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Computerized dynamic posturography in the assessment of body balance in individuals with vestibular dysfunction


To evaluate the body balance of patients with vestibular dysfunction with computerized dynamic posturography.


Study of 116 individuals with peripheral vestibular dysfunction, aged 22 years and 6 months old to 94 years and 1 month old were subjected to a complete otoneurological assessment; computerized dynamic posturography with a sensory organization test, motor control test, and adaptation test; and an otolaryngological evaluation.


The sensory organization test detected balance changes with the most sensitivity. Condition 4, during which the patients stood with their feet apart with them placed on the sensors of the reference surface and with their eyes open; condition 5, during which the patients remained in position with their eyes closed; condition 6, during which the patients kept their eyes open and their visual field underwent anterior-posterior displacement; and all three conditions when the reference surface moved in a see-saw manner were the conditions during which the participants had the greatest difficulties. The results showed patients with composite scores between 60 and 69, which indicated a higher occurrence of falls compared to the risk of falls, during condition 4 of the sensory organization test and among the elderly. Women had a higher number of falls during testing.


Computerized dynamic posturography, which concisely detected body balance changes, can be used in the diagnosis of vestibular disorders to complement vestibular assessments.

Postural balance; Proprioception; Dizziness; Vestibular function tests; Aging

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil