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Mudança organizacional: uma abordagem preliminar


Mudança organizacional: uma abordagem preliminar

Thomaz Wood, Jr.

Engenheiro Qufmico pela UNICAMP, Mestrando em Administra<;ao de Empresas pela EAESP/FGV e Profissional do Setor Fibras e Polfmeros da Rhodia S.A

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Referencias Bibliograficas

Heraldo Vasconcellos- Bibliotecarlo, chefe do Servio de Documenta ao da Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker da EAESP/FGV.


A pesquisa foi realizada no acervo da Biblioteca da EAESP/FGV; as referencias bibliograficas foram organizadas em ordem affabetica, dentro de cada ano de publicagao (os anos aparecem em ordem cronol6gica decrescente). As referencias precedidas de asterisco estao disponfveis no acervo da Biblioteca.


001.* ABRAHAMSON, E. Managerial fads and fashions: the diffusion and rejection of innovations. Academy of Management Review, Mississippi State, 16(3):586-612, July 1991.

002.*ACHROL, R.S. Evolution of the marketing organization: new forms for turbulent environments. Journal of Marketing, Chicago, 55(4):77-93, Oct. 1991.

003.*BARDWICK, J.M. Stemming the entitlement tKie in American business (book excerpt from Danger in the contort ozone). Management Review, New York, BIX:10):54-8, Oct. 1991.

004. BREAKING with bureaucracy: Alvin Toffler describes the organization man of the future (interview). Across the Board, New York, 28:16-21, Jan./Feb. 1991.

005.*BROWN, J.S. Research that reinvents the corporation (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center). Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6 1):102-11, Jan.!Feb.1991. (Discussion.6 2):164-7+, MarJApr. 1991).

006. BUSH JR., J. B. & FROHMAN, A. I. Communication in network organization. Organizational Dynamics, New York, 20:23-36, Autumn 1991.

007. CHADWICK, S. Steps to positive change.American Printer, Chicago, 208:80, Nov. 1991.

008. CHORN, N.H. Organizations: a new parad m. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 4):8-11, 1991.

009. COLE,R.L. & PACE, L.A. Power to change: the case of TVA. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 45:59-64, Aug. 1991.

010.*CORBITT, G. F. & NORMAN, R. J. Implementation: the operational feasibility perspective (CASE technology implementation). Journl of Systems Management, Cleveland, 42(10).32-3, Oct. 1991.

011. COYLE, J. Aligning human resources proces· ses with total quality. Employment Relations Today, New York, 18:273-8, Autumn 1991.

012.*DAMANPOUR, F. Organizationalinnovation: a meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators. Academyof ManagementJournal, Ada, 34(3):555-90, Sept. 1991.

013.*DAVIDSON, K.M. Why acquisitions may not be the best route to innovation. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 12(3):50-2, May/June 1991.

014.*DUPUY, J. Learning to manage world-class strategy (for successful organizational change). Management Review, New York, BIX:10):4Q-4, Oct. 1991.

015. FRIEDMAN,S.D. & SAUL,K. A leader's wake: organization member reactions to CEO succession. Journal of Management, College Station, 17:619-42, Sept.1991.

016.*GIOIA, D.A. & CHITIIPEDDI, K. Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation (public university). Strategic Management Journal, Chichester, 12(6):433-48, Sept. 1991.

017.*GREEN, A. Focus: organizational change (review article). Sloan Management Review, Knoxville, 32(3):107-8, Spring 1991.

018.*GRIMM,C.M. & SMITH, K.G. Management and organizational change: a note on the railroad indu ry. Strategic Management Journal, Chichester,12(7).557-62, Oct. 1991.

019. HAGGERTY, A.G. The 90s may be the time for a culture change (annual meeting of Alliance of American Insurers; Maui, Hawai). National Underwriter (Life & Health/Financial Services Edition), Cincinnati, 95:9, Apr. 15 1991.

020.*HARARI, 0. The essence of leadership.Management Review, New York, BIX:11):63, Nov.1991.

021.* ________. Let's end the program-of-the-month syndrome (approaching change as focused process, not as collage of programs). Management Review, New York, BIX:8):46, Aug.1991.

022: . No sacred cows. Management Review, New York, 00:9):36, Sept. 1991.

023. HERRINGTON, G.M. The catch-22 of total quality management. Across the Board, New York, 28:53-5, Sept. 1991.

024.'HERZOG, J.P. People: the critical factor in managing change. Journal of Systems Management, Cleveland, 3):6-11, Mar. 1991.

025. HUEY, J. Nothing is impossible (paradigm shifting). Fortune, New York, 124(7):90-4+, Sept. 23 1991.

026. JACOBS, D. Gaining acceptance when changes have to made. Super-Management, New York,36:8, Feb.1991.

027.'KAZEMEK, E.A. & CHARNY, R.M. Managing change at the front line (hospitals). Healthcare Financial Management, Westchester, 45:103, Apr.1991.

028.KELLY, D. & AMBURGEY, T.L. Organizational inertia andmomentum: adynamic model of strategic change (airline study). Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 34(3):591-612, Sept. 1991.

029. KIRKLAND, R.I. Get ready for a new world of work (review article of C. Handy's the age of unreason). Fortune, New York, 123(3):139, Feb. 11 1991.

030. LAND, George & JARMAN, Beth. Ponto de ruptura e transforma¢<': como entender emoldar as fordamut. saoPaulo,Cuttrix,1981. 223p.

031. MACCOBY, M. Move from hierarchy to heterarchy. Research Technology Management, Lancaster, 34:46-7, Sept./Oct. 1991.

032. MARTIN, D. Lunch with (pres. of a major broadcast group). Mediaweek,Brewster, 1:16, Sept.231991.

033. MILLS, D. Quinn. Ribirth of the corporation. New York, Wiley, 1991.

034. NEIMAN, A.A. The breakthroughstrategy (how utilnies manage change). Electric Perspectwes, Washington, 15:32-9,Ju /Aug. 1991.

035. NEWMAN, G. Let's it for inertia: change is everywhere applauded, but its benefits are often overestimated, its costs underestimated. Across the Board, New York, 28:55-6, Mar. 1991.

036.'PARKER, D. & HARTLEY, K. Do changes in organizational status affect financial performance? Strategic Management Journal, Chichester, 12(8):631-41,Nov.1991.

037. . Organizational status and performance: the effects on employment (Brnish companies). Applied Economics, Hampshire, 23:403-16, Feb.1991.

038. PASCALE, R.T. Managing on the edge (book excerpt). Modern Office Tecnology, Cleveland, 36:10+, Jan. 1991.

039. PAYNE, T. Change: how to help employees adapt. Supervisory Management, New York, 36:7, Apr. 1991.

040. PETERS, T. Get innovative or get dead. California Management Review, Berkeley, 33:9-23, Winter 1991.

041. POLLOCK, T. Fighting the status quo. Supervision, Burlington, 52:24, Apr. 1991.

042. RE-INVENTION (hospitality industry). The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Ithaca, 32:96, Aug. 1991.

043. RUBIN, I. & INGUAGIATO, R. Changing the work cu ure. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, Va., 45:57-60, July 1991.

044 SANDY, W. Avoid the breakdowns between planning and implementation. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 12(5):30-3, Sept./Oct. 1991.

045. SCHWASS, G.L. et alii. Managing change: a breakthrough in billing (Duquesne Ugh!). Financial Executive, Morristown, 7:42-5, Jan./Feb.1991.

046. SHERIDAN, J.H. Careers on the line (change agents). Industry Week, Cleveland, 240:29-30, Sept. 161991.

047.*SPECIAL issue: information technology transforms the corporation. Planning Review, Oxford, 1 3):4-48, May/June 1991.

048. STEVENS, C.A. & WRIGHT, K. Managing change with configuration management. National Productivity Review, New York, 10:509-18, Autumn 1991.

049.*THORNE, P. Organized confusion. International Management (Europe edition), Berkshire, 46(1):80, Feb. 1991.

050. WALKER, J.P. et alii. Factories without lights (teaching internal audnors new technologies and underlying operational changes). The Internal Audftor, A monte Springs, 48:45-9, Oct. 1991. ·

051. WILLIAMS, M.M. A strategic approach to managing change. The Canadian Business Review, Ottawa, 18:19-21, Summer 1991.


052. ANDERSON, D.L. Managing change. Traffic Management, Denver, 29:25 , June 1990. (supp. Export/Import).

053.ARONOFF, C.E. & WARD, J.L. Make change your tradition (famibusinesses). Nation's Business, Washington, 78:46-7, Sept. 1990.

054.*BERMAN, Marshall. Tudo que e s61ido desmancha no ar: a aventura da modernidade. Sao Paulo, Schwarcz, 1990. 360p.

055.*BETZ, T.G. On jumping with the peoe whose parachutes you pack: an OD consumer speaks out (o!ganization development). Personnel, Alexandria, 67(7):43-7, July 1990.

056. BICE, M. Corporate culture must foster innovation (hospital management). Hospitals, Chicago, 64:58, Nov. 20 1990.

057. ________. Culture can make or break a re tructuring (hospital reorganization). Hospitals, Ch1cago, 64:60, Sept. 20 1990.

058.*BRATKOVICH, J.R. et alii. Develop new career management strategies. Personnel Journal, Boulder, 6 9):98+, Sept. 1990.

059.*BROWN, R. & MERESMAN, J.L. Balancing stability and innovation to stay competitive (Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in South San Francisco). Personnel, Saranac Lake, 67{9):49-52, Sept. 1990.

060.*CALORI, R. & ATAMER, T. How French mangers deal with radical change (managing strategic change). Long Range Planning, Oxford, 23(6):44-55, Dec. 1990.

061. CEOs Fellpressure to manage chanae (survey).Research Technology Management, lancaster,33:5,Sept./Oct. 1990.

062.*CULTURING change. The Economist, London,31 7662):65, Ju71990.

063.DEEPROSE,D. Change: are you adriver, rider, or spoiler? Supervisory Management, New York, 35:3, Feb. 1990.

064:DeLISI, P.S. Lessons from the steel axe: cu ure, technology and organization change. Sloan Management Review, Knoxville, 32(1):83-93, Fall 1990.

065.*DERVEN, M.G. Sell technology internally. Personnel Journal, Boulder, 6 4):32+, Apr. 1990.

066.*DRAZIN, R. Professionals and innovation: structural-functional versus radical-structural perspectives. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, 27{3):245-63, May 1990.

067.*DUMAINE, Brian. Creating a new company cu ure (change begins at the bottom with the CEO guiding11). Fortune, New York,121(2):55-8, Jan.15 1990.

068.*ELLIOTI, Ronald D. The challenge of managing change. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 6 3):40+, Mar. 1990.

069. ENGELBART, D. On bootstrapping. Byte, Piscaataway, 15:330, Sept. 1990.

070. FARQUHAR, C.R. The picture in Canada: finance roles are changing there, too. Rnancial Executive, Morristown, 6:20-3, July/Aug. 1990.

071. FITZGERALD, J. Ad agencies must embrace change or becomes victim (responding creative to change). Marketing News, Chicago, 24:10-11, Mar. 191990.

072.FROHMAN, M. Lower-levelmanagement:the internal customers of change. Industry Week, Cleveland, 239:28-30+. Nov. 51990.

073.FROHMAN, M. & PASCARELLA, P. Achieving purpose-driven innovation (allowing innovation to bubble up from below the top level). Industry Week, Cleveland, 239:20-2+, Mar. 191990.

074.*GINSBERG, A. & BUCHHOLTZ, A. Converting to for-profit status: corporate responsiveness to radical change. Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 3 3):445-n, Sept. 1990.

075.GOLEMBIEWSKI,R.T. Ironies inorganizational development. New Brunswick, Transaction Books, 1990. 303p.

076.*GRINYER, P. & McKIERNAN, P. Generating major change in stagnating companies. Strategic Management Journal, Chichester, 11:131-46, Summer 1990. (special issue)

077. HALL, L. Can you picture that? (creative - imaging as a toolin organizational change). Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 44:79-81,Sept. 1990.

078.HANDY, Charles. The age of unreason. Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1990. 278p.

079. HARRISON, M.l. Hard choices in diagnosing organizations. of ManagingConsulting,New York, 6(1):13-21, 1990.

080. HOUSTON, P. High anxiety (the democratization of executive power). Business Month, New York, 135:32-6+, June 1990.

081. HOW to wage the war on change. Electronic News, New York, 204:38-9, Oct. 1990.

082.*1SABELLA, L.A. Evolving interpretations as a chanQe unfolds: how managers construe key orgamzational events. Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 3 1):7-41, Mar. 1990.

083. JOHNSON, J.D. Effects of communicative factors on participation in innovations. Journal of Business Communica#on, Urbana,27:7-22, Winter 1990.

084.*KAZEMEK, Edward A. Five steps toward stronger organizations (hospitals). Healthcare Flflancial Management, Westchester, 44(3):98, Mar. 1990.

085.LAURIE, J. The ABCs of change management.Training and Development Journal, Alexandria,44:87-9, Mar. 1990.

086. LORD, V. An effective severance policy is essential to change management (effect of downsizing). Bank Management, RollingMeadows, 66:21-2, Dec. 1990.

087.MAISEL, L.S. Proactive and powerful- the new CFO (KPMG Peat Marwick and Business International survey). Financial Executive, Morristown, 6:13-17, July/Aug. 1990.

088.*MALEKZADEH, A.R. & NAHAVANDI, A. Making mergers work by managing cultures. Journal of Business Stralegf, Boston, 11(3):55-7, May/June 1990.

089. MANN, R.W. A building - blocks approach to strategic change. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 44:23-5, Aug. 1990.

090. McDONNELL, E.D. & THOMAS, P.S. A catalytic systems conversion (using computer conversions to prompt changes in corporate operations). lnforma on Strategy, Boston, 6:16+, Summer 1990.

091.*MILLER, S.G. Effects of a municipal trainin program on employee behavior and att ude. PubliC Personnel Management, Alexandria, 1 1):429-41,Winter 1990.

092.MIRONOFF, A. De-Stalinizing the corporation (changing totalitarian organizational design). Training, Minneapolis, 27:30-3, Aug. 1990.

093. MOODY, M.H. Close encounters of the HRD kind (management training programs). Training, Minneapolis, 27:120, Oct. 1990.

094.NADLER, D.A. & TUSHMAN, M.L. Beyond the charismatic leader: leadership and organizational change. California Management Review, Berkeley, 32.77-97, Winter 1990.

095.*NAISBITT, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Megatrends 2000: dez novas tend cias de transforma ao da sociedade nos anos 90. sao Paulo, Amana-Key,1990. 461p.

096.*0LSON, Philip D. Choices for innovationminded corpo ations. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 11(1).42-6, Jan./Feb.1990.

097. OVELLETTE, L.P. Encouraging technical personnelto become partners in business. Na#onal Productivity Review, New York, 9:349-55, Summer 1990.

098.PRENTICE, G. Adapting management style for the organization of the future. Personnel Management, Folkstone, 22.58-62, June 1990.

099.*ROSS, G.H.B. Revolution in management control (to support transformation in business). Management Accounting, New York, 72(5):23-7, Nov.1990.

100.*SAKAI,Kun asu. Thefeudalworldofjapanese manufacturing. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6):38-42+, Nov./Dec. 1990.

101. SANDY, W. Create a self-sustaining partnership (book excerpt from Forging the productivity partnership). Modern Office Technology, Cleveland, 35:12+, Dec. 1990.

102. SANDY, W. Forging the productivity partnership. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1990. 224p.

103.SCHRAGE, M. Plenty of future not much shock (Powershift, by A. Toffler;review article). Business Month, New York, 136:21-2, Nov. 1990.

104. SCHULER, R.S. Repositioning the human resource function: transformation or demise? Academy of Management Executive, Mississippi State, 4:49-60, Aug.1990.

105.SPARKS, R. & DORRIS, J.M. Organizational transformation (continuous improvement of productivity through qual ). AdvancedManagement Journal, Vinton, 55:13-18, Summer 1990.

106. STEELE, B. et alii. Implementing strategic redirection through the career management system. Human Resource Planning, New York, 1 4):241-63, 1990.

107.*TAFT,Susan Hoefflir Q9r & PELIKAN,James A. Clinic management teams:integrators of professional service and environmental change (integration of clinical and administrative domains). Health Care Management Review, Frederick, 15(2):67-79, Spring 1990.

108.*THORNE,P. Get ready for the chamaster.lntemational Management, Berkshire, 45(5):76, June1990.

109.VAN DER ERVE, M. The power of tomorrow's mangement (managing change). Management Decision, Yorkshire, 28(7):55-63, 1990.

110.*WANT, J.H. Managing change in a turbulent business climate. Management Review, New York, 7 11):38-41, Nov. 1990.

111. WARD, K. & WILLIS, T.H. Managing change in a operations system. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 28(7):17-21,1990.

112. WEBER, K.F. Explore unfamiliar ground; try something new (retailers). Chain Store Age Executive with Shopping Center Age, New York, 66:118, Feb. 1990.

113.WERNER, M. Change as strategy for the risk averse. Canadian Banker, Toronto, 97'28-31, JanJ Feb.1990.


114. ACAR, W. et alii. The implementation of innovative strategies. International Journal of Technology Management, Geneva, 4(6):631-51,1989.

115.*ARCHIER, Georges & SERIEYX, Herve. Aempresado39 tipo. saoPaulo,Nobel,1989. 199p.

116. BRAMSON, R.A. Encouraging innovation (Hillsborough County, Fla. county govt.). Public Management, Washington, 71:22-3, Nov. 1989.

117. CARLTON, M.R. Measured moves (city government). Public Management, Washington, 71:8-9, Aug. 1989.

118. CUMMINGS, T.G. & HUSE, Edgar F. Organizaffon development and change. 41ed. St. Paul, West, 1989. 560p.

119. FLETT, F. Innovation in mature companiesrejuvenation or stagnation? Management Decision, Yorkshire, 27{6):51-8, 1989.

120.*FREITAS, Maria Ester de. Cuffura organiza­ cional: grandes temas em debate. sao Paulo, FGV/ EAESP, 1989. 213p. (Disseo de Mestrado).

121. HARRISON, M.l. Diagnosis and planned organizational change. Journal of Management Consuffing, New York, 5(4):34-42, 1989.

122. HOLT, J. Managing change in extension (agricult.ure). Amer can Journal of Agricultural Economics, Ames, 71.869-73, Nov. 1989.

123.KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. When giants learn to dance. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1989.

124.*KIEL, L. Douglas. Nonequilibrium theory and its implications for public administration. Public Administraffon Review, Washington, 49(6):544-51, Nov./Dec. 1989.

125. KILMANN, Ralph H. & KILMANN, lnes. Managing beyond the quick fix; a completely integrated program for creating and maintaining organizational success. San Francisco, JesseyBass, 1989. 228p.

126.KING, Bob. Hoshin planning: the development approach. Goai/QPC, 1989.

127. KRAM, K.E. & HALL, D.T. Mentoring as an antidote to stress during corporate trauma. Human Resource Management, New York, 28:493-510, Winter 1989.

128. MARGERISON, C. Introducing change: advisers we consutt and the methods they use. Management Decision, Yorkshire,21(1):22-6,1989.

129. NODELL, R.S. & WOLFF, E.F. Managerial magic, a medicine mans guide to organizaffonallife. Dubuque, KendaiVHunt, 1989. 159p.

130.*PETERS, Tom. Prosperando no caos. sao Paulo, Harbra, 1989. 530p.

131. RANDOLPH, W.A. & ELLOY,D.F. HowcanOD consuttants and researches assess gamma change? A comparison of two analytical procedures (organizational development).Journalof ManagemenCollege Station, 15:633-48, Dec. 1989.

132.SINK, D. Scott & TUTLE, Thomas C. Planning and measurement in your organization of the future. Norcross, Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1989.409p.

133. UTTERBACK, J.M. Corporate renewal. lntema#onal Journal of Technology Management, Geneva,4(6):625-30, 1989.

134.*WATERMAN JR., Robert H. 0 fator renovao: como os melhores conquistam e mantem a vantagem competitiva. sao Paulo, Harbra, 1989. 330p.


135.*ADIZES, lchak. Corporate lifecycles: how and why corporationsgrow and die and what to do about it. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1988. 361p.

136. ALIGNMENT (leadership, employees, and organizational goals). Training, Minneapolis, 25:93- 4, Dec. 1988.

137. CONNOR, P.E. & LAKE, LINDA K. Managing organizational change. New York, Praeger Pubs., 1988. 192p.

138. DAILEY, R.C. Understanding people in organizaffons. St. Paul, West, 1988. 525p.

139.*DALZIEL, Murray M. & SCHOONOVER, Stephen C. Changing ways: a practical tool for implementing change within organizations. New York, AMACOM, 1988. 165p.

140.DE CHAMBEAU, F.A. & GRIDLEY, J.D. Ban the revolution! (bankers need new personnel management practices). ABA Banking Journal, New York, 80:68+, Sept. 1988.

141.*DRUCKER, Peter F. The comii!Q of the new organization. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6):45-53, Jan./Feb. 1988.

142. FITZGERALD, T.H. Can change in organizationculture really be managed? Organizational Dynamics, New York, 17:4-15, Autumn 1988.

143.*FRITZ, Norma R. The challenge of change.Personnel, Saranac Lake, 65(5):6+, May 1988.

144.*GARCIA, R.M. Enfrentando a crise: a pratica da administra<;ao estrategica daUnibras. Revista de AdministraPublica, Aio de Janeiro, 3):111- 130, jul/set. 1988.

145.GREEINER, L.E. & SKEIN, Virginia E. Power and organization development. Reading, Addison Wesley, 1988.

146.*HALL, J. Changing structures (in the new information age). Management Today, London:144, May 1988.

147.*HARRISON,J. Richard et alii. The changing of the guard:turnover and structural change in the topmanagement positions. Administrative Science Quarterly, tthaca, 3 2):211-32, June 1988.

148.*HOUNSHELL, David A. The same old principles in the new manufacturing. Harvad Business Review, Boston, 66(6):54-5+, Nov./Dec. 1988.

149.*JOHNSON, Michael. Change or die (review article of thriving on chaos; also the renewal factor). International Management (Europe Edition). Berkshire, q4):46-8, Apr. 1988.

150. KILMANN, R.H. & COVIN, T.J. Corporate transforma#on. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1988.

151. MASTENBROEK, W.F.G. Changing the organization and winning. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 26(4):25-9, 1988. (Entrepreneurs: a Blueprint for Action issue)

152.MILLER,J.T. Change:gettingthem tomeet you half way. Management Solutions, Saranac Lake, 33:37-41, Ju1988.

153.*NELSON, Reed E. Common sense staff reduction. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 67{8):50-7, Aug.1988.

154.*PEREIRA,Maria Jose L. Bretas. Mudanças ja nasinstituições. sao Paulo, Nobel, 1988. 94p.

155.*POLLERT, Anna. The "flexible firm": fixation or fact? Work, Employment and Society, Durham,2(3):281-316, Sept. 1988.

156.SCHEIN, Edgar H. Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1988. 358p.

157.*SCHONBERGER, Richard J. Fabrica o c/asse universal: as li¢es de simplicidade aplicada. Sao Paulo, Pioneira, 1988. 263p.

158.*SEMLER, Ricardo. Virando a pr6pria mesa. sao Paulo, Best Seller, 1988. 274p.


159.*BERTRAND, Kate. Breaking the corporate mold (managing innovation). Business Marketing, Chicago, 72{7):44-5+, July 1987.

160. CARR, C.D. ArcMecture in today's banking environment: banks build tor change. Magazine of Bank Administration, Rolling Meadows,63:66+,Nov. 1987.

161. DAMANPOUR, F. The adoption of technological, administrative, and ancillary innovations: impact of organizational factors (public libraries). Journal of Management, College Station,13:675-88, Winter 1987.

162.*FELDENKIRCHEN, Wilfried. Big business in interwar Germany: organizational innovation at Vereinigte Stahlwerke, IG Farben, and Siemens. Business History Review, Boston, 61(3):417-51, Autumn 1987.

163. GIBSON, J.l. & DONNELY, J.H. A banker's guide to managing change through organizational development. Journal of Retail BaOOng, Atlanta, 9:3- 15, Summer 1987.

164. GOURVISH, T.R. British business and the transition to a corporate economy: entrepreneurship and management structures. Business History, London, 29:18-45, Oct. 1987.

165.GRANDORI, A. Perspectives on organizationtheory. New York,Ballinger, 1987. 199p.

166.*HORTON, Thomas R. Creating bottom-up change. Management Review, New York, 76(8):5, Aug.1987.

167. KING, R.P. & SHUKER, I.G. Strategic responses to changes in information technology (with discussion). American Journal of Agricuffural Economics, Ames, 69:1056-65, Dec. 1987.

168. MASTENBROEK, W.F.G. Conflict managementandorganization development. Chichester, Wiley, 1987. 166p.

169.*MISAWA, Mitsuru. New Japanese-style management ina changing era. Columbia Journal of World Business, New York, 22(4):9-17, Winter 1987.

170.*WATERMAN JR., Robert H. The renewal factor. how the best get and keep the competitive edge. New York, Bantam,1987. 338p.

171. WILSON, l. Between trapezes: thriving in discontinuity. f1Jman Resource Planning, New York, 1 4):251-60, 1987.


172.*CULLEN, John B. et alii. Blau's theory of structural differentiation revisited: a theory of structural change or scale? Academy of Management Journal, Mississipi State, 29(2):203-29, June 1986.

173.*DONNELLON, Anne et alii. Communication, meaning, and organized action. Administrative Science Quarterly, Ithaca, 31(1):43-55,Mar. 1986.

174.*DRUCKER, Peter F. lnovao e espirito empreendedor (entrepreneurship): pratica e principios.Paulo, Pioneira, 1986. 378p.

175.*DYER, William G. & DYER JR., W. Gibb. Organizationdevelopment: system chaor culture change? Personnel, Saranac Lake, 2):14-18+, Feb. 1986.

176. FARRELL, L. Building entrepreneurship: a global perspective. Training,Minneapolis, 23:42-50, July 1986.

177.FLAMHOLTZ, E. How to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionaly managed firm. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1986. 231p.

178.*GMELCH,W.H. & MISKIN, V.D. The lest art of high productivity (need to blend organizational development and quality circles). Personnel, Saranac Lake, 4):34-8, Apr. 1986.

179.*HELFGOTI, Roy B. America's third Industrial Revolution (technologies transforming workplace). Challenge, Armonk, 5):41-6, NovJDec. 1986.

180. HENRICI, S.B. Company reorganization for performance and profit improvement, a guide tor operating executives and their statts. Westport, Quorum Books, 1986. 211p.

181.*HORNSTEIN,Harvey A. Managerial courage: individual initiative and organizational innovation. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 7):16-23, July 1986.

182. KILMANN, R.H. et alii. Gaining control to the corporate culture. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1986.

183. McQUADE, H.A. Dealing with office rituals. Administrative Management, New York, 47:17-19, July 1986.

184.*MEARES, Larry B. A model tor changing organizational cutture. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 7):38-42, July 1986.

185.*MORGAN, Gareth. Images of organization. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1986. 421p.

186.*NAISBITI, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Reinventing the corporation: transforming your job and your company tor the new informationsociety. New York, Warner Books, 1986. 369p.

187.SULLIVAN,J.J. & NONAKA, I. The application of organizational learning theory to Japanese and American management. Journal of International Business Studies, Columbia, 17:127-47, Fall1986.


188.*CHAISTIANS, lan. The deafening silence that conceals te of change .International Management (Europe Edtt10n), Berl<sh1re, 4):70, Apr. 1985.

189.*FOSTER, Lawrence W. From Darwin to now: the evolution of organizationalstrategies. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 5(4):94-8, Spring 1985.

190.*FROST, Peter J. et alii. Organiza#onal cuffure. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1985. 419p.

191.HERZBERG, F. Where is the passion? (orga nizational innovation). Industry Week, Cleveland, 227:37+, Nov. 111985.

192.*KETS DE VRIES, Manfred F.R. & MILLER, Danny. The neurotic organization: diagnosing and changing counterproductive styles of management. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass,1985. 241p.

193.*KOTLER, Philip et alii. The new competiton. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1985. 292p.

194.*KUHN, Robert Lawrence (ed.). Frontiers in creative and innovative management. Cambridge, Ballinger,1985. 391p.

195.*LINDER, JaneC. Computers,corporate culture and change. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 64(9):48-55, Sept1985.

196. McKENDRICK, J.E. A call tor re-invention: meeting megatrends with megachanges (book review article of re-inventing the corporation). Management World, Trevose, 14:38-9, Oct. 1985.

197.MACLEOD, J.S. Changing power relationships within corporations: a challenge. Employment RelaUons Today, New York, 12:31-5, Spring 1985.

198.*0'TOOLE, James. Vanguard management redesigning the corporate future. Garden City, Doubleday, 1985. 418p.

199.*PETERS, Tom & AUSTIN, Nancy. A passion for excellence: the leadership difference. New York, Random House,1985. 437p.

200.PONDY, L.R. & HUFF, A.S. Achieving routine in organizational change. Journal of Management, College Station, 11:103-16, Summer 1985.

201. POWER, B.L. Change creates dynamic information systems opportunities. Data Management, Park Ridge, 23:20-3, Dec. 1985.

202. SCHAEFFER, D. Change has ns headaches.Supervision, Burlington, 47:5-7, June 1985.

203.*WELCH, Jonathan B. & PANTALONE, Coleen. Changing goals to increase stock price. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 2):74-7, Fall1985.

204.*BARTUNEK, J.N. Changing interpretive schemes and organizational restructuring: the example of areligious order. Administrative ScienceQuarterly, Ithaca, 3):355-72, Sept. 1984


205. CHANGING the way we do things. Pulp & Paper, San Francisco, 58:251, Sept. 1984.

206. DAVIS, S.M. Attempting major change? 10 pitfalls to avoid - and how. Human Resource Planning, New York, 7(4):175-88, 1984.

207.*FONVIELLE, William. Behavior vs. attitude: which comes first in organizational change? Management Review, New York, 73(8):14, Aug. 1984.

208.*GARCIA, Ramon Moreira. Uma proposta altemativadepesquisa: ainvestigao emancipadora. Revista de Administraqao Putxica, Rio de Janeiro,18(21):144-59, Abr./Jun. 1984

209.GORDON, G.G. & HAEGELE, M.J. Corporate culture in financial services. Bankers Monthly, Trenton, 101:16-18, Dec. 1984.

210.HAUGH,J.W. Banking: the uncertainty oftoday: the certainties of tomorrow. Magazine of Bank Administration, Rolling Meadows, 60:14+,Feb.1984.

211.*KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. The change masters. New York, Touchstone Book, 1984. 432p.

212. KILMANN, Ralph H. Beyond the quick fix; man ing five tracks to organizationalsuccess. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1984. 300p.

213.KIMBERLY, J.R. The anatomy of organizational design. Journal of Management, Lubbock, 10:109- 26, Spring 1984.

214.*LIPPITT, Gordon et alii. Cutting edge trends in organization development. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 38(7):59-62, July 1984.

215.*PRIGOGINE, llya & STENGERS, Isabelle. Order out of chaos: man's new dialogue wnh nature. Boulder, New Science Ubrary, 1984. 349p.

216.*RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Modelos de homem e teoria administrativa. Revista de Administrayao Publica, Rio de Janeiro, 18(2):3-12, abr.(jun. 1984.

217.SCHUSTER, M. Cooperation and change in union settings:problems and opportunities. Human Resource Management, New York, 23:145-60, Summer 1984.

218.*TOWSEND, Robert. Dane-se a orqanizayao: a arte de obter mais lucro e mais produt1vidade com menos burocracia. 3" ed. sao Paulo, Best Seller, 1984. 235p.

219. WRIGHT, P.C. Computers, change and fear: an unholy trio. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 22(2):31-5, 1984.

220.*BETTER management, less restructuring: Rx for MNCs. Management Review, New York, 72(9):54-5, Sept. 1983.

221.*HORTON, T.R. Building through change.Management Review, New York, 72(10):2-3, Oct.1983.

222. HORTON, T.R. Change as a building block. Security Management, Arlington, 27:21, Dec. 1983.

223.*KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. Change masters and the intricate architecture of corporate culture change (excerpt from thechange masters:innovation for productivny in the American mode). Management Review, New York, 72(10):18-28, Oct. 1983.

224. KNIGHT, K. The case for DIY in organization design (do it yourself by personnel managers). Personnel Management, London, 15:38-40, Sept. 1983.

225.*KOCH, Donald L. & STEINHAUSER, Delores W. Changi 9. thcorporate culture. Datamation, New York, 10).247-8+, Oct. 1983.

226.*MACLAGAN, Patrick W. The concept of responsibilny: some implications for organizational behaviour and development. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, 20(4):411-23, Oct. 1983.

227.*McKAY, Noble & LASHUTKA, Serge. The basics of organization change: an edectic model. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 37(4):64-9, Apr. 1983.

228.*NAISBITT, John. Megatendencias: as dez grandes transforma aes ocorrendo na sociedade modema. Sao Paulo, Nova Cultural, 1983. 251p.

229.SCOTT, S. As we improve the process, let's not lose sight of the task. Training, Minneapolis, 20:100, May 1983.

230. VICKERY, H.B. Changing with the times (associations). Association Management, Washington, 35:61-3, Aug. 1983.


231.*ARAUJO, Luis Cesar Gon lves de. Mudan organizacional na administra ao publica federal brasileira sao Paulo, EAESP!FGV, 1982. 307p.

232. BAKOS, S.C. Change wnhout chaos. Super­vision, Burlington, 44:8-9,Dec. 1982.

233.BRYAN,J.E. Changing the internalorganization (bank). The Bankers Magazine, Boston, 165:67-71 , · May/June 1982.


234.*BYRD, Richard E. Developmental stages in organizations: as the twig is bent, so grows the tree. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 59(2):12-25, Mar/Apr. 1982.

235.*CARAVANTES,Geraldo Ronchetti. Muda : avaliacao de estrategias de renovao instnucional. Porto Alegre, Fundao para o Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos, 1982. 187p.

236. CONVERSATION with Charles L. Brown (AT&T) pors. Organiza#onal Dynamics, New York,11:28-36, Summer 1982.

237.*DANIELSON, Christer. A compleat guide to com ny growth and evelopment. Long Range Planmng, Oxford, 15(6).8-19, Dec. 1982.

238. DEAL, Terence & KENNEDY, A. Corporate cuftures. New York, Addison-Wesley, 1982. 281p.

239.*DREILINGER, C. et alii. Beyond the myth of leadership-style training-planned organizational change. Training and DevelopmentJournal, Washington, 310):70-4, Oct. 1982.

240.*MORAN, Robert T. & HARRIS, Philip R. Managing cuftural synergy. Houston, Gulf, 1982. 399p. (The InternationalManagement Productivity series, v.2).

241.*NICHOLAS, John M. The comparative impact of orQanization development interventions on hard critena measures. The Academy of Management Review, Mississipi State, 7(4):531-42, Oct. 1982.

242.*PARANA. Secretaria do Planejamento. Coordenadoria de Moderniza ao Administrativa. Metodologia de diagn6stico e mudana organizacional. Curitiba, lmprensa Oficial, 1982. 302p.

243. SHERMAN, C.F. Change is a dynamic, continuingprocess (banking). Unfted States Banker, Cos Cob, 93:97-9, Dec. 1982.

244.*25 YEARS of change (interview with CharlesH. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe). Training and Development Journal, Washington, 36(5):132-6+, May 1982.

245.*VASCONCELLOS,Joao Gualberto Moreira. 0 governo do Estado do Espfrito Santo e o processo de muds organizacionais planejadas de 1975: uma analise comparativa de caracteristicas te6ricopniticas. Rio de Janeiro, FEA/PUC, 1982. 102p.

246.*ZMUD,Robert W. Diffusion of modem software practices: influence of centralization and formalization. Management Science,Providence, 2 12):1421-31, Dec. 1982.


247.*CALISH, lrwing G. & GAMACHE, R. Donald. How to overcome organizational resistance to change. Management Review, New York, 7 10):21-8+, Oct. 1981.

248.*COHN, Steven F. Adopting innovations in a technology push industry. Research Management, New York, 24(5):26-31, Sept. 1981.

249.*CZARNECKI, Gerald W. Case for internal consulting. Journal of Systems Management, Cleveland, 32(11):6-13, Nov. 1981.

250. DENOVA, C.C. Getting acceptance to change. Supervision, Burlington, 43:15, July 1981.

251.*JONES, Christopher G. Computer: job gobbler or helpmate? Journal of Systems Management, Clevefand, 32(11):26-8, Nov. 1981.

252.*MARCH,JamesG. Footnotes to organizational change. Administra ve Science Quarterly, Ithaca, 26(4):563-n, Dec. 1981.

253.*0UCHI, William. Going from A to Z: thirteen steps to a theory Z organization. Management Review, New York, 7 5):8-16, May 1981.

254.RAUDSEPP, E. Don't let neophobia get in your way. Computer Decisions, Hasbrouck Heights, 13:158-9, July 1981.

255.*ROTHWELL, William J. Alternatives to organization development. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 35(9):119-24, Sept.1981.

256.*VOZIKIS, George S. & MESCON, Timothy S. Convergence or divergence? a vital managerial quest revisited. The Columbia Journal of World Business, New York, 16(2):79-87, Summer 1981.


257.*GARCIA,R.M. Abordagem s6cio-tecnica: uma rapida avaliacao. Revista de Administrade Empresas, Rio de Janeiro, 3):71-n, jul./set. 1980.

258.* . A base de uma administra ao autodeterminada: o diagn6stico emancipador. Revista de Administrde Empresas, Rio de Janeiro, 2):7-17, abr.1un. 1980.

259.*TOFFLER, Alvin. A terceira onda. 41ed. Rio de Janeiro, Record, 1980. 491p.


260.*KOTIER, John P. et alii. Organization: text, cases, and readings on the management of organizational design and change. Homewood, Irwin,1979. 630p.

261.*YORKS, Lyle. Job enrichment revisited. New York, AMA, 1979. 68p.


262.*MOURA, Paulo Cavalcanti da Costa. 0 beneffcio das crises: desenvoMmento organizacional e mudanplanejada. Rio de Janeiro, Livros Tecnicos e Cientificos, 1978. 143p.


263.*MIRVIS, Philip H. & BERG, David N. Failures in organiza on development and change: cases and essays for learning. New York, Wiley, 19n. 346p.


264.*ARAUJO, Luis Cesar G. de. A participa9Bo de organiza9Bo e metodos nas mudan9Bs organizacionais. Sao Paulo, s.c.p.,1976. 240p.

265.*MORGAN, John S. Administraçao da mudanças: as estrategias para tirar proveito da mudan. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1976. 253p.


266.*KUHN, Thomas S. A estrutura das revolu¢es cientfficas. Sao Paulo, Perspectiva, 1975. 262p.


267.*BASIL, Douglas Constantine & COOK, Curtis W. The management of change. Maidenhead, McGraw·Hill, 1974. 243p.

268.*GROSSMAN, Lee. The change agent. New York, AMACOM, 1974. 168p.


269.*JAQUES, Elliott. Intervention et changement dans L'entreprise. Paris, Dunod, 1972. 300p. (Collection Organisation et Sciences Humanas, 13).

270.*THOMAS, John M. & BENNIS, Warren G. (eds.). The management of change and conflict selectedreadings. Harmondsworth,Penguin Books, 1972. 507p.


271.*ARGYRIS, Chris. Management and organizational development the path from XA to VB. New York,McGraw-Hill, 1971. 211p.

272.*RICE,A.K. The enterprise and its environment a system theory of management organization. London, Tavistock, 1971. 364p.

273.*WILSON, Ira G. & WILSON, Marthann E. Management, innovation, and system design. Princeton, Auerbach, 1971. 175p.


274.*HERSEY, Paul & BLANCHARD, Kenneth H. Management of organizational behavior: utilizing human resources. 31ed. Englewood Cliffs, 1969. 360p.

275. LIPPITI, Gordon L. Organization renewal: achieving viability in a changing world. New York, Appleton, 1969. 321p.


276.*BENNIS,Warren G. et alii (eds.). The planning of change: readings in the applied behavioral sciences. New York, Holt, 1966. 781p.

277.*BURNS, Tom & STALKER , G.M. The management of innovation. London, Tavistock, 1966. 269p.


278.*LEHRER, Robert N. The management of improvement concepts, organization and strategy. New York, Reinhold, 1965. 415p.


279.*UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Faculdade de Ciencias EconOmicas. lnsti· tuto de Administracao. Estudo para reorganiz dos serviqos do ETA - projeto 11 - ASCAR. Porto Alegre, 1960. 144p0

  • 001.* ABRAHAMSON, E. Managerial fads and fashions: the diffusion and rejection of innovations. Academy of Management Review, Mississippi State, 16(3):586-612, July 1991.
  • 002.*ACHROL, R.S. Evolution of the marketing organization: new forms for turbulent environments. Journal of Marketing, Chicago, 55(4):77-93, Oct. 1991.
  • 003.*BARDWICK, J.M. Stemming the entitlement tKie in American business (book excerpt from Danger in the contort ozone). Management Review, New York, BIX:10):54-8, Oct. 1991.
  • 004. BREAKING with bureaucracy: Alvin Toffler describes the organization man of the future (interview). Across the Board, New York, 28:16-21, Jan./Feb. 1991.
  • 005.*BROWN, J.S. Research that reinvents the corporation (Xerox Palo Alto Research Center). Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6 1):102-11, Jan.!Feb.1991. (Discussion.6 2):164-7+, MarJApr. 1991).
  • 006. BUSH JR., J. B. & FROHMAN, A. I. Communication in network organization. Organizational Dynamics, New York, 20:23-36, Autumn 1991.
  • 007. CHADWICK, S. Steps to positive change.American Printer, Chicago, 208:80, Nov. 1991.
  • 008. CHORN, N.H. Organizations: a new parad m. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 4):8-11, 1991.
  • 009. COLE,R.L. & PACE, L.A. Power to change: the case of TVA. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 45:59-64, Aug. 1991.
  • 010.*CORBITT, G. F. & NORMAN, R. J. Implementation: the operational feasibility perspective (CASE technology implementation). Journl of Systems Management, Cleveland, 42(10).32-3, Oct. 1991.
  • 011. COYLE, J. Aligning human resources proces¡ ses with total quality. Employment Relations Today, New York, 18:273-8, Autumn 1991.
  • 012.*DAMANPOUR, F. Organizationalinnovation: a meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators. Academyof ManagementJournal, Ada, 34(3):555-90, Sept. 1991.
  • 013.*DAVIDSON, K.M. Why acquisitions may not be the best route to innovation. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 12(3):50-2, May/June 1991.
  • 014.*DUPUY, J. Learning to manage world-class strategy (for successful organizational change). Management Review, New York, BIX:10):4Q-4, Oct. 1991.
  • 016.*GIOIA, D.A. & CHITIIPEDDI, K. Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation (public university). Strategic Management Journal, Chichester, 12(6):433-48, Sept. 1991.
  • 017.*GREEN, A. Focus: organizational change (review article). Sloan Management Review, Knoxville, 32(3):107-8, Spring 1991.
  • 018.*GRIMM,C.M. & SMITH, K.G. Management and organizational change: a note on the railroad indu ry. Strategic Management Journal, Chichester,12(7).557-62, Oct. 1991.
  • 019. HAGGERTY, A.G. The 90s may be the time for a culture change (annual meeting of Alliance of American Insurers; Maui, Hawai). National Underwriter (Life & Health/Financial Services Edition), Cincinnati, 95:9, Apr. 15 1991.
  • 020.*HARARI, 0. The essence of leadership.Management Review, New York, BIX:11):63, Nov.1991.
  • 022: . No sacred cows. Management Review, New York, 00:9):36, Sept. 1991.
  • 023. HERRINGTON, G.M. The catch-22 of total quality management. Across the Board, New York, 28:53-5, Sept. 1991.
  • 025. HUEY, J. Nothing is impossible (paradigm shifting). Fortune, New York, 124(7):90-4+, Sept. 23 1991.
  • 026. JACOBS, D. Gaining acceptance when changes have to made. Super-Management, New York,36:8, Feb.1991.
  • 028.KELLY, D. & AMBURGEY, T.L. Organizational inertia andmomentum: adynamic model of strategic change (airline study). Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 34(3):591-612, Sept. 1991.
  • 031. MACCOBY, M. Move from hierarchy to heterarchy. Research Technology Management, Lancaster, 34:46-7, Sept./Oct. 1991.
  • 032. MARTIN, D. Lunch with (pres. of a major broadcast group). Mediaweek,Brewster, 1:16, Sept.231991.
  • 033. MILLS, D. Quinn. Ribirth of the corporation. New York, Wiley, 1991.
  • 034. NEIMAN, A.A. The breakthroughstrategy (how utilnies manage change). Electric Perspectwes, Washington, 15:32-9,Ju /Aug. 1991.
  • 037. . Organizational status and performance: the effects on employment (Brnish companies). Applied Economics, Hampshire, 23:403-16, Feb.1991.
  • 038. PASCALE, R.T. Managing on the edge (book excerpt). Modern Office Tecnology, Cleveland, 36:10+, Jan. 1991.
  • 039. PAYNE, T. Change: how to help employees adapt. Supervisory Management, New York, 36:7, Apr. 1991.
  • 040. PETERS, T. Get innovative or get dead. California Management Review, Berkeley, 33:9-23, Winter 1991.
  • 041. POLLOCK, T. Fighting the status quo. Supervision, Burlington, 52:24, Apr. 1991.
  • 042. RE-INVENTION (hospitality industry). The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Ithaca, 32:96, Aug. 1991.
  • 043. RUBIN, I. & INGUAGIATO, R. Changing the work cu ure. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, Va., 45:57-60, July 1991.
  • 044 SANDY, W. Avoid the breakdowns between planning and implementation. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 12(5):30-3, Sept./Oct. 1991.
  • 045. SCHWASS, G.L. et alii. Managing change: a breakthrough in billing (Duquesne Ugh!). Financial Executive, Morristown, 7:42-5, Jan./Feb.1991.
  • 046. SHERIDAN, J.H. Careers on the line (change agents). Industry Week, Cleveland, 240:29-30, Sept. 161991.
  • 047.*SPECIAL issue: information technology transforms the corporation. Planning Review, Oxford, 1 3):4-48, May/June 1991.
  • 048. STEVENS, C.A. & WRIGHT, K. Managing change with configuration management. National Productivity Review, New York, 10:509-18, Autumn 1991.
  • 049.*THORNE, P. Organized confusion. International Management (Europe edition), Berkshire, 46(1):80, Feb. 1991.
  • 050. WALKER, J.P. et alii. Factories without lights (teaching internal audnors new technologies and underlying operational changes). The Internal Audftor, A monte Springs, 48:45-9, Oct. 1991.
  • 051. WILLIAMS, M.M. A strategic approach to managing change. The Canadian Business Review, Ottawa, 18:19-21, Summer 1991.
  • 052. ANDERSON, D.L. Managing change. Traffic Management, Denver, 29:25 , June 1990. (supp. Export/Import).
  • 054.*BERMAN, Marshall. Tudo que e s61ido desmancha no ar: a aventura da modernidade. Sao Paulo, Schwarcz, 1990. 360p.
  • 055.*BETZ, T.G. On jumping with the peoe whose parachutes you pack: an OD consumer speaks out (o!ganization development). Personnel, Alexandria, 67(7):43-7, July 1990.
  • 056. BICE, M. Corporate culture must foster innovation (hospital management). Hospitals, Chicago, 64:58, Nov. 20 1990.
  • 057. ________. Culture can make or break a re tructuring (hospital reorganization). Hospitals, Ch1cago, 64:60, Sept. 20 1990.
  • 058.*BRATKOVICH, J.R. et alii. Develop new career management strategies. Personnel Journal, Boulder, 6 9):98+, Sept. 1990.
  • 059.*BROWN, R. & MERESMAN, J.L. Balancing stability and innovation to stay competitive (Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in South San Francisco). Personnel, Saranac Lake, 67{9):49-52, Sept. 1990.
  • 060.*CALORI, R. & ATAMER, T. How French mangers deal with radical change (managing strategic change). Long Range Planning, Oxford, 23(6):44-55, Dec. 1990.
  • 061. CEOs Fellpressure to manage chanae (survey).Research Technology Management, lancaster,33:5,Sept./Oct. 1990.
  • 062.*CULTURING change. The Economist, London,31 7662):65, Ju71990.
  • 063.DEEPROSE,D. Change: are you adriver, rider, or spoiler? Supervisory Management, New York, 35:3, Feb. 1990.
  • 064:DeLISI, P.S. Lessons from the steel axe: cu ure, technology and organization change. Sloan Management Review, Knoxville, 32(1):83-93, Fall 1990.
  • 065.*DERVEN, M.G. Sell technology internally. Personnel Journal, Boulder, 6 4):32+, Apr. 1990.
  • 066.*DRAZIN, R. Professionals and innovation: structural-functional versus radical-structural perspectives. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, 27{3):245-63, May 1990.
  • 067.*DUMAINE, Brian. Creating a new company cu ure (change begins at the bottom with the CEO guiding11). Fortune, New York,121(2):55-8, Jan.15 1990.
  • 068.*ELLIOTI, Ronald D. The challenge of managing change. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 6 3):40+, Mar. 1990.
  • 069. ENGELBART, D. On bootstrapping. Byte, Piscaataway, 15:330, Sept. 1990.
  • 070. FARQUHAR, C.R. The picture in Canada: finance roles are changing there, too. Rnancial Executive, Morristown, 6:20-3, July/Aug. 1990.
  • 071. FITZGERALD, J. Ad agencies must embrace change or becomes victim (responding creative to change). Marketing News, Chicago, 24:10-11, Mar. 191990.
  • 072.FROHMAN, M. Lower-levelmanagement:the internal customers of change. Industry Week, Cleveland, 239:28-30+. Nov. 51990.
  • 073.FROHMAN, M. & PASCARELLA, P. Achieving purpose-driven innovation (allowing innovation to bubble up from below the top level). Industry Week, Cleveland, 239:20-2+, Mar. 191990.
  • 074.*GINSBERG, A. & BUCHHOLTZ, A. Converting to for-profit status: corporate responsiveness to radical change. Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 3 3):445-n, Sept. 1990.
  • 075.GOLEMBIEWSKI,R.T. Ironies inorganizational development. New Brunswick, Transaction Books, 1990. 303p.
  • 076.*GRINYER, P. & McKIERNAN, P. Generating major change in stagnating companies. Strategic Management Journal, Chichester, 11:131-46, Summer 1990. (special issue)
  • 077. HALL, L. Can you picture that? (creative - imaging as a toolin organizational change). Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 44:79-81,Sept. 1990.
  • 078.HANDY, Charles. The age of unreason. Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1990. 278p.
  • 079. HARRISON, M.l. Hard choices in diagnosing organizations. of ManagingConsulting,New York, 6(1):13-21, 1990.
  • 080. HOUSTON, P. High anxiety (the democratization of executive power). Business Month, New York, 135:32-6+, June 1990.
  • 081. HOW to wage the war on change. Electronic News, New York, 204:38-9, Oct. 1990.
  • 082.*1SABELLA, L.A. Evolving interpretations as a chanQe unfolds: how managers construe key orgamzational events. Academy of Management Journal, Ada, 3 1):7-41, Mar. 1990.
  • 083. JOHNSON, J.D. Effects of communicative factors on participation in innovations. Journal of Business Communica#on, Urbana,27:7-22, Winter 1990.
  • 084.*KAZEMEK, Edward A. Five steps toward stronger organizations (hospitals). Healthcare Flflancial Management, Westchester, 44(3):98, Mar. 1990.
  • 085.LAURIE, J. The ABCs of change management.Training and Development Journal, Alexandria,44:87-9, Mar. 1990.
  • 086. LORD, V. An effective severance policy is essential to change management (effect of downsizing). Bank Management, RollingMeadows, 66:21-2, Dec. 1990.
  • 087.MAISEL, L.S. Proactive and powerful- the new CFO (KPMG Peat Marwick and Business International survey). Financial Executive, Morristown, 6:13-17, July/Aug. 1990.
  • 088.*MALEKZADEH, A.R. & NAHAVANDI, A. Making mergers work by managing cultures. Journal of Business Stralegf, Boston, 11(3):55-7, May/June 1990.
  • 089. MANN, R.W. A building - blocks approach to strategic change. Training and Development Journal, Alexandria, 44:23-5, Aug. 1990.
  • 090. McDONNELL, E.D. & THOMAS, P.S. A catalytic systems conversion (using computer conversions to prompt changes in corporate operations). lnforma on Strategy, Boston, 6:16+, Summer 1990.
  • 091.*MILLER, S.G. Effects of a municipal trainin program on employee behavior and att ude. PubliC Personnel Management, Alexandria, 1 1):429-41,Winter 1990.
  • 092.MIRONOFF, A. De-Stalinizing the corporation (changing totalitarian organizational design). Training, Minneapolis, 27:30-3, Aug. 1990.
  • 093. MOODY, M.H. Close encounters of the HRD kind (management training programs). Training, Minneapolis, 27:120, Oct. 1990.
  • 094.NADLER, D.A. & TUSHMAN, M.L. Beyond the charismatic leader: leadership and organizational change. California Management Review, Berkeley, 32.77-97, Winter 1990.
  • 095.*NAISBITT, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Megatrends 2000: dez novas tend cias de transforma ao da sociedade nos anos 90. sao Paulo, Amana-Key,1990. 461p.
  • 096.*0LSON, Philip D. Choices for innovationminded corpo ations. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 11(1).42-6, Jan./Feb.1990.
  • 097. OVELLETTE, L.P. Encouraging technical personnelto become partners in business. Na#onal Productivity Review, New York, 9:349-55, Summer 1990.
  • 098.PRENTICE, G. Adapting management style for the organization of the future. Personnel Management, Folkstone, 22.58-62, June 1990.
  • 099.*ROSS, G.H.B. Revolution in management control (to support transformation in business). Management Accounting, New York, 72(5):23-7, Nov.1990.
  • 100.*SAKAI,Kun asu. Thefeudalworldofjapanese manufacturing. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6):38-42+, Nov./Dec. 1990.
  • 101. SANDY, W. Create a self-sustaining partnership (book excerpt from Forging the productivity partnership). Modern Office Technology, Cleveland, 35:12+, Dec. 1990.
  • 102. SANDY, W. Forging the productivity partnership. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1990. 224p.
  • 103.SCHRAGE, M. Plenty of future not much shock (Powershift, by A. Toffler;review article). Business Month, New York, 136:21-2, Nov. 1990.
  • 104. SCHULER, R.S. Repositioning the human resource function: transformation or demise? Academy of Management Executive, Mississippi State, 4:49-60, Aug.1990.
  • 105.SPARKS, R. & DORRIS, J.M. Organizational transformation (continuous improvement of productivity through qual ). AdvancedManagement Journal, Vinton, 55:13-18, Summer 1990.
  • 106. STEELE, B. et alii. Implementing strategic redirection through the career management system. Human Resource Planning, New York, 1 4):241-63, 1990.
  • 107.*TAFT,Susan Hoefflir Q9r & PELIKAN,James A. Clinic management teams:integrators of professional service and environmental change (integration of clinical and administrative domains). Health Care Management Review, Frederick, 15(2):67-79, Spring 1990.
  • 108.*THORNE,P. Get ready for the chamaster.lntemational Management, Berkshire, 45(5):76, June1990.
  • 110.*WANT, J.H. Managing change in a turbulent business climate. Management Review, New York, 7 11):38-41, Nov. 1990.
  • 111. WARD, K. & WILLIS, T.H. Managing change in a operations system. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 28(7):17-21,1990.
  • 112. WEBER, K.F. Explore unfamiliar ground; try something new (retailers). Chain Store Age Executive with Shopping Center Age, New York, 66:118, Feb. 1990.
  • 114. ACAR, W. et alii. The implementation of innovative strategies. International Journal of Technology Management, Geneva, 4(6):631-51,1989.
  • 115.*ARCHIER, Georges & SERIEYX, Herve. Aempresado39 tipo. saoPaulo,Nobel,1989. 199p.
  • 116. BRAMSON, R.A. Encouraging innovation (Hillsborough County, Fla. county govt.). Public Management, Washington, 71:22-3, Nov. 1989.
  • 117. CARLTON, M.R. Measured moves (city government). Public Management, Washington, 71:8-9, Aug. 1989.
  • 118. CUMMINGS, T.G. & HUSE, Edgar F. Organizaffon development and change. 41ed. St. Paul, West, 1989. 560p.
  • 119. FLETT, F. Innovation in mature companiesrejuvenation or stagnation? Management Decision, Yorkshire, 27{6):51-8, 1989.
  • 120.*FREITAS, Maria Ester de. Cuffura organiza cional: grandes temas em debate. sao Paulo, FGV/ EAESP, 1989. 213p. (Disseo de Mestrado).
  • 121. HARRISON, M.l. Diagnosis and planned organizational change. Journal of Management Consuffing, New York, 5(4):34-42, 1989.
  • 122. HOLT, J. Managing change in extension (agricult.ure). Amer can Journal of Agricultural Economics, Ames, 71.869-73, Nov. 1989.
  • 123.KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. When giants learn to dance. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1989.
  • 124.*KIEL, L. Douglas. Nonequilibrium theory and its implications for public administration. Public Administraffon Review, Washington, 49(6):544-51, Nov./Dec. 1989.
  • 125. KILMANN, Ralph H. & KILMANN, lnes. Managing beyond the quick fix; a completely integrated program for creating and maintaining organizational success. San Francisco, JesseyBass, 1989. 228p.
  • 126.KING, Bob. Hoshin planning: the development approach. Goai/QPC, 1989.
  • 127. KRAM, K.E. & HALL, D.T. Mentoring as an antidote to stress during corporate trauma. Human Resource Management, New York, 28:493-510, Winter 1989.
  • 128. MARGERISON, C. Introducing change: advisers we consutt and the methods they use. Management Decision, Yorkshire,21(1):22-6,1989.
  • 129. NODELL, R.S. & WOLFF, E.F. Managerial magic, a medicine mans guide to organizaffonallife. Dubuque, KendaiVHunt, 1989. 159p.
  • 130.*PETERS, Tom. Prosperando no caos sao Paulo, Harbra, 1989. 530p.
  • 131. RANDOLPH, W.A. & ELLOY,D.F. HowcanOD consuttants and researches assess gamma change? A comparison of two analytical procedures (organizational development).Journalof ManagemenCollege Station, 15:633-48, Dec. 1989.
  • 132.SINK, D. Scott & TUTLE, Thomas C. Planning and measurement in your organization of the future. Norcross, Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1989.409p.
  • 133. UTTERBACK, J.M. Corporate renewal. lntema#onal Journal of Technology Management, Geneva,4(6):625-30, 1989.
  • 134.*WATERMAN JR., Robert H. 0 fator renovao: como os melhores conquistam e mantem a vantagem competitiva. sao Paulo, Harbra, 1989. 330p.
  • 135.*ADIZES, lchak. Corporate lifecycles: how and why corporationsgrow and die and what to do about it. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1988. 361p.
  • 136. ALIGNMENT (leadership, employees, and organizational goals). Training, Minneapolis, 25:93- 4, Dec. 1988.
  • 137. CONNOR, P.E. & LAKE, LINDA K. Managing organizational change New York, Praeger Pubs., 1988. 192p.
  • 138. DAILEY, R.C. Understanding people in organizaffons. St. Paul, West, 1988. 525p.
  • 139.*DALZIEL, Murray M. & SCHOONOVER, Stephen C. Changing ways: a practical tool for implementing change within organizations. New York, AMACOM, 1988. 165p.
  • 140.DE CHAMBEAU, F.A. & GRIDLEY, J.D. Ban the revolution! (bankers need new personnel management practices). ABA Banking Journal, New York, 80:68+, Sept. 1988.
  • 141.*DRUCKER, Peter F. The comii!Q of the new organization. Harvard Business Review, Boston, 6):45-53, Jan./Feb. 1988.
  • 142. FITZGERALD, T.H. Can change in organizationculture really be managed? Organizational Dynamics, New York, 17:4-15, Autumn 1988.
  • 143.*FRITZ, Norma R. The challenge of change.Personnel, Saranac Lake, 65(5):6+, May 1988.
  • 144.*GARCIA, R.M. Enfrentando a crise: a pratica da administraRevista de AdministraPublica, Aio de Janeiro, 3):111- 130, jul/set. 1988.
  • 145.GREEINER, L.E. & SKEIN, Virginia E. Power and organization development. Reading, Addison Wesley, 1988.
  • 146.*HALL, J. Changing structures (in the new information age). Management Today, London:144, May 1988.
  • 147.*HARRISON,J. Richard et alii. The changing of the guard:turnover and structural change in the topmanagement positions. Administrative Science Quarterly, tthaca, 3 2):211-32, June 1988.
  • 148.*HOUNSHELL, David A. The same old principles in the new manufacturing. Harvad Business Review, Boston, 66(6):54-5+, Nov./Dec. 1988.
  • 149.*JOHNSON, Michael. Change or die (review article of thriving on chaos; also the renewal factor). International Management (Europe Edition). Berkshire, q4):46-8, Apr. 1988.
  • 150. KILMANN, R.H. & COVIN, T.J. Corporate transforma#on. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1988.
  • 151. MASTENBROEK, W.F.G. Changing the organization and winning. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 26(4):25-9, 1988. (Entrepreneurs: a Blueprint for Action issue)
  • 152.MILLER,J.T. Change:gettingthem tomeet you half way. Management Solutions, Saranac Lake, 33:37-41, Ju1988.
  • 153.*NELSON, Reed E. Common sense staff reduction. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 67{8):50-7, Aug.1988.
  • 154.*PEREIRA,Maria Jose L. Bretas. Mudanças ja nasinstituições. sao Paulo, Nobel, 1988. 94p.
  • 155.*POLLERT, Anna. The "flexible firm": fixation or fact? Work, Employment and Society, Durham,2(3):281-316, Sept. 1988.
  • 156.SCHEIN, Edgar H. Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1988. 358p.
  • 157.*SCHONBERGER, Richard J. Fabrica o c/asse universal: as li¢es de simplicidade aplicada. Sao Paulo, Pioneira, 1988. 263p.
  • 158.*SEMLER, Ricardo. Virando a pr6pria mesa. sao Paulo, Best Seller, 1988. 274p.
  • 159.*BERTRAND, Kate. Breaking the corporate mold (managing innovation). Business Marketing, Chicago, 72{7):44-5+, July 1987.
  • 161. DAMANPOUR, F. The adoption of technological, administrative, and ancillary innovations: impact of organizational factors (public libraries). Journal of Management, College Station,13:675-88, Winter 1987.
  • 162.*FELDENKIRCHEN, Wilfried. Big business in interwar Germany: organizational innovation at Vereinigte Stahlwerke, IG Farben, and Siemens. Business History Review, Boston, 61(3):417-51, Autumn 1987.
  • 164. GOURVISH, T.R. British business and the transition to a corporate economy: entrepreneurship and management structures. Business History, London, 29:18-45, Oct. 1987.
  • 165.GRANDORI, A. Perspectives on organizationtheory. New York,Ballinger, 1987. 199p.
  • 166.*HORTON, Thomas R. Creating bottom-up change. Management Review, New York, 76(8):5, Aug.1987.
  • 167. KING, R.P. & SHUKER, I.G. Strategic responses to changes in information technology (with discussion). American Journal of Agricuffural Economics, Ames, 69:1056-65, Dec. 1987.
  • 168. MASTENBROEK, W.F.G. Conflict managementandorganization development. Chichester, Wiley, 1987. 166p.
  • 169.*MISAWA, Mitsuru. New Japanese-style management ina changing era. Columbia Journal of World Business, New York, 22(4):9-17, Winter 1987.
  • 170.*WATERMAN JR., Robert H. The renewal factor. how the best get and keep the competitive edge. New York, Bantam,1987. 338p.
  • 171. WILSON, l. Between trapezes: thriving in discontinuity. f1Jman Resource Planning, New York, 1 4):251-60, 1987.
  • 173.*DONNELLON, Anne et alii. Communication, meaning, and organized action. Administrative Science Quarterly, Ithaca, 31(1):43-55,Mar. 1986.
  • 174.*DRUCKER, Peter F. lnovao e espirito empreendedor (entrepreneurship): pratica e principios.Paulo, Pioneira, 1986. 378p.
  • 175.*DYER, William G. & DYER JR., W. Gibb. Organizationdevelopment: system chaor culture change? Personnel, Saranac Lake, 2):14-18+, Feb. 1986.
  • 176. FARRELL, L. Building entrepreneurship: a global perspective. Training,Minneapolis, 23:42-50, July 1986.
  • 177.FLAMHOLTZ, E. How to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionaly managed firm. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1986. 231p.
  • 178.*GMELCH,W.H. & MISKIN, V.D. The lest art of high productivity (need to blend organizational development and quality circles). Personnel, Saranac Lake, 4):34-8, Apr. 1986.
  • 180. HENRICI, S.B. Company reorganization for performance and profit improvement, a guide tor operating executives and their statts. Westport, Quorum Books, 1986. 211p.
  • 181.*HORNSTEIN,Harvey A. Managerial courage: individual initiative and organizational innovation. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 7):16-23, July 1986.
  • 182. KILMANN, R.H. et alii. Gaining control to the corporate culture. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1986.
  • 183. McQUADE, H.A. Dealing with office rituals. Administrative Management, New York, 47:17-19, July 1986.
  • 184.*MEARES, Larry B. A model tor changing organizational cutture. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 7):38-42, July 1986.
  • 185.*MORGAN, Gareth. Images of organization. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1986. 421p.
  • 186.*NAISBITI, John & ABURDENE, Patricia. Reinventing the corporation: transforming your job and your company tor the new informationsociety. New York, Warner Books, 1986. 369p.
  • 187.SULLIVAN,J.J. & NONAKA, I. The application of organizational learning theory to Japanese and American management. Journal of International Business Studies, Columbia, 17:127-47, Fall1986.
  • 188.*CHAISTIANS, lan. The deafening silence that conceals te of change .International Management (Europe Edtt10n), Berl
  • 189.*FOSTER, Lawrence W. From Darwin to now: the evolution of organizationalstrategies. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 5(4):94-8, Spring 1985.
  • 190.*FROST, Peter J. et alii. Organiza#onal cuffure. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1985. 419p.
  • 191.HERZBERG, F. Where is the passion? (orga nizational innovation). Industry Week, Cleveland, 227:37+, Nov. 111985.
  • 192.*KETS DE VRIES, Manfred F.R. & MILLER, Danny. The neurotic organization: diagnosing and changing counterproductive styles of management. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass,1985. 241p.
  • 193.*KOTLER, Philip et alii. The new competiton. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1985. 292p.
  • 194.*KUHN, Robert Lawrence (ed.). Frontiers in creative and innovative management. Cambridge, Ballinger,1985. 391p.
  • 195.*LINDER, JaneC. Computers,corporate culture and change. Personnel Journal, Costa Mesa, 64(9):48-55, Sept1985.
  • 196. McKENDRICK, J.E. A call tor re-invention: meeting megatrends with megachanges (book review article of re-inventing the corporation). Management World, Trevose, 14:38-9, Oct. 1985.
  • 197.MACLEOD, J.S. Changing power relationships within corporations: a challenge. Employment RelaUons Today, New York, 12:31-5, Spring 1985.
  • 199.*PETERS, Tom & AUSTIN, Nancy. A passion for excellence: the leadership difference. New York, Random House,1985. 437p.
  • 200.PONDY, L.R. & HUFF, A.S. Achieving routine in organizational change. Journal of Management, College Station, 11:103-16, Summer 1985.
  • 201. POWER, B.L. Change creates dynamic information systems opportunities. Data Management, Park Ridge, 23:20-3, Dec. 1985.
  • 202. SCHAEFFER, D. Change has ns headaches.Supervision, Burlington, 47:5-7, June 1985.
  • 203.*WELCH, Jonathan B. & PANTALONE, Coleen. Changing goals to increase stock price. Journal of Business Strategy, Boston, 2):74-7, Fall1985.
  • 204.*BARTUNEK, J.N. Changing interpretive schemes and organizational restructuring: the example of areligious order. Administrative ScienceQuarterly, Ithaca, 3):355-72, Sept. 1984
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    CHANGING the way we do things. Pulp & Paper, San Francisco, 58:251, Sept. 1984.
  • 206. DAVIS, S.M. Attempting major change? 10 pitfalls to avoid - and how. Human Resource Planning, New York, 7(4):175-88, 1984.
  • 207.*FONVIELLE, William. Behavior vs. attitude: which comes first in organizational change? Management Review, New York, 73(8):14, Aug. 1984.
  • 208.*GARCIA, Ramon Moreira. Uma proposta altemativadepesquisa: ainvestigao emancipadora. Revista de Administraqao Putxica, Rio de Janeiro,18(21):144-59, Abr./Jun. 1984
  • 209.GORDON, G.G. & HAEGELE, M.J. Corporate culture in financial services. Bankers Monthly, Trenton, 101:16-18, Dec. 1984.
  • 210.HAUGH,J.W. Banking: the uncertainty oftoday: the certainties of tomorrow. Magazine of Bank Administration, Rolling Meadows, 60:14+,Feb.1984.
  • 211.*KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. The change masters. New York, Touchstone Book, 1984. 432p.
  • 212. KILMANN, Ralph H. Beyond the quick fix; man ing five tracks to organizationalsuccess. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1984. 300p.
  • 213.KIMBERLY, J.R. The anatomy of organizational design. Journal of Management, Lubbock, 10:109- 26, Spring 1984.
  • 214.*LIPPITT, Gordon et alii. Cutting edge trends in organization development. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 38(7):59-62, July 1984.
  • 216.*RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Modelos de homem e teoria administrativa. Revista de Administrayao Publica, Rio de Janeiro, 18(2):3-12, abr.(jun. 1984.
  • 217.SCHUSTER, M. Cooperation and change in union settings:problems and opportunities. Human Resource Management, New York, 23:145-60, Summer 1984.
  • 218.*TOWSEND, Robert. Dane-se a orqanizayao: a arte de obter mais lucro e mais produt1vidade com menos burocracia. 3" ed. sao Paulo, Best Seller, 1984. 235p.
  • 219. WRIGHT, P.C. Computers, change and fear: an unholy trio. Management Decision, Yorkshire, 22(2):31-5, 1984.
  • 220.*BETTER management, less restructuring: Rx for MNCs. Management Review, New York, 72(9):54-5, Sept. 1983.
  • 221.*HORTON, T.R. Building through change.Management Review, New York, 72(10):2-3, Oct.1983.
  • 222. HORTON, T.R. Change as a building block. Security Management, Arlington, 27:21, Dec. 1983.
  • 223.*KANTER, Rosabeth Moss. Change masters and the intricate architecture of corporate culture change (excerpt from thechange masters:innovation for productivny in the American mode). Management Review, New York, 72(10):18-28, Oct. 1983.
  • 224. KNIGHT, K. The case for DIY in organization design (do it yourself by personnel managers). Personnel Management, London, 15:38-40, Sept. 1983.
  • 225.*KOCH, Donald L. & STEINHAUSER, Delores W. Changi 9. thcorporate culture. Datamation, New York, 10).247-8+, Oct. 1983.
  • 226.*MACLAGAN, Patrick W. The concept of responsibilny: some implications for organizational behaviour and development. Journal of Management Studies, Oxford, 20(4):411-23, Oct. 1983.
  • 227.*McKAY, Noble & LASHUTKA, Serge. The basics of organization change: an edectic model. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 37(4):64-9, Apr. 1983.
  • 228.*NAISBITT, John. Megatendencias: as dez grandes transforma aes ocorrendo na sociedade modema. Sao Paulo, Nova Cultural, 1983. 251p.
  • 230. VICKERY, H.B. Changing with the times (associations). Association Management, Washington, 35:61-3, Aug. 1983.
  • 231.*ARAUJO, Luis Cesar Gon lves de. Mudan organizacional na administra ao publica federal brasileira sao Paulo, EAESP!FGV, 1982. 307p.
  • 232. BAKOS, S.C. Change wnhout chaos. SuperÂvision, Burlington, 44:8-9,Dec. 1982.
  • 233.BRYAN,J.E. Changing the internalorganization (bank). The Bankers Magazine, Boston, 165:67-71 , ¡ May/June 1982.
  • 234.*BYRD, Richard E. Developmental stages in organizations: as the twig is bent, so grows the tree. Personnel, Saranac Lake, 59(2):12-25, Mar/Apr. 1982.
  • 235.*CARAVANTES,Geraldo Ronchetti. Muda : avaliacao de estrategias de renovao instnucional. Porto Alegre, Fundao para o Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos, 1982. 187p.
  • 236. CONVERSATION with Charles L. Brown (AT&T) pors. Organiza#onal Dynamics, New York,11:28-36, Summer 1982.
  • 237.*DANIELSON, Christer. A compleat guide to com ny growth and evelopment. Long Range Planmng, Oxford, 15(6).8-19, Dec. 1982.
  • 238. DEAL, Terence & KENNEDY, A. Corporate cuftures. New York, Addison-Wesley, 1982. 281p.
  • 239.*DREILINGER, C. et alii. Beyond the myth of leadership-style training-planned organizational change. Training and DevelopmentJournal, Washington, 310):70-4, Oct. 1982.
  • 240.*MORAN, Robert T. & HARRIS, Philip R. Managing cuftural synergy. Houston, Gulf, 1982. 399p. (The InternationalManagement Productivity series, v.2).
  • 241.*NICHOLAS, John M. The comparative impact of orQanization development interventions on hard critena measures. The Academy of Management Review, Mississipi State, 7(4):531-42, Oct. 1982.
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    *PARANA. Secretaria do Planejamento. Coordenadoria de Moderniza ao Administrativa. Metodologia de diagn6stico e mudana organizacional. Curitiba, lmprensa Oficial, 1982. 302p.
  • 243. SHERMAN, C.F. Change is a dynamic, continuingprocess (banking). Unfted States Banker, Cos Cob, 93:97-9, Dec. 1982.
  • 244.*25 YEARS of change (interview with CharlesH. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe). Training and Development Journal, Washington, 36(5):132-6+, May 1982.
  • 245.*VASCONCELLOS,Joao Gualberto Moreira. 0 governo do Estado do Espfrito Santo e o processo de muds organizacionais planejadas de 1975: uma analise comparativa de caracteristicas te6ricopniticas. Rio de Janeiro, FEA/PUC, 1982. 102p.
  • 246.*ZMUD,Robert W. Diffusion of modem software practices: influence of centralization and formalization. Management Science,Providence, 2 12):1421-31, Dec. 1982.
  • 247.*CALISH, lrwing G. & GAMACHE, R. Donald. How to overcome organizational resistance to change. Management Review, New York, 7 10):21-8+, Oct. 1981.
  • 248.*COHN, Steven F. Adopting innovations in a technology push industry. Research Management, New York, 24(5):26-31, Sept. 1981.
  • 249.*CZARNECKI, Gerald W. Case for internal consulting. Journal of Systems Management, Cleveland, 32(11):6-13, Nov. 1981.
  • 250. DENOVA, C.C. Getting acceptance to change. Supervision, Burlington, 43:15, July 1981.
  • 251.*JONES, Christopher G. Computer: job gobbler or helpmate? Journal of Systems Management, Clevefand, 32(11):26-8, Nov. 1981.
  • 252.*MARCH,JamesG. Footnotes to organizational change. Administra ve Science Quarterly, Ithaca, 26(4):563-n, Dec. 1981.
  • 253.*0UCHI, William. Going from A to Z: thirteen steps to a theory Z organization. Management Review, New York, 7 5):8-16, May 1981.
  • 255.*ROTHWELL, William J. Alternatives to organization development. Training and Development Journal, Washington, 35(9):119-24, Sept.1981.
  • 256.*VOZIKIS, George S. & MESCON, Timothy S. Convergence or divergence? a vital managerial quest revisited. The Columbia Journal of World Business, New York, 16(2):79-87, Summer 1981.
  • 257.*GARCIA,R.M. Abordagem s6cio-tecnica: uma rapida avaliacao. Revista de Administrade Empresas, Rio de Janeiro, 3):71-n, jul./set. 1980.
  • 258.* . A base de uma administra ao autodeterminada: o diagn6stico emancipador. Revista de Administrde Empresas, Rio de Janeiro, 2):7-17, abr.1un. 1980.
  • 259.*TOFFLER, Alvin. A terceira onda. 41ed. Rio de Janeiro, Record, 1980. 491p.
  • 260.*KOTIER, John P. et alii. Organization: text, cases, and readings on the management of organizational design and change. Homewood, Irwin,1979. 630p.
  • 261.*YORKS, Lyle. Job enrichment revisited. New York, AMA, 1979. 68p.
  • 262.*MOURA, Paulo Cavalcanti da Costa. 0 beneffcio das crises: desenvoMmento organizacional e mudanplanejada. Rio de Janeiro, Livros Tecnicos e Cientificos, 1978. 143p.
  • 263.*MIRVIS, Philip H. & BERG, David N. Failures in organiza on development and change: cases and essays for learning. New York, Wiley, 19n. 346p.
  • 264.*ARAUJO, Luis Cesar G. de. A participa9Bo de organiza9Bo e metodos nas mudan9Bs organizacionais. Sao Paulo, s.c.p.,1976. 240p.
  • 265.*MORGAN, John S. Administraçao da mudanças: as estrategias para tirar proveito da mudan. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1976. 253p.
  • 266.*KUHN, Thomas S. A estrutura das revolu¢es cientfficas Sao Paulo, Perspectiva, 1975. 262p.
  • 267.*BASIL, Douglas Constantine & COOK, Curtis W. The management of change Maidenhead, McGraw¡Hill, 1974. 243p.
  • 268.*GROSSMAN, Lee. The change agent. New York, AMACOM, 1974. 168p.
  • 270.*THOMAS, John M. & BENNIS, Warren G. (eds.). The management of change and conflict selectedreadings. Harmondsworth,Penguin Books, 1972. 507p.
  • 271.*ARGYRIS, Chris. Management and organizational development the path from XA to VB. New York,McGraw-Hill, 1971. 211p.
  • 272.*RICE,A.K. The enterprise and its environment a system theory of management organization. London, Tavistock, 1971. 364p.
  • 273.*WILSON, Ira G. & WILSON, Marthann E. Management, innovation, and system design Princeton, Auerbach, 1971. 175p.
  • 274.*HERSEY, Paul & BLANCHARD, Kenneth H. Management of organizational behavior: utilizing human resources. 31ed. Englewood Cliffs, 1969. 360p.
  • 275. LIPPITI, Gordon L. Organization renewal: achieving viability in a changing world. New York, Appleton, 1969. 321p.
  • 276.*BENNIS,Warren G. et alii (eds.). The planning of change: readings in the applied behavioral sciences. New York, Holt, 1966. 781p.
  • 277.*BURNS, Tom & STALKER , G.M. The management of innovation. London, Tavistock, 1966. 269p.
  • 278.*LEHRER, Robert N. The management of improvement concepts, organization and strategy. New York, Reinhold, 1965. 415p.
  • 279
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