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Web banking in Brazil


This article will present a preliminary survey of the status of web banking in Brazil, preeeded by an explanation about some seeurity problems on the Internet and some advantages and impaets of banking serviees through the web. It will end with suggestions for further Web banking studies.

banking; world wide web; internet; online services; electronic commerce

Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa preliminar sobre web banking no Brasil, antecedida por uma discussão sobre segurança na Internet e algumas das vantagens e impactos dos serviços bancários pela web. No final, são apresentadas sugestões para futuros estudos sobre web banking.

bancos; world wide web; serviços online; comércio eletrônico


Web banking in Brazil

Eduardo Diniz

Pesquisador-visitante na Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkely e doutorando na EAESP/FGV


This article will present a preliminary survey of the status of web banking in Brazil, preeeded by an explanation about some seeurity problems on the Internet and some advantages and impaets of banking serviees through the web. It will end with suggestions for further Web banking studies.

Key words: banking, world wide web, internet, online services, electronic commerce.


Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa preliminar sobre web banking no Brasil, antecedida por uma discus­são sobre segurança na Internet e algumas das vantagens e impactos dos serviços bancários pela web. No final, são apresentadas sugestões para futuros estudos sobre web banking.

Palavras-chave: bancos, world wide web, serviços online, comércio eletrônico.

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Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

1. DAVIDSON, Steven. PC-based home banking: Part I. America's Community Bankerv. 5, n.5, May 1996, pp.38-9.

2. An Internet banking boom is coming ... really. US Banker. v. 106, n. 6, Jun. 1996, p. 20.

3. CREDE, Andreas. Electronic commerce and the banking industry: the requirement and opportunities for new payment systems using the InterneI. Journalof Computer-Mediated Communication (Special Issue on Electronic Commerce) v. 1, n. 3.

4. SWANSON, Doug; FLEMING, Cathy. Entering the home-banking markel. Credit Union Executive. v. 35, n. 2, Mar./lApr. 1995, pp. 4-8.

5. Idem, ibidem.

6. LUBOVE, Seth. Cyberbanking. Forbes. V. 158, n. 10, Oct, 21, 1996, pp. 108-116.

7. OGILVE, Charles W 111. Cyberbanking. Bank Managemenl v. 72, n. 3, May/Jun. 1996, pp. 14-18.

8. SEGEV, Afie; PORRA, Jaana; ROLDN, Malu. A Bigger Picture of Internet Security: The Case of Bank of America. CITM Working Paper. March, 1997.

9. SEGEV, A.; WAN, D.; BEAM, C.; TOMA, B.; & WEINROT,D. Financiai EDI overthe Internet: a Case Study. CITM Working Paper. June, 1995.

10. Financiai data encryption code ís broken. Wall Street Journal19 june 97.

11. BLOGH, Michael; PIGNEUR, Yves & SEGEV, Arie. On the Road Df Electronic Gommerce - a Business Value Framework, Gaining Gompetitive Advantage and Some Research Issues. CITM Working Paper. March, 1996.

12. DeLONE, William H.; MARIBOJOC, Roderick G. Educate Vour Market for Home-Banking. Bank Marketing. v. 24, n.11, nov 1992, pp. 28-33.

13. MACE, Scott. Getting Vour Finances in Order: Home Banking Helps Drive Growing Markel. InfoWorld. v.8, n.15, Apr 14,1986, pp. 26,28.

14. DAVIDSON, Steven. PC-based home banking: Part 11. America's Communify Banker. v. 5, n. 6, Jun 1996, pp. 44-45.

15. An Internet banking boom is coming ... really. US Banker. v. 106, n. 6, Jun. 1996, p. 20.

16. SEGEV, A.; WAN, D.; BEAM, C.; TOMA, B.; & WEINROT,D. Op. cil.

17. BLOCH, Michael; PIGNEUR, Yves & SEGEV, Arie. Op. ctt.

18. Warp speed. The Economist- A survey 01 technology in linance. October 26m, 1996.

19. EINSFELD, Ulrike; ROEMER, Mark; ROSBACH, Peler; SANDBILLER, Klaus; WILL, Andreas. Cuslomer consulling in financiai services wilh dislribuled knowledge based syslems. Oiscussion Paperno. 6!V1995.Universily of Augsburg.

20. ROLDAN, Malu. Relalionship Marketing on lhe Web ls Buitt on lhe Links lhal Bind. CITM Briefing Paper. May, 1997.

21. On-Iine for cyberbanking. FinanciaI Technology Internatlonal Sul/etln. v. 12, n. 6, Feb. 1995, p. 9.

  • 1. DAVIDSON, Steven. PC-based home banking: Part I. America's Community Bankerv. 5, n.5, May 1996, pp.38-9.
  • 2. An Internet banking boom is coming ... really. US Banker. v. 106, n. 6, Jun. 1996, p. 20.
  • 3. CREDE, Andreas. Electronic commerce and the banking industry: the requirement and opportunities for new payment systems using the InterneI. Journalof Computer-Mediated Communication (Special Issue on Electronic Commerce) v. 1, n. 3.
  • 4. SWANSON, Doug; FLEMING, Cathy. Entering the home-banking markel. Credit Union Executive. v. 35, n. 2, Mar./lApr. 1995, pp. 4-8.
  • 6. LUBOVE, Seth. Cyberbanking. Forbes. V. 158, n. 10, Oct, 21, 1996, pp. 108-116.
  • 7. OGILVE, Charles W 111. Cyberbanking. Bank Managemenl v. 72, n. 3, May/Jun. 1996, pp. 14-18.
  • 8. SEGEV, Afie; PORRA, Jaana; ROLDN, Malu. A Bigger Picture of Internet Security: The Case of Bank of America. CITM Working Paper. March, 1997.
  • 9. SEGEV, A.; WAN, D.; BEAM, C.; TOMA, B.; & WEINROT,D. Financiai EDI overthe Internet: a Case Study. CITM Working Paper. June, 1995.
  • 11. BLOGH, Michael; PIGNEUR, Yves & SEGEV, Arie. On the Road Df Electronic Gommerce - a Business Value Framework, Gaining Gompetitive Advantage and Some Research Issues. CITM Working Paper. March, 1996.
  • 12. DeLONE, William H.; MARIBOJOC, Roderick G. Educate Vour Market for Home-Banking. Bank Marketing. v. 24, n.11, nov 1992, pp. 28-33.
  • 13. MACE, Scott. Getting Vour Finances in Order: Home Banking Helps Drive Growing Markel. InfoWorld. v.8, n.15, Apr 14,1986, pp. 26,28.
  • 14. DAVIDSON, Steven. PC-based home banking: Part 11. America's Communify Banker. v. 5, n. 6, Jun 1996, pp. 44-45.
  • 15. An Internet banking boom is coming ... really. US Banker. v. 106, n. 6, Jun. 1996, p. 20.
  • 18. Warp speed. The Economist- A survey 01 technology in linance. October 26m, 1996.
  • 19. EINSFELD, Ulrike; ROEMER, Mark; ROSBACH, Peler; SANDBILLER, Klaus; WILL, Andreas. Cuslomer consulling in financiai services wilh dislribuled knowledge based syslems. Oiscussion Paperno. 6!V1995.Universily of Augsburg.
  • 20. ROLDAN, Malu. Relalionship Marketing on lhe Web ls Buitt on lhe Links lhal Bind. CITM Briefing Paper. May, 1997.
  • 21. On-Iine for cyberbanking. FinanciaI Technology Internatlonal Sul/etln. v. 12, n. 6, Feb. 1995, p. 9.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Jan 2012
  • Date of issue
    Sept 1998
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