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Francisca Valda da Silva

President - ABEn Nacional

The ABEn renews its institutional commitment to Brazilian society through the 30th mandate delegated by the members to the directorate elected for the 2004-2007 term. This directorate will be honoured to preside over the celebrations for 80 years of relevant services provided by this hardworking Association to health policies as well as to the health and nursing education policies in Brazil.

The National Council of ABEn (CONABEn) approved the policy guidelines for this term's Triennial Work Plan, which will guide the Association's development agenda with political, technical, social and operating attention and action aimed at the possibility of rethinking it from a collectively designed perspective.

Our general principles are social inclusion and the process of political and economic emancipation as an inalienable right of human beings; the respect for differences and equality; the commitment to SUS social control and to the permanent creation of public policies in the areas of health, education, work, science, and technology; respect for the ethics, pluralism, democracy and transparency; the strengthening of technical and scientific cooperation at national and international level; the expansion of knowledge based on a dialogue between different forms of knowledge; the commitment to developing initiatives to institute new ways to manage public and private institutions; the development of management and communication models that are more horizontal, interdisciplinary, multi-professional and cross-sectorial; and the belief in the power of cooperation and solidarity, in the trans(formation) of individuals and collectivities.

In our vision, the ABEn is an association with political expression before Brazil's government and civil society, being a national and international reference in nursing and health practices and education. Our mission will be, therefore, to represent Brazil's nursing in national and international scenarios, in the formation and articulation of public policies in the fields of nursing and health care; nursing work and education; regulation of health professions; and processes of innovation of knowledge and practices in all levels of care.

We are, therefore, at a very important moment in the history of ABEn, which motivates the current National Directorate to turn their eyes to all actors who have contributed to this 79 years of overcoming challenges and winning. This is a way to record knowledge and pay homage due to the commitment revealed with the working agenda in the day-to-day of this Association. It is also time to renew our mutual commitments to students, nurses, nursing technician and assistants, teachers, researchers, nursing and health service managers, nursing specialists, school and nursing association directors, and other partners.

Revigorated, our actions and ideals will flourish stronger.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 Mar 2009
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2004
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil