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Sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy Please cite this article as: Scofano Dias BL, Fernandes AR, Maia Filho HS. Sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92:549-58. ,☆☆ ☆☆ Study carried out at Rede SARAH de Hospitais de Reabilitação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.



To review the literature on sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy.

Source of data:

Non-systematic review using the keywords "sialorrhea" and "child" carried out in the PubMed®, LILACS®, and SciELO® databases during July 2015. A total of 458 articles were obtained, of which 158 were analyzed as they were associated with sialorrhea in children; 70 had content related to sialorrhea in cerebral palsy or the assessment and treatment of sialorrhea in other neurological disorders, which were also assessed.

Data synthesis:

The prevalence of sialorrhea is between 10% and 58% in cerebral palsy and has clinical and social consequences. It is caused by oral motor dysfunction, dysphagia, and intraoral sensitivity disorder. The severity and impact of sialorrhea are assessed through objective or subjective methods. Several types of therapeutic management are described: training of sensory awareness and oral motor skills, drug therapy, botulinum toxin injection, and surgical treatment.


The most effective treatment that addresses the cause of sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy is training of sensory awareness and oral motor skills, performed by a speech therapist. Botulinum toxin injection and the use of anticholinergics have a transient effect and are adjuvant to speech therapy; they should be considered in cases of moderate to severe sialorrhea or respiratory complications. Atropine sulfate is inexpensive and appears to have good clinical response combined with good safety profile. The use of trihexyphenidyl for the treatment of sialorrhea can be considered in dyskinetic forms of cerebral palsy or in selected cases.

Sialorrhea; Cerebral palsy; Child



Revisar a literatura referente à sialorreia em crianças com paralisia cerebral.

Fonte de dados:

Revisão não sistemática com as palavras-chave "sialorreia"; e "criança" feita nas bases de dados Pubmed®, Lilacs® e Scielo® em julho de 2015. Foram recuperados 458 artigos, 158 foram analisados por terem relação com sialorreia em crianças, foram aproveitados 70 com conteúdo relativo à sialorreia na paralisia cerebral ou à avaliação e ao tratamento da sialorreia em outros distúrbios neurológicos.

Síntese dos dados:

A sialorreia tem prevalência entre 10% e 58% na paralisia cerebral e implica consequências clínicas e sociais. É causada por disfunção motora oral, disfagia e distúrbio da sensibilidade intraoral. A gravidade e o impacto da sialorreia são avaliados por meio de métodos objetivos ou subjetivos. Estão descritas diversas formas de manejo terapêutico: treino para consciência sensorial e habilidades motoras orais, terapia farmacológica, injeção de toxina botulínica e tratamento cirúrgico.


O tratamento mais eficaz e que aborda a causa da sialorreia nas crianças com paralisia cerebral é o treino para consciência sensorial e habilidades motoras orais, feito por um fonoaudiólogo. Injeção de toxina botulínica e o uso de anticolinérgicos têm efeito transitório e são auxiliares ao tratamento fonoaudiológico ou devem ser considerados nos casos de sialorreia moderada a grave ou com complicações respiratórias. O sulfato de atropina tem baixo custo e parece ter boa resposta clínica com bom perfil de segurança. O uso de triexifenidil para o tratamento da sialorreia pode ser considerado nas formas discinéticas de paralisia cerebral ou em casos selecionados.

Sialorreia; Paralisia cerebral; Criança


Sialorrhea is the involuntary loss of saliva and oral content11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,22 Blasco PA. Surgical management of drooling. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1992;34:368-9. that usually occurs in infants; however, at 24 months of age children with typical development should have the ability to perform most activities without loss of saliva.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6. After the age of 4 years, sialorrhea is abnormal and often persists in children with neurological disorders, including neuromuscular incoordination of swallowing and intellectual disabilities.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21. The term cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of movement and posture development disorders, with activity restrictions or motor disabilities caused by malformations or injuries that occur in the developing fetal or child's brain.44 Colver A, Fairhurst C, Pharoah PO. Cerebral palsy. Lancet. 2014;383:1240-9.,55 Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Leviton A, Goldstein M, Bax M, Damiano D, et al. A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;109:8-14. Worldwide, the prevalence of CP is 1-5 per 1000 live births, representing the most common cause of motor disability in children.66 Lee RW, Poretti A, Cohen JS, Levey E, Gwynn H, Johnston MV, et al. A diagnostic approach for cerebral palsy in the genomic era. Neuromolecular Med. 2014;6:821-44. The prevalence of sialorrhea in CP is seldom studied, and the results cannot be compared due to variation in the study designs and patient selection.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21. Some authors reported a prevalence of 10-58%,77 Ekedahl C, Mansson I, Sandberg N. Swallowing dysfunction in the brain damaged with drooling. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78:141-9.

8 Van De Heyning P, Marquet J, Creten W. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 1980;34:691-705.

9 Tahmassebi JF, Curzon ME. The cause of drooling in children with cerebral palsy - hypersalivation or swallowing defect? Int J Pediatr Dent. 2003;13:106-11.
-1010 Erasmus CE, van Hulst K, Rotteveel JJ, Willemsen MA, Jongerius PH. Clinical practice: swallowing problems in cerebral palsy. Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171:409-14. thus it is reasonable to accept that one in three patients with CP has drooling at some degree.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.

Although underestimated, sialorrhea implies clinical and social consequences and has several impacts related to the overall health of children with CP, regarding dysphagia and respiratory health, their socio-emotional development, and emotional and work overload for families and caregivers.

This non-systematic review aims to update the professionals involved in the care of children with CP in relation to the literature on sialorrhea in these patients; it was carried out using the keywords "sialorrhea" and "child" in the PubMed®, LILACS®, and SciELO® databases during July 2015. A total of 458 articles were retrieved, of which 158 were analyzed, as they were associated with sialorrhea in children; 70 were related to sialorrhea in cerebral palsy or the assessment and treatment of sialorrhea in other neurological disorders, which were also assessed.

Physiology of salivation

The parotid glands produce more serous, watery saliva as a result of stimulation during meals. The sublingual and submandibular glands produce more viscous saliva, more constantly, throughout the day.1111 Erasmus CE, Van Hulst K, Rotteveel LJ, Jongeruis PH, Van Den Hoogen FJ, Roeleveld N, et al. Drooling in cerebral palsy: hypersalivation or dysfunctional oral motor control? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:454-9.,1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6. On average, a person swallows approximately 600 mL of saliva every day; however, in some individuals, this volume can reach up to 1000 mL/day.1111 Erasmus CE, Van Hulst K, Rotteveel LJ, Jongeruis PH, Van Den Hoogen FJ, Roeleveld N, et al. Drooling in cerebral palsy: hypersalivation or dysfunctional oral motor control? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:454-9. Afferents of the fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth cranial nerves reach the solitary tract and salivatory nuclei in the medulla. The parasympathetic stimulation reaches the submandibular salivary glands through the seventh cranial nerve and the parotid through the ninth nerve.

The preganglionic sympathetic fibers originate at the lateral intermediate column of the first and second thoracic segments and connect with the postganglionic fibers in the upper cervical sympathetic ganglion. These postganglionic sympathetic fibers reach the salivary glands passing through the section along the external carotid artery. Salivary secretion is regulated indirectly by the hypothalamus-solitary circuit and by effects directly modulated by tactile, mechanical, and gustatory reflexes. It is questionable whether an interruption can occur in this regulatory mechanism as part of encephalopathy in CP.1111 Erasmus CE, Van Hulst K, Rotteveel LJ, Jongeruis PH, Van Den Hoogen FJ, Roeleveld N, et al. Drooling in cerebral palsy: hypersalivation or dysfunctional oral motor control? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:454-9. Sialorrhea may vary from minute to minute, depending on factors such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, anxiety, emotional state, and the circadian rhythm of salivary production.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.

Predisposing factors, physiopathology, and etiology

Reid et al. analyzed the predisposing factors of sialorrhea in children with CP (385 individuals) aged 7-14 years of age, which include the following: non-spastic types, the quadriplegic topographical pattern, absence of cervical control, severe difficulties in gross motor coordination/function, epilepsy, intellectual disability, lack of speech, open anterior bite, and dysphagia.1313 Reid SM, McCutcheon J, Reddihough DS, Johnson H. Prevalence and predictors of drooling in 7- to 14-year-old children with cerebral palsy: a population study. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1032-6.

Currently, it is widely accepted that sialorrhea in children with CP is not caused by hypersalivation, but by oral motor dysfunction, dysphagia, and/or intraoral sensitivity disorder.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,99 Tahmassebi JF, Curzon ME. The cause of drooling in children with cerebral palsy - hypersalivation or swallowing defect? Int J Pediatr Dent. 2003;13:106-11.,1111 Erasmus CE, Van Hulst K, Rotteveel LJ, Jongeruis PH, Van Den Hoogen FJ, Roeleveld N, et al. Drooling in cerebral palsy: hypersalivation or dysfunctional oral motor control? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:454-9.,1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6. Senner et al. published a study that compared groups of children with CP with sialorrhea (n = 14); children with CP without sialorrhea (n = 14), and children with normal neurodevelopment (n = 14) through quantification of saliva using the Saxon test described by Kohler et al. in 1985;1414 Kohler PF, Winter ME. A quantitative test for xerostomia. Arthritis Rheum. 1985;28:1128-32. the results showed lower scores in oral motor function without excess saliva production in the CP group with sialorrhea, suggesting that the hypersalivation is not one of the factors responsible for sialorrhea in CP.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6. Erasmus et al. studied groups of children with CP (n = 100) and healthy children (n = 61) through collection of saliva using the method described by Rottevel et al.1515 Rotteveel LJ, Jongerius PH, van Limbeek J, Van Den Hoogen FJ. Salivation in healthy school children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2004;68:767-74. and concluded that there were no differences between salivary flow rates in both groups of patients.1111 Erasmus CE, Van Hulst K, Rotteveel LJ, Jongeruis PH, Van Den Hoogen FJ, Roeleveld N, et al. Drooling in cerebral palsy: hypersalivation or dysfunctional oral motor control? Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:454-9.

A proper swallowing reflex is essential for the swallowing of saliva. This complex, fundamental function is mediated by orofacial neuromuscular systems, and involves a series of sequential reflexes and coordinated movements of the muscles of the mandible, lips, tongue, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus.1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6. Several studies have shown a positive correlation between sialorrhea in children with CP and the following factors: difficulties in the formation of the food bolus,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,77 Ekedahl C, Mansson I, Sandberg N. Swallowing dysfunction in the brain damaged with drooling. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78:141-9. inefficient labial sealing, suction disorder, increased food residue,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,1616 Lespargot A, Langevin M, Muller S, Guillemont S. Swallowing disturbances associated with drooling in cerebral palsied children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1993;35:298-304. difficulty controlling the lips, tongue, and mandible,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,88 Van De Heyning P, Marquet J, Creten W. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg. 1980;34:691-705. reduced intraoral sensitivity,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,1717 Weiss-Lambrou R, Tetreault S, Dudley J. The relationship between oral sensation and drooling in persons with cerebral palsy. Am J Occup Ther. 1988;43:155-61. reduced frequency of spontaneous swallowing,1818 Sochaniwskyj A, Koheil R, Bablich K, Milner M, Kenny DJ. Oral motor functioning, frequency of swallowing and drooling in normal children and in children with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1986;67:866-74. esophageal phase dysphagia,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,77 Ekedahl C, Mansson I, Sandberg N. Swallowing dysfunction in the brain damaged with drooling. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78:141-9. and dental malocclusion.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,1919 Franklin DL, Luther F, Curzon MEJ. The prevalence of malocclusion in children with cerebral palsy. Eur J Orthod. 1996;18:637-43. Significant negative correlations have been found between sialorrhea and chewing capacity, as well as other swallowing skills in general.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6. Other factors, all common in CP, influence the presence and severity of sialorrhea: open mouth position, inadequate body posture, particularly of the head, intellectual disabilities, emotional state, and degree of concentration.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6.,2020 Morales Chávez MC, Nualart Grollmus ZC, Silvestre Donat FJ. Clinical prevalence of drooling in infant cerebral palsy. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008;13:e22-6.

Association between sialorrhea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Saliva plays an important role in protecting the esophageal mucosa against lesions caused by GERD. In children with sialorrhea, the constant loss of saliva can impair the removal of gastric acid reflux into the esophagus, which can perpetuate esophageal dysmotility and esophagitis.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,2121 Heine RG, Catto-Smith AG, Reddihough DS. Effect of antireflux medication on salivary drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1996;38:1030-6. Heine et al., in a study carried out in 1996, showed that approximately one-third of the 24 children with sialorrhea had evidence of GERD in the 24-hour pH monitoring or esophagoscopy. In this study, drug treatment with cisapride and ranitidine for GERD did not reduce the severity and frequency of sialorrhea in most children, and in the authors' opinion, saliva secretion stimulated by GERD should have clinical significance only in those patients with significant esophagitis.2121 Heine RG, Catto-Smith AG, Reddihough DS. Effect of antireflux medication on salivary drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1996;38:1030-6.

For Erasmus et al., chemical irritation caused by GERD can lead to increased production of saliva through the mediation of the parasympathetic nervous system and vagovagal reflex, aiming to protect the oropharyngeal and esophageal mucosa. In children with oral motor dysfunction, this increase in saliva production could accumulate in the pharynx and/or esophagus, increasing the risk of aspiration. In the authors' opinion, it is still a matter of debate whether GERD alone can cause severe sialorrhea and if GERD treatment can reduce its intensity in children with CP.1010 Erasmus CE, van Hulst K, Rotteveel JJ, Willemsen MA, Jongerius PH. Clinical practice: swallowing problems in cerebral palsy. Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171:409-14.

Classification and clinical, social, and family implications

From a clinical point of view, sialorrhea can be classified as anterior and posterior; both can occur separately or simultaneously. Anterior sialorrhea is the unintentional loss of saliva from the mouth. Posterior sialorrhea is the flowing of saliva from the tongue to the pharynx.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,1010 Erasmus CE, van Hulst K, Rotteveel JJ, Willemsen MA, Jongerius PH. Clinical practice: swallowing problems in cerebral palsy. Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171:409-14.,2222 Jongerius PH, Joosten F, Hoogen FJ, Gabreels FJ, Rotteveel JJ. The treatment of drooling by ultrasound-guided intraglandular injections of botulinum toxin type A into the salivary glands. Laryngoscope. 2003;113:107-11.

Anterior sialorrhea can lead to psychosocial, physical, and educational consequences. One of them is social isolation, which can have negative effects on self-esteem. The most severely affected children may have an unpleasant odor, and may be rejected by their peers and even by their caregivers. Individuals may be perceived negatively and their intellectual capacity may be underestimated. The extent of this impact varies according to sociocultural characteristics, depending on age and cognitive ability. Severe anterior sialorrhea requires frequent changes of clothes and can damage books, computers, and keyboards, threatening essential education and communication tools. There can also be perioral infections and damage to the dentition.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.,1010 Erasmus CE, van Hulst K, Rotteveel JJ, Willemsen MA, Jongerius PH. Clinical practice: swallowing problems in cerebral palsy. Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171:409-14.,2323 Cotton RT, Richardson MA. The effect of submandibular duct rerouting in the treatment of sialorrhea in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1981;89:535-41.

24 Harris S, Purdy A. Drooling and its management in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1987;29:805-14.

25 Lew KM, Younis RT, Lazar RH. The current management of sialorrhea. Ear Nose Throat. 1991;70:99-105.

26 Thomas-Stonell N, Greenberg J. Three treatment approaches and clinical factors in the reduction of drooling. Dysphagia. 1988;3:73-8.

27 van der Burg J, Jongerius P, van Limbeek J, Van Hukst A, Rottevel J. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy: a qualitative method to evaluate parental perceptions of its impact on daily life, social interaction, and self-esteem. Int J Rehabil Res. 2006;29:179-82.
-2828 Reid SM, Johnstone BR, Westbury C, Rawicki B, Reddihough DS. Randomized trial of botulinum toxin injections into the salivary glands to reduce drooling in children with neurological disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50:123-8. These consequences affect the lives of patients and also have an impact on the quality of life of families and caregivers. A Dutch group demonstrated the considerable demands placed on caregivers in terms of workload, such as having to frequently remind the individual to swallow saliva, clean the excess saliva on the mouth, chin, and other areas, and change and wash towels and clothes.2727 van der Burg J, Jongerius P, van Limbeek J, Van Hukst A, Rottevel J. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy: a qualitative method to evaluate parental perceptions of its impact on daily life, social interaction, and self-esteem. Int J Rehabil Res. 2006;29:179-82.,2828 Reid SM, Johnstone BR, Westbury C, Rawicki B, Reddihough DS. Randomized trial of botulinum toxin injections into the salivary glands to reduce drooling in children with neurological disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50:123-8.

Posterior sialorrhea occurs in children with more severe pharyngeal phase dysphagia. These children are at risk for saliva aspiration, which can cause recurrent pneumonia and may even go undiagnosed before significant lung injury develops.1010 Erasmus CE, van Hulst K, Rotteveel JJ, Willemsen MA, Jongerius PH. Clinical practice: swallowing problems in cerebral palsy. Eur J Pediatr. 2012;171:409-14. Park et al. described two cases in which saliva aspiration into the tracheobronchial tree was successfully documented through a radionuclide assessment known as a salivagram. This same method was used and showed a total reduction in saliva aspiration after botulinum toxin was applied to patients' salivary glands.2929 Park HW, Lee WY, Park GY, Kwon DR, Lee ZI, Cho YW, et al. Salivagram after gland injection of botulinum neurotoxin A in patients with cerebral infarction and cerebral palsy. PM R. 2012;4:312-6. Vijayasekaran et al. studied a group of 62 children submitted to surgical treatment for sialorrhea, and showed an increase in the mean oxygen saturation and reduction in the frequency of pneumonia. Thus, therapeutic interventions can effectively improve respiratory health in these patients.3030 Vijayasekaran S, Unal F, Schaff SA, Johnson RF, Rutttler RJ. Salivary gland surgery for chronic pulmonary aspiration in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2007;71:119-23.

Sialorrhea assessment

Clinical assessment

The different clinical aspects involved in the health status of children with CP can influence the occurrence and severity of sialorrhea and, conversely, their severity can be influenced by their presence (Fig. 1). Therefore, when evaluating sialorrhea, these several factors (Table 1) should be actively assessed by history-taking and through observation of the child.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.

Figure 1
Interaction between the clinical aspects involved in the health of children with CP. GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; CPD, chronic pulmonary disease.

Table 1
Clinical factors to be investigated.

Methods of sialorrhea measurement

It is difficult to measure sialorrhea. The child must not realize that he/she is being observed and should be assessed during everyday situations. Nevertheless, it is necessary to quantify the frequency and severity of sialorrhea, as well as its impact on the quality of life of children and their caregivers. The severity and impact of sialorrhea can be evaluated through objective or subjective methods.3131 van Hulst K, Lindeboom R, van der Burg J, Jongerius P. Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1121-6.

Objective methods include measurement of salivary flow and direct observation of saliva loss; some of these techniques are described in Table 2.1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6.,2121 Heine RG, Catto-Smith AG, Reddihough DS. Effect of antireflux medication on salivary drooling in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1996;38:1030-6.,2525 Lew KM, Younis RT, Lazar RH. The current management of sialorrhea. Ear Nose Throat. 1991;70:99-105.,2626 Thomas-Stonell N, Greenberg J. Three treatment approaches and clinical factors in the reduction of drooling. Dysphagia. 1988;3:73-8.,3131 van Hulst K, Lindeboom R, van der Burg J, Jongerius P. Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1121-6.

32 Suskind DL, Tilton A. Clinical study of botulinum-A toxin in the treatment of sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy. Laryngoscope. 2002;112:73-81.

33 Jongerius PH, van Limbeek J, Rotteveel JJ. Assessment of salivary flow rate: biologic variation and measure error. Laryngoscope. 2004;114:1801-4.

34 Raap D. Drool control: long-term follow-up. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1980;22:448-53.
-3535 Sochaniwskyj AE. Drool quantification: noninvasive technique. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1982;63:605-7. The development of direct (objective) measurement methods for anterior sialorrhea, which are validated and actually feasible, are still a challenge both in the research field and in clinical practice.3131 van Hulst K, Lindeboom R, van der Burg J, Jongerius P. Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1121-6.

Table 2
Objective methods to measure sialorrhea.

Subjective scales are useful and appropriate methods to measure changes in sialorrhea, because the impact on families, caregivers, and the patients themselves is of utmost importance when assessing satisfaction with the effectiveness of any treatment. According to some researchers, the definitive method for evaluating the effectiveness of any treatment for sialorrhea is one that measures how much the life of the caregiver has been facilitated and that quantifies the improvement in the child's quality of life.3333 Jongerius PH, van Limbeek J, Rotteveel JJ. Assessment of salivary flow rate: biologic variation and measure error. Laryngoscope. 2004;114:1801-4.,3636 Reid SM, Johnson HM, Reddihough DS. The Drooling Impact Scale: a measure of the impact of drooling in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:e23-8. Subjective scales such as the Drooling Rating Scale, the Drooling Frequency and Severity Scale, visual analog scales, and the Drooling Impact Scale3131 van Hulst K, Lindeboom R, van der Burg J, Jongerius P. Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1121-6.,3333 Jongerius PH, van Limbeek J, Rotteveel JJ. Assessment of salivary flow rate: biologic variation and measure error. Laryngoscope. 2004;114:1801-4.,3636 Reid SM, Johnson HM, Reddihough DS. The Drooling Impact Scale: a measure of the impact of drooling in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:e23-8. are filled out by patients or their caregivers, which express their qualitative and quantitative impressions of the severity and impact of sialorrhea.3131 van Hulst K, Lindeboom R, van der Burg J, Jongerius P. Accurate assessment of drooling severity with the 5-minute drooling quotient in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54:1121-6.



The main objectives in the treatment of sialorrhea are: reduction in social-affective and health impacts caused by anterior sialorrhea; reduction in health impacts caused by posterior sialorrhea; improved quality of life for patients and caregivers; and reduction in the burden experienced by caregivers.

Quality of life and burden on family/caregivers, self-esteem, and child's health

In general, after several treatment modalities, the demands related to the care of these children are reduced, particularly regarding the frequency of the need to clean the mouth, lips, and chin; the number of changes of towels and clothes; and damage to books, school supplies, toys, and electronic equipment.3636 Reid SM, Johnson HM, Reddihough DS. The Drooling Impact Scale: a measure of the impact of drooling in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:e23-8.,3737 Fluss R, Faraggi D, Reiser B. Estimation of the Youden Index and its associated cutoff point. Biom J. 2005;47:458-72. Additionally, reduction in sialorrhea improves social contact between children and their peers. Even in children with intellectual disabilities, a German study has shown that the perception of parents concerning their children's satisfaction in relation to their physical appearance and life in general can improve after therapeutic interventions.3636 Reid SM, Johnson HM, Reddihough DS. The Drooling Impact Scale: a measure of the impact of drooling in children with developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:e23-8.,3838 Van der Burg JJ, Jongerius PH, Van Hulst K, Van Limbeek J, Rottevel JJ. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy: effect of salivary flow reduction on daily life and care. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006;48:103-7. van der Burg et al. published a study in which they evaluated changes in quality of life and necessity of care as a result of sialorrhea treatment. The impact of sialorrhea was investigated before and after treatment, using a questionnaire designed specifically for this study. The results demonstrated that the decrease in salivary flow had a significantly positive effect on the need for daily care. The authors conclude that reduced salivary flow should not be the only goal in the treatment of sialorrhea. It is recommended that the several therapeutic modalities be assessed in relation to the impact they bring to the patient's daily life.3838 Van der Burg JJ, Jongerius PH, Van Hulst K, Van Limbeek J, Rottevel JJ. Drooling in children with cerebral palsy: effect of salivary flow reduction on daily life and care. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006;48:103-7.

Therapeutic modalities

The literature describes several forms of therapeutic management. The advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment modalities are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3
Advantages and disadvantages of the main therapeutic modalities.

Training of sensory awareness and oral motor skills

For children capable of obeying commands and cooperating with the training, this is the foundation of intervention and should be tested before other treatment options. Initial maneuvers include improvements in the sitting position, lip movements, and closing of the mandible and tongue. In its simplest form, it consists of exercises that are carried out in a playful manner, such as the use of different textures around the mouth (ice cubes, electric toothbrush, etc.) to stimulate sensory awareness and exercises to improve lip sealing and tongue movement (using a straw, lipstick kisses on paper, filling party balloons, etc.). The constant guidance of the speech therapist is necessary. Unlike children with more severe neurological symptoms and less capacity for cooperation and understanding, those with mild sialorrhea can achieve significant benefits through such a program.3939 Little SA, Kubba H, Hussain SS. An evidence-based approach to the child who drools saliva. Clin Otolaryngol. 2009;34:236-9.

Body modification through biofeedback

Body modification through biofeedback is based on the monitoring of the target muscle group for electromyographic stimulation. When the muscle contracts, electromyography informs of the change in muscle activity through acoustic or light signals. Thus, the patient can consciously correct or improve certain components of swallowing. The technique can have a positive impact on patient training and improving oromotor function.1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6.,2020 Morales Chávez MC, Nualart Grollmus ZC, Silvestre Donat FJ. Clinical prevalence of drooling in infant cerebral palsy. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008;13:e22-6.

Orthodontic therapy

It should be used as complementary to any other treatment, and aims to prevent or correct an anterior open bite and other vertical occlusion abnormalities.1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6.

Pharmacological and surgical therapies

Despite indications that hypersalivation is not one of the factors responsible for sialorrhea in children with CP, most available treatments - including the use of oral (OR), transdermal (TD), and sublingual (SL) medications, botulinum toxin, or surgical management - aim at the reduction in saliva production.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the use of these techniques (Table 3) when compared with nonpharmacological and nonsurgical treatments. In general, the options aimed at reducing salivary production quickly lead to an effective reduction in sialorrhea, but with a profile of side effects inherent to each treatment modality. Another important aspect is related to the possible exacerbation of GERD and esophagitis.33 Senner JE, Logemann J, Zecker S, Gaebler-Spira D. Drooling, saliva production, and swallowing in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2004;46:801-6. Therefore, in those patients undergoing a treatment whose mechanism of action is to reduce salivary production, early and effective GERD treatment becomes essential. In this group of treatments, each type has its peculiarities, as described below.

Botulinum toxin

The intraglandular injection of botulinum toxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine from cholinergic nerve terminals, thereby reducing salivary secretion and sialorrhea. Some prospective, controlled studies have investigated the use of botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA) for the treatment of sialorrhea. A significant reduction in sialorrhea was observed in these studies using objective (Class I) and subjective control scales. The injection sites are the parotid and submandibular glands. Older children (cooperative) and adults may undergo local anesthesia.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.,4040 Lakraj AA, Moghimi N, Jabbari B. Sialorrhea: anatomy, pathophysiology and treatment with emphasis on the role of botulinum toxins. Toxins. 2013;5:1010-31.,4141 Vashishta R, Nguyen SA, White DR, Gillespie MB. Botulinum toxin for the treatment of sialorrhea: a meta-analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;148:191-6. Some disadvantages (Table 3) hinder patients' access to the procedure: the injection sites should be accessed, ideally, by ultrasound; the technique requires the presence of medical and nursing staff with experience; and it should be assessed whether the patient meets the clinical requirements to undergo sedation or anesthesia.

Surgical treatment

The first surgical treatment for sialorrhea was parotid ductal relocation,4242 Wilkie TF. The problem of drooling in cerebral palsy: a surgical approach. Can J Surg. 1967;10:60-7. followed by further removal of submandibular glands.4343 Wilkie TF, Brody GS. The surgical treatment of drooling: a ten year review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1977;59:791-7.,4444 Hornibrook J, Cochrane N. Contemporary surgical management of severe sialorrhea in children. ISRN Pediatr. 2012;2012:364875. Radical procedures such as bilateral division of the parotid ducts with removal of the submandibular glands and neurectomies have been proposed, but with unpredictable results.4343 Wilkie TF, Brody GS. The surgical treatment of drooling: a ten year review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1977;59:791-7.

44 Hornibrook J, Cochrane N. Contemporary surgical management of severe sialorrhea in children. ISRN Pediatr. 2012;2012:364875.

45 Michel RG, Johnson KA, Patterson CN. Parasympathetic nerve section for control of sialorrhea. Arch Otolaryngol. 1977;103:94-7.

46 Glass LW, Nobel GL, Vecchione TR. Treatment of uncontrolled drooling by bilateral excision of submaxillary glands and parotid duct ligations. Plastic Reconstr Surg. 1978;62:523-6.

47 Parsisier SC, Blitzer A, Binder JW. Tympanic neurectomy and corda tympanectomy for the control of drooling. Arch Otolaryngol. 1978;104:273-7.
-4848 Dundas DF, Peterson RA. Surgical treatment of drooling by bilateral parotid duct ligation and submandibular gland resection. Plastic Reconstr Surg. 1979;64:47-51. Surgeries were carried out mostly in adults, and their efficacy was questionable, as symptoms recurred after some time.4343 Wilkie TF, Brody GS. The surgical treatment of drooling: a ten year review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1977;59:791-7.,4444 Hornibrook J, Cochrane N. Contemporary surgical management of severe sialorrhea in children. ISRN Pediatr. 2012;2012:364875. In 1974, Ekedahl described the rearrangement of ducts from the submandibular glands into the tonsilar fossa.4949 Ekedahl C. Surgical treatment of drooling. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;77:215-20. The glands maintained their function with normal passage of saliva to the oropharynx, preventing the accumulation of saliva in the anterior mouth floor, ensuring the presence of saliva in the oral cavity, while keeping its contribution to the swallowing process. Over the subsequent years, it has undergone few modifications (the removal of the sublingual glands is performed concomitantly) and it has become the surgical technique of choice for severe sialorrhea.4444 Hornibrook J, Cochrane N. Contemporary surgical management of severe sialorrhea in children. ISRN Pediatr. 2012;2012:364875.,4949 Ekedahl C. Surgical treatment of drooling. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;77:215-20. Due to the risk of permanent consequences (especially xerostomia), it is indicated only in severe cases, those non-responsive to non-surgical therapies and in which sialorrhea has great impact on the health and quality of life of the children and family members/caregivers.11 Reddihough D, Erasmus CE, Johnson H, Mckellar GM, Jongerius PH. Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling: international consensus statement. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17:109-21.

Oral, transdermal, or sublingual drug treatment

The salivary glands are controlled by the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system and, therefore, anticholinergic drugs induce a significant reduction in salivary flow, being the most often used drugs. The advantages and disadvantages of the oral (OR), transdermal (TD), or sublingual (SL) use of anticholinergic drugs are summarized in Table 3.1212 Silvestre-Rangil J, Silvestre FJ, Puente-Sandoval A, Requeni-Bernal J, Simó-Ruiz JM. Clinical-therapeutic management of drooling: review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16:e763-6.,5050 Mato A, Limeres J, Tomas I, Munoz M, Abuin C, Feijoo JF, et al. Management of drooling in disabled patients with scopolamine patches. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2010;69:684-8.

51 Camp-Bruno JA, Winsberg BG, Green-Parsons AR, Abrams JP. Efficacy of benztropine therapy for drooling. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1989;31:309-19.

52 Lewis DW, Fontana C, Mehallick LK, Everett Y. Transdermal scopolamine for reduction of drooling in developmentally delayed children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1994;36:484-6.

53 Mato Montero A, Limeres Posse J, Tomás Carmona I, Fernández-Feijoo J, Diz Dios P. Control of drooling using transdermal scopolamine skin patches. A case report. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008;13:e27-30.

54 Rapoport A. Sublingual atropine drops for the treatment of pediatric sialorrhea. J Pain Symptom Manag. 2010;40:783-8.

55 Zeller RS, Davidson J, Lee HM, Cavanaugh PF. Safety and efficacy of glycopyrrolate oral solution for management of pathologic drooling in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy and other neurologic conditions. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012;8:25-32.

56 Mier RJ, Bachrach SJ, Lajin RC, Barker T, Childs J, Moran M. Treatment of sialorrhea with glycopyrrolate: a double-blind, dose-ranging study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000;154:1214-8.
-5757 Carranza-del Rio J, Clegg NJ, Moore A, Delgado MR. Use of trihexyphenidyl in children with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Neurol. 2011;44:202-6. The most widely used systemic anticholinergic drugs are glycopyrrolate, benztropine, scopolamine, atropine, and trihexyphenidyl; however, only trihexyphenidyl and atropine sulfate are available in Brazil; the results of some studies with these drugs are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4
Pharmacological treatment.


The oral solution of glycopyrrolate is currently the only formulation of an anticholinergic drug approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat sialorrhea in children aged 3-16 years. Glycopyrrolate is not available in Brazil.


Several studies have shown a reduction in saliva secretion with use of scopolamine. The transdermal route effectively reduces salivary secretion in approximately 67% of patients and its action can be demonstrated 15 min after the transdermal patch is applied. The main side effects are pupil dilation and urinary retention.5353 Mato Montero A, Limeres Posse J, Tomás Carmona I, Fernández-Feijoo J, Diz Dios P. Control of drooling using transdermal scopolamine skin patches. A case report. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008;13:e27-30. Lewis et al. observed that 66% of the patients had pupil dilation, which occurred a few days after the start of the treatment.5252 Lewis DW, Fontana C, Mehallick LK, Everett Y. Transdermal scopolamine for reduction of drooling in developmentally delayed children. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1994;36:484-6.


There has been only one study with benztropine involving children. The drug was considered effective in a controlled, randomized clinical trial published by Camp-Bruno et al.5151 Camp-Bruno JA, Winsberg BG, Green-Parsons AR, Abrams JP. Efficacy of benztropine therapy for drooling. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1989;31:309-19.


In the largest study in children with trihexyphenidyl, a drug commonly used in the treatment of extrapyramidal syndromes such as dystonia, the indications for use were dystonia (28.7%), sialorrhea (5.9%), and dystonia and sialorrhea (65.4%). The initial mean dose was 0.095 mg/kg/day and the maximum mean dose was 0.55 mg/kg/day, two to three times a day. Side effects were found in 69.3% of patients. Most patients reported some improvement in dystonia, sialorrhea, and specific language. The authors concluded that trihexyphenidyl was better tolerated in this population of children and adolescents (with CP and extrapyramidal syndrome) when compared to the adult population, and that improvement in sialorrhea may have occurred due to the anticholinergic effect of the drug, but also through central action, resulting in greater control motor of muscles involved in swallowing.5757 Carranza-del Rio J, Clegg NJ, Moore A, Delgado MR. Use of trihexyphenidyl in children with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Neurol. 2011;44:202-6. Other studies have reported the successful use of trihexyphenidyl in adults to treat sialorrhea induced by clozapine.5858 Spivak B, Adlersberg S, Rosen L, Gonen N, Mester R, Weizman A. Trihexyphenidyl treatment of clozapine-induced hypersalivation. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 1997;12:213-5.

59 Aggarwal A, Garg A, Jiloha RC. Trihexyphenidyl (benzhexol) in clozapine-induced nocturnal enuresis and sialorrhea. Indian J Med Sci. 2009;63:470-1.
-6060 Praharaj SK, Sarkhel S, Khanande RV, Sinha VK. Complete resolution of clazapine-induced sialorrhea with low dose trihexyphenidyl. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2010;43:73-5.

Atropine sulfate

Although atropine has been for many years acknowledged as effective, it has never been widely accepted for the treatment of chronic sialorrhea.5454 Rapoport A. Sublingual atropine drops for the treatment of pediatric sialorrhea. J Pain Symptom Manag. 2010;40:783-8. The first mention of its use for treatment of sialorrhea was made in an article published in October 1970 by Smith et al. in the New England Journal of Medicine.6161 Smith RA, Goode RL. Current concepts: sialorrhea. N Engl J Med. 1970;283:917-8. Subsequently, some studies reported its use to treat drug-induced sialorrhea6262 Antonello C, Tessier P. Clozapine and sialorrhea: a new intervention for this bothersome and potentially dangerous side effect. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 1999;24:250.

63 Comley C, Galletly C, Ash D. Use of atropine eye drops for clozapine induced hypersalivation. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2000;34:1033-4.

64 Tessier P, Antonello C. Clozapine and sialorrhea: update. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2001;26:253.

65 Fischer RB. What to do in neuroleptic-induced sialorrhea. Psychiatr Prax. 2001;28:249-50.

66 Freudenreich O. Drug-induced sialorrhea. Drugs Today (Barc). 2005;41:411-8.

67 Sockalingam S, Shammi C, Remington G. Clozapine-induced hypersalivation: a review of treatment strategies. Can J Psychiatry. 2007;52:377-84.
-6868 Mustafa FA, Khan A, Burke J, Cox M, Sherif S. Sublingual atropine for the treatment of severe and hyoscine-resistant clozapine-induced sialorrhea. Afr J Psychiatry (Johannesbg). 2013;16:242. and patients with Parkinson's disease.6969 Hyson HC, Johnson AM, Jog MS. Sublingual atropine for sialorrhea secondary to parkinsonism: a pilot study. Mov Disord. 2002;17:1318-20. De Simone et al. published the only prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study with atropine SL, which failed to demonstrate effectiveness of atropine when compared to placebo.7070 De Simone GG, Eisenchlas JH, Junin M, Pereyra F, Brizuela R. Atropine drops for drooling: a randomized controlled trial. Palliat Med. 2006;20:665-71. In 2010, Rapoport reported the case of 14-year old boy with metachromatic leukodystrophy and excess oral secretions who needed frequent aspirations, which caused recurrent drops in oxygen saturation caused by saliva aspiration, successfully treated with atropine sulfate SL, representing the only reported case in the literature on atropine sulfate SL in children or adolescents.5454 Rapoport A. Sublingual atropine drops for the treatment of pediatric sialorrhea. J Pain Symptom Manag. 2010;40:783-8.

There are no specific studies published in children with CP, but there is ongoing research using atropine SL (0.5% eye drops) in children with CP, which suggests good efficacy with low incidence of side effects. Such data will be available for publication soon.

Final considerations

In practice, to indicate any type of treatment for sialorrhea in children with CP, one should take into account the patient's access to the proposed treatment, as well as the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of each family, in order for the individual choice of methods to be efficient, more specific, and to be less of a burden for each patient/family. The most effective treatment and the one that effectively addresses the cause of sialorrhea in children with CP is training of sensory awareness and oral motor skills, performed or supervised by a trained and qualified speech therapist.

Drug therapies, such as the use of botulinum toxin and anticholinergics, have a transient effect and should ideally be adjuvant to speech therapy, or should be considered in specific cases of patients with moderate to severe sialorrhea or respiratory complications. Among the available drugs, atropine sulfate is a low-cost, easy-access drug and appears to have good clinical response with good safety profile. The use of trihexyphenidyl for the treatment of sialorrhea in children may be considered for dyskinetic forms of CP or in some selected cases.

  • Please cite this article as: Scofano Dias BL, Fernandes AR, Maia Filho HS. Sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2016;92:549-58.
  • ☆☆
    Study carried out at Rede SARAH de Hospitais de Reabilitação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


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    Hornibrook J, Cochrane N. Contemporary surgical management of severe sialorrhea in children. ISRN Pediatr. 2012;2012:364875.
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    Camp-Bruno JA, Winsberg BG, Green-Parsons AR, Abrams JP. Efficacy of benztropine therapy for drooling. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1989;31:309-19.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov-Dec 2016


  • Received
    28 Feb 2016
  • Accepted
    9 Mar 2016
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil