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Fidgety movements – tiny in appearance, but huge in impact Please cite this article as: Einspieler C, Peharz R, Marschik PB. Fidgety movements – tiny in appearance, but huge in impact. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92(3 Suppl 1):S64–70.



To describe fidgety movements (FMs), i.e., the spontaneous movement pattern that typically occurs at 3–5 months after term age, and discuss its clinical relevance.


A comprehensive literature search was performed using the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, Science Direct, PsycINFO, and EMBASE. The search strategy included the MeSH terms and search strings (‘fidgety movement*’) OR [(‘general movement*’) AND (‘three month*’) OR (‘3 month*’)], as well as studies published on the General Movements Trust website (

Summary of the data:

Virtually all infants develop normally if FMs are present and normal, even if their brain ultrasound findings and/or clinical histories indicate a disposition to later neurological deficits. Conversely, almost all infants who never develop FMs have a high risk for neurological deficits such as cerebral palsy, and for genetic disorders with a late onset. If FMs are normal but concurrent postural patterns are not age-adequate or the overall movement character is monotonous, cognitive and/or language skills at school age will be suboptimal. Abnormal FMs are unspecific and have a low predictive power, but occur exceedingly in infants later diagnosed with autism.


Abnormal, absent, or sporadic FMs indicate an increased risk for later neurological dysfunction, whereas normal FMs are highly predictive of normal development, especially if they co-occur with other smooth and fluent movements. Early recognition of neurological signs facilitates early intervention. It is important to re-assure parents of infants with clinical risk factors that the neurological outcome will be adequate if FMs develop normally.

Cerebral palsy; Fidgety movements; General movements; Infant; Prediction; Video analysis



Descrever os movimentos irregulares (FMs), ou seja, o padrão de movimentos espontâneos que normalmente ocorrem entre três e cinco meses após o nascimento e discutir sua relevância clínica.


Uma pesquisa abrangente na literatura foi feita nas seguintes bases de dados: Medline/PubMed, Cinahl, The Cochrane Library, Science Direct, PsycINFO e Embase. A estratégia de busca incluiu os termos e cadeias de pesquisa do MeSH [(“fidgety movement*”) OU [(“general movement*”) E (“three month*”) OU (“3 month*”)], bem como estudos publicados no website da General Movements Trust (

Resumo dos dados:

Praticamente todos os neonatos se desenvolveram normalmente se os FMs estiveram presentes e foram normais, mesmo se seus resultados do ultrassom do cérebro e/ou históricos clínicos indicassem tendência a déficits neurológicos posteriores. Por outro lado, quase todos os neonatos que nunca desenvolveram FMs apresentaram maior risco de déficits neurológicos, como paralisia cerebral, e doenças genéticas de início tardio. Caso os FMs fossem normais, porém simultâneos a padrões posturais não adequados para a idade, ou o caráter geral dos movimentos fosse monótono, as capacidades cognitivas e/ou de linguagem na idade escolar seriam abaixo do ideal. Os FMs anormais não são específicos e têm baixo poder preditivo, porém ocorrem em grande parte em neonatos posteriormente diagnosticados com autismo.


FMs anormais, ausentes ou esporádicos indicam um risco maior de disfunções neurológicas posteriores, ao passo que FMs normais são altamente preditivos de desenvolvimento normal, principalmente se forem simultâneos a outros movimentos suaves e fluentes. O reconhecimento precoce de sinais neurológicos facilita a intervenção antecipada. É importante garantir aos pais de neonatos com fatores de risco clínicos que o resultado neurológico será adequado se os FMs se desenvolverem normalmente.

Paralisia cerebral; Movimentos irregulares; Movimentos gerais; Neonato; Predição; Análise em vídeo


Even without constant triggering by specific sensory input the fetal, neonatal, and young nervous system generates a variety of motor patterns.11 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Prechtl HF. Human motor behavior – Prenatal origin and early postnatal development. Z Psychol. 2008;216:147-53. Present from 9 weeks postmenstrual age until 5 months after term, general movements (GMs) are part of this early spontaneous motor repertoire.11 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Prechtl HF. Human motor behavior – Prenatal origin and early postnatal development. Z Psychol. 2008;216:147-53.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7. From birth until the end of the 2nd month post term age, GMs have a writhing character; thereafter they occur as so-called fidgety movements (FMs).11 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Prechtl HF. Human motor behavior – Prenatal origin and early postnatal development. Z Psychol. 2008;216:147-53.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.

Since its introduction 25 years ago,44 Prechtl HF. Qualitative changes of spontaneous movements in fetus and preterm infant are a marker of neurological dysfunction. Early Hum Dev. 1990;23:151-8. the general movement assessment (GMA)55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104. has been increasingly used to predict motor dysfunction, especially cerebral palsy (CP).22 Prechtl HF. General movement assessment as a method of developmental neurology: new paradigms and their consequences. The 1999 Ronnie MacKeith lecture. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001;43:836-42.,33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.,55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26. It is based on visual gestalt perception of normal vs. abnormal movements of the entire body. GMA is non-invasive, even non-intrusive, cost-efficient, and easy to learn within three to five days of training.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.,55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104. Bosanquet et al.1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26. recently compared different structural and functional assessments used for early identification of CP risk and found that GMA had the best predictive power and accuracy. Summary estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of GMA were 98% and 91%, respectively.1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26. Apart from normal vs. abnormal (cramped-synchronized)66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3. writhing GMs, it is mainly FMs that contribute to excellent predictive values.66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,99 Burger M, Louw QA. The predictive validity of general movements – a systematic review. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2009;13:408-20.,1212 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G, Prechtl HF. Early markers for cerebral palsy: insights from the assessment of general movements. Future Neurol. 2012;7:709-17.,1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26.

Normal FMs

FMs are small movements of moderate speed with variable acceleration of the neck, trunk, and limbs in all directions (Fig. 1).55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104. They may appear as early as six weeks after term, but usually occur from around 9 weeks until 16–20 weeks, occasionally even a few weeks longer. They fade out when antigravity and intentional movements start to dominate.11 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Prechtl HF. Human motor behavior – Prenatal origin and early postnatal development. Z Psychol. 2008;216:147-53.,33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.,55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.,66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.

Figure 1
Video print of a 14-week-old infant showing fidgety movements as time evolves from left to right and from top to bottom. A frame rate of 12.5 Hz is used, yielding a total time of 1.92 s.

FMs occur regardless of the position of the infant, but can be best observed if the infant is in supine or in a semi-upright position in a relaxing chair. It is important to note that FMs are state-dependent. They are only present if the infant is awake; they disappear when the infant starts being fussy or cries, is drowsy or sleeps.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.,55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.

The temporal organization of FMs varies with age. At first (i.e., at 6–8 weeks) they occur as isolated events; their frequency then increases, only to decrease again after 15–18 weeks. 55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.,66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3. The temporal organization of FMs can be defined as follows:

Continual FMs (score: ++)

Continual FMs are frequent, though interspersed with very short (1–2 s) pauses. As they are by definition GMs, they involve the whole body, particularly the neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles. Depending on the actual body posture, especially the position of the head, FMs may occur asymmetrically. When infants focus on the environment, their FMs are mainly displayed in the hips and ankles, not so much in the shoulders and wrists.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.

Intermittent FMs (score: +)

Intermittent FMs occur in all body parts, though with longer pauses (up to 10 s), which creates the impression that FMs are only present during half of the observation time.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.

Sporadic FMs (score: +−)

Isolated fidgety bursts of 1 s to 3 s are interspersed with long pauses of up to 1 min. Sporadic FMs are age-adequate between 6 and 8 weeks post term age and during the 5th month when FMs fade out.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.

After Prechtl had described FMs as an age-specific, distinct form of GMs, he speculated about the potential biological function of this transient movement pattern. One ontogenetic adaptive function of these tiny movements might be the postnatal calibration of the proprioceptive system.55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.,1616 Prechtl HF, Hopkins B. Developmental transformations of spontaneous movements in early infancy. Early Hum Dev. 1986;14:233-8. It takes an optimal re-calibration of this sensory domain to achieve proper control of the co-occurring visual hand regard, of intentional reaching and visually controlled manipulation of objects, and, eventually, fine motor activity. As a matter of fact, children and adolescents with fine motor dysfunction had less pronounced or even abnormal FMs during infancy.1717 Groen SE, de Blécourt AC, Postema K, Hadders-Algra M. General movements in early infancy predict neuromotor development at 9 to 12 years of age. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47:731-8.,1818 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Milioti S, Nakajima Y, Bos AF, Prechtl HF. Are abnormal fidgety movements an early marker for complex minor neurological dysfunction at puberty. Early Hum Dev. 2007;83:521-5.

FMs may also enhance bonding. A recent study has demonstrated that mothers of infants with well-pronounced and continual FMs (as compared to less well-pronounced and intermittent FMs) are more affectionate when touching their infants and more cautious when putting them down. They hold them closer to their own body and cradle them so as to keep the infant's head, trunk, and limbs in midline. Furthermore, infants who display smooth and fluent movements engage more easily with their mother.1919 Lev-Enacab O, Sher-Censor E, Einspieler C, Daube-Fishman G, Beni-Shrem S. The quality of spontaneous movements of preterm infants: association with the quality of mother–infant interaction. Infancy. 2015;20:634-60.

To sum up, infants with normal FMs are very likely to show a neurologically normal development. This is irrespective of pre- or perinatal complications and is therefore vital for their parents’ comfort.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.

Abnormal, absent, or abnormally sporadic FMs and their clinical significance

Abnormal FMs (score: AF)

Abnormal FMs look like normal FMs, though with a greater amplitude, speed, and jerkiness.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.,55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.,66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3. Abnormal FMs are rare; they occur more often in infants born preterm who show uncoordinated sucking.2020 Nieuwenhuis T, da Costa SP, Bilderbeek E, Geven WB, van der Schans CP, Bos AF. Uncoordinated sucking patterns in preterm infants are associated with abnormal general movements. J Pediatr. 2012;161:792-8. Abnormal FMs have been described in infants with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)2121 Mazzone L, Mugno D, Mazzone D. The general movements in children with Down’ syndrome. Early Hum Dev. 2004;79:119-30.,2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7. and infants intra-uterinely exposed to maternal opiate abuse and/or HIV.2323 Palchik AB, Einspieler C, Evstafeyeva IV, Talisa VB, Marschik PB. Intra-uterine exposure to maternal opiate abuse and HIV: the impact on the developing nervous system. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:229-35. The predictive value of abnormal FMs is low. Infants with abnormal FMs may develop normally,66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,1818 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Milioti S, Nakajima Y, Bos AF, Prechtl HF. Are abnormal fidgety movements an early marker for complex minor neurological dysfunction at puberty. Early Hum Dev. 2007;83:521-5.,2424 Adde L, Rygg M, Lossius K, Oberg GK, Støen R. General movement assessment: predicting cerebral palsy in clinical practise. Early Hum Dev. 2007;83:13-8.,2525 Brogna C, Romeo DM, Cervesi C, Scrofani L, Romeo MG, Mercuri E, et al. Prognostic value of the qualitative assessments of general movements in late-preterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:1063-6. but could also develop CP.66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52. Some studies documented an association between abnormal FMs and coordination difficulties and/or fine manipulative disabilities.1717 Groen SE, de Blécourt AC, Postema K, Hadders-Algra M. General movements in early infancy predict neuromotor development at 9 to 12 years of age. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47:731-8.,1818 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Milioti S, Nakajima Y, Bos AF, Prechtl HF. Are abnormal fidgety movements an early marker for complex minor neurological dysfunction at puberty. Early Hum Dev. 2007;83:521-5.,2525 Brogna C, Romeo DM, Cervesi C, Scrofani L, Romeo MG, Mercuri E, et al. Prognostic value of the qualitative assessments of general movements in late-preterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:1063-6. Recently, an exceedingly high rate of abnormal FMs was described in infants who were later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.2323 Palchik AB, Einspieler C, Evstafeyeva IV, Talisa VB, Marschik PB. Intra-uterine exposure to maternal opiate abuse and HIV: the impact on the developing nervous system. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:229-35.,2626 Phagava H, Muratori F, Einspieler C, Maestro S, Apicella F, Guzzetta A, et al. General movements in infants with autism spectrum disorders. Georgian Med News. 2008;156:100-5.2828 Zappella M, Einspieler C, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Krieber M, Coleman M, Bölte S, et al. What do home videos tell us about early motor and socio-communicative behaviours in children with autistic features during the second year of life – an exploratory study. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:569-75.

Absent FMs (score: F−)

Whenever FMs are missing altogether from 9 to 20 weeks post term age, this abnormality is called “absent FMs.” Infants with absent FMs show other normal or abnormal movements.66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3. Absent FMs with a positive likelihood ratio (LR+ > 51) are highly predictive of later neurological deficits,33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7. particularly of CP.33 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF. Prechtl's assessment of general movements: a diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2005;11:61-7.66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,99 Burger M, Louw QA. The predictive validity of general movements – a systematic review. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2009;13:408-20.1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.,2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7.,2424 Adde L, Rygg M, Lossius K, Oberg GK, Støen R. General movement assessment: predicting cerebral palsy in clinical practise. Early Hum Dev. 2007;83:13-8.3535 Grunewaldt KH, Fjørtoft T, Bjuland KJ, Brubakk AM, Eikenes L, Håberg AK, et al. Follow-up at age 10 years in ELBW children – functional outcome, brain morphology and results from motor assessments in infancy. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90:571-8. Further observation allows for determination of the eventual type of CP as well as the anatomical distribution and severity of the activity limitation. Quite apart from the lack of FMs, infants with an increased risk of non-spastic CP showed circular arm movements with or without spread fingers.1212 Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G, Prechtl HF. Early markers for cerebral palsy: insights from the assessment of general movements. Future Neurol. 2012;7:709-17.,3636 Einspieler C, Cioni G, Paolicelli PB, Bos AF, Dressler A, Ferrari F, et al. The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy. Neuropediatrics. 2002;33:73-8. Infants who went on to develop unilateral CP showed an asymmetry of distal segmental movements, which were reduced or absent on the contralateral side of the lesion.3737 Cioni G, Bos AF, Einspieler C, Ferrari F, Martijn A, Paolicelli PB, et al. Early neurological signs in preterm infants with unilateral intraparenchymal echodensity. Neuropediatrics. 2000;31:240-51.3939 Einspieler C. Early markers for unilateral spastic cerebral palsy in premature infants. Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2008;4:186-7. A cramped-synchronized movement character, repetitive opening and closing of the mouth, repetitive kicking, and abnormal finger postures characterized children who would later demonstrate poor self-mobility.3030 Bruggink JL, Cioni G, Einspieler C, Maathuis CG, Pascale R, Bos AF. Early motor repertoire is related to level of self-mobility in children with cerebral palsy at school age. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:878-85.,3434 Yang H, Einspieler C, Shi W, Marschik PB, Wang Y, Cao Y, et al. Cerebral palsy in children: movements and postures during early infancy, dependent on preterm vs. full term birth. Early Hum Dev. 2012;88:837-43.

Sporadic FMs (score: F+/−)

FMs are confined to a few body parts and never last longer than 3 s (median: 1 s). There is no evidence that occasional isolated fidgety bursts (from 9 to 16 weeks post term age) indicate, for example, a milder type of CP. The functional mobility and activity limitation of 3–5-year-old children with CP was consistent, regardless of whether the child had had sporadic or no FMs as an infant.1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.

Observers are able to reliably differentiate between normal and abnormal/absent FMs (Kappa values between 0.75 and 0.92).66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,1111 Noble Y, Boyd R. Neonatal assessments for the preterm infant up to 4 months corrected age: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:129-39.,4040 Mutlu A, Einspieler C, Marschik PB, Livanelioglu A. Intra-individual consistency in the quality of neonatal general movements. Neonatology. 2008;93:213-6.,4141 Fjørtoft T, Einspieler C, Adde L, Strand LI. Inter-observer reliability of the Assessment of Motor Repertoire – 3 to 5 months based on video recordings of infants. Early Hum Dev. 2009;85:297-302. A 3–4-day course proved sufficient for more than 700 trainees to correctly assess 87% of 3750 video clips of FMs.4242 Valentin T, Uhl K, Einspieler C. The effectiveness of training in Prechtl's method on the qualitative assessment of general movements. Early Hum Dev. 2005;81:623-7. Yet in spite of its high objectivity and reliability, GMA remains prone to the observers’ fatigue and their failure to re-calibrate according to given standards of normal and abnormal patterns.4343 Einspieler C, Marschik PB. Complementary thinking: future perspectives on the assessment of general movements. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:682-3. Hence, a number of computer-based movement assessment tools have been developed for FM analysis, using optical flow meters4444 Adde L, Helbostad JL, Jensenius AR, Taraldsen G, Støen R. Using computer-based video analysis in the study of fidgety movements. Early Hum Dev. 2009;85:541-7. or electromagnetic tracking systems.4545 Philippi H, Karch D, Kang KS, Wochner K, Pietz J, Dickhaus H, et al. Computer-based analysis of general movements reveals stereotypies predicting cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2014;56:960-7. The so-called General Movement Toolbox by Adde et al.4444 Adde L, Helbostad JL, Jensenius AR, Taraldsen G, Støen R. Using computer-based video analysis in the study of fidgety movements. Early Hum Dev. 2009;85:541-7. revealed that the variability in displacement of a spatial center of active pixels in the image had the highest sensitivity (81.5%) and specificity (70%) in classifying FMs. A recent study carried out by the same group showed that this kind of computer-based analysis can differentiate reliably between intermittent and continual FMs.4646 Valle SC, Støen R, Sæther R, Jensenius AR, Adde L. Test-retest reliability of computer-based video analysis of general movements in healthy term-born infants. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:555-8.

Does sensory stimulation affect FMs?

A series of experiments have been conducted to investigate the effects of visual, acoustic, social, and proprioceptive stimulation on FMs.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37.,4747 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Load perturbation does not influence spontaneous movements in 3-month-old infants. Early Hum Dev. 2004;77:37-46. Neither stimulation with a red ring nor unanimated acoustic stimulation (68, 77, 88 dB) or interaction with the mother had any influence on the appearance or temporal organization of FMs.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37. Only when presented with a red puppet with a white face rich in contrast (black eyes and mouth, red nose) did the infants show a significant level of focused attention with a decrease of FMs for a maximum of 20 s, followed by a subsequent increase of FMs.1414 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Spontaneous movements are not modulated by visual and acoustic stimulation in three months old infants. Early Human Dev. 2002;68:27-37. It is frequently observed that FMs concentrate at the hips and ankles rather than the shoulders and wrists when infants focus their attention on something particular.1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.

To better understand the role vision plays in the development of movements and postures, Prechtl et al.4848 Prechtl HF, Cioni G, Einspieler C, Bos AF, Ferrari F. Role of vision on early motor development: lessons from the blind. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001;43:198-201. studied the effects of early blindness by longitudinally assessing video recordings of 14 totally blind infants who showed no evidence of brain injury. Interestingly, all infants had exaggerated FMs. The authors speculated that these exaggerated movements might indicate some kind of compensation for the lack of visual integration and proprioception.4848 Prechtl HF, Cioni G, Einspieler C, Bos AF, Ferrari F. Role of vision on early motor development: lessons from the blind. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001;43:198-201.

As already mentioned, the authors regard FMs as an age-specific fine-tuning of the proprioceptive system.55 Einspieler C, Prechtl HF, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Prechtl’s method on the qualitative assessment of general movement in preterm, term and young infants. London: MacKeith Press; 2004.p. 104.,1616 Prechtl HF, Hopkins B. Developmental transformations of spontaneous movements in early infancy. Early Hum Dev. 1986;14:233-8. This raised the question whether FMs change during or after uni- or bilateral proprioceptive stimulation. A study was carried out in which, surprisingly, FMs remained identical even when the infant was hemi-loaded with up to 280 grams.4747 Dibiasi J, Einspieler C. Load perturbation does not influence spontaneous movements in 3-month-old infants. Early Hum Dev. 2004;77:37-46. Yet, in a more recent study on infants with obstetric brachial plexus lesion, a significant number of infants with severe lesions had abnormal GMs at 3 months.4949 Buitenhuis S, van Wijlen-Hempel RS, Pondaag W, Malessy MJ. Obstetric brachial plexus lesions and central developmental disability. Early Hum Dev. 2012;88:731-4.

FMs in neurological examinations of infants born preterm

Children born preterm have higher rates of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.5050 Bos AF, Roze E. Neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011;53:35-9. Identifying increased-risk infants is still a challenge today. In various preterm cohorts GMA has proved a reliable early predictor of the motor outcome, especially of CP. 44 Prechtl HF. Qualitative changes of spontaneous movements in fetus and preterm infant are a marker of neurological dysfunction. Early Hum Dev. 1990;23:151-8.,66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.88 Spittle AJ, Doyle LW, Boyd RN. A systematic review of the clinimetric properties of neuromotor assessments for preterm infants during the first year of life. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50:254-66.,1111 Noble Y, Boyd R. Neonatal assessments for the preterm infant up to 4 months corrected age: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:129-39.1313 Bosanquet M, Copeland L, Ware R, Boyd R. A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:418-26.,2929 Romeo DM, Guzzetta A, Scoto M, Cioni M, Patusi P, Mazzone D, et al. Early neurologic assessment in preterm-infants: integration of traditional neurologic examination and observation of general movements. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2008;12:183-9.3434 Yang H, Einspieler C, Shi W, Marschik PB, Wang Y, Cao Y, et al. Cerebral palsy in children: movements and postures during early infancy, dependent on preterm vs. full term birth. Early Hum Dev. 2012;88:837-43.,3737 Cioni G, Bos AF, Einspieler C, Ferrari F, Martijn A, Paolicelli PB, et al. Early neurological signs in preterm infants with unilateral intraparenchymal echodensity. Neuropediatrics. 2000;31:240-51.,5151 Garcia JM, Gherpelli JL, Leone CR. Importância da avaliação dos movimentos generalizados espontâneos no prognóstico neurológico de recém-nascidos pré-termo. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2004;80:296-304.,5252 Stahlmann N, Härtel C, Knopp A, Gehring B, Kiecksee H, Thyen U. Predictive value of neurodevelopmental assessment versus evaluation of general movements for motor outcome in preterm infants with birth weights <1500 g. Neuropediatrics. 2007;38:91-9. A significant relationship between white matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and absent FMs in infants born at <30 weeks of gestation supports the idea that abnormal GMs reflect white matter injury.5353 Spittle AJ, Brown NC, Doyle LW, Boyd RN, Hunt RW, Bear M, et al. Quality of general movements is related to white matter pathology in very preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2008;121:e1184-9. MRI at term equivalent age revealed reduced bifrontal, biparietal, and cerebellar transverse diameters, along with an increase in lateral ventricle sizes if the infant did not develop FMs. However, when controlling for white matter abnormality and grade III/IV intraventricular hemorrhage, only the cerebellar transverse diameter was predictive of absent FMs.5454 Spittle AJ, Doyle LW, Anderson PJ, Inder TE, Lee KJ, Boyd RN, et al. Reduced cerebellar diameter in very preterm infants with abnormal general movements. Early Hum Dev. 2010;86:1-5.

A frequently asked question is whether preterm infants with normal FMs can also have an adverse developmental outcome. The answer is yes; in rare cases, FMs do not preclude an adverse outcome. Mild, usually unilateral CP66 Prechtl HF, Einspieler C, Cioni G, Bos AF, Ferrari F, Sontheimer D. An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 1997;349:1361-3.,1515 Einspieler C, Yang H, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Chi X, Zang FF, Marschik PB, et al. Are sporadic fidgety movements as clinically relevant as is their absence. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:247-52.,3232 Hamer EG, Bos AF, Hadders-Algra M. Assessment of specific characteristics of abnormal general movements: does it enhance the prediction of cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011;53:751-6. and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7.,2828 Zappella M, Einspieler C, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Krieber M, Coleman M, Bölte S, et al. What do home videos tell us about early motor and socio-communicative behaviours in children with autistic features during the second year of life – an exploratory study. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:569-75. were reported in high-risk infants who had shown normal FMs. As a rule, however, normal FMs along with a smooth concurrent motor performance indicate a normal neurological outcome.2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7.,5555 Fjørtoft T, Grunewaldt KH, Løhaugen GC, Mørkved S, Skranes J, Evensen KA. Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3 months predicts motor and cognitive outcomes in 10 years old children. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:787-93.

A special case: normal FMs with abnormal concurrent movements

Among high-risk children who developed FMs, abnormal concurrent movements – i.e., monotonous, jerky, and/or stiff gross movements at 3–4 months after term – predicted a poor motor outcome at 10 years.5555 Fjørtoft T, Grunewaldt KH, Løhaugen GC, Mørkved S, Skranes J, Evensen KA. Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3 months predicts motor and cognitive outcomes in 10 years old children. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:787-93. Children born with an extremely low birth weight who had normal FMs but abnormal monotonous, jerky, and/or stiff co-occurring gross movements had lower scores on the working memory and processing speed indices at age 10. They also had poorer balance and total motor skills on the Motor Assessment Battery for Children, and their parents reported more hyperactivity, inattention, and behavioral problems than those of infants with smooth and fluent concurrent movements.3535 Grunewaldt KH, Fjørtoft T, Bjuland KJ, Brubakk AM, Eikenes L, Håberg AK, et al. Follow-up at age 10 years in ELBW children – functional outcome, brain morphology and results from motor assessments in infancy. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90:571-8. If, apart from normal FMs and abnormal concurrent movements, the asymmetric tonic neck response (ATNR) was still obligatory, the risk of developing complex minor neurological dysfunctions increased to 75% – as opposed to a mere 15% if the ATNR was no longer obligatory.5656 Bruggink JL, Einspieler C, Butcher PR, Stremmelaar EF, Prechtl HF, Bos AF. Quantitative aspects of the early motor repertoire in preterm infants: do they predict minor neurological dysfunction at school age. Early Hum Dev. 2009;85:25-36. An obligatory ATNR combined with monotonous finger movements and normal FMs was associated with a lower intelligence quotient at elementary school.5757 Butcher PR, van Braeckel K, Bouma A, Einspieler C, Stremmelaar EF, Bos AF. The quality of preterm infants’ spontaneous movements: an early indicator of intelligence and behaviour at school age. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009;50:920-30. All these studies3535 Grunewaldt KH, Fjørtoft T, Bjuland KJ, Brubakk AM, Eikenes L, Håberg AK, et al. Follow-up at age 10 years in ELBW children – functional outcome, brain morphology and results from motor assessments in infancy. Early Hum Dev. 2014;90:571-8.,5555 Fjørtoft T, Grunewaldt KH, Løhaugen GC, Mørkved S, Skranes J, Evensen KA. Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3 months predicts motor and cognitive outcomes in 10 years old children. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:787-93.5757 Butcher PR, van Braeckel K, Bouma A, Einspieler C, Stremmelaar EF, Bos AF. The quality of preterm infants’ spontaneous movements: an early indicator of intelligence and behaviour at school age. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009;50:920-30. included only infants born preterm.

FM in high-risk infants born at term

As early as 1993, Prechtl et al.5858 Prechtl HF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Predictive value of general movements in asphyxiated fullterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 1993;35:91-120. reported on GMs in a sample of term-born infants affected by mild/moderate/severe hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathies (HIE). Longitudinal video recordings showed that hypokinesis occurred very frequently during the first days of life, followed by transient or prolonged abnormal GMs. Alterations in GMs, and especially the presence or absence of FMs, were good predictors of the neurological outcome. The predictive value of GMA was found to be similar to that of EEG and neuro-imaging, and better than that of neurological examinations.5858 Prechtl HF, Ferrari F, Cioni G. Predictive value of general movements in asphyxiated fullterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 1993;35:91-120. These results were confirmed by a recent study conducted in Iran on term-born infants with HIE: the assessment of FMs revealed a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100%. The authors pointed out that the results of their study facilitated the decision as to who required early intervention in a country with limited health care resources.5959 Soleimani F, Badv RS, Momayezi A, Biglarian A, Marzban A. General movements as a predictive tool of the neurological outcome in term born infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:479-82.

Basal ganglia and thalami damage associated with mild/moderate/severe white matter changes with or without cortical injury is usually associated with an adverse neurological outcome. These MRI findings correlate with absent FMs. If, however, an infant with such a brain injury has normal FMs, there is a fair chance of a normal neurological outcome.6060 Ferrari F, Todeschini A, Guidotti I, Martinez-Biarge M, Roversi MF, Berardi A, et al. General movements in full-term infants with perinatal asphyxia are related to basal ganglia and thalamic lesions. J Pediatr. 2011;158:904-11.

MRI is not available at all times and in all places. Hence, early identification of a high risk for hemiplegia in infants with cerebral infarction on the basis of MRI is not always feasible. Here, too, observation comes into play: absent FMs and the presence of asymmetrical wrist movements indicate a need for early rehabilitation.3838 Guzzetta A, Mercuri E, Rapisardi G, Ferrari F, Roversi MF, Cowan F, et al. General movements detect early signs of hemiplegia in term infants with neonatal cerebral infarction. Neuropediatrics. 2003;34:61-6.

FMs associated with genetic disorders

A case report of an infant with DiGeorge syndrome (del22q11.2) revealed that this infant had normal FMs.2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7. However, many infants with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) show abnormal FMs.2121 Mazzone L, Mugno D, Mazzone D. The general movements in children with Down’ syndrome. Early Hum Dev. 2004;79:119-30.,2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7.

The fact that none of the 14 (published) individuals later diagnosed with Rett syndrome had had normal FMs was certainly surprising, as a normal early development had been considered as one of the criteria for typical Rett syndrome.6161 Hagberg B, Aicardi J, Dias K, Ramos O. A progressive syndrome of autism, dementia, ataxia, and loss of purposeful hand use in girls: Rett's syndrome: report of 35 cases. Ann Neurol. 1983;14:471-9. FMs were either absent; abnormally jerky and too slow; or abnormally jerky, abrupt, and disorganized.2727 Einspieler C, Sigafoos J, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Landa R, Marschik PB, Bölte S. Highlighting the first 5 months of life: general movements in infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or Rett syndrome. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2014;8:286-91.,6262 Einspieler C, Kerr AM, Prechtl HF. Is the early development of girls with Rett disorder really normal. Pediatr Res. 2005;57:696-700.6464 Marschik PB, Einspieler C, Oberle A, Laccone F, Prechtl HF. Case report: Retracing atypical development: a preserved speech variant of Rett syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord. 2009;39:958-61. FMs were also missing in a 4-month-old boy who was later diagnosed with Smith-Magenis syndrome.6565 Einspieler C, Hirota H, Yuge M, Dejima S, Marschik PB. Early behavioural manifestation of Smith-Magenis syndrome (del 17p11.2) in a 4-month-old boy. Dev Neurorehabil. 2012;15:313-6. An absence of FMs associated with subtle dysmorphic features justifies referral for genetic evaluation, which may facilitate earlier diagnosis.

FMs in infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders

Various authors have published on the assessment of FMs in, individuals later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.2222 Yuge M, Marschik PB, Nakajima Y, Yamori Y, Kanda T, Hirota H, et al. Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5 months: to what extent is their optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurological outcome?. Early Hum Dev. 2011;87:231-7.,2323 Palchik AB, Einspieler C, Evstafeyeva IV, Talisa VB, Marschik PB. Intra-uterine exposure to maternal opiate abuse and HIV: the impact on the developing nervous system. Early Hum Dev. 2013;89:229-35.,2626 Phagava H, Muratori F, Einspieler C, Maestro S, Apicella F, Guzzetta A, et al. General movements in infants with autism spectrum disorders. Georgian Med News. 2008;156:100-5.2828 Zappella M, Einspieler C, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Krieber M, Coleman M, Bölte S, et al. What do home videos tell us about early motor and socio-communicative behaviours in children with autistic features during the second year of life – an exploratory study. Early Hum Dev. 2015;91:569-75. Ten individuals were reported to have normal FMs, 12 had abnormal FMs, and four showed no FMs at all. The rate of abnormal FMs was exceedingly high in infants later diagnosed with autism.2727 Einspieler C, Sigafoos J, Bartl-Pokorny KD, Landa R, Marschik PB, Bölte S. Highlighting the first 5 months of life: general movements in infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or Rett syndrome. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2014;8:286-91. The present authors endorse further studies on GMs in high-risk siblings to evaluate the predictive power of abnormal FMs that are otherwise rare, even in infants with brain injury.

Conclusion and perspective

FMs are tiny in appearance but have frequently proved enormously valuable as a reliable predictor of neurodevelopment. New efforts are being made for automated detection of deviations in the early motor repertoire using state-of-the-art sensor technologies and machine learning. Nonetheless, gestalt perception is efficient and well-established, and therefore remains the classical GMA, with smartphone-based solutions currently under development to further disseminate it as a method.

  • Funding
    Robert Peharz was supported by BEE-PRI, Brain, Ears & Eyes – Pattern Recognition Initiative, funded by BioTechMed Graz. Research for a smartphone-based GMA tool, the GMApp (, was funded by the Grand Challenges Explorations grant of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP112887).
  • Please cite this article as: Einspieler C, Peharz R, Marschik PB. Fidgety movements – tiny in appearance, but huge in impact. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92(3 Suppl 1):S64–70.


The authors would like to thank Miha Tavcar (scriptophil) for copy editing the manuscript.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Jun 2016


  • Received
    11 Dec 2015
  • Accepted
    15 Dec 2015
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil