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Prevention in a school environment of hearing loss due to leisure noise



To verify the habits and attitudes of school-age youths regarding the use of personal music players, and assess their knowledge level about the harmful effects to the hearing of exposure to amplified music before and after an educational lecture.


A total of 58 elementary and middle school students aged 10 to 17 years participated in the study. We presented an educational lecture using an expository dialogue format with audiovisual resources. To evaluate the students, we applied two online questionnaires before and 15 days after the lecture. Descriptive analysis was also performed.


Most students reported using personal music players with earphones above the mean intensity of the equipment and for fewer than 3 hours a day. The most frequent complaint was tinnitus. After the educational lecture, there were differences in knowledge about the concept of hearing loss and the fact that high-intensity music in moments of leisure may cause hearing loss. There was also a difference in the intensity used to listen to music with earphones, which decreased.


Most students had prior knowledge of the harmful effect of amplified music on hearing and even then, some indicated inadequate habits. The educational lecture showed significant changes in only some of the aspects investigated, reflecting a need to structure continuous actions towards hearing loss prevention in this population. The inclusion of the school and the family in educational actions and the continuity of these actions are fundamental to effective changes in habits and attitudes among children and adolescents.

Hearing loss, Noise-induced; Child; Adolescent; Health education; Student health services

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil