighteen and thirty years; to read, agree and sign the Free and Cleared Term of Consent; to present peripheral hearing and auditory processing within the reference criteria. The data were collected in two stages: 1) Preliminary evaluation consisting of the following tests: pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, speech audiometry and speech test in noise and dichotic digits test, 2) Evaluation of the auditory perception of the consonants [p], [t], [d], [k], [f], [v], [ʃ] and [ʒ] followed by the vowel [a], under white noise or cocktail party noise in the signal/noise ratio of 0 and +5 dB (NS).


Under white noise, in both signal/noise ratios, there was more confusion between the consonants [f]-[p], [ʃ]-[k] and [ʃ]-[ʒ]. Under cocktail party noise, there was more confusion between the consonants [f]-[p], [v]-[p], [v]-[f] and [t]-[d]. It was observed that consonants that share more distinctive features are more confusing.


The white noise and the cocktail party noise directly affect the perception of the consonants, but in different ways, and a larger perceptive distance is found among consonants under cocktail party noise. Therefore, the confusions among consonants seem to be more influenced by their acoustic rather than their phonological characteristics.

Speech perception; Auditory perception; Hearing; Linguistics; Noise

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil