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Evaluation of the predictive capacity of vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance for excess weight detection in adolescents Please cite this article as: Neves FS, Leandro DA, Silva FA, Netto MP, Oliveira RM, Cândido AP. Evaluation of the predictive capacity of vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance for excess weight detection in adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2015;91:551-9.



To analyze the predictive capacity of the vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance apparatus in the detection of excess weight in adolescents, using tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance as a reference.


This was a cross-sectional study conducted with 411 students aged between 10 and 14 years, of both genders, enrolled in public and private schools, selected by a simple and stratified random sampling process according to the gender, age, and proportion in each institution. The sample was evaluated by the anthropometric method and underwent a body composition analysis using vertical bipolar, horizontal tetrapolar, and vertical segmental tetrapolar assessment. The ROC curve was constructed based on calculations of sensitivity and specificity for each point of the different possible measurements of body fat. The statistical analysis used Student's t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and McNemar's chi-squared test. Subsequently, the variables were interpreted using SPSS software, version 17.0.


Of the total sample, 53.7% were girls and 46.3%, boys. Of the total, 20% and 12.5% had overweight and obesity, respectively. The body segment measurement charts showed high values of sensitivity and specificity and high areas under the ROC curve, ranging from 0.83 to 0.95 for girls and 0.92 to 0.98 for boys, suggesting a slightly higher performance for the male gender. Body fat percentage was the most efficient criterion to detect overweight, while the trunk segmental fat was the least accurate indicator.


The apparatus demonstrated good performance to predict excess weight.

Adolescent health; Body composition; Electric impedance; Obesity



Analisar a capacidade preditiva da bioimpedância tetrapolar segmentada vertical na detecção do excesso de peso em adolescentes com o uso da bioimpedância tetrapolar horizontal como referência.


Estudo transversal feito com 411 alunos de 10 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos, matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas, selecionados por processo amostral aleatório simples e estratificados de acordo com sexo, idade e proporção em cada instituição. Foi feita avaliação antropométrica e analisada a composição corporal por meio das bioimpedâncias bipolar vertical, tetrapolar horizontal e tetrapolar segmentada vertical. Foram construídas as curvas ROC com base nos cálculos de sensibilidade/especificidade para cada ponto das diferentes medições possíveis de gordura corporal do equipamento em questão. Posteriormente, foram executados os seguintes testes estatíticos: t de Student, correlação de Pearson e qui-quadrado de McNemar. Para a interpretação das variáveis, usou-se o software SPSS 17.0.


A amostra foi composta por 53,7% meninas e 46,3% meninos. Do total, 20% e 12,5% exibiram, respectivamente, sobrepeso e obesidade. Os gráficos das medidas dos segmentos corporais refletiram-se em altos valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, além de elevadas áreas sob a curva ROC, que variaram de 0,83 a 0,95 para meninas e de 0,92 a 0,98 para meninos, o que sugere um desempenho levemente superior para o sexo masculino. O percentual de gordura total foi apontado como o critério mais eficiente do equipamento para a detecção do excesso de peso, enquanto a gordura segmentar do tronco apresentou-se como um indicador de precisão inferior.


A aparelho comportou-se satisfatoriamente na predição do excesso de peso.

Saúde do adolescente; Composição corporal; Impedância elétrica; Obesidade


According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the current prevalence of excess weight among developing countries, particularly in urban societies, is already as high as that of developed countries.11 Onis M, Blössner M, Borghi E. Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;92:1257-1264. Physical inactivity and the continuing practice of inadequate diet stand out as the possible reasons for the increase in these diseases.22 World Health Organization. Nutrition in adolescence - issuesand challenges for the health sector WHO. Geneva: WHO; 2005. Additionally, there are strong indications that chronic and metabolic diseases of adulthood begin in childhood, increasing the necessity of clinical monitoring and nutritional surveillance for adequate assessment of health status.33 Bergman RN, Stefanovski D, Buchanan TA, Sumner AE, Reynolds JC, Sebring NG. A better index of body adiposity. Obesity. 2011;19:1083-1089.

4 Cândido AP, Freitas SN, Machado-Coelho GL. Anthropometric measurements and obesity diagnosis in schoolchildren. Acta Paediatr. 2011;100:e120-e124.
-55 Bergmann GG, Bergmann ML, Moreira RB, Pinheiro ES, Marques AC. Sobrepeso e obesidade na infância e adolescência: possibilidades de medidas e reflexões sobre as propostas de avaliação. Rev Bras Ativ Fis Saude. 2011;16:62-69.

When defining the methods for determining nutritional status, preference should be given to those that better detect alterations that need to be corrected in the study population.66 Friedemann C, Heneghan C, Mahtan K, Thompson M,Perera R, Ward AM. Cardiovascular disease risk in healthychildren and its association with body mass index: systematicreview and meta-analysis. Br Med J. 2012;345:e4759.

7 Hunt LP, Ford A, Sabin MA, Crowne EC, Shield JP. Clinical measures of adiposity and percentage fat loss: which measure most accurately reflects fat loss and what should we aim for?. Arch Dis Child. 2007;92:399-403.
-88 Clemente AP, Santos CD, Benedito-Silva AA, Sawaya AL. Índice de massa corporal em adolescentes: comparação entre diferentes referências. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2011;29:171-177. It is also important to consider the financial resources involved, the time and the skill level required to perform them, and the receptivity of the individuals to assessment and the possible risks associated with the methodological processes, such as radiation exposure.99 Sant'Anna MS, Priore SE, Franceschini SC. Métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em crianças. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2009;27:315-321.,1010 Guedes DP. Recursos antropométricos para análise da composição corporal. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esp. 2006;20:115-119.

The use of laboratory procedures provides very accurate estimates of fat and fat-free mass components.99 Sant'Anna MS, Priore SE, Franceschini SC. Métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em crianças. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2009;27:315-321. However, because of the high cost of equipment, the methodological sophistication, and the difficulties involved in enrolling the assessed individuals into the measurement protocols, their applications have been limited.1010 Guedes DP. Recursos antropométricos para análise da composição corporal. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esp. 2006;20:115-119.,1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905. Doubly indirect techniques, among them bioimpedance and anthropometry, are less stringent, but show better practical performance and lower cost, allowing them to be used in both field research and clinical studies.1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.,1212 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638.

Although the measurement of body mass index, skin fold thickness, and perimeters - waist circumference, conicity index, and waist/hip and waist/height ratios - are usually among the most widely used methods for determining the body composition of adolescents, both in population and individual nutritional assessment studies, it is noteworthy that the alternative methods of vertical bioimpedance became the most modern, practical, and inexpensive.99 Sant'Anna MS, Priore SE, Franceschini SC. Métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em crianças. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2009;27:315-321.

10 Guedes DP. Recursos antropométricos para análise da composição corporal. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esp. 2006;20:115-119.

11 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.
-1212 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638. In contrast, the real efficiency and reliability of the data obtained through these currently available devices have been poorly explored.1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.

Thus, this study aims to analyze, in a sample of adolescents, the predictive capacity of a vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance device for detecting excess weight, using the horizontal tetrapolar bioimpedance method as a reference.


Population and study design

A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out in 2012 with a representative sample of adolescents - aged 10-14 years old - of both genders, enrolled in public elementary municipal, state, and federal schools, as well as private schools in the urban area of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Students with special needs from the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Alunos Excepcionais (APAE) were not included in the sample.

Sample calculation and selection process

Sample size calculation was based on the following criteria: levels of accuracy and significance, respectively, of 2% and 5%; prevalence of 8%1414 IBGE. Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009: antropometria e análise do estado nutricional de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro; 2010. Disponível em: [acessado 26.02.12].
obesity in the assessed age group, and 20% of losses due to absences of students on data collection days or refusals to participate (lack of consent from the student or parent/guardian).

The student selection process followed this order: first phase (cluster sampling) - public and private institutions were randomly chosen in each region of the municipality; second phase (stratified proportional sampling) - the number of individuals per grade was defined as proportional to the total number of students in each class; third phase (simple random sampling) - the separation of students per school unit and grade followed a random drawing until the required number was achieved.

Anthropometric assessment and body composition measures

A team of trained research assistants (C.F.G., I.M.O., M.S.P., R.F.L., S.M.C., V.S.F.) performed the anthropometric assessment and conducted the body composition data measurements using vertical bipolar, vertical and horizontal segmental tetrapolar, and horizontal tetrapolar bioimpedance analysis.

The nutritional status of the adolescents was determined by body mass index for age. Weight was measured using a Tanita Ironman® (BC-553 model, Tanita®, UK) device capable of measuring bipolar impedance, with a maximum capacity of 136 kg; height was measured using an Alturexata® field stadiometer (Alturexata®, MG, Brazil) with a scale in centimeters and accuracy of 1 mm. Waist circumference - measured at the midpoint between the iliac crest and the last rib - was obtained by using a simple and inelastic measuring tape, 1.5 m long with a 1-mm interval, with the individuals standing with arms away from the trunk and during expiration. All measurements followed the procedures standardized by the WHO.1515 World Health Organization. Cardiovascular diseases; 2007. Disponível em: [acessado 20.03.12].
,1616 World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight. Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health; 2005. Disponível em: [acessado 23.02.12].

When assessing segmental body composition, the Tanita Ironman® (BC-553 model, Tanita®, UK) vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance device was used, according to the protocols established in its manual. The following variables were obtained with this assessment: total body fat percentage, segmental fat percentage of the right/left arm, trunk fat percentage, and segmental fat percentage of the right/left leg.

Reference method

To define excess body fat, horizontal tetrapolar bioimpedance was used as the reference method, having demonstrated high correlation coefficients when compared to the gold standard, dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.,1212 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638.,1717 Hemmingsson E, Uddén J, Neovius M. No apparent progress in bioelectrical impedance accuracy: validation against metabolic risk and DXA. Obesity. 2009;17:183-187.

18 Sopher AB, Thornton JC, Wang J, Pierson RN Jr, Heymsfield SB, Horlick M. Measurement of percentage of body fat in 411 children and adolescents: a comparison of dual-energy X-rayabsorptiometry with a four-compartment model. Pediatrics. 2005;113:1285-90.
-1919 Taylor RW, Jones IE, Williams SM, Goulding A. Evaluation of waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and the conicity index as screening tools for high trunk fat mass, as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, in children aged 3-19 y. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;72:490-495. The technique used as reference in this study is generally preferred for use in population studies, as it is a non-invasive, portable, quickly-applied, and relatively low-cost technique. Additionally, it does not require training, with minimal intra- and inter-rater variations.

The resistance and reactance values were provided by Biodynamics® (model 450, Biodynamics®, WA, USA) and the fat percentage was calculated using the predictive equation of Chumlea et al.2020 Chumlea WC, Guo S, Roche AF, Steinbaugh ML. Prediction of body weight for the nonambulatory elderly from anthropometry. J Am Diet Assoc. 1988;88:564-568. All subjects were assessed in the supine position on a nonconductive horizontal surface, according to the protocols included in the equipment manual. While the proximal electrodes were placed on the dorsal surface of the wrist joint (aligned to the head of the ulna and the dorsal surface of the ankle), the distal electrodes were placed at the base of the second or third metacarpal phalangeal-joint of the hand and metatarsal-phalangeal joint of the foot.

Excess body fat was considered for girls and boys with fat mass > 30% and 25%, respectively.2121 Onis M, Onyango AW, Borghi E, Siyam A, Nishida C, Siekmann J. Development of a WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents. Bull World Health Organ. 2007;85:660-667.,2222 Abrantes MM, Lamounier JA, Colosimo EA. Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste do Brasil. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2003;49:162-166.

Ethical aspects

The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (edict 09/2010).

The parents/guardians and principals of schools selected for data collection signed the informed consent after receiving instructions about the research objectives, the protocol, and the procedures.

Statistical analysis

The descriptive analysis was stratified by gender and Student's t-test was used to investigate the differences between the mean values of the collected data. Pearson's correlation was used to assess the associations of the results of the vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance test with the reference method.

To determine the accuracy of the equipment being tested, the sensitivity and specificity of each point of the different possible body fat measurements were calculated. Receiver operator characteristic curves (ROC) were constructed, which were then compared by McNemar's chi-squared test.

The assessed variables were analyzed using SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS Inc. SPSS Statistics for Windows, IL, USA), using a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05).


The sample consisted of 411 students, of whom 53.7% were girls and 46.3% boys, with a mean age of 12.0 ± 1.3 years. Age distribution was similar between the genders (p = 0.318).

Table 1 shows the anthropometric characteristics of the students submitted to the assessments, considering the mean value of each measured variable and its respective standard deviation. It was verified that 20% and 12.5% of the sample had overweight and obesity, respectively.

Table 1
Anthropometric characteristics of adolescents. Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

The analysis of body composition data showed significant differences between female and male genders. Girls had higher measures for the following parameters: vertical bipolar body fat (p < 0.001), horizontal tetrapolar body fat (p < 0.001), vertical tetrapolar body fat (p < 0.001), right/left arm segmental fat (p < 0.001), and right/left leg segmental fat (p < 0.001). Boys showed higher means for the measures of trunk segmental fat (p < 0.001).

Table 2 shows the correlations of segmental body fat percentage with the other anthropometric variables. Girls showed a significant correlation for the following parameters: height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, vertical bipolar fat, and horizontal tetrapolar fat. Among boys, significant correlations were found for the following parameters: age, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, vertical bipolar fat, and horizontal tetrapolar fat. Girls showed no significant correlations for any of the body segments with the age variable, whereas boys showed a correlation for some of the body segments with the height variable.

Table 2
Correlation between segmental body fat percentage and anthropometric variables of adolescents. Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

Figs. 1 and 2 show the sensitivity, specificity and ROC curves for the diagnosis of excess weight in the assessed adolescents. The charts of body segment measures were reflected in the high areas under the curve, in addition to high sensitivity and specificity.

Figure 1
Sensitivity and specificity analysis obtained through the ROC curves for the diagnosis of excess weight in girls. Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.
Figure 2
Sensitivity and specificity analysis obtained through the ROC curves for the diagnosis of excess weight in boys. Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

Among the girls, the method with the highest sensitivity (92.3% CI: 84.8% to 96.8%) was the measurement of the left leg segmental fat percentage, while the right arm segmental fat measurement showed the best specificity (94.3% CI: 89.0% to 97.5%). The lowest area under the ROC curve (0.83; CI: 0.77 to 0.87) and the lowest sensitivity (68.1% CI: 57.5% to 77.5%) were observed for trunk segmental fat measurement.

Among boys, the method with the highest sensitivity (93.5% CI: 84.3-98.2%) was the measure of segmental fat percentage of the right arm, whereas the assessment of left leg segmental fat percentage showed the best specificity (97.0% CI: 92.5-99.2%). Although it was not characterized with low values when compared to the other assessed parameters, the lowest area under the ROC curve (0.92; CI: 0.88-0.95) and the lowest sensitivity (90.3%; CI: 80.1-96.3%) were also observed for the measurement of segmental body fat.


Establishing a universal anthropometric criterion to assess excess weight in adolescents is more complex than for other age groups, as the variations in body composition during the growth and development process make the analysis methodology more difficult and can impair result reliability.55 Bergmann GG, Bergmann ML, Moreira RB, Pinheiro ES, Marques AC. Sobrepeso e obesidade na infância e adolescência: possibilidades de medidas e reflexões sobre as propostas de avaliação. Rev Bras Ativ Fis Saude. 2011;16:62-69.,66 Friedemann C, Heneghan C, Mahtan K, Thompson M,Perera R, Ward AM. Cardiovascular disease risk in healthychildren and its association with body mass index: systematicreview and meta-analysis. Br Med J. 2012;345:e4759.,99 Sant'Anna MS, Priore SE, Franceschini SC. Métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em crianças. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2009;27:315-321.,1010 Guedes DP. Recursos antropométricos para análise da composição corporal. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esp. 2006;20:115-119.,1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.

The nutritional status of adolescents analyzed in this study followed the trend indicated by the Household Budget Survey from 2008 to 2009,1414 IBGE. Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009: antropometria e análise do estado nutricional de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro; 2010. Disponível em: [acessado 26.02.12].
with a more relevant prevalence of overweight and obesity. The percentage of overweight students (20%) was slightly lower than the national average (23.9%) seen in the age group of 10-15 years. However, the detected obesity cases (12.5%) considerably exceeded the rate reported by the Household Budget Survey for the same age group (6%).

Puberty is the main determinant of physical changes, which are characterized by increase in weight, protein-somatic tissue, and bone mineral mass, both in girls and boys.2323 Carvalho GQ, Pereira PF, Serrano HM, do Carmo Castro Franceschini S, Oliveira de Paula S, Priore SE. Peripheral expression of inflammatory markers in overweight female adolescents and eutrophic female adolescents with a high percentage of body fat. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2010;35:464-470.,2424 Pereira PF, Serrano HM, Carvalho GQ, Lamounier JA, Peluzio MdC, Franceschini Sdo C. Body fat location and cardiovascular disease risk factors in overweight female adolescents and eutrophic female adolescents with a high percentage of body fat. Cardiol Young. 2012;22:162-169. However, the increase in body fat is generally higher among women, while lean mass gain is higher in males.1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.

14 IBGE. Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009: antropometria e análise do estado nutricional de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro; 2010. Disponível em: [acessado 26.02.12].

15 World Health Organization. Cardiovascular diseases; 2007. Disponível em: [acessado 20.03.12].

16 World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight. Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health; 2005. Disponível em: [acessado 23.02.12].

17 Hemmingsson E, Uddén J, Neovius M. No apparent progress in bioelectrical impedance accuracy: validation against metabolic risk and DXA. Obesity. 2009;17:183-187.
-1818 Sopher AB, Thornton JC, Wang J, Pierson RN Jr, Heymsfield SB, Horlick M. Measurement of percentage of body fat in 411 children and adolescents: a comparison of dual-energy X-rayabsorptiometry with a four-compartment model. Pediatrics. 2005;113:1285-90. The results of this study confirm this biological observation, as the girls had higher body fat values obtained through the vertical bipolar, horizontal tetrapolar, vertical tetrapolar, and arm and leg segmental techniques. Complementing this conception, some negative correlations were found in boys, which are properly interpreted in opposite directions: the older the age, the lower the percentage of total body fat, segmental fat of the right/left arms, and segmental fat of the right/left legs; the greater the height, the lower the segmental fat percentage of the left arm.

It is worth noting that the body mass index, although demonstrating a good correlation with measures of adiposity in adolescents, does not adequately reflect these variations in body composition that occur in this age group, which are different between the genders.88 Clemente AP, Santos CD, Benedito-Silva AA, Sawaya AL. Índice de massa corporal em adolescentes: comparação entre diferentes referências. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2011;29:171-177.,2525 Vieira AC, Alvarez MM, Martins VM, Sichieri R, Veiga GV. Desempenho de pontos de corte do índice de massa corporal de diferentes referências na predição de gordura corporal em adolescentes. Cad Saude Publica. 2006;22:1681-1690.

26 Stephen RD, Philip RK, John AM. The utility of body mass index as a measure of body fatness in children and adolescents: differences by race and gender. Pediatrics. 1997;99:804-807.
-2727 Serrano HM, Carvalho GQ, Pereira PF, Peluzio MC, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Composição corpórea, alterações bioquímicas e clínicas de adolescentes com excesso de adiposidade. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;95:464-472. This fact confirms the importance of searching for new methods that are capable of predicting excess fat, even in individuals with normal weight.

Validations of vertical bioimpedance models have been made in comparison with tests that estimate body density, such as hydrodensitometry and DEXA.1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.,1212 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638.,1717 Hemmingsson E, Uddén J, Neovius M. No apparent progress in bioelectrical impedance accuracy: validation against metabolic risk and DXA. Obesity. 2009;17:183-187. These methods are seen as the most appropriate and are considered as the gold standard. However, given the economic infeasibility of employing these techniques in population studies, horizontal tetrapolar electrical bioimpedance, which has been tested and validated in adolescents, it is now considered an accessible reference.1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.

12 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638.
-1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.

The use of the leg-leg method (vertical bipolar bioimpedance) has become common in clinical and epidemiological investigations.1111 Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement error. Obes Rev. 2013;14:895-905.,1212 Faria FR, Faria ER, Cecon RS, Barbosa Júnior DA, Franceschini SCC, Peluzio MCG, et al. Body fat equations and electrical bioimpedance values in prediction of cardiovascular risk factors in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;2013:501638. This system, in studies with adult individuals, has shown a performance similar to traditional leg-arm devices (tetrapolar vertical bioimpedance), but has been criticized when used in adolescents.2424 Pereira PF, Serrano HM, Carvalho GQ, Lamounier JA, Peluzio MdC, Franceschini Sdo C. Body fat location and cardiovascular disease risk factors in overweight female adolescents and eutrophic female adolescents with a high percentage of body fat. Cardiol Young. 2012;22:162-169. However, its disadvantages are limited to individual estimates, and it is well-accepted for body composition assessment in large groups.1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.,1717 Hemmingsson E, Uddén J, Neovius M. No apparent progress in bioelectrical impedance accuracy: validation against metabolic risk and DXA. Obesity. 2009;17:183-187.

There are no reports in the literature that have validated, specifically, the use of models with segmental tetrapolar analysis. Moreover, none of the publications that reported the use of these devices analyzed the correlation of segmental body fat with other variables, whether they were anthropometric, clinical, or biochemical, which limits data comparison. For these reasons, the present results could be compared only with studies that authenticated different bioimpedance equipment.

The significant correlations observed between the percentage of fat in each body segment and the measurements obtained through the vertical bipolar and horizontal tetrapolar bioimpedance reinforce the usefulness of the BC-558 device.

The areas under the ROC curves were also significant and ranged between body segments, from 0.83 to 0.95 for girls and from 0.92 to 0.98 for boys, suggesting a slightly better performance for the male gender. Higher results of areas under the curve were also found by different authors when testing the efficiency of other equipment with adolescents.1313 Gonçalves VS, Faria ER, Franceschini SC, Priore SE. Predictive capacity of different bioelectrical impedance analysis devices, with and without protocol, in the evaluation of adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:567-574.,2828 Mei Z, Grummer-Strawn LM, Pietrobelli A, Goulding A, Goran MI, Dietz WH. Validity of body mass index compared with other body-composition screening indexes for the assessment of body fatness in children and adolescents. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75:978-985.

29 Sardinha LB, Teixeira PJ, Lohman TG. Receiver operating characteristic analysis of body mass index triceps skinfold thickness and girth for obesity screening in children and adolescent. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70:1090-1095.
-3030 Zimmermann MB, Gübeli C, Püntener C, Molinari L. Detection of overweight and obesity in a national sample of 6–12y old Swiss children: accuracy and validity of reference values for body mass index from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the International Obesity Task Force. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;79:838-843.

In general, considering the analysis of sensitivity and specificity in girls and boys, the percentage of total fat was identified as the most effective criterion for the detection of excess weight in adolescents, while trunk segmental fat was an indicator of lower accuracy.

It is noteworthy that new approaches to the analysis of body composition open broad prospects in the assessment, monitoring, and determination of interventions at the physical and nutritional level.66 Friedemann C, Heneghan C, Mahtan K, Thompson M,Perera R, Ward AM. Cardiovascular disease risk in healthychildren and its association with body mass index: systematicreview and meta-analysis. Br Med J. 2012;345:e4759.,1010 Guedes DP. Recursos antropométricos para análise da composição corporal. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esp. 2006;20:115-119.,1818 Sopher AB, Thornton JC, Wang J, Pierson RN Jr, Heymsfield SB, Horlick M. Measurement of percentage of body fat in 411 children and adolescents: a comparison of dual-energy X-rayabsorptiometry with a four-compartment model. Pediatrics. 2005;113:1285-90. However, whenever methods not considered to be the gold standard are used, the possible occurrence of errors must be considered. Moreover, regardless of the reliability of the results obtained, the expansion of anthropometric profile monitoring does not invalidate the importance of prevention strategies.

This research allowed us to conclude that the vertical segmented tetrapolar bioimpedance device behaved satisfactorily in predicting excess weight, as its comparison with horizontal tetrapolar bioimpedance resulted in a relatively small difference in accuracy.

It is expected, above all, that this new equipment will accurately identify changes in body composition of adolescents at an early stage and that it may therefore constitute a more effective and less costly primary health care strategy.

  • Funding
    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
  • Please cite this article as: Neves FS, Leandro DA, Silva FA, Netto MP, Oliveira RM, Cândido AP. Evaluation of the predictive capacity of vertical segmental tetrapolar bioimpedance for excess weight detection in adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2015;91:551-9.


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) and Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov-Dec 2015


  • Received
    1 Sept 2014
  • Accepted
    13 Jan 2015
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil