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Influence of visual symptoms in school performance of adolescents



To investigate if there was an association between visual symptoms and academic performance. A secondary objective was to estimate the prevalence of visual symptoms among students in a public school.


A cross-sectional and quantitative study was made with 100 students, attending the sixth or seventh grades in a public school participated in this study. The evaluation of visual symptoms was done through the Visual Efficiency Inventory (IEV), translated and validated version of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development Quality of Life (COVD-QOL) questionnaire. The academic performance was evaluated through the application of a test containing 10 questions, equally divided between the disciplines of portuguese and mathematics. The results were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, Spearman’s coefficient and the Student’s t-test for p<0.05.


Of the 100 students, 52% were male. The prevalence of visual symptoms founded was 72%, with the highest scores in the IEV obtained by the girls. It was not observed a significant relationship between visual symptoms and academic performance.


A high prevalence of visual symptoms was observed among students, but there was no significant relationship between visual symptoms and academic performance.

Symptom assessment; Academic performance; Surveys and questionnaires; Student health; Vision disorders



Avaliar a relação entre sintomas visuais e rendimento escolar, identificando, também, a prevalência de sintomas visuais em escolares matriculados em uma escola pública.


Estudo quantitativo e transversal, no qual foram avaliados 100 estudantes matriculados no sexto ou sétimo ano do ensino fundamental II da EEEFM Jarbas Passarinho. A avaliação de sintomas visuais se deu por meio do Inventário de Eficiência Visual (IEV), versão traduzida e validada do questionário College of Optometrists in Vision Development Quality of Life (COVD-QOL). O rendimento escolar foi avaliado por meio da aplicação de uma prova contendo 10 questões, divididas igualmente entre as disciplinas de português e matemática. Utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de postos de Spearman para analisar a relação entre desempenho acadêmico e sintomas visuais, e o teste t-student para avaliar diferenças entre as variáveis.


Dos 100 participantes, 52% eram do sexo masculino. A prevalência de sintomas visuais encontrada foi de 72%, com as maiores pontuações no IEV obtidas pelas meninas. Não houve relação significante entre os sintomas visuais e o desempenho escolar.


O presente estudo encontrou uma prevalência de sintomas visuais elevada entre os estudantes participantes da pesquisa, porém, não houve uma relação estatisticamente significante entre os sintomas visuais e o desempenho escolar.

Avaliação de sintomas; Desempenho acadêmico; Inquéritos e questionários; Saúde do estudante; Transtornos da visão


Sight is one of the most important sources of communication between the brain and the external environment, so that in childhood visual deficits can be detrimental to development and learning.(11 Silva CM, Almeida DR, Bernardes RR, Bazzano FC, Mesquita Filho M, Magalhães CH, et al. Desempenho escolar: interferência da acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013;72(3):168-71.) Said deficits, especially when undiagnosed and followed, may be responsible for alterrations in quality and performance in several areas of a person’s life.(11 Silva CM, Almeida DR, Bernardes RR, Bazzano FC, Mesquita Filho M, Magalhães CH, et al. Desempenho escolar: interferência da acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013;72(3):168-71.

2 Degrazia J, Pellin J, Degrazia DF. Detecção e prevenção das deficiências visuais na infância e sua relação com a educação. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(4):466-70.
-33 Shin HS, Park SC, Park CM. Relationship between accommodative and vergence dysfunctions and academic achievement for primary school children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2009; 29(6):615-24.)

Therefore, instruments for an early identification of those individuals who are more likely to present some visual alteration are required, and the College of Optometrists in Vision Development Quality of Life (COVD-QOL) questionnaire will be emphasized in this paper.

COVD-QOL comprises 30 questions related to visual symptoms and its influence on several aspects of personal and social development.(44 Maples WC, Hoenes R. The College of Optometrists in Vision Development checklist related to vision function: expert opinions. Optometry. 2009; 80(12):688-94.) The questionnaire in its reduced version comprising 19 questions is also indicated as an instrument of analysis of visual symptoms due to its greater practicality and levels of reliability similar to the questionnaire in its full version. (44 Maples WC, Hoenes R. The College of Optometrists in Vision Development checklist related to vision function: expert opinions. Optometry. 2009; 80(12):688-94.

5 Abi Bakar NF, Ai Hong C, Pik Pin G. COVD-QOL questionnaire: an adaptation for school vision screening using Rasch analysis. J Optom. 2012; 5(4):182-7.

6 Gerchak D, Maples WC, Hoenes R. Test retest reliability of the COVD-QOL short form on elementary school children. J Behav Optom. 2006; 17(3):65-9.
-77 Vaughn W, Maples WC, Hoenes R. The association between vision quality of life and academics as measured by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development Quality of Life questionnaire. Optometry. 2006; 77(3):116-23.)

Despite its simplicity and efficiency as an instrument for screening visual deficits, COVD-QOL is an instrument built in English. Thus, in view of the need for questionnaires with these characteristics in the Portuguese language, the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the COVD-QOL was carried out and validated, and it became known as the Visual Efficiency Inventory (IEV).(88 Nunes AF, Nunes AJ, Monteiro PM, Pato MA. Desempenho visual: validação do inventário de eficiência visual em estudantes. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2015; 74(2):92-8.)

The present study aimed to use the IEV to analyze the prevalence of visual symptoms and their relation with school performance in a public school in the city of Belém, aiming at the early identification of students with possible ocular diseases.


This is a cross-sectional, quantitative study in which data was collected with the application of the questionnaire. All participants of the present survey were studied according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg Code, subject to the Research Involving Human Subjects Regulations (Res. CNS 466/12) of the National Health Council, after submitting the draft to the Center for Research and Extension of Medicine and the Ethics Committee of Universidade do Estado do Pará, and after consent of the participants and their legal guardians with the Free and Informed Assent Term (TALE) and Free and Informed Consent Term (TCLE), respectively.

The research comprised students enrolled regularly in the morning or afternoon period between the sixth and seventh grade at Escola Estadual Jarbas Passarinho located in the district of Marco, in the city of Belém, Pará. It included students of both genders aged 10 to 17 years with or without prior visual problems, and who were regularly attending classes.

Data related to visual symptoms were collected using the IEV. The questionnaire was applied in a short version, using as references the questions selected in the short version of COVD-QOL. In responding to the IEV the participant indicated in each question the frequency with which they presented the symptoms in a scale of Likert, where zero represented “never”, one “rarely”, two “sometimes”, three “frequently”, and four “always”. These responses were summed to generate a score. According to what was pre-established by the questionnaire used, participants were considered as having significant visual symptoms when they obtained scores equal to or greater than 20.

Those students who for some reason refused to participate in the survey were excluded, as those who could not answer the questionnaires by themselves, and those who did not submit the TALE and/or TCLE signed, or who were not present at the time of application of the questionnaires.

For the analysis of the academic performance there was the application of a test with ten objective questions scoring a point each, being divided equally between the school subjects of Portuguese and mathematics. The questions were previously selected by the researchers with the help of the institution’s pedagogical team, and the Brazil Test (in its version used by the Ministry of Education in 2015) was used as a source for the selection of questions.

The test and the questionnaire were carried out in the classroom in the presence of the researchers in a period of 50 minutes per class. All students were able to fill the study in this period.

The data collected was stored as a spreadsheet in the programs Microsoft Excel 2016 and Microsoft Word 2016. Data analysis was performed using the softwares Graphpad Prism 5 and Microsoft Excel 2016.

We evaluated the relation between the scores obtained in the IEV and the test applied by a non-parametric method using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Differences between the variables were analyzed using the Student’s t-test. The significance level adopted was p=5%.


We invited 120 students to participate in the study, of which 20 were included in the exclusion criteria, thus obtaining a participation of 100 students (83.33%). Of the participants, 49 were in the 6th grade, and 51 in the 7th grade. Regarding the distribution by gender, in the 6th grade there were 24 girls and 25 boys, and in the 7th grade there were 24 girls and 27 boys. The average age among those who attended the 6th and 7th grades was respectively 11.6 and 12.9 (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Distribution of students participating in the survey according to the grade and age.

The prevalence of visual symptoms found among participants, according to the criteria of the questionnaire used, was 72%. There was no statistically significant difference between genders regarding school performance (p=0.53). However, the average score on the questionnaire of visual symptoms among girls was higher than that found among boys (p=0.0004 ) (Table 1).

Table 1
Average school performance and scores obtained in the Visual Efficiency Inventory according to gender and grade

There was no significant relation between the scores obtained in the IEV and the academic performance (r = -0.10 and p = 0.29 ) (Figure 2)

Figure 2
Distribution of grades obtained by students regarding the score obtained in the Visual Efficiency Inventory.


The present study observed a weak relation between the visual symptoms detected by the IEV and school performance. These findings corroborate the studies carried out in Curitiba and Amazonas in which 242 and 1,050 children were evaluated, respectively.(99 Moreira Neto CA, Moreira AT, Moreira LB. Relação entre acuidade visual e condições de trabalho escolar em crianças de um colégio do ensino fundamental público de Curitiba. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2014; 73(4):216-9.-1010 Régis-Aranha LA, Moraes FH, Santos ST, Heufemann NE, Magalhães WO, Zacarias RO Filho, Pinto AB. Acuidade visual e desempenho escolar de estudantes em um município na Amazônia Brasileira. Esc Anna Nery. 2017; 21(2):1-6.) However, there are studies showing a significant relation between the academic performance and visual deficits. Among these studies, we can emphasize those carried out in the cities of Pouso Alegre (MG), Juiz de Fora (MG), and in the Ophthalmology service of Projeto Saúde é Cidadania/Ação Comunitária in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul.(11 Silva CM, Almeida DR, Bernardes RR, Bazzano FC, Mesquita Filho M, Magalhães CH, et al. Desempenho escolar: interferência da acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013;72(3):168-71.,1111 Simionato EZ, Soldera J, Rizzon ES, Pires EM, Bassani FR, Ártico LG. Relação da baixa acuidade visual com reprovação escolar em crianças do nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Arq Catarin Med. 2007; 36(3):72-5.-1212 Toledo CC, Paiva AP, Camilo GB, Sotto Maior MR, Leite IC, Guerra MR. Detecção precoce de deficiência visual e sua relação com o rendimento escolar. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010; 56(4):415-9.) The studies concluded that low visual acuity was related to lower grades and higher rate of school failure in a statistically significant way.

It is worth mentioning that the method used to evaluate visual acuity can vary in each study, being the Snellen table the most used one.(1313 Zapparoli M, Klein F, Moreira H. Avaliação da acuidade visual Snellen. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2009; 72(6): 783-8.) The present study used the visual symptoms as a reference, which represent consequences of low visual acuity. Thus, it is possible that there are significant divergences between the results found in the present survey and those found in the current literature, which can be taken into account in order to more reliably adapt a practical and easy-to-apply method such as the IEV to the Brazilian context.

Besides, the prevalence of visual symptoms was shown to be up to ten times greater than the prevalence of visual deficits found in Brazilian studies. The prevalence of 72% found among the students studied contrasted significantly with the prevalence found in other Brazilian cities, such as: Juiz de Fora (MG) 34.8%, Londrina (PR) 17.1%, Pelotas (RS) 15.1%, Sorocaba (SP) 13.1%, Manaus (AM) 7%, Passo Fundo (RS) 10.9%, Pouso Alegre (MG) 11.4%, Vitória (ES) 6%, Curitiba (PR) 7.03%, Campo Grande (MG) 14.2%, Belo Horizonte (MG) 10.3%, and Herval d’Oeste (SC) 9.43%. (11 Silva CM, Almeida DR, Bernardes RR, Bazzano FC, Mesquita Filho M, Magalhães CH, et al. Desempenho escolar: interferência da acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013;72(3):168-71.,99 Moreira Neto CA, Moreira AT, Moreira LB. Relação entre acuidade visual e condições de trabalho escolar em crianças de um colégio do ensino fundamental público de Curitiba. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2014; 73(4):216-9.,1212 Toledo CC, Paiva AP, Camilo GB, Sotto Maior MR, Leite IC, Guerra MR. Detecção precoce de deficiência visual e sua relação com o rendimento escolar. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010; 56(4):415-9.,1414 Lopes GJ, Casella AM, Chui CA. Prevalência de acuidade visual reduzida nos alunos da primeira série do ensino fundamental das redes pública estadual e privada de Londrina-PR, no ano de 2000. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2002; 65(6):659-64.

15 Granzoto JA, Ostermann CS, Brum LF, Pereira PG, Granzoto T. Avaliação da acuidade visual em escolares da 1ª série do ensino fundamental. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2003; 66(2):167-71.

16 Gianini RJ, Masi E, Coelho EC, Oréfice FR, Moraes RA. Prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em escolares da rede pública, Sorocaba. Rev Saude Publica. 2004; 38(2):201-8.

17 Ribeiro JA, Saraiva AS, Araujo AL, Franca MS. Promoção da saúde e cultura cidadã envolvendo uma abordagem oftalmológica em escolares na Colônia Antônio Aleixo (CAA), Manaus-AM: uma experiência no ensino médico. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2006; 30(2):87-92.

18 Estacia P, Stramari LM, Schuch SB, Negrello D, Donato L. Prevalência de erros refrativos em escolares da primeira série do ensino fundamental da região Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2007; 66(5):297-303.

19 Laignier MR, Castro MA, Sá PS. De olhos abertos: investigando acuidade visual em alunos de uma escola municipal de vitória. Esc Anna Nery. 2010; 14(1):113-9.

20 Zanoni LZ, Biberg-Salum TG, Consolo CE, Espindola YD. Prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em alunos de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escolar pública. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(1):19-24.

21 Ribeiro GB, Coelho AL, Chaves PH, Macedo RL, Silva TA. Avaliação oftalmológica de crianças de escolas públicas de Belo Horizonte/MG: um panorama acerca da baixa acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2015; 74(5):288-91.
-2222 Oliveira RS, Parizotto AV, Caleffi MF, Beal C, Yen SS, Vicensi MC. Avaliação da acuidade visual em escolares no município de Herval d'Oeste, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade. 2013; 8(28):180-6.)

Facing this divergence, the authors considered two possible scenarios. The first one admits that the prevalence of 72% found reliably represents the context studied. Therefore, it is suggested that other studies are carried out with this population to confirm said result, as well as to identify the local factors influencing the visual acuity of this population, since the prevalence found is above all previous studies.

The second possible scenario admits that the method used overestimated the visual symptoms of the study population. Among the possible biases, the authors emphasize four alternatives indicated as “frequently” in almost all questionnaires filled, even when the other alternatives were marked as “never”. These alternatives are: “clumsy(a), stumbles in things”; “mismanage the time”; “loses things”; “forgetful/weak memory”. Therefore, it is suggested that further studies are carried out taking into account this possible bias, thus finding results that represent reality more accurately.

The prevalence of visual symptoms was shown to be more present in females in both groups in a statistically significant way. These data corroborates the results found in previous studies, emphasizing the higher incidence of visual impairment in females.(1010 Régis-Aranha LA, Moraes FH, Santos ST, Heufemann NE, Magalhães WO, Zacarias RO Filho, Pinto AB. Acuidade visual e desempenho escolar de estudantes em um município na Amazônia Brasileira. Esc Anna Nery. 2017; 21(2):1-6.,1515 Granzoto JA, Ostermann CS, Brum LF, Pereira PG, Granzoto T. Avaliação da acuidade visual em escolares da 1ª série do ensino fundamental. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2003; 66(2):167-71.,2020 Zanoni LZ, Biberg-Salum TG, Consolo CE, Espindola YD. Prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em alunos de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escolar pública. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(1):19-24.,2323 Porcionato JM, Antoniassi AC, Goto C, Murari JN. Acuidade visual em estudantes das escolas de uma comunidade Ribeirinha do Baixo Madeira - RO. Rev Cuid. 2016; 10(2):116-22.)

Finally, it should be emphasized that the discussion about the degree of influence between visual deficits and school performance is old.(22 Degrazia J, Pellin J, Degrazia DF. Detecção e prevenção das deficiências visuais na infância e sua relação com a educação. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(4):466-70.) Of course, there are several factors to influence learning. However, even if low visual acuity is not the main factor in some cases, it certainly contributes to hinder the learning process when associated with other determinants. Thus, it is the ophthalmologist’s main role to provide the child with conditions to learn to their maximum level, through the early identification of cases of low visual acuity.(22 Degrazia J, Pellin J, Degrazia DF. Detecção e prevenção das deficiências visuais na infância e sua relação com a educação. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(4):466-70.-33 Shin HS, Park SC, Park CM. Relationship between accommodative and vergence dysfunctions and academic achievement for primary school children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2009; 29(6):615-24.)


The present study found a high prevalence of visual symptoms among the students participating in the research. However, there was no statistically significant relation between visual symptoms and school performance. Therefore, it is suggested that similar studies be performed later, taking into account the data obtained in the present study as well as the difficulties and possible biases reported by the authors.

  • Institution: Universidade do Estado do Pará


  • 1
    Silva CM, Almeida DR, Bernardes RR, Bazzano FC, Mesquita Filho M, Magalhães CH, et al. Desempenho escolar: interferência da acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013;72(3):168-71.
  • 2
    Degrazia J, Pellin J, Degrazia DF. Detecção e prevenção das deficiências visuais na infância e sua relação com a educação. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(4):466-70.
  • 3
    Shin HS, Park SC, Park CM. Relationship between accommodative and vergence dysfunctions and academic achievement for primary school children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2009; 29(6):615-24.
  • 4
    Maples WC, Hoenes R. The College of Optometrists in Vision Development checklist related to vision function: expert opinions. Optometry. 2009; 80(12):688-94.
  • 5
    Abi Bakar NF, Ai Hong C, Pik Pin G. COVD-QOL questionnaire: an adaptation for school vision screening using Rasch analysis. J Optom. 2012; 5(4):182-7.
  • 6
    Gerchak D, Maples WC, Hoenes R. Test retest reliability of the COVD-QOL short form on elementary school children. J Behav Optom. 2006; 17(3):65-9.
  • 7
    Vaughn W, Maples WC, Hoenes R. The association between vision quality of life and academics as measured by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development Quality of Life questionnaire. Optometry. 2006; 77(3):116-23.
  • 8
    Nunes AF, Nunes AJ, Monteiro PM, Pato MA. Desempenho visual: validação do inventário de eficiência visual em estudantes. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2015; 74(2):92-8.
  • 9
    Moreira Neto CA, Moreira AT, Moreira LB. Relação entre acuidade visual e condições de trabalho escolar em crianças de um colégio do ensino fundamental público de Curitiba. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2014; 73(4):216-9.
  • 10
    Régis-Aranha LA, Moraes FH, Santos ST, Heufemann NE, Magalhães WO, Zacarias RO Filho, Pinto AB. Acuidade visual e desempenho escolar de estudantes em um município na Amazônia Brasileira. Esc Anna Nery. 2017; 21(2):1-6.
  • 11
    Simionato EZ, Soldera J, Rizzon ES, Pires EM, Bassani FR, Ártico LG. Relação da baixa acuidade visual com reprovação escolar em crianças do nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Arq Catarin Med. 2007; 36(3):72-5.
  • 12
    Toledo CC, Paiva AP, Camilo GB, Sotto Maior MR, Leite IC, Guerra MR. Detecção precoce de deficiência visual e sua relação com o rendimento escolar. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010; 56(4):415-9.
  • 13
    Zapparoli M, Klein F, Moreira H. Avaliação da acuidade visual Snellen. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2009; 72(6): 783-8.
  • 14
    Lopes GJ, Casella AM, Chui CA. Prevalência de acuidade visual reduzida nos alunos da primeira série do ensino fundamental das redes pública estadual e privada de Londrina-PR, no ano de 2000. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2002; 65(6):659-64.
  • 15
    Granzoto JA, Ostermann CS, Brum LF, Pereira PG, Granzoto T. Avaliação da acuidade visual em escolares da 1ª série do ensino fundamental. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2003; 66(2):167-71.
  • 16
    Gianini RJ, Masi E, Coelho EC, Oréfice FR, Moraes RA. Prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em escolares da rede pública, Sorocaba. Rev Saude Publica. 2004; 38(2):201-8.
  • 17
    Ribeiro JA, Saraiva AS, Araujo AL, Franca MS. Promoção da saúde e cultura cidadã envolvendo uma abordagem oftalmológica em escolares na Colônia Antônio Aleixo (CAA), Manaus-AM: uma experiência no ensino médico. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2006; 30(2):87-92.
  • 18
    Estacia P, Stramari LM, Schuch SB, Negrello D, Donato L. Prevalência de erros refrativos em escolares da primeira série do ensino fundamental da região Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2007; 66(5):297-303.
  • 19
    Laignier MR, Castro MA, Sá PS. De olhos abertos: investigando acuidade visual em alunos de uma escola municipal de vitória. Esc Anna Nery. 2010; 14(1):113-9.
  • 20
    Zanoni LZ, Biberg-Salum TG, Consolo CE, Espindola YD. Prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em alunos de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escolar pública. Rev AMRIGS. 2010; 54(1):19-24.
  • 21
    Ribeiro GB, Coelho AL, Chaves PH, Macedo RL, Silva TA. Avaliação oftalmológica de crianças de escolas públicas de Belo Horizonte/MG: um panorama acerca da baixa acuidade visual. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2015; 74(5):288-91.
  • 22
    Oliveira RS, Parizotto AV, Caleffi MF, Beal C, Yen SS, Vicensi MC. Avaliação da acuidade visual em escolares no município de Herval d'Oeste, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade. 2013; 8(28):180-6.
  • 23
    Porcionato JM, Antoniassi AC, Goto C, Murari JN. Acuidade visual em estudantes das escolas de uma comunidade Ribeirinha do Baixo Madeira - RO. Rev Cuid. 2016; 10(2):116-22.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Aug 2019
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Oct 2019


  • Received
    11 May 2019
  • Accepted
    29 May 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil