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Association between readiness for oral feeding and feeding performance in preterm neonates



To verify whether readiness for oral feeding as evaluated by the Preterm Oral Feeding Readiness Scale (POFRAS) is associated with performance on the first oral feeding; length of transition from tube to full oral feeding, and duration of hospitalization.


This was a longitudinal study involving 65 preterm infants. Participants were divided into groups according to readiness for oral feeding as determined by the POFRAS, and gestational age (29-33 weeks and 34-36 weeks). Performance on the first oral feeding (proficiency, transfer rate and overall transfer), number of days from introduction to full independent oral feeding, and length of hospital stay were compared between groups. Continuous variables were compared using Student’s t-test or Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test. Categorical variables were compared using Fisher’s exact test.


Readiness for oral feeding was associated with higher proficiency and transfer rates on the first oral feeding, resulting in a shorter transition from tube to independent oral feeding in preterm infants with 29 to 33 weeks of gestational age at birth.


The POFRAS contributed to the prognosis of oral feeding outcomes in preterm neonates with less than 34 weeks of gestational age at birth. However, its use does not eliminate the need for an assessment of swallowing mechanisms.

Sucking behavior; Infant, Premature; Aptitud; Diagnostic techniques and procedures; Feeding

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