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Quantitative analysis of oral and pharyngeal transit time in genetic syndromes


To measure the oral and pharyngeal transit time (OTT and PTT) in genetic syndromes.


Fourteen subjects, ranging in age from 4 months to 7 years, with different genetic diagnoses confirmed by clinical or laboratory examinations participated in this study. Real-time videofluoroscopic swallow study, and oral and pharyngeal transit times were analyzed using a specialized software. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used.


In the OTT analysis performed with liquid, of the 11 individuals evaluated, seven had normal OTT with an average of 0.75 s and four had altered OTT averaging 5.42 s. When swallowing a puree, four subjects showed normal OTT averaging 1.12 s and eight had altered OTT averaging 9.54 s. From the analysis of the PTT with liquid, seven had normal values averaging 0.68 s and four had altered PTT averaging 3.74 s. When swallowing a puree, four subjects had normal PTT averaging 0.75 s and eight had abnormal values averaging 3.98 s.


The oral and pharyngeal transit times may be normal or altered in the studied genetic syndromes. In this study, we found significant differences in transit times only in liquid consistency.

Deglutition disorders; Quantitative analysis; Genetics; Deglutition; Evaluation

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil