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Effect of the delayed auditory feedback in stuttering


To verify the effect of delayed auditory feedback and altered frequency in the stuttering severity, by means of the SpeechEasy®device.


Sixteen 17 to 49 year-old men and women who stuttered were selected. Schooling ranged from High School to Undergraduate degree. Subjects were distributed in 2 groups: G1 with 8 people who stuttered and had speech therapy using the SpeechEasy®device and G2 with 8 people who stuttered and had therapy without the device. All the subjects underwent conventional speech-language-hearing evaluation, specific stuttering evaluation, basic hearing evaluation and speech training with or without the device. Obtained data was submitted to appropriate statistical analysis.


There was a significant decrease in the stuttering severity level and in atypical disfluencies rate, in groups G1 and G2, in the final assessment when compared to the initial one.


There was an improvement of stuttering level with speech training in both groups, with a tendency of G1, which made use ofSpeechEasy® device to present higher reduction in the disfluencies rate and bigger gain in articulatory rate and information production rate.

Speech, language and hearing sciences; Stuttering; Hearing; Equipment and supplies; Feedback

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil