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Comprometimento organizacional: um balanço dos resultados e desafios que cercam essa tradição de pesquisa


A literatura sobre comprometimento organizacional é revisada, construto intensamente investigado a partir dos anos setenta no estudo do comportamento microorganizacional. No primeiro segmento, detém-se na análise dos problemas conceituais que cercam tal tradição de pesquisa, confrontando cinco principais enfoques quanto ao seu conceito e estratégia de operacionalização de comprometimento. No segundo, apóia-se em resultados de três metaanálises, para apresentar os principais resultados da pesquisa sobre o construto. Apontam-se as necessidades de se priorizar os problemas conceituais e de se investir em estratégias metodológicas alternativas.

Comprometimento organizacional; vínculos indivíduo-organização; atitudes no trabalho; problemas conceituais na pesquisa organizacional

Organizational commitment is an important construct in micro-organizational behavior research. It has been extensively studied since the seventies, but many conceptual and methodological problems have not received sufficient attention. This paper analyses some of these problems and discusses methodological perspectives related to this research area. Five theoretical approaches to commitment are described and different strategies for the operationalization of the construct are presented. The paper then provides a summary of the principal results empirically constructed within this research tradiction. Finally, methodological alternatives to improve the research about organizational commitment are outlined.

Organizational commitment; employee-organization linkages; job attitudes; conceptual problems in organizational research


Comprometimento organizacional: um balanço dos resultados e desafios que cercam essa tradição de pesquisa

Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos

Mestre em Educação pela USP, Doutorando em Psicologia Organizacional e Professor na Universidade Federal da Bahia


A literatura sobre comprometimento organizacional é revisada, construto intensamente investigado a partir dos anos setenta no estudo do comportamento microorganizacional. No primeiro segmento, detém-se na análise dos problemas conceituais que cercam tal tradição de pesquisa, confrontando cinco principais enfoques quanto ao seu conceito e estratégia de operacionalização de comprometimento. No segundo, apóia-se em resultados de três metaanálises, para apresentar os principais resultados da pesquisa sobre o construto. Apontam-se as necessidades de se priorizar os problemas conceituais e de se investir em estratégias metodológicas alternativas.

Palavras-chave: Comprometimento organizacional, vínculos indivíduo-organização, atitudes no trabalho, problemas conceituais na pesquisa organizacional.


Organizational commitment is an important construct in micro-organizational behavior research. It has been extensively studied since the seventies, but many conceptual and methodological problems have not received sufficient attention. This paper analyses some of these problems and discusses methodological perspectives related to this research area. Five theoretical approaches to commitment are described and different strategies for the operationalization of the construct are presented. The paper then provides a summary of the principal results empirically constructed within this research tradiction. Finally, methodological alternatives to improve the research about organizational commitment are outlined.

Key words: Organizational commitment, employee-organization linkages, job attitudes, conceptual problems in organizational research.

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Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE e aprovado para publicação em fevereiro/93.

O presente artigo é uma versão ampliada do trabalho apresentado na XVI Reunião Anual da ANPAD (Canela, RS, 1992) e publicado nos Anais do evento.

1. FLEURY, M.T.L. Mudanças e persistências nos modelos de gestão de pessoal em setores de tecnologia de ponta - o caso brasileiro em contraponto com o japonês. Revista de Administração, v. 25, n.4, p. 13-21, 1991.

2. HARMAN, W. ; HORMAN, J. O trabalho criativo - o papel construtiv

3. FERNANDES, E.C.; BOOG, G.G. Gerência de recursos humanos: obstáculos e oportunidades dos anos 80. Revista de Administração, v.18, n.4, p. 88­90,1984.

4. WHYTE Jr., W.H. The Organization Man. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc, 1956.

5. Para a autora, os custos associados a altos níveis de comprometimento sobrepõem-se às suas vantagens. Além de trazer impactos nas relações família-trabalho, alto comprometimento pode restringir a flexibilidade da organização. Ver: RANDALL, D.M. Commitment and the organization: the organization man revisited. Academy of Management Review, v. 12, n. 3, p. 460-471, 1987.

6. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.w.;STEERS, R.M. Employee-organization linkages - the Psychology of commitment, absenteisn, and turnover. New York: Academic Press, 1982.

7. O'REILL Y, C.A. Organizational behavior: where we've been, where we're going. Annual Review of Psychology, v. 42, p. 427-458, 1990.

8. ARVEE, S.; HENG, L.J. A note on the applicabilily of an organizational commitment model. Work and Occupation, v. 17, n. 2, p. 229-239, 1990.

9. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.W.; STEERS, R.M. Op. cit., p.21.

10. Idem, ibidem.

11. BECKER, H.S. Notes on the concept of commitment. American Journal of Sociology, v. 66, p. 32-40, 1960.

12. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.W.; STEERS, R.M. Op. cit., p.27. É importante assinalar que os autores, embora se definam por trabalhar comprometimento como um conceito atitudinal, destacam que ele pode ser inferido não apenas das crenças e opiniões dos indivíduos, mas também das suas ações. Assinalam, também, que o comprometimento com a organização não exclui a probabilidade de comprometimento como outros aspectos do ambiente, tais como a família, o sindicato, o partido político, por exemplo.

13. MOWDAY, R.T.; STEERS, R.M.; PORTER, L. W. The measurement of Organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v. 14, p.225.

14. BUCHANAN, B. Building organizational commitment: the socialization of managers in work organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 19, p. 533-546, 1974.

15. MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, D.M. A review and rneta-analysis of the antecedentes, corretates, and consequences of organizational commitment. Psycbological Buttetin, v. 108, n. 2, p. 171-194, 1990.

16. KOSLOWSKY, M., CASPY, T.; LAZAR, M. An empirical comparison of commitment scales. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, v. 20, n. 13, p. 1063-1075,1990.

17. MORROW, P.C.; McELROY, J.C. On assessing of work commitment. Academy of Management Review, v. 8 n. 3, p. 486­500, 1986.

18. BORGES-ANDRADE, J.E.; ASANASIEF, R.S.; SILVA, M.S. Comprometimento organizacional em instituições de pesquisa: diferença entre meio e fim. Anais do XIV Simpósio Nacional de Pesquisa de Administração em Ciência e Tecnologia. PACTO/FEA/USP, 1989.

19. BASTOS, A.V.B. Medidas de comprometimento no contexto de trabalho: um estudo preliminar de validade discriminante. (trabalho encaminhado para publicação), 1992.

20. Entre os trabalhos que apresentam modelos mais sofisticados destacamos: MATHIEU, J.E. A causa model of organizational commitment in military training enviroment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v. 16, p. 299-311, 1989; MOnAZ, C.J. Deterrninants of organizational commitment. Human Relations, v. 41, p. 467-482, 1988. FLORKOWSKI, G.W.; SCHUSTER. M.H. Support for profit sharing and organization commitment: a path analysis. Human Relations, v. 45, n. 5, p. 507-523.

21. BECKER, H. S. Op. cit.

22. RITZER, G.; TRIGE, H.M. An empirical study of Howard Becker's side-bet theory. Social Forces, v. 47, p. 475-479,1969.

23. ALLUTO, J.; HREBINIAK, L.G.; ALONSO, R. On operationalizing the concept of commitment. Social Forces, v. 20, p. 448-454,1973.

24. PENLEY L.; GOULO, S. Etzioni's model of organizational involvement: a perspetive for understanding commitment to organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, v.9, p. 43­59,1988.

25. MEYER, J.P.; ALLEN, N. Testing the "síde-bet theory" of organizational commitment: some methodological considerations. Journal of Applied Psycology, v. 69, p. 372-368, 1984;

Links between work experiences and organizational commitment during the first year of employement: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational Psycology, v. 61, p. 195-209, 1988.

26. McGEE, s.w: FORD, R.C. Two (or more?) dimensions of organizational commitment: reexamination of the affective and continuance commitment scales. Journal of Applied Psycology, v.72, p. 638-641, 1987.

27. MEYER, J.P. ALLEN, N.J.; GELLATL Y, I.R. Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: evaluation of measures and analysls of concurrent and time-lagged relations. Journal of Applied Psycology, v. 75, n. 6, p. 710-720,1990.

28. HALABY, C.N. Worker attachment and workplace authority. American Sociological Review, v. 51, p. 634-649, 1986.

29. Idem ibidem, p. 635.

30. Idem ibidem, p. 635.

31. HALABY, C.N.; WEAKLIEM, O.L. Worker control and attachment to the firm. American Journal of Sociology, v. 95 n. 3, p. 549-591, 1989.

32. HALABY, C.N., WEAKLIEM, O.L. Op. cit., p. 551.

33. AZJEN, I.; FISHBEIN, M. Understanding attitudes and piedicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1980.

34. WEINER, Y. Commitment in organizations: a normative view. Academy of Management Review, v. 7, p. 418-428,1982.

35. WEINER, Y.; VAROI, Y. Relationships between organizational culture and individual motivation - a conceptual integration. Psychological Reports, v. 67, p. 295-306, 1990.

36. Idem ibidem, p. 300.

37.KIESLER, C.A.; SAKAMURA, J.A. A test of a model for commitment. Journal of Personality and Social Psycology, v.3, p. 349-353, 1966.

38. SALANCIK, G.R. Commitment and the control of organizational behavíor and belief. In, STAW, B.M. (ed.) Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, p. 306­312,1991.

39. O'REILL Y, C.A.; CALOWELL, O.F. The commitment and job tenure of new employees: some evidences of postdecisional justification. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 26, p, 597-616.

40. KLlNE, C.J.; PETERS, L.H. Behavioral commitment and tenure of new employees: a replication and extension. Academy of Management Journal, v.34, n. 1, p. 194-204.

41. MOWOAY, R. T.; PORTER, L W.: STEERS, R.M. Op. cit.

42. ALLEN, N.J.; MEYER, J.P. The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psycology, v.63, n. 1, p, 1-18,1990.

43. O'REILLY, CA; CHATMAN, J.A. Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: the ettects of compliance, identification, and internalization on pro-social behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, p. 492-499, 1986.

44. OSIGWEH Jr., CA Concept fallibility in organizational science. Academy of Management Review, v. 14. n. 4, p, 579-594, 1989.

45. WEINER, Y. Op. cit.

46. HALABY, C. N. Op. cit.

47. GUEST, D.E. Employee commitment and control. In: HARTLEY J.F.; STEPHENSON G.M. (eds.) Employement relations: the Psycholagy of influence and control at wark. Blackweel: OXford, 1991, p. 15.

48. REICHERS, A.E. A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Review; v. 10, n.3. p. 508-514, 1985.

49. REICHERS, A.E., Op. cít., p. 469.

50. REICHERS, A.E. Conflict and organizational commitments. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, n. 33, p.S08-514, 1986.

51. Meta-análise é um procedimento que envolve a agregação de coeficientes de correlação encontrados por diversos estudos, corrigindo-se a presença de artefatos estatísticos. Ele permite sumarizar resultados acumulados, testando a consistência desses achados. Ver: MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, O.M., Op. cit.; COHEN, A.; LOWENBERG, G. A re-examination of the side-bets theory as applied to organizational commitment: a meta-analysis. Human Relations, 43-910,1015-50,1990. RANOALL, D.M. The consequences of organizational commitment: methodological investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, v. 11, p. 361-378, 1990.

52. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.W.; STEERS, R. M. Op. cit.

53. COHEN, A.; LOWENBERG, G. Op. cit.

54. HACKMAN, JR.; OLDHAM, G.R. Development of the job diagnostic survey. Jaurnal of Applied Psychalogy, v. 60, p. 159-70, 1975.

55. MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, D.M. Op. cit., 1990, p. 179.

56. LUTHANS, f; BAACK, O.; TAYLOR, L. Organizational commitment: analysis of antecedents. Humans Relatians, v. 40, p. 219-235, 1987 .

57. MOWDAV, R.T.; PORTER, L. W.; STEERS, R.M. Employee organization... Op. cit.

58. FISHER, C.D. Social support and adjustment to work: a longitudinal study, Journal of Management, v. 11, p. 39-53, 1985; MEVER, J.P.; ALLEN, N.J. Links between work experiences and organizational commitment during the first year of employment: a longitudinal analysis. Op cit.

59. BORGES-ANDRADE, J.E. et al. Op. cit.

60. BRANDÃO, M.G.A. Comprometimento organizacional na administração pública: um estudo de caso em uma instituição universitária. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1991.

61. Só para citarmos um exemplo, a relação "causal" entre comprometimento e satisfação é vista de forma oposta por Baterman e Strasser e por William e Harzer. Na maioria dos estudos, todavia, satisfação no trabalho é vista como antecedente de comprometimento organizacional. Ver: BATERMAN, T.S.; STRASSER, S. A longitudinal analysis of the antecedents of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Journal, v.27, n. 1, p. 95­112, 1984. WILLIAM, L.J.; HARZER, J.T. Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and commitment in turnover models: a reanalysis using latent variable structural equation methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, n.2,p.219-231, 1986.

62. MORROW, P.C. Concept redundancy in organizational research: the case of work commitment. Academy of Management Review, v.8, n.3, p. 486-500, 1985.

63. Ver: MORROW, P.C., EASTMAN, K.; McELROV, J.C. Concept redundancy and rater naivety in organizational research. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, v. 21, n.3, 1991, p. 219-232; MORROW, P.C.; WIRTH, R.E. Work commitment among salaried professionals. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v.34, 1989, p. 40-50; KOSLOWSKY, M.; CASPV, T.; LAZAR, M. Op. cit.; SHORE, T.H., THORNTON, G.C., SHORE, L.M. Distinctiviness of three work altitudes: job involvement, organizational commitment, and career salience. Psychological Reports, v. 67, p. 851-858, 1990.

64. BROOKE, P.P .. RUSSELL, D.W.; PRICE, J.L. Discriminant validation of measure of job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 73, n.2, p. 139-145, 1988.

65. MATHIEW, J.E.; FARR, J.L. Further evidence for the discriminant validity of measures of organizational commitment, job involvement, and job satístaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 76 n. 1, p.127-133, 1991.

66. COHEN, A. Career stage as a moderator of the relationships between organizational commitment and its outcomes: a meta analysis. Journal of Occupational Psychology, v. 64, p. 253­268,1991.

67. RANDALL, D. M. The consequences of... Op. cít.

68. GUEST, D.E. Op. cít. p. 26.

69.RANDALL, D.M. Commitment and the organizations ... Op. cit. 1987, p.467.

70. RANDALL, O.M. Op. cil. p. 376.

71. MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, D.M. Op. cit.

72. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.W.; STEERS, R. M. Employee organization ... Op. cit.

73. AZJEN, I.; FISHBEIN, M., Op. cit,

74. Ver: McGUIRE, W.J. The vicissitudes of attitudes and similar representational constructs in twentieth century Psychology. European Journal of Social Psychology, v.23, p.89-130, 1986; PRATKANIS, A.R. The cognitive representation of attitudes. Em, PRATKANIS, A. R.; BRECKLER, S.L.; GREENWALO, A.G. (eds.) Attitude - structure and function. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, pp. 71-98, 1989.

75. São raros os estudos como os de RANDALL, O.M.; FEDOR, O.B.; LONGENECKER, C.O. The behavioral expression of organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v. 36, p. 210-224, 1990.

  • 1. FLEURY, M.T.L. Mudanças e persistęncias nos modelos de gestăo de pessoal em setores de tecnologia de ponta - o caso brasileiro em contraponto com o japonęs. Revista de Administraçăo, v. 25, n.4, p. 13-21, 1991.
  • 3. FERNANDES, E.C.; BOOG, G.G. Geręncia de recursos humanos: obstáculos e oportunidades dos anos 80. Revista de Administraçăo, v.18, n.4, p. 8890,1984.
  • 4. WHYTE Jr., W.H. The Organization Man. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc, 1956.
  • 5. Para a autora, os custos associados a altos níveis de comprometimento sobrepőem-se ŕs suas vantagens. Além de trazer impactos nas relaçőes família-trabalho, alto comprometimento pode restringir a flexibilidade da organizaçăo. Ver: RANDALL, D.M. Commitment and the organization: the organization man revisited. Academy of Management Review, v. 12, n. 3, p. 460-471, 1987.
  • 6. MOWDAY, R.T.; PORTER, L.w.;STEERS, R.M. Employee-organization linkages - the Psychology of commitment, absenteisn, and turnover. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
  • 7. O'REILL Y, C.A. Organizational behavior: where we've been, where we're going. Annual Review of Psychology, v. 42, p. 427-458, 1990.
  • 8. ARVEE, S.; HENG, L.J. A note on the applicabilily of an organizational commitment model. Work and Occupation, v. 17, n. 2, p. 229-239, 1990.
  • 11. BECKER, H.S. Notes on the concept of commitment. American Journal of Sociology, v. 66, p. 32-40, 1960.
  • 13. MOWDAY, R.T.; STEERS, R.M.; PORTER, L. W. The measurement of Organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v. 14, p.225.
  • 14. BUCHANAN, B. Building organizational commitment: the socialization of managers in work organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 19, p. 533-546, 1974.
  • 15. MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, D.M. A review and rneta-analysis of the antecedentes, corretates, and consequences of organizational commitment. Psycbological Buttetin, v. 108, n. 2, p. 171-194, 1990.
  • 16. KOSLOWSKY, M., CASPY, T.; LAZAR, M. An empirical comparison of commitment scales. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, v. 20, n. 13, p. 1063-1075,1990.
  • 17. MORROW, P.C.; McELROY, J.C. On assessing of work commitment. Academy of Management Review, v. 8 n. 3, p. 486500, 1986.
  • 18. BORGES-ANDRADE, J.E.; ASANASIEF, R.S.; SILVA, M.S. Comprometimento organizacional em instituiçőes de pesquisa: diferença entre meio e fim. Anais do XIV Simpósio Nacional de Pesquisa de Administraçăo em Cięncia e Tecnologia. PACTO/FEA/USP, 1989.
  • 19. BASTOS, A.V.B. Medidas de comprometimento no contexto de trabalho: um estudo preliminar de validade discriminante. (trabalho encaminhado para publicaçăo), 1992.
  • 20. Entre os trabalhos que apresentam modelos mais sofisticados destacamos: MATHIEU, J.E. A causa model of organizational commitment in military training enviroment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v. 16, p. 299-311, 1989;
  • MOnAZ, C.J. Deterrninants of organizational commitment. Human Relations, v. 41, p. 467-482, 1988.
  • FLORKOWSKI, G.W.; SCHUSTER. M.H. Support for profit sharing and organization commitment: a path analysis. Human Relations, v. 45, n. 5, p. 507-523.
  • 22. RITZER, G.; TRIGE, H.M. An empirical study of Howard Becker's side-bet theory. Social Forces, v. 47, p. 475-479,1969.
  • 23. ALLUTO, J.; HREBINIAK, L.G.; ALONSO, R. On operationalizing the concept of commitment. Social Forces, v. 20, p. 448-454,1973.
  • 24. PENLEY L.; GOULO, S. Etzioni's model of organizational involvement: a perspetive for understanding commitment to organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, v.9, p. 4359,1988.
  • 25. MEYER, J.P.; ALLEN, N. Testing the "síde-bet theory" of organizational commitment: some methodological considerations. Journal of Applied Psycology, v. 69, p. 372-368, 1984;
  • Links between work experiences and organizational commitment during the first year of employement: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational Psycology, v. 61, p. 195-209, 1988.
  • 26. McGEE, s.w: FORD, R.C. Two (or more?) dimensions of organizational commitment: reexamination of the affective and continuance commitment scales. Journal of Applied Psycology, v.72, p. 638-641, 1987.
  • 27. MEYER, J.P. ALLEN, N.J.; GELLATL Y, I.R. Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: evaluation of measures and analysls of concurrent and time-lagged relations. Journal of Applied Psycology, v. 75, n. 6, p. 710-720,1990.
  • 28. HALABY, C.N. Worker attachment and workplace authority. American Sociological Review, v. 51, p. 634-649, 1986.
  • 31. HALABY, C.N.; WEAKLIEM, O.L. Worker control and attachment to the firm. American Journal of Sociology, v. 95 n. 3, p. 549-591, 1989.
  • 33. AZJEN, I.; FISHBEIN, M. Understanding attitudes and piedicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1980.
  • 34. WEINER, Y. Commitment in organizations: a normative view. Academy of Management Review, v. 7, p. 418-428,1982.
  • 35. WEINER, Y.; VAROI, Y. Relationships between organizational culture and individual motivation - a conceptual integration. Psychological Reports, v. 67, p. 295-306, 1990.
  • 37.KIESLER, C.A.; SAKAMURA, J.A. A test of a model for commitment. Journal of Personality and Social Psycology, v.3, p. 349-353, 1966.
  • 38. SALANCIK, G.R. Commitment and the control of organizational behavíor and belief. In, STAW, B.M. (ed.) Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, p. 306312,1991.
  • 39. O'REILL Y, C.A.; CALOWELL, O.F. The commitment and job tenure of new employees: some evidences of postdecisional justification. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 26, p, 597-616.
  • 40. KLlNE, C.J.; PETERS, L.H. Behavioral commitment and tenure of new employees: a replication and extension. Academy of Management Journal, v.34, n. 1, p. 194-204.
  • 42. ALLEN, N.J.; MEYER, J.P. The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psycology, v.63, n. 1, p, 1-18,1990.
  • 43. O'REILLY, CA; CHATMAN, J.A. Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: the ettects of compliance, identification, and internalization on pro-social behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, p. 492-499, 1986.
  • 44. OSIGWEH Jr., CA Concept fallibility in organizational science. Academy of Management Review, v. 14. n. 4, p, 579-594, 1989.
  • 47. GUEST, D.E. Employee commitment and control. In: HARTLEY J.F.; STEPHENSON G.M. (eds.) Employement relations: the Psycholagy of influence and control at wark. Blackweel: OXford, 1991, p. 15.
  • 48. REICHERS, A.E. A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Review; v. 10, n.3. p. 508-514, 1985.
  • 50. REICHERS, A.E. Conflict and organizational commitments. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, n. 33, p.S08-514, 1986.
  • 51. Meta-análise é um procedimento que envolve a agregaçăo de coeficientes de correlaçăo encontrados por diversos estudos, corrigindo-se a presença de artefatos estatísticos. Ele permite sumarizar resultados acumulados, testando a consistęncia desses achados. Ver: MATHIEU, J.E.; ZAJAC, O.M., Op. cit.; COHEN, A.; LOWENBERG, G. A re-examination of the side-bets theory as applied to organizational commitment: a meta-analysis. Human Relations, 43-910,1015-50,1990.
  • RANOALL, D.M. The consequences of organizational commitment: methodological investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, v. 11, p. 361-378, 1990.
  • 54. HACKMAN, JR.; OLDHAM, G.R. Development of the job diagnostic survey. Jaurnal of Applied Psychalogy, v. 60, p. 159-70, 1975.
  • 56. LUTHANS, f; BAACK, O.; TAYLOR, L. Organizational commitment: analysis of antecedents. Humans Relatians, v. 40, p. 219-235, 1987 .
  • 58. FISHER, C.D. Social support and adjustment to work: a longitudinal study, Journal of Management, v. 11, p. 39-53, 1985;
  • 61. Só para citarmos um exemplo, a relaçăo "causal" entre comprometimento e satisfaçăo é vista de forma oposta por Baterman e Strasser e por William e Harzer. Na maioria dos estudos, todavia, satisfaçăo no trabalho é vista como antecedente de comprometimento organizacional. Ver: BATERMAN, T.S.; STRASSER, S. A longitudinal analysis of the antecedents of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Journal, v.27, n. 1, p. 95112, 1984.
  • WILLIAM, L.J.; HARZER, J.T. Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and commitment in turnover models: a reanalysis using latent variable structural equation methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, n.2,p.219-231, 1986.
  • 62. MORROW, P.C. Concept redundancy in organizational research: the case of work commitment. Academy of Management Review, v.8, n.3, p. 486-500, 1985.
  • 63. Ver: MORROW, P.C., EASTMAN, K.; McELROV, J.C. Concept redundancy and rater naivety in organizational research. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, v. 21, n.3, 1991, p. 219-232;
  • MORROW, P.C.; WIRTH, R.E. Work commitment among salaried professionals. Journal of Vocational Behavior, v.34, 1989, p. 40-50;
  • KOSLOWSKY, M.; CASPV, T.; LAZAR, M. Op. cit.; SHORE, T.H., THORNTON, G.C., SHORE, L.M. Distinctiviness of three work altitudes: job involvement, organizational commitment, and career salience. Psychological Reports, v. 67, p. 851-858, 1990.
  • 64. BROOKE, P.P .. RUSSELL, D.W.; PRICE, J.L. Discriminant validation of measure of job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 73, n.2, p. 139-145, 1988.
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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    13 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Jun 1993


  • Aceito
    Fev 1993
  • Recebido
    Fev 1993
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil