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Physical activity and nutrition education at the school environment aimed at preventing childhood obesity: evidence from systematic reviews Please cite this article as: Guerra PH, Silveira JA, Salvador EP. Physical activity and nutrition education at the school environment aimed at preventing childhood obesity: evidence from systematic reviews. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92:15-23.



To organize the main findings and list the most frequent recommendations from systematic reviews of interventions developed at the school environment aimed at reducing overweight in children and adolescents.


Searches for systematic reviews available until December 31, 2014 were conducted in five electronic databases: Cochrane, PubMed, SciELO, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science. Manual search for cross-references were also performed.


Of the initial 2139 references, 33 systematic reviews adequately met the inclusion criteria and were included in the descriptive summary. In this set, interventions with periods of time greater than six months in duration (nine reviews), and parental involvement in the content and/or planned actions (six reviews) were identified as the most frequent and effective recommendations. Additionally, it was observed that boys respond more effectively to structural interventions, whereas girls respond to behavioral interventions. None of the included reviews was able to make inferences about the theoretical basis used in interventions as, apparently, those in charge of the interventions disregarded this component in their preparation.


Although the summary identified evidence with important applications in terms of public health, there are still gaps to be filled in this field of knowledge, such as the effectiveness of different theoretical models, the identification of the best strategies in relation to gender and age of participants and, finally, the identification of moderating variables to maximize the benefits provided by the interventions.

Review; Children; Physical activity; Nutrition education; Overweight; School



Organizar os principais achados e relacionar as recomendações mais frequentes das revisões sistemáticas de intervenções desenvolvidas no ambiente escolar com fins na redução do excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes.


Buscas por revisões sistemáticas disponíveis até 31 de dezembro de 2014 foram feitas em cinco bases de dados eletrônicas: Cochrane, PubMed, SciELO, SPORTDiscus e Web of Science. Buscas manuais por referências cruzadas também foram desenvolvidas.


Das 2.139 referências iniciais, 33 revisões sistemáticas responderam adequadamente aos critérios de inclusão e compuseram a síntese descritiva. Nesse conjunto, identificaram-se como recomendações mais frequentes e efetivas intervenções que têm períodos de tempo superior a seis meses de duração (nove revisões) e o envolvimento dos pais nos conteúdos e/ou ações previstas (seis revisões). Além disso, observou-se que meninos respondem de forma mais efetivas às intervenções estruturais, enquanto as meninas às intervenções comportamentais. De modo consistente entre as revisões incluídas, nenhuma conseguiu fazer inferências sobre a base teórica usada nas intervenções, uma vez que, aparentemente, os responsáveis pelas intervenções desconsideraram esse componente em sua elaboração.


Embora a síntese tenha identificado evidências com aplicações importantes em termos de saúde coletiva, ainda existem lacunas a serem preenchidas nesse campo do conhecimento, tais como a efetividade de diferentes modelos teóricos, o reconhecimento das melhores estratégias em relação ao sexo e à idade dos participantes e, por fim, a identificação de variáveis moderadoras para potencializar os benefícios proporcionados pelas intervenções.

Revisão; Crianças; Atividade física; Educação nutricional; Sobrepeso; Escola


In children and adolescents, the high prevalence of overweight observed in different parts of the world11. Ng M, Fleming T, Robinson M, Thomson B, Graetz N, Margono C, et al. Global, regional, and national prevalence of over- weight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 2014;384:766-81. has reinforced the need to implement new preventive strategies, highlighting the important role of physical activity (PA) and nutrition education (NE).22. Waxman A, Assembly WH. WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. Food Nutr Bull. 2004;25:292-302.

Researchers and health professionals agree on the school's potential as a favorable place for the development of interventions that involve practices and contents in PA and/or NE, considering some advantages offered by this environment, for instance, the scope of actions; the large number of students receiving the same stimulus at the same time; the continuity of the strategies over time, due to the permanence of children and/or adolescents in schools; and the possibility of both structural and operational changes.22. Waxman A, Assembly WH. WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. Food Nutr Bull. 2004;25:292-302.,33. Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness, Council on School Health. Active healthy living: prevention of childhood obe- sity through increased physical activity. Pediatrics. 2006;117: 1834-42.and44. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: individual-, family-, school-, and community-based interventions for pediatric overweight. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106:925-45.

As a result of this consensus, the scientific literature has received reports of a large number of interventions developed in the school environment with the purpose of preventing and/or reducing child obesity after the early 2000s,55. Guerra PH, Nobre MR, da Silveira JA, Taddei JA. School-based physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomised community trials - Project PANE. Prev Med. 2014;61:81-9. which favored the development of the first systematic reviews on the subject.66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93.and88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51. However, apart from the associated goals, it is noteworthy that these reviews have conflicting and inconclusive results, mostly due to the great variability of the methods employed in the original publications (e.g., theoretical basis, time of duration, actions developed), as well as due to the type and number of assessed studies.55. Guerra PH, Nobre MR, da Silveira JA, Taddei JA. School-based physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomised community trials - Project PANE. Prev Med. 2014;61:81-9.and99. Waters E, de Silva-Sanigorski A, Hall BJ, Brown T, Campbell KJ, Gao Y, et al. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011:CD001871.

Aiming to correct these uncertainties, other systematic reviews were conducted, seeking to provide plausible explanations for the high variability among the original results,1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.and1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95. increasing the number of correlated reviews with discordant results, which probably has limited their acceptance in practice, as well as their implementation as public policy. Conversely, while the debate on the inconclusive results of these reviews was expanded, the confirmation of the common evidence of these reviews was relegated to the background. In practical terms, for school professionals, these evidence could guide the design and implementation of new interventions, aimed at preventing childhood overweight.

By retrieving correlated systematic reviews, this study aimed to organize the main findings and list the most frequent recommendations from systematic reviews of interventions developed at the school environment with the purpose of reducing overweight in children and adolescents.


Eligibility criteria

For the summary composition, the authors sought systematic reviews of intervention studies whose strategies were developed in the school environment, aiming at preventing and/or reducing overweight in children and/or adolescents. Interventions could include theoretical and/or practical contents of PA and/or NE.

Narrative reviews, essays, overviews, and meta-analyses were not included. Specifically, the non-inclusion of meta-analyses aimed to improve the comparability between the results of systematic reviews, which have a more descriptive approach. Reviews published in oriental languages were not included either, due to the difficulty of access and translation.

Search strategies

Two strategies were used for retrieving references of interest: (i) systematic searches in five electronic databases (Cochrane, PubMed, SciELO, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science), using a previous referential model adapted to each database55. Guerra PH, Nobre MR, da Silveira JA, Taddei JA. School-based physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomised community trials - Project PANE. Prev Med. 2014;61:81-9.: (school) AND (physical activity) OR (physical education) OR (exercise) OR (physical fitness) OR (sports) OR (nutrition) OR (nutritional science) OR (child nutrition sciences) OR (nutrition education) OR (diet) OR (energy intake) OR (energy density) OR (calories) OR (calorie) OR (food) OR (fruit) OR (vegetable)) AND ((weight) OR (obese) OR (overweight) OR (weight reduction) OR (anthropometric) OR (anthropometry) OR (nutritional status) OR (nutrition assessment) OR (body mass index) OR (BMI) OR (body weights and measures) OR (waist circumference) OR (adipose tissue)) AND review or overview or meta-analysis or metanalysis and (ii) manual searches for references in the individual collections of articles by each author, as well as by identifying cross-references. This research included studies published until December 31, 2014.

Selection, extraction and synthesis of data

One reviewer (PG) processed the data in three phases: (i) conference and removal of duplicates among the databases; (ii) title and abstract reading, where all works characterized as reviews were included; (iii) data extraction and preparation of the descriptive summary.


The electronic and manual searches retrieved 2139 relevant references, which were evaluated by their titles and abstracts. After this phase, 156 remained and were evaluated regarding the full text; among these, only 33 reviews adequately met the eligibility criteria, and were then used to constitute the descriptive summary (Fig. 1).66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93.,88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51.,1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95.,1313. Cole K, Waldrop J, D'Auria J, Garner H. An integrative research review: effective school-based childhood overweight interven- tions. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2006;11:166-77.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1515. Lissau I. Prevention of overweight in the school arena. Acta Paediatr. 2007;96:12-8.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.,1919. Shaya FT, Flores D, Gbarayor CM, Wang J. School-based obe- sity interventions: a literature review. J Sch Health. 2008;78: 189-96.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2222. Jaime PC, Lock K. Do school based food and nutrition policies improve diet and reduce obesity? Prev Med. 2009;48:45-53.,2323. Katz DL. School-based interventions for health promotion and weight control: not just waiting on the world to change. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009;30:253-72.,2424. Pérez-Morales M, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A, Armendáriz-Anguiano A. Intervenciones aleatorias contro- ladas basadas en las escuelas para prevenir la obesidad infantil: revisión sistemática de 2006 a 2009. Arch Latinoam Nutricion. 2009;59:253-9.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,2626. Yildirim M, van Stralen MM, Chinapaw MJ, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Twisk JW, et al. For whom and under what circum- stances do school-based energy balance behavior interventions work? Systematic review on moderators. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011;6:e46-57.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.,2828. Van Cauwenberghe E, Maes L, Spittaels H, van Lenthe FJ, Brug J, Oppert JM, et al. Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adoles- cents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature. Br J Nutr. 2010;103:781-97.,2929. De Bourdeaudhuij I, Van Cauwenberghe E, Spittaels H, Oppert JM, Rostami C, Brug J, et al. School-based interventions pro- moting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe: a systematic review within the HOPE project. Obes Rev. 2011;12:205-16.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23.,3333. Krishnaswami J, Martinson M, Wakimoto P, Anglemeyer A. Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in US schools: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43:81-91.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.,3535. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38.,3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77.,3737. Quitério AL. School physical education: the effective-ness of health-related interventions and recommendationsfor health-promotion practice. Health Educ J. 2013;72:716-32.,3838. Holub CK, Lobelo F, Mehta SM, Sánchez Romero LM, Arredondo EM, Elder JP. School-wide programs aimed at obesity among Latino youth in the United States: a review of the evidence. J Sch Health. 2014;84:239-46.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008.

Figure 1
Flow chart of the systematic review phases.

Among the papers included in this systematic reviews, 25 assessed the effectiveness of interventions conducted at schools aiming at obesity prevention and/or control.66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93.,88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51.,1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1515. Lissau I. Prevention of overweight in the school arena. Acta Paediatr. 2007;96:12-8.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2323. Katz DL. School-based interventions for health promotion and weight control: not just waiting on the world to change. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009;30:253-72.,2424. Pérez-Morales M, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A, Armendáriz-Anguiano A. Intervenciones aleatorias contro- ladas basadas en las escuelas para prevenir la obesidad infantil: revisión sistemática de 2006 a 2009. Arch Latinoam Nutricion. 2009;59:253-9.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23.,3333. Krishnaswami J, Martinson M, Wakimoto P, Anglemeyer A. Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in US schools: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43:81-91.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.,3535. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38.,3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77.,3737. Quitério AL. School physical education: the effective-ness of health-related interventions and recommendationsfor health-promotion practice. Health Educ J. 2013;72:716-32.,3838. Holub CK, Lobelo F, Mehta SM, Sánchez Romero LM, Arredondo EM, Elder JP. School-wide programs aimed at obesity among Latino youth in the United States: a review of the evidence. J Sch Health. 2014;84:239-46.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008. Even though many of the reviews recovered data from different anthropometric measures in their respective summaries, most of the interventions sought changes in body mass index. In four publications, obesity was verified as a secondary outcome (Table 1).1919. Shaya FT, Flores D, Gbarayor CM, Wang J. School-based obe- sity interventions: a literature review. J Sch Health. 2008;78: 189-96.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2222. Jaime PC, Lock K. Do school based food and nutrition policies improve diet and reduce obesity? Prev Med. 2009;48:45-53.and2828. Van Cauwenberghe E, Maes L, Spittaels H, van Lenthe FJ, Brug J, Oppert JM, et al. Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adoles- cents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature. Br J Nutr. 2010;103:781-97. Regarding the geographical aspect, eight reviews restricted their goals to interventions developed in specific countries or continents, such as Latin America, Canada, China, United States, Europe, and the United Kingdom.88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51.,1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.,2828. Van Cauwenberghe E, Maes L, Spittaels H, van Lenthe FJ, Brug J, Oppert JM, et al. Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adoles- cents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature. Br J Nutr. 2010;103:781-97.,2929. De Bourdeaudhuij I, Van Cauwenberghe E, Spittaels H, Oppert JM, Rostami C, Brug J, et al. School-based interventions pro- moting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe: a systematic review within the HOPE project. Obes Rev. 2011;12:205-16.,3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23.and3632. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23. Conversely, other reviews sought to assess the role of interventions in specific groups, such as those developed in populations with overweight,3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008. low socioeconomic status,3333. Krishnaswami J, Martinson M, Wakimoto P, Anglemeyer A. Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in US schools: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43:81-91.and3535. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38. and specific ethnicities, such as the publication that aimed to determine the effects of interventions directed to children of Hispanic origin living in the USA.3838. Holub CK, Lobelo F, Mehta SM, Sánchez Romero LM, Arredondo EM, Elder JP. School-wide programs aimed at obesity among Latino youth in the United States: a review of the evidence. J Sch Health. 2014;84:239-46.

Table 1
Methodological characteristics of the included systematic reviews (n = 33).

Table 1 also shows that six reviews established cut-off points for the duration of the interventions, seeking strategies that were developed for minimum periods of three,66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.and3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23. six,1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18. and nine months.2424. Pérez-Morales M, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A, Armendáriz-Anguiano A. Intervenciones aleatorias contro- ladas basadas en las escuelas para prevenir la obesidad infantil: revisión sistemática de 2006 a 2009. Arch Latinoam Nutricion. 2009;59:253-9. Eight reviews sought original articles specifically reported in English.1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2323. Katz DL. School-based interventions for health promotion and weight control: not just waiting on the world to change. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009;30:253-72.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.,3737. Quitério AL. School physical education: the effective-ness of health-related interventions and recommendationsfor health-promotion practice. Health Educ J. 2013;72:716-32.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008. However, it is noteworthy that only one of these reviews focused specifically on studies conducted in countries whose official language is English, i.e., the United Kingdom and United States.1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9. Additionally, there was a high heterogeneity concerning the search methods in the scientific literature in relation to the number of searched databases (ranging from one to 14), use of manual searches (n = 23), and year of publication (23 used articles published after 1990).

Table 2 shows that the oldest systematic review in this summary was published in 1999.88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51. However, an increase in the frequency of reviews published from 2006 onwards (n = 30; 91.8%) was observed 1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95.,1313. Cole K, Waldrop J, D'Auria J, Garner H. An integrative research review: effective school-based childhood overweight interven- tions. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2006;11:166-77.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1515. Lissau I. Prevention of overweight in the school arena. Acta Paediatr. 2007;96:12-8.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.,1919. Shaya FT, Flores D, Gbarayor CM, Wang J. School-based obe- sity interventions: a literature review. J Sch Health. 2008;78: 189-96.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2222. Jaime PC, Lock K. Do school based food and nutrition policies improve diet and reduce obesity? Prev Med. 2009;48:45-53.,2323. Katz DL. School-based interventions for health promotion and weight control: not just waiting on the world to change. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009;30:253-72.,2424. Pérez-Morales M, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A, Armendáriz-Anguiano A. Intervenciones aleatorias contro- ladas basadas en las escuelas para prevenir la obesidad infantil: revisión sistemática de 2006 a 2009. Arch Latinoam Nutricion. 2009;59:253-9.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,2626. Yildirim M, van Stralen MM, Chinapaw MJ, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Twisk JW, et al. For whom and under what circum- stances do school-based energy balance behavior interventions work? Systematic review on moderators. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011;6:e46-57.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.,2828. Van Cauwenberghe E, Maes L, Spittaels H, van Lenthe FJ, Brug J, Oppert JM, et al. Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adoles- cents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature. Br J Nutr. 2010;103:781-97.,2929. De Bourdeaudhuij I, Van Cauwenberghe E, Spittaels H, Oppert JM, Rostami C, Brug J, et al. School-based interventions pro- moting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe: a systematic review within the HOPE project. Obes Rev. 2011;12:205-16.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23.,3333. Krishnaswami J, Martinson M, Wakimoto P, Anglemeyer A. Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in US schools: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43:81-91.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.,3535. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38.,3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77.,3737. Quitério AL. School physical education: the effective-ness of health-related interventions and recommendationsfor health-promotion practice. Health Educ J. 2013;72:716-32.,3838. Holub CK, Lobelo F, Mehta SM, Sánchez Romero LM, Arredondo EM, Elder JP. School-wide programs aimed at obesity among Latino youth in the United States: a review of the evidence. J Sch Health. 2014;84:239-46.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008.; 2009 was the year with the highest number of publications (n = 6; 21.1%). 2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2222. Jaime PC, Lock K. Do school based food and nutrition policies improve diet and reduce obesity? Prev Med. 2009;48:45-53.,2323. Katz DL. School-based interventions for health promotion and weight control: not just waiting on the world to change. Annu Rev Public Health. 2009;30:253-72.,2424. Pérez-Morales M, Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A, Armendáriz-Anguiano A. Intervenciones aleatorias contro- ladas basadas en las escuelas para prevenir la obesidad infantil: revisión sistemática de 2006 a 2009. Arch Latinoam Nutricion. 2009;59:253-9.and2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58. Also, it was observed that, after 2006, at least two correlated systematic reviews were published annually. As a consequence of the different methodological options, the selected reviews showed great variability in the number of included articles, with a minimum of five3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8. and maximum of 51 original studies.1919. Shaya FT, Flores D, Gbarayor CM, Wang J. School-based obe- sity interventions: a literature review. J Sch Health. 2008;78: 189-96.

Table 2
Main results of systematic reviews included in the summary (n = 33).

Regarding the most frequent recommendations, Table 2 indicates that nine reviews highlighted the effectiveness of interventions with a duration of at least six months.66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.and3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77. Six reviews also showed the importance of the involvement of parents and/or guardians in intervention strategies.1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.and3935. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38. One review1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18. demonstrated that gender could be a key differentiator for strategy effectiveness: structural interventions were more effective on boys, whereas behavioral interventions were more effective in girls. Finally, the following inconsistencies were observed in a few studies: (i) adequacy of strategies according to the different age groups77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93.and1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95. (ii) implementation of strategies by teachers77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.and3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77.; (iii) theoretical basis of interventions1313. Cole K, Waldrop J, D'Auria J, Garner H. An integrative research review: effective school-based childhood overweight interven- tions. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2006;11:166-77.and1515. Lissau I. Prevention of overweight in the school arena. Acta Paediatr. 2007;96:12-8.; (iv) inclusion of strategies in the school curriculum3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.; and (v) methodological quality of available interventions.1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.and3535. Verstraeten R, Roberfroid D, Lachat C, Leroy JL, Holdsworth M, Maes L, et al. Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96:415-38.


This summary was based on data from 33 systematic reviews of interventions developed at the school environment aimed to prevent and/or reduce overweight. A large number of publications recommended the development of continued strategies with at least six months of duration,35. Guerra PH, Nobre MR, da Silveira JA, Taddei JA. School-based physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomised community trials - Project PANE. Prev Med. 2014;61:81-9.,66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.and3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92. and that included parents/guardians in the planned contents and/or actions.1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008.

Duration of interventions

The evidence assessed in this summary showed the importance of the time variable for interventions to promote positive changes in the practice of PA and/or in the impact of NE on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, resulting in a decrease in overweight.

Nine reviews observed more relevant findings in interventions that had longer periods of time.66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871.,1111. Doak CM, Visscher TL, Renders CM, Seidell JC. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes. Obes Rev. 2006;7:111-36.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.,1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41.,2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651.,2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.and3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77. Some specific time periods were observed, such as "six months,"3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77. "one school year (seven to nine months),"1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.and2121. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School- based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD007651. and "over one year".2727. Brandt D-TS, Moss A, Berg S, Wabitsch M. Schulbasierte Prävention der Adipositas. Bundesgesundheitsbla. 2010;53: 207-20.and3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92. Apart from the divergence regarding the minimum duration of the intervention to attain positive effects, these recommendations support the theory of Prochaska & DiClemente,4040. Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Stages of change in the mod- ification of problem behaviors. Prog Behav Modif. 1992;28: 183-218. who identified six months as the minimum time for stabilizing behavior change involving PA practice. Thus, the summary of the available evidence recommends that future interventions carried out in the school environment comprise periods longer than six, for better consolidation of healthy habits.

Throughout the development of this summary, there was a gradual effort on the part of the authors to clarify the issues related to the intervention duration, with specific focus on the most recent systematic reviews. Although Campbell et al. had66. Campbell K, Waters E, O'Meara S, Summerbell C. Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD001871. already considered this factor in their 2001 review design, it was not until 2006 that this criterion became more frequent, allowing the authors to explore other intervention characteristics that would indicate more effectiveness in the control and/or prevention of excessive weight gain among children and adolescents.

Complementary to the main finding of this study, two pieces of evidence suggest that, in addition to time, community involvement leads to positive impacts on anthropometric outcomes.1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89.and3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23. Conversely, evidence recovered from reviews that had a more specific focus suggest that the findings related to the intervention duration are independent from geographic, socioeconomic, or cultural characteristics of the target populations.88. Story M. School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity. Int J Obes. 1999;23:S43-51.,1010. Sharma M. School-based interventions for childhood and ado- lescent obesity. Obes Rev. 2006;7:261-9.,1818. Li M, Li S, Baur LA, Huxley RR. A systematic review of school- based intervention studies for the prevention or reduction of excess weight among Chinese children and adolescents. Obes Rev. 2008;9:548-59.and3636. Lobelo F, Garcia de Quevedo I, Holub CK, Nagle BJ, Arredondo EM, Barquera S, et al. School-based programs aimed at the prevention and treatment of obesity: evidence-based inter- ventions for youth in Latin America. J Sch Health. 2013;83: 668-77.

Environment and community

The findings of this summary also indicate that individual, family, and community variables can influence the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Due to its positive effects on the original studies, as the second most frequent recommendation, six systematic reviews recommended the involvement of parents (or guardians) in the interventions.1616. Sharma M. International school-based interventions for preventing obesity in children. Obes Rev. 2007;8:155-67.,2525. Zenzen W, Kridli S. Integrative review of school-based child- hood obesity prevention programs. J Pediatr Health Care. 2009;23:242-58.,3030. Sharma M. Dietary education in school-based childhood obesity prevention programs. Adv Nutr. 2011;2:207S-16S.,3131. Silveira JA, Taddei JA, Guerra PH, Nobre MR. Effectiveness of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87: 382-92.,3434. Van Lippevelde W, Verloigne M, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brug J, Bjelland M, Lien N, et al. Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Public Health. 2012;57:673-8.and3939. Kelishadi R, Azizi-Soleiman F. Controlling childhood obesity: a systematic review on strategies and challenges. J Res Med Sci. 2014;19:993-1008. This strategy seeks to extend the impact of healthy behavioral changes beyond the school environment, aiming at extending these changes into the family, so that parents can become role models of healthy habits, favoring the expansion of the child and adolescents' protection network.

At the individual level, one of the reviews found that positive results in promoting PA and healthy diet could be achieved by adding educational intervention to environmental changes.2929. De Bourdeaudhuij I, Van Cauwenberghe E, Spittaels H, Oppert JM, Rostami C, Brug J, et al. School-based interventions pro- moting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe: a systematic review within the HOPE project. Obes Rev. 2011;12:205-16. In addition, it was observed that some of the interventions also sought to promote increased access and availability of healthy foods (either at home or in its surroundings), as well as to restrict the consumption of ultra-processed foods and sugary drinks.

For adolescents, the possibility of intervention in the virtual environment, overcoming any barrier regarding distance for participation in programs, represents a feasible alternative for changes in diet and PA. A recent systematic review suggests that interventions offered by technological means (text messages and smartphone applications) have positive impacts both on PA promotion and overweight reduction.4141. Stephens J, Allen J. Mobile phone interventions to increase physical activity and reduce weight: a systematic review. J Car- diovasc Nurs. 2013;28:320-9. In this regard, it raises the possibility that future interventions can provide digital content as complementary strategies.

Regarding the community, two reviews indicated that interventions with positive results in diet PA, and body weight had joint actions between the school and the community3232. Johnson T, Weed LD, Touger-Decker R. School-based interventions for overweight and obesity in minority school children. J Sch Nurs. 2012;28:116-23.and3333. Krishnaswami J, Martinson M, Wakimoto P, Anglemeyer A. Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in US schools: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43:81-91.; one of them included low-income populations.33 Extending the activities to the surrounding community represents the possibility of creating a healthy environment, so that the behavior learned at school can be reproduced in the community in which it is inserted,. This evidence is supported by Shaya et al.,1919. Shaya FT, Flores D, Gbarayor CM, Wang J. School-based obe- sity interventions: a literature review. J Sch Health. 2008;78: 189-96. who recommended the creation of a collaboration network among community schools.

Finally, De Bourdeaudhuij et al.,1414. Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Britton M. Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review. Int J Obes. 2006;30:579-89. in a review that considered only individual and environmental strategies, observed that the use of computers as an educational tool showed consistent results for both PA level changes and changes in the nutritional status of students.

Age and gender

Among the main results from the review by Budd and Volpe,1212. Budd GM, Volpe SL. School-based obesity prevention: research, challenges, and recommendations. J Sch Health. 2006;76:485-95. it was observed that samples with older age responded better to interventions, benefitting more from its contents. Moreover, interventions that promoted greater energy expenditure within the school environment, aiming at compensating the low energy expenditure of leisure activities outside school, were considered to be appropriate strategies.

Brown and Summerbell2020. Brown T, Summerbell C. Systematic review of school-based interventions that focus on changing dietary intake and physical activity levels to prevent childhood obesity: an update to the obesity guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Obes Rev. 2009;10:110-41. found that younger and female children had better results with the interventions. Regarding the review by Van Cauwenberghe et al.,2828. Van Cauwenberghe E, Maes L, Spittaels H, van Lenthe FJ, Brug J, Oppert JM, et al. Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adoles- cents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature. Br J Nutr. 2010;103:781-97. which involved interventions carried out in European countries, it was observed that educational interventions led to behavior change in adolescents, and that encouraging the consumption of fruits and vegetables had an effect on children, but with inconsistent results regarding anthropometric variables. One hypothesis for this controversial result lies on the design of the analyzed studies.

While the studies selected by Brown and Summerbell were community trials, the interventions analyzed by Budd and Volpi were randomized controlled trials, that is, the latter had greater control of external variables that could interfere in the final results. Conversely, the review by Kropski et al.,1717. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity. 2008;16:1009-18. in addition to having as differential the quality classification of the included articles, found that girls and boys respond better to different types of interventions: structural interventions have greater impact on boys and behavioral interventions result in deeper changes in girls.

Theoretical basis of interventions

An important aspect, albeit little explored in most studies, is the theoretical models used for the preparation and implementation of programs. These models help researchers to observe and analyze a theoretical object. In the case of interventions to modify PA levels or eating habits, a theoretical model helps in the intervention design, variable selection, form of analysis, and evaluation of interventions.

In the descriptive summary, only two published reviews aimed to investigate the theoretical models used in interventions conducted at the school environment. The absence of a solid reference can lead to doubts or inconsistencies regarding the variables to be analyzed and how to perform, evaluate, and analyze the process, which may explain in part the difficulty of many studies to measure or even prove the effectiveness of their interventions. Baranowski et al.,77. Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Nicklas T, Thompson D. School-based obesity prevention: a blueprint for taming the epidemic. Am J Health Behav. 2002;26:486-93. when analyzing 20 studies, found that one of the difficulties was the lack of a theoretical basis for the design and implementation of interventions at the school environment. Such limitation was also emphasized by Cole et al.,1313. Cole K, Waldrop J, D'Auria J, Garner H. An integrative research review: effective school-based childhood overweight interven- tions. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2006;11:166-77. who identified eight interventions based on Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory (SCT). For the record, interventions based on the SCT consider both the social characteristics of children who receive the intervention and the potential action of teachers, who in turn, will be responsible for implementing the strategies.

The lack of a theoretical basis to support an educational intervention can be seen as a reflection of the biological education of health professionals, ignoring or giving little value to different aspects of learning at each age group. This characteristic is observed in studies where the authors work with broader age ranges, offering the same activity protocol to all, without any adjustment to age group and/or gender. In this sense, observing that many studies do not even mention the theoretical model of intervention, it is reasonable to wonder whether the absence of satisfactory results is not due to the limited capacity of the studies (in terms of the specificity of the intervention structure) but rather to the degree of comprehension of the problem by the researchers.

Moderating variables

The analysis of the included publications demonstrated that one of the main objectives of an intervention involving the promotion of PA and/or NE in children and adolescents is to promote a healthy behavior pattern. However, there are different variables that, when included among the proposed interventions and their outcomes, can produce different results in individuals or groups; they are called moderating variables. Based on the review by Yildirim et al.,2626. Yildirim M, van Stralen MM, Chinapaw MJ, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Twisk JW, et al. For whom and under what circum- stances do school-based energy balance behavior interventions work? Systematic review on moderators. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011;6:e46-57. which aimed to identify which moderating variables were more consistent in the analyzed interventions, it could be observed that female individuals and those with worse indicators of obesity at the beginning of the intervention showed better results in the analyzed interventions.


The main limitation of this research lies in the fact that the phases of reading and data extraction of the reviews were conducted by a single investigator (PG). Seeking to minimize the loss of relevant evidence, articles were excluded only when elements other than those of interest for the present research were identified in full texts.

Another limitation of this study is the difficulty in comparing studies, given the great heterogeneity between the methods used by the included systematic reviews; for this reason, the present study was designed to give feasible recommendations to be implemented in school units that showed to be more effective in the prevention/reduction of overweight in children and adolescents. Moreover, it focused on specific aspects for further studies in this line of research.


The available evidence allows for the recommendation of future strategies that consider long-term interventions involving not only children and adolescents, but also their parents or guardians. Additionally, it was observed that boys respond more effectively to structural interventions, whereas girls respond better to behavioral interventions. In contrast, this summary highlights the need for further studies to test different theoretical models of interventions, to identify the best strategies regarding gender and age of the participants, and to determine which are the moderating variables for overweight.


This work is dedicated to Eduardo Vieira Guerra, that was born in the date that we received the first review of this manuscript. His coming into the world bring us a lot of joy and motivation.


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  • Funding Paulo H Guerra is a postdoctoral fellow of Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo_FAPESP (Case: 2013/22204-7). This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
  • Please cite this article as: Guerra PH, Silveira JA, Salvador EP. Physical activity and nutrition education at the school environment aimed at preventing childhood obesity: evidence from systematic reviews. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92:15-23.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Feb 2016


  • Received
    09 Apr 2015
  • Accepted
    03 June 2015
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