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Intervenções não farmacológicas para melhor qualidade de vida na insuficiência cardíaca: revisão integrativa

Intervenciones no farmacológicas para una mejor calidad de vida en la insuficiencia cardíaca: revisión integrativa



identificar, na literatura, artigos que avaliaram a efetividade ou eficácia de intervenções não farmacológicas para melhorar a qualidade de vida de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca.


revisão integrativa de literatura realizada nas bases de dados Lilacs, MedLine e SciELO, incluindo ensaios clínicos randomizados ou não randomizados e estudos quase-experimentais publicados entre 2003 e 2014, em português, inglês e espanhol.


foram incluídos 23 estudos. As categorias de intervenções não farmacológicas que melhoraram a qualidade de vida de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca foram: Monitoramento remoto da saúde, Orientação sobre práticas de saúde, Acompanhamento de atividade física e Práticas de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa.


estes resultados podem direcionar a seleção de intervenções a serem implementadas por profissionais de saúde que cuidam de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca. Futuras revisões sistemáticas com metanálise são necessárias para identificar as intervenções mais eficazes para melhorar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos.

Estudos de Intervenção; Insuficiência Cardíaca; Qualidade de Vida; Revisão; Enfermagem



identificar, en la literatura, artículos que evaluaron la efectividad o eficacia de intervenciones no farmacológicas para mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con insuficiencia cardíaca.


revisión integrativa de literatura realizada en las bases de datos Lilacs, MedLine y SciELO, incluyendo ensayos clínicos aleatorios o no aleatorios y estudios casi experimentales publicados entre 2003 y 2014, en portugués, inglés y español.


fueron incluidos 23 estudios. Las categorías de intervenciones no farmacológicas que mejoraron la calidad de vida de personas con insuficiencia cardiaca fueron: Monitoreo remoto de la salud, Orientación sobre prácticas de la salud, Acompañamiento de actividad física y Prácticas de Medicina China Tradicional.


estos resultados pueden direccionar la selección de intervenciones a ser implantadas por profesionales de la salud que tratan de personas con insuficiencia cardiaca. Futuras revisiones sistemáticas con meta-análisis son necesarias para identificar las intervenciones más eficaces para mejorar la calidad de vida de estos individuos.

Estudios de Intervención; Insuficiencia Cardíaca; Calidad de Vida; Revisión; Enfermería



to identify articles that assessed the effectiveness or efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions to improve quality of life of people with heart failure in the literature.


an integrative literature review was performed in Lilacs, MedLine and SciELO databases, including randomized or nonrandomized clinical trials and quasi-experimental studies published between 2003 and 2014, in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


twenty-three studies were included. The categories of nonpharmacological interventions that improved quality of life of people with heart failure were: Remote health monitoring, Instructions on health practices, Physical activity follow-up and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices.


these results can guide the selection of interventions to be implemented by health professionals that treat people with heart failure. Future systematic reviews with meta-analyses are needed in order to identify the most effective interventions for improving these individuals’ quality of life.

Clinical trials; Heart failure; Quality of Life; Review; Nursing


No conjunto das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são as principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, responsáveis, de acordo com dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por 9,9% de todas as internações de janeiro a outubro de 2015(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. DATASUS. Morbidade hospitalar do SUS [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 12]. Available from:
-22 Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics - 2015 Update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2015;131:e29-e322.). Dentre elas, destaca-se a Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC), com 19,4% das internações por DCV no SUS em 2015(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. DATASUS. Morbidade hospitalar do SUS [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 12]. Available from:

Diferentes estudos demonstram que a qualidade de vida (QV) dos indivíduos com IC está prejudicada(33 Comín-Colet J, Anguita M, Formiga F, Almenar L, Crespo-Leiro MG, Manzano L, et al. Health-related quality of life of patients with chronic systolic heart failure in spain: results of the VIDA-IC Study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2016[cited 2016 Jan 10];69(3):256-71. Available from:
-44 Gorostiza I, Escobar A, Bilbao A, Garcia-Perez L, Navarro G, Quirós R. Health-related quality of life in heart failure patients: health utilities and predictive determinants. Value Health [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(7):A397. Available from:
). A QV é definida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como “a percepção do indivíduo de sua posição na vida, no contexto da cultura e sistema de valores nos quais ele vive e em relação aos seus objetivos, expectativas, padrões e preocupações”(55 The WHOQOL Group. The World Health Organization quality of life assessment (WHOQOL): position paper from the World Health Organization. Soc Sci Med [Internet]. 1995[cited 2016 Jan 10];41(10):1403-10. Available from:

A má QV em indivíduos com IC associa-se a maior limitação de mobilidade e maiores taxas de dor e desconforto, ansiedade e depressão quando comparados à população em geral ou àqueles com outras condições crônicas(33 Comín-Colet J, Anguita M, Formiga F, Almenar L, Crespo-Leiro MG, Manzano L, et al. Health-related quality of life of patients with chronic systolic heart failure in spain: results of the VIDA-IC Study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2016[cited 2016 Jan 10];69(3):256-71. Available from:
). Além disso, menores escores de QV são preditores independentes de mau prognóstico, incluindo morte, transplante cardíaco de urgência, implante de dispositivo de assistência ventricular esquerda ou readmissão hospitalar por descompensação da IC não isquêmica(66 Szyguła-Jurkiewicz B, Zakliczyński M, Owczarek A, Partyka R, Mościński M, Pudlo R, et al. Low health-related quality of life is a predictor of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with chronic nonischemic heart failure. Kardiochir Torakochirurgia Pol [Internet]. 2014[cited 2016 Jan 10];11(3):283-8. Available from:

Com o intuito de prestar assistência de qualidade a pessoas com IC e favorecer melhor prognóstico, os profissionais de saúde devem identificar intervenções que sejam efetivas para melhorar sua QV e, por conseguinte, os desfechos clínicos.

Estudos demonstram melhora da QV de pessoas com IC por intervenções medicamentosas(77 Lewis EF, Kim HY, Claggett B, Spertus J, Heitner JF, Assmann SF, et al. Impact of spironolactone on longitudinal changes in health-related quality of life in the treatment of preserved cardiac function heart failure with an aldosterone antagonist trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2016[cited 2016 Jan 10];9(3):pii- e001937. Available from:
) e cirúrgicas(88 Balci KG, Balci MM, Akboğa MK, Sen F, Açar B, Yılmaz S, et al. Perceived benefits of implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation among heart failure patients and its relation to quality of life: a cross-sectional study. Cardiol Ther [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 10];4(2):155-65. Available from:
). No entanto, enfermeiros podem melhorar os desfechos por meio de intervenções não farmacológicas se conhecerem evidências de sua eficácia ou efetividade(99 Rogers C, Bush N. Heart failure: pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical treatment guidelines, and nursing management. Nurs Clin North Am [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 10];50(4):787-99. Available from:
). Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar, na literatura, artigos que avaliaram a efetividade ou eficácia de intervenções não farmacológicas para melhorar a QV de pessoas com IC.


Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura realizada em seis etapas(1010 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enferm [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(4):758-64. Available from:

  1. Seleção da pergunta de pesquisa: “Qual a efetividade ou eficácia de intervenções não farmacológicas na melhora da qualidade de vida em pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca?” A eficácia foi considerada na avaliação de ensaios clínicos randomizados, e a efetividade em ensaios clínicos não randomizados e estudos quase-experimentais. Para a seleção da pergunta de pesquisa utilizou-se a estratégia mnemônica PICO (Paciente: pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca; Intervenções: intervenções não farmacológicas; Comparação: não utilizado; Resultados (Outcomes): qualidade de vida. Uma vez que não era objetivo deste estudo comparar intervenções, o elemento C não foi utilizado.

  2. Definição dos critérios de inclusão de estudos e seleção da amostra: incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados, ensaios clínicos não randomizados e estudos quase-experimentais publicados entre 2003 e 2014, em português, espanhol ou inglês, que avaliaram a QV das pessoas com IC após implementação de alguma intervenção não farmacológica. Excluíram-se artigos relacionados a pessoas que utilizaram assistência circulatória mecânica e/ou em cuidados paliativos.

Fez-se a busca em novembro de 2013, seguida de atualização em outubro de 2014. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medline via portal PUBMED e biblioteca on-line Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). A estratégia de busca adotada foi: insuficiência cardíaca/heart failure AND qualidade de vida/quality of life.

  1. Identificação dos estudos pré-selecionados e selecionados: os títulos e resumos dos artigos recuperados na busca foram lidos e selecionados por duas pesquisadoras. Aqueles que contemplavam os critérios de inclusão foram lidos na íntegra.

  2. Representação dos estudos selecionados: após coleta, as informações dos estudos foram apresentadas em um instrumento modificado e previamente validado por Ursi(1111 Ursi ES. Prevenção de lesões de pele no perioperatório: revisão integrativa da literatura [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto: Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. 2005.), com os seguintes elementos: identificação do artigo (autores, ano de publicação, país, delineamento do estudo e periódico) e características metodológicas do estudo (objetivo, intervenção realizada, número de indivíduos, instrumento utilizado para mensuração da QV, profissional que implementou a intervenção, resultados e conclusão). Desfechos adicionais, distintos da QV, avaliados pelos estudos foram desconsiderados para fins de apresentação nos resultados.

  3. Análise crítica dos achados: após sumarização das características metodológicas dos estudos, os dados foram categorizados segundo o tipo de intervenção implementada pelos autores.

  4. Relato da evidência encontrada: os resultados quanto à eficácia, efetividade ou ausência de efeito sobre a melhora da QV foram reportados para cada categoria de intervenção.


Encontrados inicialmente 2291 artigos, dos quais 23 foram incluídos(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.

13 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:

14 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:

15 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:

16 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:

17 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:

18 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:

19 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:

20 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:

21 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:

22 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:

23 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:

25 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:

26 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

27 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.

31 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:

32 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:

33 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
-3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), conforme Figura 1. Em relação ao ano de publicação, nove artigos datam de 2012(1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
-1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
,1818 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:
,2020 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:

21 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
-2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
,2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.
-3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
), seguidos dos anos 2011 (n=6)(1111 Ursi ES. Prevenção de lesões de pele no perioperatório: revisão integrativa da literatura [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto: Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. 2005.

12 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.
-1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
,1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
,1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
,2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
,3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
), 2010 (n=4)(2424 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
-2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
,3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), 2013 (n=3)(1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
,2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:
-2828 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:
) e 2008 (n=1)(2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

Figura 1
Fluxograma do processo de seleção dos estudos

Os artigos foram publicados em periódicos de Cardiologia em geral(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.-1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
,1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:

17 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
-1818 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:
,2020 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:
,2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
,2424 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
-2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,2828 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.

31 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
-3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
,3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), seguidos por periódicos clínicos em geral(1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
-1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
,2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:
-2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:
,3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
). A publicação de dois artigos ocorreu em periódicos de Enfermagem(1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
,2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
) e um em periódico de Nutrição(2121 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
) (Quadro 1).

Quadro 1
Características dos estudos sobre intervenções para melhora da qualidade de vida de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca, 2003-2014

Quanto ao idioma, todos foram publicados em inglês. Os estudos selecionados foram desenvolvidos nos seguintes países: EUA (n=8)(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.,1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
,1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
,1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
,2424 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
-2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
-3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
), Suécia (n=2)(1818 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:
,2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
), Alemanha (n=2)(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
,3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), Brasil (n=2)(2121 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
,2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:
), Austrália (n=2)(2828 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:
-2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.), Reino Unido (n=2)(1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
,3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
), Itália (n=2)(1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
,3030 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.), Espanha (n=1)(1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
), Taiwan (n=1)(1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
) e Irã (n=1)(2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

Os profissionais que implementaram as intervenções, na maioria dos estudos, foram enfermeiros(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.,1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
-1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
,1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
-2020 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:
,3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
). Outro estudo foi desenvolvido por enfermeiros em parceria com fisioterapeutas(2424 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
) ou médicos(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
), seguidos de enfermeiros em conjunto com fisioterapeutas, médicos e terapeutas ocupacionais(1818 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:
). Seis estudos não descreveram os profissionais que implementaram a intervenção(1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
,2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

27 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:
-2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.,3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
). Em quatro estudos, as intervenções foram implementadas apenas por médicos(1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
-1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
,2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
) ou médicos em parceria com fisioterapeutas(3030 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.). Dois estudos foram realizados apenas por fisioterapeutas(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
,3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
) e um liderado por nutricionistas(2121 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
)(Quadro 1).

A maioria dos estudos(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.

13 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:

14 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:

15 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:

16 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:

17 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:

18 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:

19 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:

20 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:

21 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:

22 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:

23 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:

25 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
-2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:
,2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.
-3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
,3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
-3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
) consistia de ensaios clínicos randomizados (n=18), seguidos de dois estudos quase-experimentais(2828 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:
,3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
). Apenas um artigo(2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:
) era ensaio clínico não randomizado (4,3%) (Quadro 1). Os tamanhos amostrais variaram de 12 a 1573 sujeitos, com acompanhamento de oito semanas até dez anos.

As intervenções não farmacológicas propostas para melhorar a QV das pessoas com IC foram: Monitoramento remoto da saúde(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.

13 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:

14 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:

15 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
-1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
), Orientação sobre práticas de saúde(1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:

18 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:

19 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:

20 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:

21 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
-2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
), Acompanhamento de atividade física(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:

25 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:

26 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

27 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.

31 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
-3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
) e Práticas de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa(3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
-3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
). O Quadro 1 também apresenta as características de todos os estudos, de acordo com essas categorias.

Dezesseis (69,6%) intervenções foram eficazes ou efetivas. Dentre as 13 intervenções eficazes, seis estavam na categoria “Acompanhamento de atividade física”, duas em “Monitoramento remoto”(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
-2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.-3030 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.), duas em “Orientação sobre práticas de saúde”(1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
,1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
), outras duas na categoria “Práticas de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa”(3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
-3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
) e uma em “Orientação sobre práticas de saúde”(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
). No conjunto das três intervenções efetivas, duas estavam na categoria “Acompanhamento de atividade física”(2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:
-2828 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:
) e uma em “Práticas de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa” (Quadro 1)(3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:

Quanto aos instrumentos de mensuração da QV, 14 estudos utilizaram o Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ)(1212 Konstam V, Gregory D, Chen J, Weintraub A, Patel A, Levine D, et al. Health-related quality of life in a multicenter randomized controlled comparison of telephonic disease management and automated home monitoring in patients recently hospitalized with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17(2):151-7.-1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
,1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
-1717 Baker DW, Dewalt DA, Schillinger D, Hawk V, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, et al. The effect of progressive, reinforcing telephone education and counseling versus brief educational intervention on knowledge, self-care behaviors and heart failure symptoms. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];17(10):789-96. Available from:
,2020 Dekker RL, Moser DK, Peden AR, Lennie TA. Cognitive therapy improves three-month outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):10-20. Available from:
-2121 Alves FD, Souza GC, Brunetto S, Perry IDS, Biolo A. Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial. Nutr Hosp [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2): 441-8. Available from:
,2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
,2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,2727 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.
-3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
,3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:
), oito o Medical Outcomes Study Short Form Health Survey (SF-36)(1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
-1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
,1919 Wang SP, Lin LC, Lee CM, Wu SC. Effectiveness of a self-care program in improving symptom distress and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a preliminary study. J Nurs Res [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(4):257-66. Available from:
,2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:

23 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
-2525 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:
,2929 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.,3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), quatro o EuroQol-5 (EQ-5D)(1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:
-1414 Cartwright M, Hirani SP, Rixon L, Beynon M, Doll H, Bower P, et al. Effect of telehealth on quality of life and psychological outcomes over 12 months (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested study of patient reported outcomes in a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];346:f653. Available from:
,2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
,3131 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
), três o Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ)(1818 Ekman I, Wolf A, Olsson LE, Taft C, Dudas K, Schaufelberger M, et al. Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF study. Eur Heart J [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];33:1112-9. Available from:
,2424 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:
,3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
) e um adotou o World Health Organization Quality of Life abreviado (WHOQOL-bref)(2626 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:
). Ressalta-se que alguns artigos utilizaram mais de um instrumento para avaliar a QV das pessoas (Quadro 1).


De acordo com o Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, enfermeiros e médicos das equipes de Atenção Básica são os principais profissionais que acompanham pessoas com doenças crônicas(3535 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Estratégias para o cuidado da pessoa com doença crônica. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2014.). Pessoas com IC, uma das mais impactantes doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, têm redução da QV em virtude de dispneia e limitações funcionais, que acabam por interferir nas interações sociais e atividades diárias(3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
). Assim, o enfermeiro deve planejar e executar estratégias que possam melhorar a QV dessas pessoas.

No presente estudo, verificou-se que intervenções não farmacológicas melhoraram a QV das pessoas com IC. Apesar dos estudos, em sua maioria, serem ensaios clínicos randomizados, portanto com alto nível de evidência, e representativos dos continentes americano, asiático e europeu, alguns optaram por amostras pequenas, o que pode ter limitado a generalização dos resultados obtidos. Outro fator a se destacar é a utilização de distintas escalas para avaliação da QV, além de divergências nos protocolos das intervenções estudadas.

Revisão sistemática com metanálise cujo objetivo foi avaliar o modelo conceitual e as propriedades psicométricas de cinco instrumentos para avaliação da QV de indivíduos com IC (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire - MLHFQ, Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire - CHFQ, Quality of Life Questionnaire for Severe Heart Failure - QLQ-SHF, Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire - KCCQ e Left Ventricular Dysfunction Questionnaire - LVD-36) mostrou que todos possuem propriedades psicométricas adequadas, apesar de existirem preocupações relativas à validade de construto do CHFQ e da capacidade de resposta do QLQ-SHF(3636 Garin O, Ferrer M, Pont A, Rué M, Kotzeva A, Wiklund I, et al. Disease-specific health-related quality of life questionnaires for heart failure: a systematic reviews with meta-analyses. Qual Life Res [Internet]. 2009[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):71-85. Available from:
). Assim, as medidas de QV usadas nos estudos incluídos na presente revisão podem ser consideradas confiáveis, uma vez que o CHFQ e o QLQ-SHF não foram utilizados pelos autores.

As intervenções para monitoramento remoto da saúde, orientação sobre práticas de saúde, acompanhamento de atividade física e práticas de medicina tradicional chinesa podem ser consideradas promotoras de componentes do autocuidado das pessoas com IC.

No contexto da IC, o autocuidado é um processo de tomada de decisão naturalista que envolve comportamentos para manter a estabilidade fisiológica e a resposta aos sintomas, quando presentes. O autocuidado demanda automanutenção, automonitoramento e autogerenciamento, que consistem na adoção de comportamentos para melhor bem-estar, preservação da saúde ou manutenção da estabilidade física e emocional (p.ex., estilo de vida que inclua atividade física e adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso), além de rotineiro e contínuo monitoramento e vigilância do corpo para reconhecimento de sinais e sintomas e capacidade de avaliá-los a fim de determinar a necessidade de uma ação(3737 Riegel B, Jaarsma T, Strömberg A. A middle-range theory of self-care of chronic illness. ANS Adv Nurs Sci [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];35(3):194-204. Available from:

No que se refere ao monitoramento remoto da saúde, estudos mostram impacto positivo do telemonitoramento de sinais vitais, peso(1515 Gellis ZD, Kenaley B, McGinty J, Bardelli E, Davitt J, Ten Have T. Outcomes of a telehealth intervention for homebound older adults with heart or chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];52(4):541-52. Available from:
) e dados do cardiodesfibrilador(1616 Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, Curnis A, Guenzati G, Vicentini A, et al. Remote monitoring reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];125(24):2985-92. Available from:
), por enfermeiros e médicos, na QV das pessoas com IC. O telemonitoramento facilita a adesão aos medicamentos utilizados no tratamento, o reconhecimento de sinais e sintomas e a responsabilização sobre o gerenciamento da sua saúde(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
). A detecção precoce de sinais e sintomas de descompensação da IC pode reduzir o número de hospitalizações e dias de internação, assim como melhorar a QV dessas pessoas(1313 Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, et al. Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (Catalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];64(4):277-85. Available from:

Com relação às orientações sobre práticas de saúde, destacam-se os enfermeiros, por promoverem melhora significativa de desfechos como estado funcional, autoeficácia, memória, conhecimento sobre a doença e a própria QV(3838 Clark AP, McDougall G, Riegel B, Joiner-Rogers G, Innerarity S, Meraviglia M, et al. Health Status and Self-care Outcomes After an Education-Support Intervention for People With Chronic Heart Failure. J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 10];30(4S):S3-S13. Available from:
). Nessa categoria, no estudo que comprovou eficácia na melhora da QV de pessoas com IC fez-se, além de supervisão prática de habilidades para o automonitoramento e autogerenciamento por uma enfermeira, acompanhamento telefônico que incluía aspectos de automanutenção e autogerenciamento(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:

O monitoramento por telefone auxilia na melhora da QV, uma vez que facilita os cuidados especializados em indivíduos impossibilitados de comparecer a consultas por motivo de doença, grandes distâncias ou restrições ao lar. Favorece também o conhecimento dos sintomas da IC, fazendo com que busquem precocemente o hospital em casos de descompensação(2222 Angermann CE, Störk S, Gelbrich G, Faller H, Jahns R, Frantz S. Mode of action and effects of standardized collaborative disease management on mortality and morbidity in patients with systolic heart failure: the Interdisciplinary Network for Heart Failure (INH) study. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(1):25-35. Available from:
,3939 Torres HC, Reis IA, Roque C, Faria P. Monitoramento telefônico como estratégia educativa para o autocuidado das pessoas com diabetes na atenção primária. Cienc Enferm [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):95-105. Available from:
). Logo, a educação individualizada direcionada para o autogerenciamento da doença melhora a QV dos indivíduos(4040 Odnoletkova I, Goderis G, Nobels F, Aertgeerts B, Annemans L, Ramae D. Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Fam Pract [Internet]. 2014[cited 2016 Jan 10];15:24. Available from:
). Este tipo de monitoramento apresenta bons resultados, por ser de baixo custo operacional e pela facilidade de obter informações(3636 Garin O, Ferrer M, Pont A, Rué M, Kotzeva A, Wiklund I, et al. Disease-specific health-related quality of life questionnaires for heart failure: a systematic reviews with meta-analyses. Qual Life Res [Internet]. 2009[cited 2016 Jan 10];18(1):71-85. Available from:

37 Riegel B, Jaarsma T, Strömberg A. A middle-range theory of self-care of chronic illness. ANS Adv Nurs Sci [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];35(3):194-204. Available from:

38 Clark AP, McDougall G, Riegel B, Joiner-Rogers G, Innerarity S, Meraviglia M, et al. Health Status and Self-care Outcomes After an Education-Support Intervention for People With Chronic Heart Failure. J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2015[cited 2016 Jan 10];30(4S):S3-S13. Available from:

39 Torres HC, Reis IA, Roque C, Faria P. Monitoramento telefônico como estratégia educativa para o autocuidado das pessoas com diabetes na atenção primária. Cienc Enferm [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):95-105. Available from:

40 Odnoletkova I, Goderis G, Nobels F, Aertgeerts B, Annemans L, Ramae D. Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Fam Pract [Internet]. 2014[cited 2016 Jan 10];15:24. Available from:
-4141 Peixoto MRG, Monego ET, Alexandre VP, Souza RGM, Moura EC. Monitoramento por entrevistas telefônicas de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas: experiência de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Cad Saúde Pública [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];24(6):1323-33. Available from:

Outra intervenção importante e uma das mais encontradas na presente revisão foi o acompanhamento de atividade física(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:

25 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:

26 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

27 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.

30 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.

31 Witham MD, Fulton RL, Greig CA, Johnston DW, Lang CC, Boyers D, et al. Efficacy and cost of an exercise program for functionally impaired older patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2012[cited 2016 Jan 10];5(2):209-16. Available from:
-3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
). A prática de exercícios mantém a capacidade física e a independência funcional, melhorando os sintomas da IC, como a dispneia, e, consequentemente, contribui para melhor QV(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
). Assim, os profissionais da área da saúde devem assegurar que sejam praticados ao longo do tempo e a pessoa, por sua vez, precisa avaliar e adaptar a intensidade do exercício para vivenciar melhora contínua. Tal prescrição deve ser individualizada, após testes para avaliar a capacidade física(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:
). No entanto, ressalta-se que todas as intervenções de acompanhamento de atividade física eficazes e efetivas tiveram pequenos tamanhos amostrais (12 a 123 sujeitos)(2323 Pihl E, Cider A, Stromberg A, Fridlund B, Martensson J. Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of life. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];10(3):150-8. Available from:

24 Pozehl B, Duncan K, Hertzog M, Norman JF. Heart failure exercise and training camp: effects of a multicomponent exercise training intervention in patients with heart failure. Heart Lung [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];39(6 Suppl):S1-13. Available from:

25 Kitzman DW, Brubaker PH, Morgan TM, Stewart KP, Little WC. Exercise training in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled, single-blind trial. Circ Heart Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];3(6):659-67. Available from:

26 Bocalini DS, dos Santos L, Serra AJ. Physical exercise improves the functional capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Clinics [Internet]. 2008[cited 2016 Jan 10];63(4):437-42. Available from:

27 Fayazi S, Zarea K, Abbasi A, Ahmadi F. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Scand J Caring Sci [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];27(2):246-52. Available from:

28 Smart NA, Murison R. Rate of change in physical fitness and quality of life and depression following exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure. Congest Heart Fail [Internet]. 2013[cited 2016 Jan 10];19(1):1-5. Available from:

29 Smart NA, Steele M. A comparison of 16 weeks of continuous vs intermittent exercise training in chronic heart failure patients. Congest Heart Fail. 2012;18(4):205-11.
-3030 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.). Destaca-se o tempo de acompanhamento do estudo com maior tamanho amostral(3030 Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. 10-year exercise training in chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(16):1521-8.) de dez anos.

A ioga é uma combinação de exercício físico, técnica de respiração e meditação que influencia positivamente o sistema cardíaco autonômico(4242 Khattab K, Khattab AA, Ortak J, Richardt G, Bonnemeier H. Iyengar yoga increases cardiac parasympathetic nervous modulation among healthy yoga practioners. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007;4:511-7.). O programa de ioga possibilita melhora na percepção dos sintomas, maior força muscular e tolerância ao exercício, além de equilíbrio. Também proporciona às pessoas com IC benefícios no principal sintoma por elas apresentado: a dispneia(3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
). No entanto, revisão de literatura mostrou que a ioga pode ser tão eficaz quanto os exercícios regulares para melhorar a glicemia, lipídeos, fadiga, dor e sono(4343 Ross A, Thomas S: The health benefits of yoga and exercise: a review of comparison studies. J Altern Complement Med [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16:3-12. Available from:

As sessões de Tai Chi e acupuntura, por sua vez, compõem práticas da medicina tradicional chinesa e são regulamentadas pelo Ministério da Saúde brasileiro. Com o objetivo de ampliar o acesso da população a esses serviços, o Ministério aprovou a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares no SUS em 2006, a qual define diretrizes para inserção de ações, serviços e produtos da medicina tradicional chinesa no SUS(4444 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria GM Nº 971, de 03 de maio de 2006. Aprova a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) no Sistema Único de Saúde [Internet]. 2006[cited 2016 Jan 10]. Available from:

Em particular, as sessões de Tai Chi têm potenciais clínicos benéficos, que incluem melhora na QV, no humor, na prática de exercícios físicos, diminuição da ansiedade, aumento da força muscular e do equilíbrio em pessoas idosas, contribuindo para prevenção de quedas. O Tai Chi pode ser uma alternativa segura para o treinamento de exercícios com intensidade moderada para pessoas com IC(3232 Howie-Esquivel J, Lee J, Collier G, Mehling W, Fleischmann K. Yoga in heart failure patients: a pilot study. J Card Fail [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];16(9):742-9. Available from:
), pois integra atividade aeróbica leve e moderada, em que há treinamento de extremidades superior e inferior e fortalecimento. Também inclui meditação, o que pode favorecer o gerenciamento do estresse e trazer benefícios psicossociais às pessoas com IC(3333 Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, et al. Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med [Internet]. 2011[cited 2016 Jan 10];171(8):750-7. Available from:

Revisão sistemática de literatura mostrou que esta atividade parece ser segura e apresenta efeitos positivos na QV de pessoas com doenças crônicas, especialmente para aquelas com distúrbios dos sistemas cardiocerebrovascular, respiratório e musculoesquelético(4545 Li G, Yuan H, Zhang W. Effects of Tai Chi on health related quality of life in patients with chronic conditions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Complement Ther Med [Internet]. 2014[cited 2016 Jan 10];22(4):743-55. Available from:

Quanto à acupuntura, Kristen et al.(3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
) demostraram que seu efeito na eficiência ventilatória, capacidade de realizar exercícios físicos e recuperação pós-exercício associou-se à melhora da QV(3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
). Os autores ressaltam que esses fatores podem refletir, em parte, a QV prejudicada de pessoas com IC em virtude de dispneia e limitações funcionais. Assim, a acupuntura colabora para os comportamentos de automanutenção dos indivíduos.

Entretanto, recente revisão sistemática de literatura verificou que apenas o estudo de Kristen et al.(3434 Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, et al. Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Heart [Internet]. 2010[cited 2016 Jan 10];96(17):1396-400. Available from:
), acima mencionado, avaliou QV como desfecho após uso da acupuntura. Demais estudos verificaram diminuição dos níveis de peptídeo natriurético tipo B, menores escores de risco de mortalidade APACHE II e melhora de parâmetros hemodinâmicos(4646 Lee H, Kim T-H, Leem J. Acupuncture for heart failure: A systematic review of clinical studies. Int J Cardiol [Internet]. 2016[cited 2016 Jan 10];222:321-31. Available from:

Neste contexto, verifica-se que diversas intervenções são eficazes ou efetivas para melhorar a QV das pessoas com IC por meio da instrumentalização para adoção de comportamentos de automanutenção, automonitoramento de sinais e sintomas e autogerenciamento da saúde. Por esta razão, os enfermeiros podem e devem utilizar estratégias não farmacológicas para oferecer a essas pessoas uma melhor assistência.


As categorias de intervenções não farmacológicas encontradas nesta revisão de literatura que melhoraram a QV de pessoas com IC foram: Monitoramento remoto da saúde, Orientação sobre práticas de saúde, Acompanhamento de atividade física e Práticas de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa. Estes resultados podem direcionar a seleção de intervenções a serem implementadas por profissionais de saúde que cuidam de pessoas com IC. Futuras revisões sistemáticas com metanálise são necessárias para identificar as intervenções mais eficazes para melhorar a QV desses indivíduos.


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