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Organização e trabalho no Japão


Características culturais e organizacionais japonesas e o desenvolvimento de formas eficazes de realização do trabalho.

Japão; organização industrial; administração japonesa; aspectos culturais

Organizational and cultural Japanese characteristics and the development of more effective job doing.

Japan; industrial organization; cultural aspects; Japanese management


Organização e trabalho no Japão

Gilmar Masiero

Doutorando em Administração na EAESP/FGV


Características culturais e organizacionais japonesas e o desenvolvimento de formas eficazes de realização do trabalho.

Palavras-chave: Japão, organização industrial, administração japonesa, aspectos culturais.


Organizational and cultural Japanese characteristics and the development of more effective job doing.

Key words: Japan, industrial organization, cultural aspects, Japanese management.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Bibliografia Suplementar

CLARK, Rodney. The japanese company. New Halen: Yale University Press, 1979.

DORE, Ronald. Brithish factory - Japanese factory. Berkeley: University of Califórnia Press, 1973.

DURLABHJI, Subhash, MARKS, Norton E. (Ed.) Japanese business: cultural perspectives. New York: State University New York, 1993.

HIRANO, Hiroyuki. Jit factory revolution. Tokyo: Productivity Press, 1988.

HIRCHMEIER. J., YUI, T. The development of Japanese business 1600-1980. London: Allen & Urwin, 1981.

TSURU, Shigeto. Japan's capitalism: creative defeat and beyond. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE e aprovado para publicação em janeiro/94.

1. TAYLOR, F. W. Princípios de administração científica. 7ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986.

2. SHIN nlhongo no kiso by the association for overseas tecnnicalscholarship. Tokyo, 1992.

3. KIKUCHI, Makoto. Creativity and ways of thinking: the Japanese style. In: Physics today. Sept, p. 42-51.

4. SASAKI, Nanata. Management and industrial structure in Japan. Tokyo: Pergamon Press, 1981. 149 p.

5. FRUIN, W. Mark. The Japanese enterprise system: competitive strategies and cooperative structures. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

6. HOLSTEIN, William J. The Japanese power game: What it means for America. New York: Plume, 1991.

7. GERLACH, Michael. Alliances capitalism: the social organization of Japanese business. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.

8. MASIERD, Gilmar. The main aspects of tne Japanese management and their implementation in selected countries. Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, Oct. 1993.

  • CLARK, Rodney. The japanese company. New Halen: Yale University Press, 1979.
  • DORE, Ronald. Brithish factory - Japanese factory. Berkeley: University of Califórnia Press, 1973.
  • DURLABHJI, Subhash, MARKS, Norton E. (Ed.) Japanese business: cultural perspectives. New York: State University New York, 1993.
  • HIRANO, Hiroyuki. Jit factory revolution. Tokyo: Productivity Press, 1988.
  • HIRCHMEIER. J., YUI, T. The development of Japanese business 1600-1980. London: Allen & Urwin, 1981.
  • TSURU, Shigeto. Japan's capitalism: creative defeat and beyond. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  • 1. TAYLOR, F. W. Princípios de administração científica. 7ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986.
  • 2. SHIN nlhongo no kiso by the association for overseas tecnnicalscholarship. Tokyo, 1992.
  • 3. KIKUCHI, Makoto. Creativity and ways of thinking: the Japanese style. In: Physics today. Sept, p. 42-51.
  • 4. SASAKI, Nanata. Management and industrial structure in Japan. Tokyo: Pergamon Press, 1981. 149 p.
  • 5. FRUIN, W. Mark. The Japanese enterprise system: competitive strategies and cooperative structures. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • 6. HOLSTEIN, William J. The Japanese power game: What it means for America. New York: Plume, 1991.
  • 7. GERLACH, Michael. Alliances capitalism: the social organization of Japanese business. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
  • 8. MASIERD, Gilmar. The main aspects of tne Japanese management and their implementation in selected countries. Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, Oct. 1993.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    12 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Fev 1994


  • Aceito
    Jan 1994
  • Recebido
    Jan 1994
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