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Estratégias de propaganda de marcas brasileiras no Mercosul


O presente estudo busca identificar as estratégias de propaganda utilizadas na região do Mercosul e analisar os fatores associados à escolha dessas estratégias. Um modelo conccitual é desenvolvido e testado para estratégias de propaganda adotadas por marcas brasileiras anunciadas no Brasil, Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo exploratório sugerem que, apesar dos consumidores dos países integrantes do Mercosul serem vistos como diferentes, a padronização dos elementos da propaganda é a estratégia mais utilizada pelos participantes deste estudo.

estratégias de propaganda; padronização; adaptação; Mercosul; marcas brasileiras

The purpose of this article is to identify the advertising strategies adopted in the Mercosul Region and to analyze the factors which influence the choice of a specific strategic orientation. A conceptual model is developed and tested for advertising strategies adopted by Brazilian firms with brands being advertised in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguaye Uruguay. Results suggest that, in spite of consumer differences, the standardization of advertising messages is the prevalent strategy among the participants in this study.

advertising strategies; standardization; adaptation; Mercosul; Brazilian brands


Estratégias de propaganda de marcas brasileiras no Mercosul

Suzana de M. FontenelleI; Iêda Lima Perera DouradoII

IProfessora da ESPM e doutoranda em Marketing pela University of Houston, Texas, EUA E-mail:

IIDourado Mestranda em Marketing na EAESP/FGV e consultora de empresas E-mail:


O presente estudo busca identificar as estratégias de propaganda utilizadas na região do Mercosul e analisar os fatores associados à escolha dessas estratégias. Um modelo conccitual é desenvolvido e testa­do para estratégias de propaganda adotadas por marcas brasileiras anunciadas no Brasil, Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo exploratório sugerem que, apesar dos consumidores dos países integrantes do Mercosul serem vistos como diferentes, a padronização dos elementos da propaganda é a estratégia mais utilizada pelos participantes deste estudo.

Palavras-chave: estratégias de propaganda; padronização; adaptação; Mercosul; marcas brasileiras.


The purpose of this article is to identify the advertising strategies adopted in the Mercosul Region and to analyze the factors which influence the choice of a specific strategic orientation. A conceptual model is developed and tested for advertising strategies adopted by Brazilian firms with brands being advertised in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguaye Uruguay. Results suggest that, in spite of consumer differences, the standardization of advertising messages is the prevalent strategy among the participants in this study.

Key words: advertising strategies; standardization; adaptation; Mercosul; Brazilian brands.

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Bibliografia Complementar

GOSHAL, Sumantra Global Strategy: An organizing framework. Strategic management journal, v. 8, p.425-440, 1987.

IRALA, Sandra e RANGEL, Valgenio Aranha. O tamanho do bolo. Merco­sul - revista de negócios, v.36, p.IO., maio 1995.

LAVIDGE, Robert J. and STEINER, Gary A. A model for predictive measurements of advertising effectiveness. Journal of Marketing, v. 25, p. 59-61, october 1965.

MACINNIS, Deborah 1. and JAWORSKI, Bernard J.Information processing from advertisements: toward an integrative framework. Journal ofmarketing, n. 53, v. 4, p.l­23, 1989.

ZIONI, Cecília. Espaço para a criatividade. Mercosul - revista de ne­gócios, n.36, p.4-9, maio 1995. ___________ . A Lenta Retomada. Mercosul - revista de negócios, n.32, p.24-31, dez. 1994.

1.AGRAWAL, Madhu. Review of a 40-year debate in international advertising. International marketing review, v.12, n.1, p. 26-48, 1995.

2. HARRIS, Greg. The globalization of advertising', International journal of advertising, v. 3, p. 223, 1994.

3. AAKER, David A .. Managing brand equtty: capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., 1991.

4. KENI, Robert J., ALLEN, Chris T.Competitive interference ettects in consumer memory for advertising: The role of brand familiarity. Journal of marketing, v. 58, p.97-105, july 1994.

5. MacINNIS, Deborah J, MOORMAN, Christine, JAWDRSKI, Bernard J. Enhancing and measuring consumers' motivation, opportunity, and ability to process brand information from ads. Journal of marketing, v. 55, n. 4. p: 32-53, 1991.

6. KELLER, Kevin Lane. Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of marketing, v. 57, p. 1-22, January 1993.

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8.HILL, John S., SHAO. Alan. Agency participants in multicountry advertising: a preliminary examination of affiliate characteristics and environments. Journal of International Marketing, v. 2, n. 2, p. 29-48. 1994.

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12. BRITT, Stewart H .. Standardization marketing for the international market. Columbia Journal of World Business, v. 9. p. 39-45, Winter 1974.

13. BUZZELL. Robert.Can you standardize multi national marketing? Harvard business review, v. 46. p: 102-13, November-December 1968.

14. JAIN, Subhash C .. Standardization of international marketing strategy: some research hypotheses", Journal of marketing, v. 53, p. 70-79, January 1989.

15. HILL, John S., SHAO, Alan. Op. cit.

16. DOUGLAS. Susan P., WIND, Voram. The myth of globalization. The Columbia Journal of World Business, p. 19-29. Winter 1987.

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19. MIRACLE, Gordon. Internationalizing advertising principies ano strategies", MSU Business Topics, p. 29­36, Autumn 1968.

20. KILLOUGH, James. Improved payoff from transnational advertising. Harvard business review, p. 103-110, July-August 1978.

21. The ECONOMI5T. A survey of the advertising industry. p. 1-13, June 1990.

22. HILL, John S., SHAO, Alan. Op. cit.

23. DOUGLAS, Susan P., WIND, Voram. Op.cit.

24. WALTERS, Peter G. (1986). International marketing policy: A discussion of the standardization construct and its relevance for corporate policy. Journal of International Business Studies, V. 17, p. 55-69, Summer 1986.

25. MALHDTRA, Naresh K . Marketing research: an applied orientation. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993.

26. MERCOSUL- revista de negócios. O sonho de Bolivar, v. 32. p. 14·21, dez. 1995.

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28. Folha de S. Paulo. Agências se antecipam à diplomacia do Mercosul, 6 Junho 1994.

29. WELLS, Milton. Argentina e Brasil buscam modelo único de comunicação. Gazeta Mercantil, Novembro 13, 15 e 16.

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33. MAZZI, Miriam. Mercosul: uma questão de adaptação e sobrevivência. Marketing, v. 235, p. 7- 15, fev. 1993.

34. Folha de S. Paulo. Op. cit.

35. MORAES, Andrea Licht de. Op.cit.

  • GOSHAL, Sumantra Global Strategy: An organizing framework. Strategic management journal, v. 8, p.425-440, 1987.
  • IRALA, Sandra e RANGEL, Valgenio Aranha. O tamanho do bolo. Mercosul - revista de negócios, v.36, p.IO., maio 1995.
  • LAVIDGE, Robert J. and STEINER, Gary A. A model for predictive measurements of advertising effectiveness. Journal of Marketing, v. 25, p. 59-61, october 1965.
  • MACINNIS, Deborah 1. and JAWORSKI, Bernard J.Information processing from advertisements: toward an integrative framework. Journal ofmarketing, n. 53, v. 4, p.l23, 1989.
  • ZIONI, Cecília. Espaço para a criatividade. Mercosul - revista de negócios, n.36, p.4-9, maio 1995.
  • ___________ . A Lenta Retomada. Mercosul - revista de negócios, n.32, p.24-31, dez. 1994.
  • 1.AGRAWAL, Madhu. Review of a 40-year debate in international advertising. International marketing review, v.12, n.1, p. 26-48, 1995.
  • 2. HARRIS, Greg. The globalization of advertising', International journal of advertising, v. 3, p. 223, 1994.
  • 3. AAKER, David A .. Managing brand equtty: capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., 1991.
  • 4. KENI, Robert J., ALLEN, Chris T.Competitive interference ettects in consumer memory for advertising: The role of brand familiarity. Journal of marketing, v. 58, p.97-105, july 1994.
  • 5. MacINNIS, Deborah J, MOORMAN, Christine, JAWDRSKI, Bernard J. Enhancing and measuring consumers' motivation, opportunity, and ability to process brand information from ads. Journal of marketing, v. 55, n. 4. p: 32-53, 1991.
  • 6. KELLER, Kevin Lane. Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of marketing, v. 57, p. 1-22, January 1993.
  • 8.HILL, John S., SHAO. Alan. Agency participants in multicountry advertising: a preliminary examination of affiliate characteristics and environments. Journal of International Marketing, v. 2, n. 2, p. 29-48. 1994.
  • 10. BUSINESS WEEK . Getting and spending. p. 56-61, December 1994.
  • 12. BRITT, Stewart H .. Standardization marketing for the international market. Columbia Journal of World Business, v. 9. p. 39-45, Winter 1974.
  • 13. BUZZELL. Robert.Can you standardize multi national marketing? Harvard business review, v. 46. p: 102-13, November-December 1968.
  • 14. JAIN, Subhash C .. Standardization of international marketing strategy: some research hypotheses", Journal of marketing, v. 53, p. 70-79, January 1989.
  • 16. DOUGLAS. Susan P., WIND, Voram. The myth of globalization. The Columbia Journal of World Business, p. 19-29. Winter 1987.
  • 19. MIRACLE, Gordon. Internationalizing advertising principies ano strategies", MSU Business Topics, p. 2936, Autumn 1968.
  • 20. KILLOUGH, James. Improved payoff from transnational advertising. Harvard business review, p. 103-110, July-August 1978.
  • 21
    The ECONOMI5T. A survey of the advertising industry. p. 1-13, June 1990.
  • 24. WALTERS, Peter G. (1986). International marketing policy: A discussion of the standardization construct and its relevance for corporate policy. Journal of International Business Studies, V. 17, p. 55-69, Summer 1986.
  • 25. MALHDTRA, Naresh K . Marketing research: an applied orientation. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993.
  • 26. MERCOSUL- revista de negócios. O sonho de Bolivar, v. 32. p. 14ˇ21, dez. 1995.
  • 29. WELLS, Milton. Argentina e Brasil buscam modelo único de comunicação. Gazeta Mercantil, Novembro 13, 15 e 16.
  • 33. MAZZI, Miriam. Mercosul: uma questão de adaptação e sobrevivência. Marketing, v. 235, p. 7- 15, fev. 1993.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    20 Out 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 1997
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil