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Contribuição ao estudo da ceruloplasmina I: valôres normais no sôro sangüíneo

Studies on ceruloplasmin: I - Normal concentrations in blood serum


Foi determinada a atividade cobre-oxidase (ceruloplasmina), pelo método de Houchin, no sôro de 65 indivíduos normais, de raça branca, com idades entre 20 e 45 anos. Foi obtido o seguinte valor médio neste grupo: 33,4 ± ± 3,1 mg/100 ml. Todavia, nos homens (n = 40) a média foi de 32,6 ± 3,1 mg/100 ml, enquanto nas mulheres (n = 25) foi de 34,6 ± 2,8 mg/100 ml; a diferença entre êstes subgrupos é significante. O sôro dialisado em 10 indivíduos normais perdeu 62,8 ± 0,8% da atividade cobre-oxidase. Não encontramos atividade cobre-oxidase na urina de 20 indivíduos normais nem no esperma de 2 outros indivíduos normais.

Copper-oxidase activity (ceruloplasmin) was determined, according to Houchin's method, in the blood serum of 65 normal white subjects, aged 20 to 45. The average concentration in this group was 33.4 ± 3.1 mgm./100 ml. In men (n = 40), however, the mean was 32.6 ± 3.1 mgm./100 ml, while in women (n = 25) it was 34.6 ± 2.8 mgm./100 ml; the difference between these means is significant. The dialysed blood serum of 10 normal subjects lost 62.8 ± 0.8 per cent of the copper-oxidase activity. No copper-oxidase activity was found neither in the urine of 20 normal subjects nor in the sperm of other 2 normal subjects.

Contribuição ao estudo da ceruloplasmina I: valôres normais no sôro sangüíneo

Studies on ceruloplasmin. I - Normal concentrations in blood serum

Francisco B. De JorgeI; Horácio M. CanelasII

IMédico Assistente do Hospital das Clínicas, chefe do Laboratório da 1ª Clínica Médica (Prof. A. B. Ulhoa Cintra) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo

IIProfessor Assistente de Clínica Neurológica (Prof. Adherbal Tolosa) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo


Foi determinada a atividade cobre-oxidase (ceruloplasmina), pelo método de Houchin, no sôro de 65 indivíduos normais, de raça branca, com idades entre 20 e 45 anos. Foi obtido o seguinte valor médio neste grupo: 33,4 ± ± 3,1 mg/100 ml. Todavia, nos homens (n = 40) a média foi de 32,6 ± 3,1 mg/100 ml, enquanto nas mulheres (n = 25) foi de 34,6 ± 2,8 mg/100 ml; a diferença entre êstes subgrupos é significante.

O sôro dialisado em 10 indivíduos normais perdeu 62,8 ± 0,8% da atividade cobre-oxidase.

Não encontramos atividade cobre-oxidase na urina de 20 indivíduos normais nem no esperma de 2 outros indivíduos normais.


Copper-oxidase activity (ceruloplasmin) was determined, according to Houchin's method, in the blood serum of 65 normal white subjects, aged 20 to 45. The average concentration in this group was 33.4 ± 3.1 mgm./100 ml. In men (n = 40), however, the mean was 32.6 ± 3.1 mgm./100 ml, while in women (n = 25) it was 34.6 ± 2.8 mgm./100 ml; the difference between these means is significant.

The dialysed blood serum of 10 normal subjects lost 62.8 ± 0.8 per cent of the copper-oxidase activity.

No copper-oxidase activity was found neither in the urine of 20 normal subjects nor in the sperm of other 2 normal subjects.

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1. BROMAN, L. - Separation and characterization of two coeruloplasmins from human serum. Nature (Lond) 182:1655-1657, 1958.

2. CURZON, G. - Studies on the oxidase properties of caeruloplasmin. In Walshe, J. M. & Cumings, J. N.: Wilson's Disease, some Current Concepts. Blackwell, Oxford, 1961, p. 96-104.

3. CURZON, G.; VALLET, L. - The purification of human caeruloplasmin. Biochem. J. 74:279-287, 1960.

4. De JORGE, F. B.; CANELAS, H. M.; DIAS, J. C; CURY, L. - Studies on copper metabolism. III: Copper contents of saliva of normal subjects and of salivary glands and pancreas of autopsy material. Clin. Chim. Acta, 9:148-150, 1964.

5. De JORGE, F. B.; CINTRA, A. B. U.; HAESER, P. E.; SAWAYA, P. - Biochemical studies on the snail Strophocheilus oblongus musculus (Becquaert). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. In press.

6. GITLIN, D. - Use of ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy in the quantitative precipitin reaction. J. Immunol. 62:437-451, 1949.

7. HOLMBERG, C. G. - Presence of a laccase-like enzyme in serum and its relation to the copper in serum. Acta physiol. scand. 8:227-229, 1944.

8. HOLMBERG, C. G. - Development of knowledge of caeruloplasmin. In Walshe, J. M. & Cumings, J. N.: Wilson's Disease, some Current Concepts. Blackwell, Oxford, 1961, p. 64-68.

9. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. I: Nature of serum copper and its relation to the iron-binding protein in human serum. Acta chem. scand. 1:944-950, 1947.

10. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. II: Isolation of the copper containing protein, and a description of some of its properties. Acta chem. scand. 2:550-556, 1948.

11. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. III: Caeruloplasmin as an enzyme. Acta chem. scand. 5:476-480, 1951.

12. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. IV: Effect of different anions on the enzymatic activity of caeruloplasmin. Acta chem. scand. 5:921-930, 1951.

13. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Oxidase reactions in human plasma caused by caeruloplasmin. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest. 3:103-107, 1957.

14. HOUCHIN, O. B. - A rapid colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of copper oxidase activity (ceruloplasmin). Clin. Chem. 4:519-523, 1958.

15. HUMOLLER, F. L.; MOCKLER, M. P.; HOLTHAUS, J. M.; MAHLER, D. J. - Enzymatic properties of ceruloplasmin. J. Lab. clin. Med. 56:222-234, 1960.

16. LEVINE, W. G. - Observations on hydroxyindole oxidases. Biochem. J. 76:43P, 1960.

17. MAR-KOWITZ, H.; GUBLER, C. J.; MAHONEY, J. P.; CARTWRIGHT, G. E.; WINTROBE, M. M. - Studies on copper metabolism. XIV: Copper, ceruloplasmin and oxidase activity in sera of normal human subjects, pregnant women, and patients with infections, hepatolenticular degeneration and the nephrotic syndrome. J. clin. Invest. 34:1498-1508, 1955.

18. MORELL, A. G.; SCHEINBERG, I. H. - Heterogeneity of human caeruloplasmin. Science, 131:930-932, 1960.

19. PORTER, C. C; TITUS, D. C; SANDERS, B. E.; SMITH, E. V. - Oxidation of serotonin in the presence of ceruloplasmin. Science 126:1014-1015, 1957.

20. RAVIN, H. A. - An improved colorimetric enzymatic assay of ceruloplasmin. J. Lab. clin. Med. 58:161-168, 1961.

21. RUSS, E. M.; RAYMUNT, J. - Influence of estrogens on total serum copper and caeruloplasmin. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.) 92:465-466, 1956.

22. SANKAR, D. V. S. - Enzymatic activity of ceruloplasmin. Fed. Proc. 18:441, 1959.

23. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; GITLIN, D. - Deficiency of ceruloplasmin in patients with hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease). Science, 116:484-485, 1952.

24. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; MORELL, A. G. - Exchange of ceruloplasmin copper with ionic Cu64 with reference to Wilson's disease. J. clin. Invest. 36:1193-1201, 1957.

25. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; STERNLIEB, I. - Copper metabolism. Pharmacol. Rev. 12:355-381, 1960.

26. URIEL, J. - Colorimetric detection of human caeruloplasmin oxidase activity after electrophoresis in agar plates or after immunoelectrophoresis. Nature (Lond.) 181:999-1000, 1958.

Clínica Neurológica - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - Caixa Postal 3461 - São Paulo, Brasil

  • 1. BROMAN, L. - Separation and characterization of two coeruloplasmins from human serum. Nature (Lond) 182:1655-1657, 1958.
  • 2. CURZON, G. - Studies on the oxidase properties of caeruloplasmin. In Walshe, J. M. & Cumings, J. N.: Wilson's Disease, some Current Concepts. Blackwell, Oxford, 1961, p. 96-104.
  • 3. CURZON, G.; VALLET, L. - The purification of human caeruloplasmin. Biochem. J. 74:279-287, 1960.
  • 4. De JORGE, F. B.; CANELAS, H. M.; DIAS, J. C; CURY, L. - Studies on copper metabolism. III: Copper contents of saliva of normal subjects and of salivary glands and pancreas of autopsy material. Clin. Chim. Acta, 9:148-150, 1964.
  • 5. De JORGE, F. B.; CINTRA, A. B. U.; HAESER, P. E.; SAWAYA, P. - Biochemical studies on the snail Strophocheilus oblongus musculus (Becquaert). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. In press.
  • 6. GITLIN, D. - Use of ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy in the quantitative precipitin reaction. J. Immunol. 62:437-451, 1949.
  • 7. HOLMBERG, C. G. - Presence of a laccase-like enzyme in serum and its relation to the copper in serum. Acta physiol. scand. 8:227-229, 1944.
  • 8. HOLMBERG, C. G. - Development of knowledge of caeruloplasmin. In Walshe, J. M. & Cumings, J. N.: Wilson's Disease, some Current Concepts. Blackwell, Oxford, 1961, p. 64-68.
  • 9. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. I: Nature of serum copper and its relation to the iron-binding protein in human serum. Acta chem. scand. 1:944-950, 1947.
  • 10. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. II: Isolation of the copper containing protein, and a description of some of its properties. Acta chem. scand. 2:550-556, 1948.
  • 11. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. III: Caeruloplasmin as an enzyme. Acta chem. scand. 5:476-480, 1951.
  • 12. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Investigations in serum copper. IV: Effect of different anions on the enzymatic activity of caeruloplasmin. Acta chem. scand. 5:921-930, 1951.
  • 13. HOLMBERG, C. G.; LAURELL, C. B. - Oxidase reactions in human plasma caused by caeruloplasmin. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest. 3:103-107, 1957.
  • 14. HOUCHIN, O. B. - A rapid colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of copper oxidase activity (ceruloplasmin). Clin. Chem. 4:519-523, 1958.
  • 15. HUMOLLER, F. L.; MOCKLER, M. P.; HOLTHAUS, J. M.; MAHLER, D. J. - Enzymatic properties of ceruloplasmin. J. Lab. clin. Med. 56:222-234, 1960.
  • 16. LEVINE, W. G. - Observations on hydroxyindole oxidases. Biochem. J. 76:43P, 1960.
  • 17. MAR-KOWITZ, H.; GUBLER, C. J.; MAHONEY, J. P.; CARTWRIGHT, G. E.; WINTROBE, M. M. - Studies on copper metabolism. XIV: Copper, ceruloplasmin and oxidase activity in sera of normal human subjects, pregnant women, and patients with infections, hepatolenticular degeneration and the nephrotic syndrome. J. clin. Invest. 34:1498-1508, 1955.
  • 18. MORELL, A. G.; SCHEINBERG, I. H. - Heterogeneity of human caeruloplasmin. Science, 131:930-932, 1960.
  • 19. PORTER, C. C; TITUS, D. C; SANDERS, B. E.; SMITH, E. V. - Oxidation of serotonin in the presence of ceruloplasmin. Science 126:1014-1015, 1957.
  • 20. RAVIN, H. A. - An improved colorimetric enzymatic assay of ceruloplasmin. J. Lab. clin. Med. 58:161-168, 1961.
  • 21. RUSS, E. M.; RAYMUNT, J. - Influence of estrogens on total serum copper and caeruloplasmin. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.) 92:465-466, 1956.
  • 22. SANKAR, D. V. S. - Enzymatic activity of ceruloplasmin. Fed. Proc. 18:441, 1959.
  • 23. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; GITLIN, D. - Deficiency of ceruloplasmin in patients with hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease). Science, 116:484-485, 1952.
  • 24. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; MORELL, A. G. - Exchange of ceruloplasmin copper with ionic Cu64 with reference to Wilson's disease. J. clin. Invest. 36:1193-1201, 1957.
  • 25. SCHEINBERG, I. H.; STERNLIEB, I. - Copper metabolism. Pharmacol. Rev. 12:355-381, 1960.
  • 26. URIEL, J. - Colorimetric detection of human caeruloplasmin oxidase activity after electrophoresis in agar plates or after immunoelectrophoresis. Nature (Lond.) 181:999-1000, 1958.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    16 Ago 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1964
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