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Voice quality assessment before and after social and professional voice use


To analyze the effects of social and professional voice use in the voice quality of women in a time frame of two hours and 30 minutes using auditory-perceptual evaluation.


A case-control study with two groups: professional voice users, with 31 Belo Horizonte school teachers aged 28-59 years; social voice users, with 42 females aged 31-59 years with no occupational voice use. The data was collected at two time points, in the morning period, before starting the use of voice and after two hours and thirty minutes. The subjects were instructed to read sentences in their normal speaking voice. The same recording scheme was used for the group of social voice use, with normal use of the voice in the home of each participant. The voices were evaluated through an auditory-perceptual assessment by two experienced raters who compared the emissions before and after voice use and determined whether there was improvement, deterioration or similarity between time points.


Both groups had a higher frequency of similarity between the voices before and after the vocal loading according to the auditory-perceptual evaluation. In subjects with changes in their vocal patterns, roughness was the auditory-perceptual parameter that changed the most for both groups, albeit with a low degree of deviance.


The social voice use and the professional voice use resulting from the teaching activity, both during two hours and thirty minutes, caused no changes in voice quality as evaluated by auditory-perceptual analysis.

Voice disorders; Dysphonia; Faculty; Voice; Voice quality

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil