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Intervention via teleducation about vocal mutation and vocal habits



To develop and to analyze the effects of a training program about voice mutation and healthy vocal habits using the model of education in health from the Young Doctor Project.


Eleven students enrolled in the 7th and 8th years of a public school, divided in two groups, completed the program: Young Doctors group, composed by four students, who were trained through presential and virtual activities, and Students group, composed by seven students, who received knowledge transmitted by the Young Doctors. A virtual learning environment was developed, in a weblog format, to train the Young Doctors. All the participants answered a questionnaire before and after training.


Young Doctors were multipliers of the knowledge acquired in the training course to other students in the school. There was an increase in knowledge between the pre-training and post-training periods for all participants, in both groups.


The program was developed and contributed with the largest interaction between the university and the community. The students’ knowledge about the importance of knowing about the voice changes that happen during adolescence and about healthy vocal habits increased through training. The transmission of this knowledge represents a potential for dysphonia prevention and reduction of difficulties stemming from these changes.

Voice; Adolescent; Telemedicine; Education in health; Distance learning

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil