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Comparison of articulatory gestures between men and women in the production of sounds /r/, /l/ and /j/



To analyze the tongue gestures of adults with typical speech development obtained by ultrasound evaluation and to compare them, according to gender, in the production of phonemes /r/, /l/ and /j/.


Thirty adults aged 19 to 44 years old participated in the research, being 15 males and 15 females. Articulatory gestures were captured by Model DP-6600 ultrasound and analyzed using AAA (Articulate Assistant Advanced) software. Fifteen words involving the sounds /r/, /l/ and /j/ were selected in different vowel contexts: /a/, /i/, /u/. All words were represented by figures, included in the same carrier phrase. The images of the articulatory gestures visualized on the ultrasound corresponded to the frames relative to the maximum elevation of the tongue tip in the productions of /r/, /l/ and /j/. Afterwards, the tongue gestures of men and women were compared in order to verify gender-related differences.


In the typical adults surveyed, there were double tongue gestures. The coordination of gestures of /r/, /l/ and /j/, associated with the various vowel contexts, revealed different tongue configurations between men and women. In women, for /r/ and /l/, there was lower root retraction and higher tongue tip elevation when compared to men. In the /j/, the tongue dorsum gesture was very similar in men and women.


In typical adults, in /r/ and /l/ there are two simultaneous tongue gestures: tip and root of tongue. In /j/, there is the tongue dorsum gesture. In the qualitative analysis of the words, for /r/ as well as for /l/, in different vowel contexts, there was a slight elevation of the tongue tip and root retraction in women compared to men.

Speech; Acoustics of speech; Ultrasound; Adult; Speech therapy

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil