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Organizações, recursos e a luta pela sobrevivência: análise aos níveis organizacionais e ecológico


A crescente complexidade e turbulência dos mercados tem estimulado nos últimos anos a elaboração de múltiplas teorias de análise da relação organização/ambiente. Neste artigo, propõe-se a integração da teoria ecológica de Hannan e Freeman com a perspectiva da dependência dos recursos de Pfeffer e Salancik. A defesa de tal integração baseia-se na necessidade de conjugar os niueis de análise organizacional e ecológico e de procurar abordagens capazes de tornar explicitos os mecanismos organizacionais de aquisição de recursos e suas conseqüências ao niuel das populações de organizações. Embora tratando-se de um trabalho de contornos fundamentalmente acadêmicos, dele se espera a capacidade para estimular a reflexão dos gestores sobre uma área temática complexa e de interesse progressivo no quadro da administração de empresas.

Ecologia organizacional; competição por recursos; alocação de recursos; meio ambiente

The increasing complexity and turbulence of the markeis, has stimulated the construction of multiple theories regarding the relatioship between the organization and its environment. The purpose of this article is to integrate Hannan and Freeman' s ecological theory and Pfeffer and Salancik's resource dependence perspective. The need to combine both ecological and organizational leveIs of analysis, stands for such integration. It also intends to search for perspectives which are able to explain the organizational mechanisms of resource allocaiion, as well as its consequences to the study of populations of organizations. Although this study has an academic framework, it is expected to promote managerial though on the complex and demanding issue of organizational study and practical application.

Organizational Ecology; competition for resources; resource allocation; environment


Organizações, recursos e a luta pela sobrevivência: análise aos níveis organizacionais e ecológico

Miguel Pina e Cunha

Professor do Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Lisboa, Portugal


A crescente complexidade e turbulência dos mercados tem estimulado nos últimos anos a elaboração de múltiplas teorias de análise da relação organização/ambiente. Neste artigo, propõe-se a integração da teoria ecológica de Hannan e Freeman com a perspectiva da dependência dos recursos de Pfeffer e Salancik. A defesa de tal integração baseia-se na necessidade de conjugar os niueis de análise organizacional e ecológico e de procurar abordagens capazes de tornar explicitos os mecanismos organizacionais de aquisição de recursos e suas conseqüências ao niuel das populações de organizações. Embora tratando-se de um trabalho de contornos fundamentalmente acadêmicos, dele se espera a capacidade para estimular a reflexão dos gestores sobre uma área temática complexa e de interesse progressivo no quadro da administração de empresas.

Palavras-chave: Ecologia organizacional, competição por recursos, alocação de recursos, meio ambiente.


The increasing complexity and turbulence of the markeis, has stimulated the construction of multiple theories regarding the relatioship between the organization and its environment. The purpose of this article is to integrate Hannan and Freeman' s ecological theory and Pfeffer and Salancik's resource dependence perspective. The need to combine both ecological and organizational leveIs of analysis, stands for such integration. It also intends to search for perspectives which are able to explain the organizational mechanisms of resource allocaiion, as well as its consequences to the study of populations of organizations. Although this study has an academic framework, it is expected to promote managerial though on the complex and demanding issue of organizational study and practical application.

Key words: Organizational Ecology, competition for resources, resource allocation, environment.

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Revisão de José Luiz Celeste, Professor do Departamento de Informática e Métodos Quantitativos da EAESP/FGV.

1. HALL, R. H. Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 4th ed., 1991.

2. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. The Population ecology of organizations. American Journal of Sociology, v. 82, p. 929-964, 1977; __. Organizational ecology. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press,1989.

3. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. The external control of organizations, New York: Harper & Row,1978.

4. CUNHA, M. P. As organizações e a envolvente: aquisição de recursos e competição organizacional. Comunicação apresentada no Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia, Madrid, 6-10/julho/1992.

5. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cit.

6.FISCHMAN, A. A. Algumas aplicações de ecologia de empresas. São Paulo: USP, 1972 (tese de doutoramento).

7. MORGAN, G. lmages of organization, Newbury Park: Sage, 1986.

8. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. Op. cit.

9. BURGELMAN, R. A. Strategymaking and organizational ecology: a conceptual integration. In: SINGH, J. V. Organizational evolution: new directions. Newbury Park: Sage, 1990, 164-81.

10. KOTLER, P. Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation, and control. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 6th ed.,1988.

11. PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. In: LUBDZET, G.; ARONSON, E. The handbook of social psychology. New York:.Random House, v. 1, p. 379-440, 3rd ed., 1985.

12. ZACCARELLI, S. B.; FIS: CHMANN, A. A.; LEME, R. A. S. Ecologia de empresas: um estudo do ambiente empresarial, São Paulo: Atlas, 1980.

13. MOORE, J. F. Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition. Harvard Business Review, p. 75-86, May/June, 1993.

14. BRITIAIN, J. W.; FREEMAN, J. H. Organizational proliferation and density dependent selection. In: KIMBERLY, J. R.; MILES, R. H. The organizational life cycle: issues in the creation, transformation, and decline of organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1980, p. 291-338.

15. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cit.

16. ODUM, E. P. Fundamentals of ecology, 3rd Ed. (Trad. portuguesa: Fundamentos de ecologia), Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1988, 1971.

17. HANNAN, M. T.; FREMANN, J. Op. cit.

18. ULRICH, D. The population perspectíve: review, critique, and relevance. Human Relations, v. 40, n.3, p. 137-52, 1987.

19. WINTER, S. G. Survival, selection, and inheritance in evolutionary theories of organization. In: SINGH, J. V. Op. cit., 1990, p. 269-97.

20. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cit.

21. WINTER, S. G. Op. cit.

22. BURGELMAN, R. A. Op. cit.

23.LOASBV, B. J. Long-range formal planning in perspective, reprinted in quinn. In: MINTZBERG, J. B.; JAMES, R. M. The strategy process. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1967, p. 89-94.

24. PFEFFER, J. Four laws of organizational research. In: VAN DE VEN, A. H.; JOVCE. W. F. Perspectives on organization design and behavior, New Vork: John Wiley ano Sons, 1981, p. 409-418.

25. PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. Op, cit.

26. SCHOONHEVEN, C. B.; EISENHARDT, K. M.;LVMAN, K. Speeding products to market: product introduction in new firms. Administrative sctence Quarterly, v. 35, p. 177-207, 1990.

27. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. Op. cit.

28. PEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. Op. cit.

29. SANTOS, M.; MARTINS, M.; SARMENTO, P. As Organizações e o meio: uma abordagem contextual. (Trabalho não publicado, 1988. )

30. KIMBERLV, J. R.; MILES, R. H. The Organizational life cycle: issues in the creation transformation and decline of organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1980.

31. SHEIN, E. H. Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1985.

32. SMITH, K. G.; LOCKE, E. A. Goal setting, planning, and organizational performance: an experimental simulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, v.46, p. 118-134,1990.

33. HALL, R. H. Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 4th ed., 1991.

34. ULRICH, D. Specifying external relalions: definition of and actors in an organization's environment. Human Relations, v.37, n.3, p. 248-250, 1984.

35. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. Op. cit.

36. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cito PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, E. Op. cit.

37. FREEMAN, J. Organizational life cycles and natural selection processes. In: STAW, B. M.; CUMMINGS, L. L. Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich: JAI Press, n. 4, p. 1-32, 1982; PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. Op. cit.; SCOTI, W. R. Organizations: rational, natural, and open systems. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., 1987.

38. KIESER, A. Organizational, institutional, and societal evolution: medieval craft guilds and the genesis of formal organizations. Administrative science Quarterly, n. 34, p. 540-64, 1989.

39. PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. Op. cit.

40. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. Op. cit.

41. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cit.

42. BENNIS, W.; NANUS, B. Leaders, New York: Harper & Row, 1985.

43. SCOTT, W. R. Organizations: rational, natural and open systems. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 2nd. ed., 1987.

44. CARROLL, G. R.; GOOOSTEIN, J.; GYENES, A. Organizations and the state: effects of the institutional environment on agricultural cooperatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 33,p.233-56,1988.

45. SCOTT, W. R. Op. cit.

46. EIGEN, M.; WINKLER, R. Das Spiel: naturgesetze ateuern den zufall (Tradução portuguesa: O jogo: as leis naturais que regulam o acaso), Lisboa: Gradiva, 1975.

47. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. Op. cit.

48. EXPRESSO, 22/2/86, Portugal.

49. DIÁRIO DE NOTíCIAS, Out./1991, Portugal.

50. ° INDEPENDENTE, 12/7/91, p.21-1I, Portugal.

51. MEYER, M. W. Notes of a skeptic: from organizational ecology to organizational evolution. In: SINGH, J. V. Op. cít., 1990, p. 298-314.

52. PÚBLICO, 6/11/91, p. 43, Portugal.

53. PÚBLICO, Suplemento "Grandes Empresas", 30/10/91, p. 18-20, Portugal.

54. EXPRESSO, 10/11/90, p. C3, Portugal.

55. DRUCKER, P. F. Innovation and entrepreneurship. (Tradução portuguesa: Inovação e gestão), Lisboa: Presença, 1986,1985.

56. EXPRESSO, 9/11/91, 7-S, Portugal.

57. POBLlCO-ECON OM IA, 11/2/91, p. 10, Portugal.

58. EXPRESSO, 23/3/91, C3, Portugal.

59. PÚBLICO, 6/11/91, p. 43, Portugal.

60. MINTZBERG, H. Generic strategies: toward a comprehensive framework. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Advances in strategic management, Greenwich: JAI Press, n. 5, p. 1-67,1988.

61. ROGERS, D.; MIGLANI, A. Environmental change in the finantial services industry. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Op. cit.

62. WALTER, I. Cometitive performance and strategic posltíoning in international finantial services. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Op. cit.

  • 1. HALL, R. H. Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 4th ed., 1991.
  • 2. HANNAN, M. T.; FREEMAN, J. The Population ecology of organizations. American Journal of Sociology, v. 82, p. 929-964, 1977; __. Organizational ecology. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press,1989.
  • 3. PFEFFER, J.; SALANCIK, G. The external control of organizations, New York: Harper & Row,1978.
  • 4. CUNHA, M. P. As organizações e a envolvente: aquisição de recursos e competição organizacional. Comunicação apresentada no Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia, Madrid, 6-10/julho/1992.
  • 6.FISCHMAN, A. A. Algumas aplicações de ecologia de empresas. São Paulo: USP, 1972 (tese de doutoramento).
  • 7. MORGAN, G. lmages of organization, Newbury Park: Sage, 1986.
  • 9. BURGELMAN, R. A. Strategymaking and organizational ecology: a conceptual integration. In: SINGH, J. V. Organizational evolution: new directions. Newbury Park: Sage, 1990, 164-81.
  • 10. KOTLER, P. Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation, and control. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 6th ed.,1988.
  • 11. PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. In: LUBDZET, G.; ARONSON, E. The handbook of social psychology. New York:.Random House, v. 1, p. 379-440, 3rd ed., 1985.
  • 12. ZACCARELLI, S. B.; FIS: CHMANN, A. A.; LEME, R. A. S. Ecologia de empresas: um estudo do ambiente empresarial, São Paulo: Atlas, 1980.
  • 13. MOORE, J. F. Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition. Harvard Business Review, p. 75-86, May/June, 1993.
  • 14. BRITIAIN, J. W.; FREEMAN, J. H. Organizational proliferation and density dependent selection. In: KIMBERLY, J. R.; MILES, R. H. The organizational life cycle: issues in the creation, transformation, and decline of organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1980, p. 291-338.
  • 16. ODUM, E. P. Fundamentals of ecology, 3rd Ed. (Trad. portuguesa: Fundamentos de ecologia), Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1988, 1971.
  • 18. ULRICH, D. The population perspectíve: review, critique, and relevance. Human Relations, v. 40, n.3, p. 137-52, 1987.
  • 23.LOASBV, B. J. Long-range formal planning in perspective, reprinted in quinn. In: MINTZBERG, J. B.; JAMES, R. M. The strategy process. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1967, p. 89-94.
  • 24. PFEFFER, J. Four laws of organizational research. In: VAN DE VEN, A. H.; JOVCE. W. F. Perspectives on organization design and behavior, New Vork: John Wiley ano Sons, 1981, p. 409-418.
  • 26. SCHOONHEVEN, C. B.; EISENHARDT, K. M.;LVMAN, K. Speeding products to market: product introduction in new firms. Administrative sctence Quarterly, v. 35, p. 177-207, 1990.
  • 29. SANTOS, M.; MARTINS, M.; SARMENTO, P. As Organizações e o meio: uma abordagem contextual. (Trabalho não publicado, 1988.
  • 30. KIMBERLV, J. R.; MILES, R. H. The Organizational life cycle: issues in the creation transformation and decline of organizations. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1980.
  • 31. SHEIN, E. H. Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1985.
  • 32. SMITH, K. G.; LOCKE, E. A. Goal setting, planning, and organizational performance: an experimental simulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, v.46, p. 118-134,1990.
  • 33. HALL, R. H. Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 4th ed., 1991.
  • 34. ULRICH, D. Specifying external relalions: definition of and actors in an organization's environment. Human Relations, v.37, n.3, p. 248-250, 1984.
  • 37. FREEMAN, J. Organizational life cycles and natural selection processes. In: STAW, B. M.; CUMMINGS, L. L. Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich: JAI Press, n. 4, p. 1-32, 1982;
  • PFEFFER, J. Organizations and organization theory. Op. cit.; SCOTI, W. R. Organizations: rational, natural, and open systems. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., 1987.
  • 38. KIESER, A. Organizational, institutional, and societal evolution: medieval craft guilds and the genesis of formal organizations. Administrative science Quarterly, n. 34, p. 540-64, 1989.
  • 42. BENNIS, W.; NANUS, B. Leaders, New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
  • 43. SCOTT, W. R. Organizations: rational, natural and open systems. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 2nd. ed., 1987.
  • 44. CARROLL, G. R.; GOOOSTEIN, J.; GYENES, A. Organizations and the state: effects of the institutional environment on agricultural cooperatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 33,p.233-56,1988.
  • 46. EIGEN, M.; WINKLER, R. Das Spiel: naturgesetze ateuern den zufall (Tradução portuguesa: O jogo: as leis naturais que regulam o acaso), Lisboa: Gradiva, 1975.
  • 51. MEYER, M. W. Notes of a skeptic: from organizational ecology to organizational evolution. In: SINGH, J. V. Op. cít., 1990, p. 298-314.
  • 55. DRUCKER, P. F. Innovation and entrepreneurship. (Tradução portuguesa: Inovação e gestão), Lisboa: Presença, 1986,1985.
  • 60. MINTZBERG, H. Generic strategies: toward a comprehensive framework. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Advances in strategic management, Greenwich: JAI Press, n. 5, p. 1-67,1988.
  • 61. ROGERS, D.; MIGLANI, A. Environmental change in the finantial services industry. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Op. cit.
  • 62. WALTER, I. Cometitive performance and strategic posltíoning in international finantial services. In: LAMB, R.; SHRIVASTAVA, P. Op. cit.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    12 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Out 1993
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