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Transcultural adaptation of the Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences After Laryngectomy (SECEL) instrument into Brazilian Portuguese



To cross-culturally adapt the Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngectomy questionnaire into Brazilian Portuguese and to apply the first version of adaptation to patients.


Initially, SECEL was independently translated from English into Brazilian Portuguese by a health professional and by an English teacher experienced in translation. Both translations were similar and used similar words and expressions. Later, these two translations were analyzed and a new translation was compiled by the researchers based on the previous two. It was back-translated – also independently – into English by a health professional and a Brazilian Portuguese speaker with English as his/her native language. These back-translations were combined into a single template by the researchers and sent to the author who developed the original questionnaire. After the author’s approval, the questionnaire was applied to 39 patients who underwent total laryngectomy with at least one year after surgery.


The first block of the questionnaire – General Scale – was proved less suitable; the second – Environmental Scale – achieved high correction; the third – Attitudinal Scale – showed the highest correlation.


This study achieved the first step of the validation of the questionnaire into Brazilian Portuguese – translation, cultural adaptation and preliminary analysis of the results, identifying failing questions. The new proposal after application of SECEL is presented to be used in a representative Brazilian population.

Laryngectomy; Quality of life; Translating; Communication; Surveys and questionnaires

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil