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Hearing impairment in newborns and infants with myelomeningocele



To characterize Auditory and oral language performance in children under 2 years of age with Hearing and Language Development Scale (EDAL-1) and to compare the results to those of hearing children up to two years of age.


This is an experimental study of descriptive nature. A total of 141 children were divided into two groups: control group with 92 normal hearing, and the experimental group with 49 deaf children followed audiologically during the first two years after implantation. Normal hearing children underwent auditory assessment and parents responded to EDAL-1. The children implanted, every three months, underwent otorhinolaryngological and speech-language evaluation, and the parents answered EDAL-1.


In both groups we observed upward responses, with improvement as chronological and auditory age increases. Results obtained in the study group are statistically worse than in the control group, but with a tendency to grow. EDAL-1 was easy to apply and allowed to monitor the performance of the implanted children.


Oral and auditory performance in deaf children with cochlear implants was characterized by EDAL-1, and it was shown to be growing as the time of auditory stimulation increased, a fact also seen in hearing children. Despite this, the results of the hearing children were better than those of the deaf children implanted.

Myelomeningocele; Electrophysiology; Audiology; Newborn; Neonatal screening

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil