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Identidade organizacional


Neste artigo teórico, os autores revisitam o conceito de identidade, advogando o melhor entendimento de sua complexidade e sua utilização mais abrangente na análise organizacional. Enquanto exploram as origens do conceito e os caminhos de sua evolução por vários campos do conhecimento, os autores desenvolvem um quadro conceitual de referência, que diferencia as muitas abordagens existentes sobre identidade, a partir de duas dimensões básicas: dimensão do objeto focal e dimensão da observação. A primeira distingue o objeto sobre o qual o conceito é aplicado (ex.: indivíduo, grupo, organização etc.); a segunda distingue as formas pelas quais a identidade é observada (do interiormente observado - selt - até o externamente observado - imagem). A sobreposição dessas duas dimensões define diversos quadrantes, onde se podem distinguir as diferentes abordagens existentes sobre identidade. Enfim, o modelo é expandido com uma terceira dimensão (da definição de identidade), que põe em debate os alicerces do próprio conceito: a idéia de algo central, distintivo e duradouro.

identidade; identidade organizacional; mudança organizacional; self; auto-conceito; organização virtual

In this theoretical article, the authors revisit the concept of identity, proposing the better understanding of its complexity, as well as its broa der use in organizational analysis. While exploring the origins of the concept and the trends of its evolution through several fields of knowledge, the authors develop a conceptual framework, which differentiates the many existing perspectives on identity based on two key dimensions: the focal object dimension and the observation dimensiono The former distinguishes the object to which the concept is applied (e.g., an individual, a group, an organization etc.); the latter differentiates how identity is observed (from the innerly observed - self - to the externally observed - image). The combination of these two dimensions defines several quadrants, in which it is possible to portrait the different existing perspectives on identity. At last, the model is expanded with a third dimension (the identity definition), which debates the basic foundations of the concept: of this being something central, distinctive and enduring.

identity; organizational identity; organizational change; self; self-concept; virtual organization


Identidade organizacional

Miguel P. CaldasI; Thomaz Wood Jr.II

IMestre e Doutorando em Administração de Empresas na EAESP/FGV. Professor do Departamento de Administração Geral e Recursos Humanos da EAESP/FGV e consultor de empresas. E-mail:

IIMestre e Doutorando em Administração de Empresas na EAESP/FGV. Professor do Departamento de Produção, Logística e de Operações Industriais da EAESP/FGV e consultor de empresas. E-mail:


Neste artigo teórico, os autores revisitam o conceito de identidade, advogando o melhor entendimento de sua complexidade e sua utilização mais abrangente na análise organizacional. Enquanto exploram as origens do conceito e os caminhos de sua evolução por vários campos do conhecimento, os autores desenvolvem um quadro conceitual de referência, que diferencia as muitas abordagens existentes sobre identidade, a partir de duas dimensões básicas: dimensão do objeto focal e dimensão da observação. A primeira distingue o objeto sobre o qual o conceito é aplicado (ex.: indivíduo, grupo, organização etc.); a segunda distingue as formas pelas quais a identidade é observada (do interiormente observado - selt - até o externamente observado - imagem). A sobreposição dessas duas dimensões define diversos quadrantes, onde se podem distinguir as diferentes aborda­gens existentes sobre identidade. Enfim, o modelo é expandido com uma terceira dimensão (da definição de identidade), que põe em debate os alicerces do próprio conceito: a idéia de algo central, distintivo e duradouro.

Palavras-chave: identidade, identidade organizacional, mudança organizacional, self, auto-conceito, organização virtual.


In this theoretical article, the authors revisit the concept of identity, proposing the better understanding of its complexity, as well as its broa der use in organizational analysis. While exploring the origins of the concept and the trends of its evolution through several fields of knowledge, the authors develop a conceptual framework, which differentiates the many existing perspectives on identity based on two key dimensions: the focal object dimension and the observation dimensiono The former distinguishes the object to which the concept is applied (e.g., an individual, a group, an organization etc.); the latter differentiates how identity is observed (from the innerly observed - self - to the externally observed - image). The combination of these two dimensions defines several quadrants, in which it is possible to portrait the different existing perspectives on identity. At last, the model is expanded with a third dimension (the identity definition), which debates the basic foundations of the concept: of this being something central, distinctive and enduring.

Key words: identity, organizational identity, organizational change, self, self-concept, virtual organization.

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1. Ver NKOMO, S. & COX, Jr. T. Diverse identities in organizations. In: CLEGG, S., HARDY, C. & NORD, W. (Orgs.), Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 1996, p. 338­356.

2. Em um trabalho recente, um framework inicial nesse sentido foi proposto por Wood e Caldas para analisar processos radicais de mudança: ver WOOD Jr .. T, CALDAS, M.P. Quem tem medo de eletrochoque? Identidade, terapias convulsivas e mudança organizacional. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 35, n.5, p. 13-21, 1995. Neste trabalho, nos propomos a desenvolver conccitualmente um modelo mais abrangente.

3. Ver RODRIGUES, S. B. Corporate culture and identity: De-institutionalization in a Brazilian telecommunications company. Anais do 17º ENANPAD, v. 1O (RH.), p. 345-365. Salvador, BA, 1993.

4. Ver COPI, I. M. & COHEN, C. Introduction to logic (8th ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1990.

5. Ver WHITEHEAD, A. N. & RUSSELL, B. Principia Mathematica (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927.

6. Ver KAHN, C. H. The art and thought of Heraclitus: An edition of the fragments with translation and commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

7. Ver CARR, B. Metaphysics: An introduction. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987.

8. Ver FREUD, S. Address to the Society of B'nal B'rith. The SlandarrJ Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, v.20, p. 273-274. London: Hogarth Press, 1959 [ 1926].

9. Ver ERIKSON, E. Identity, youth and crisis. New York: W W Norton & Company, 1968, p. 21.

10. Ver ONIONS, C. T. (Ed.) The Oxforr Dictionary of English Etymology. Oxtord: Oxford University Press, 1979.

11. Ver BARNHARI, R. K. (Ed.) The Bamhart Dictionary of Etymology. New York: H. W Wilson Company, 1988.

12. Ver LAPSLEY, D. K. & POWER, FC C. (Eds.) Self, Ego, and Identity: Integrative approaches. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

13. Ver FREUD, S. The Ego and the Id. The Major Works of Sigmund Freud. Chicago: William Bentoni Britanniea Inc., 1952 [1923] .

14. Exemplos dessa expansão incluem FREUD, A. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. New York: Internatlonal Universities Press, 1967; ERIKSON, E. Op. cit.; ERICKSON, E. Identity and the life cycle. New York: W.W. Norton&Company, 1980.

15. Ver ERIKSON, E. Op. cit., 1968, p. 17-19.

16.Ver WOOLEY, T. Self identity: the neglected resource. Paper apresentado na XIII SCOS­Standing Conferenee on Organizational Symbolism Turku, Finlândia, 1995 e OIAMOND, M. A. The Unconselous Ufe of Organizat/ons: Interpreting organizational Identity. Westport: Quorum Books, 1993.

17. ERIKSON, E. Op. cit., 1980, p. 109.

18. WOOLEY, T. Op. cit.

19. Apesar de o trabalho de Erikson não ter de fato originado todas as perspectivas sobre identidade individual que há em outros campos do conhecimento (muitas outras abordagens existiam antes da sua, por exemplo, em Psicologia Social), a popularização da sua pesquisa definitivamente deu novo fôlego e chamou a atenção para o conccito de identidade em diversas disciplinas dentro das ciências sociais.

20. Ver STRAUSS, A. Mirrors and Masks: The search for identity. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1959 e GOFFMAN, E. Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. New York: Anchor Books, 1961. GOFFMAN, E. Stigma: Notes on the management of the spollled identity. Hardmon: Penquin, 1968.

21. Ver GECAS, V. The self-concept. Annual Review of Sociology, v. 8, p. 1-33, 1982; TAJFEL, H. Social psychology of intergroup relations. In: ROSENWEIG, M. R. & PORTER, L. W (Eds.), Annual Review of Psychology, v. 33, p. 1-39. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 1982; TAJFEL, H. & TURNER, J.C. The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. In: WORCHEL, S. & AUSTIN, W. G. (Eds.), Psychology of Intergroup Relations, v. 2, p. 7­24. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1985.

22. Ver BROWN, R. & WILLlAMS, J. Group identification: the same thing to all people? Human Relations, v. 37, p. 547-564, 1984; O'REILLY, C. & CHATMAN, J. Organizational commitment and psychological attachment. Joumal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, p. 49­65, 1986; CHATMAN, J. Matching people and organizations. Administrative Science Quarterty, v. 36, p. 455-484, 1991.

23. Ver KRAMER, R. M. & BREWER, M. B. Effects of group identity on resource use in a simulated common dilemma. Joumal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 46, p. 1044-1057,1984.

24. Ver ALBERT, S & WHETTEN, O. A. Organizational identily. In: CUMMINGS, L. L. & STAW B. M. (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, v. 7, p. 263-295. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1985.

25. Ver ALBERT, S. & WHETTEN, D. A. Op. cil., p.265.

26. Ver WHETIEN, D. If it isn't 'core, enduring, and distinctive' it isn't identity. Paper apresentado em simpósio sobre identidade organizacional (Beyond 'central, enduring, and distinctive': Reconceptualizing organizational identity, MOC/OB Divisions), durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Vancouver, B.C. (Canadá), 1995.

27. Ver HATCH, M. J. & SCHULTZ, M. From tribes to texts: Cultural impressions of image and identity. Paper apresentado na XIII SCOS - Standing Conference on Organizalional Symbolism. Turku, Finlândia, 1995; WHETIEN, D. & GREGERSEN, H. Social identity and characteristics of group categories and boundaries. Paper apresentado na XIII SCOS - Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism. Turku, Finlândia, 1995; ALBERT, S. & WHETIEN, D. A. Managing organizations with a dual or hybrid identity. Pape r apresentado em simpósio sobre identidade organizacional (Managing Organizational Identities and Image, MOC/OMT Divisions), durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Vancouver, B.C. (Canadá), 1995.

28. Ver HATCH, M. J. The dynamics of organizational culture. Academy of Management Review, v. 18, p. 657-693, 1993.

29. Ver DUTTON, J. E. & DUKERICH, J. M. Keeping an eye on the mirror: the role of image and identity in organizational adaptation. Academy of Management Journal, v. 34, p. 366-375, 1991; DUTION, J. E., DUKERICH, J. M., HARQUAIL, C. V. Organizalional images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 39, p. 239-263, 1994.

30. Ver KRAMER, R. M. Organizational identificatíon and cooperation. In: MURNIGHAN, K. (Ed.) Social psychology in organizations: Advances in tneory and practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993; O'REILLY & CHATMAN, Op. cit., ASHFORTH, B. E. & MAEL, F Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, v.14, p. 20­39, 1989.

31. Ver DUTTON, J. E., OUKERICH, J. M., HARQUAIL, C. V. Op. cit., ELSBACH, K. O. & KRAMER, R. M. Cognitive strategies for managing organizational identity: a study of business school responses to the Business week rankings. Paper apresentado durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Dallas, TX, 1994; KRAMER, R.M. Op. cit.

32. Ver BLASICK, J. The communication of organizational identity: a source of competitive advantage. Paper apresentado durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Cincinnati, OH, 1996; FOMBRUN, C. & SHANLEY, M. What's in a name ? Reputation buiiding and corporate strategy. Academy of Management Joumal, v. 33, p. 233-258, 1990; GARBETT, T. How to build a corporation's identity and project: its image. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Company, 1988.

33. Ver ALVESSON, M. Organization: From substance to image? Organization Studies, v. 11, n.3, p. 373-394, 1990; GIOIA, D. & SCHULTZ, M. Adaptive instability: the interre­lationship between identity and image in organizations. Paper apresentado em simpósio sobre identidade organizacional (Managing Organizational Identities and Image, MOC/OMT Divisions), durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Vancouver, B.C. (Canadá), 1995; HATCH,M. J. & SCHULTZ, M. Op, cit., 1995.

34. Ver HOFSTEDE, G. Cuiture 's Conse­quences: international differences in work­related values. Beverly Hilis, CA: Sage, 1980; HOFSTEDE, G. Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, n. 2, p. 286, 1990.

35. Ver BRONOWSKI, J. The identity of men. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. Business week. The virtual corporation. February 8, p. 36-41, 1993.

36. GOFFMAN, E. Op. cit., 1968.

37. Ver JUNG, C. G. Aion: researches into the phenomenology of the Self. In: Collected Works, v. 9, Part 11, p. 1-42. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959; JUNG, C. G. The structure and dynamics of the psycne. In: Collected Works, v. 8, p. 283-342. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1960.

38. Ver DOWD, J, J, Societ Psychology in a postmodern age: a discipline without a subject. Department of Sociology. University of Georgia. Athens. GA, 1992,

39. Ver WEIGERT, A, J,. TEIGTE. J, S, & TEIGTE. O, W, Society and identity: foward a sociological psycholagy. Cambridge. England: Cam­bridge University Press. 1986.

40. Ver FRANKS, O, The self in evolutionary perspective. Studies in Symbolic Interaction. Supplement 1. p, 29-61. 1985; WEIGERT, A. J. et al .. op. cit.

41. Ver BERGER. P. Robert Musil and the salvage of the self. Paltisan Review, v. LI, p. 638­650,1984.

42. Ver THORNTON, P. H. & TUMA, N. B. The problem of boundaries in contemporary research on organizalions. Academy of Management Proceedlngs. Vancouver, B. C. (Canadá), 1995.

43. Ver STRATI, A. Aesthetics and organizatíons whithout walls. Studies in Culture, Organizations and Socletles. v.1, n. 1. p. 83-105, 1995.

44. Ver ASHKENAS, R., ULRICH, O., JICK, T. & KERR, S. The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.

45. Ver BUSINESS WEEK. The virtual corporatíon. February 8, p. 36-41, 1993; GRENIER, R. & METES, G. Going virtual: moving your organization into the 21st. century. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prenlice-Hall, 1995; ASHKENAS, R., ULRICH, D., JICK, T. & KERR, S. op. cil.

46. Ver HATCH, M. J. & SCHULTZ, M. An interdisciplinary framework for studying organizational culture, identity and image in postindustrial organizations. Paper apresentado durante as reuniões anuais da Academy of Management. Cincinmati, DH, 1996; STRATI, A. Op. cit.; CLANCY, T. The virtual corporation, telecommuling and the concept of leam. Academy of Management Executiva, v. 8, n. 2, p. 7-10, 1994.

47. Ver HATCH, M. J. & SCHULTZ, M. Op. cit., 1995.

48. Ver MANTOVANI, G. Virtual reality as a communication environment: consensual hallucination, fiction, and possible selves. Human Relations, v. 48, n. 6, p. 669-683, 1995.

49. Ver HEDBERG, B. lmaginary organizations. Stockholm: Stockholm University (Internal Document), 1994.

50. ALVESSON. M. Op, cit.

  • 1. Ver NKOMO, S. & COX, Jr. T. Diverse identities in organizations. In: CLEGG, S., HARDY, C. & NORD, W. (Orgs.), Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 1996, p. 338356.
  • 2. Em um trabalho recente, um framework inicial nesse sentido foi proposto por Wood e Caldas para analisar processos radicais de mudança: ver WOOD Jr .. T, CALDAS, M.P. Quem tem medo de eletrochoque? Identidade, terapias convulsivas e mudança organizacional. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 35, n.5, p. 13-21, 1995.
  • 3. Ver RODRIGUES, S. B. Corporate culture and identity: De-institutionalization in a Brazilian telecommunications company. Anais do 17ş ENANPAD, v. 1O (RH.), p. 345-365. Salvador, BA, 1993.
  • 4. Ver COPI, I. M. & COHEN, C. Introduction to logic (8th ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1990.
  • 5. Ver WHITEHEAD, A. N. & RUSSELL, B. Principia Mathematica (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927.
  • 6. Ver KAHN, C. H. The art and thought of Heraclitus: An edition of the fragments with translation and commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
  • 7. Ver CARR, B. Metaphysics: An introduction. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987.
  • 8. Ver FREUD, S. Address to the Society of B'nal B'rith. The SlandarrJ Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, v.20, p. 273-274. London: Hogarth Press, 1959 [
  • 9. Ver ERIKSON, E. Identity, youth and crisis. New York: W W Norton & Company, 1968, p. 21.
  • 10. Ver ONIONS, C. T. (Ed.) The Oxforr Dictionary of English Etymology. Oxtord: Oxford University Press, 1979.
  • 11. Ver BARNHARI, R. K. (Ed.) The Bamhart Dictionary of Etymology. New York: H. W Wilson Company, 1988.
  • 12. Ver LAPSLEY, D. K. & POWER, FC C. (Eds.) Self, Ego, and Identity: Integrative approaches. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
  • 13. Ver FREUD, S. The Ego and the Id. The Major Works of Sigmund Freud. Chicago: William Bentoni Britanniea Inc., 1952 [1923]
  • 14. Exemplos dessa expansão incluem FREUD, A. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. New York: Internatlonal Universities Press, 1967;
  • 22. Ver BROWN, R. & WILLlAMS, J. Group identification: the same thing to all people? Human Relations, v. 37, p. 547-564, 1984;
  • O'REILLY, C. & CHATMAN, J. Organizational commitment and psychological attachment. Joumal of Applied Psychology, v. 71, p. 4965, 1986;
  • CHATMAN, J. Matching people and organizations. Administrative Science Quarterty, v. 36, p. 455-484, 1991.
  • 23. Ver KRAMER, R. M. & BREWER, M. B. Effects of group identity on resource use in a simulated common dilemma. Joumal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 46, p. 1044-1057,1984.
  • 24. Ver ALBERT, S & WHETTEN, O. A. Organizational identily. In: CUMMINGS, L. L. & STAW B. M. (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, v. 7, p. 263-295. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1985.
  • 28. Ver HATCH, M. J. The dynamics of organizational culture. Academy of Management Review, v. 18, p. 657-693, 1993.
  • 29. Ver DUTTON, J. E. & DUKERICH, J. M. Keeping an eye on the mirror: the role of image and identity in organizational adaptation. Academy of Management Journal, v. 34, p. 366-375, 1991;
  • DUTION, J. E., DUKERICH, J. M., HARQUAIL, C. V. Organizalional images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 39, p. 239-263, 1994.
  • 30. Ver KRAMER, R. M. Organizational identificatíon and cooperation. In: MURNIGHAN, K. (Ed.) Social psychology in organizations: Advances in tneory and practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993;
  • 33. Ver ALVESSON, M. Organization: From substance to image? Organization Studies, v. 11, n.3, p. 373-394, 1990;
  • 34. Ver HOFSTEDE, G. Cuiture 's Consequences: international differences in workrelated values. Beverly Hilis, CA: Sage, 1980;
  • HOFSTEDE, G. Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, n. 2, p. 286, 1990.
  • 35. Ver BRONOWSKI, J. The identity of men. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
  • 37. Ver JUNG, C. G. Aion: researches into the phenomenology of the Self. In: Collected Works, v. 9, Part 11, p. 1-42. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959;
  • JUNG, C. G. The structure and dynamics of the psycne. In: Collected Works, v. 8, p. 283-342. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1960.
  • 38. Ver DOWD, J, J, Societ Psychology in a postmodern age: a discipline without a subject. Department of Sociology. University of Georgia. Athens. GA, 1992,
  • 39. Ver WEIGERT, A, J,. TEIGTE. J, S, & TEIGTE. O, W, Society and identity: foward a sociological psycholagy. Cambridge. England: Cambridge University Press. 1986.
  • 41. Ver BERGER. P. Robert Musil and the salvage of the self. Paltisan Review, v. LI, p. 638650,1984.
  • 43. Ver STRATI, A. Aesthetics and organizatíons whithout walls. Studies in Culture, Organizations and Socletles. v.1, n. 1. p. 83-105, 1995.
  • 44. Ver ASHKENAS, R., ULRICH, O., JICK, T. & KERR, S. The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.
  • 45. Ver BUSINESS WEEK. The virtual corporatíon. February 8, p. 36-41, 1993;
  • GRENIER, R. & METES, G. Going virtual: moving your organization into the 21st. century. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prenlice-Hall, 1995;
  • 48. Ver MANTOVANI, G. Virtual reality as a communication environment: consensual hallucination, fiction, and possible selves. Human Relations, v. 48, n. 6, p. 669-683, 1995.
  • 49. Ver HEDBERG, B. lmaginary organizations. Stockholm: Stockholm University (Internal Document), 1994.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    20 Out 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1997
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