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E-service em bibliotecas: gera ao de valor para pesquisadores por meio de coopera ao indireta


O conceito de cooperação indireta aplicado a dados de transações de empréstimos do acervo de uma biblioteca pode ser usado para gerar recomendações de itens relevantes para usuários e pesquisadores. O modelo proposto utiliza a Análise de Agrupamentos e a Análise de Cestas e tem aplicabilidade direta em livrarias virtuais, podendo ser adaptado a praticamente qualquer tipo de empreendimento em e-business.

Análise de Agrupamentos; Análise de Cestas; bibliotecas; cooperação indireta; e-business

Indirect cooperation can be applied to library circulation transactions to generate suggestions of items relevant to patrons and researchers. The Recommendation System presented in this article uses the Cluster Analysis and the Market Basket Analysis. It can be used not only in libraries but also in virtual bookshops, and can be easily adapted to practically any kind of e-business enterprise.

Cluster Analysis; Market Basket Analysis; libraries; indirect cooperation; e-business


E-service em bibliotecas: gera ao de valor para pesquisadores por meio de coopera ao indireta

Francisco Aranha

Professor do Departamento de Informática e de Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados à Administração da EAESP/FGV e Consultor em Marketing de Precisão. E-mail:


O conceito de cooperação indireta aplicado a dados de transações de empréstimos do acervo de uma biblioteca pode ser usado para gerar recomendações de itens relevantes para usuários e pesquisadores. O modelo proposto utiliza a Análise de Agrupamentos e a Análise de Cestas e tem aplicabilidade direta em livrarias virtuais, podendo ser adaptado a praticamente qualquer tipo de empreendimento em e-business.

Palavras-chave: Análise de Agrupamentos, Análise de Cestas, bibliotecas, cooperação indireta, e-business.


Indirect cooperation can be applied to library circulation transactions to generate suggestions of items relevant to patrons and researchers. The Recommendation System presented in this article uses the Cluster Analysis and the Market Basket Analysis. It can be used not only in libraries but also in virtual bookshops, and can be easily adapted to practically any kind of e-business enterprise.

Key words: Cluster Analysis, Market Basket Analysis, libraries, indirect cooperation, e-business.

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ARANHA, Francisco. Perfil de usuarios da Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker: gera,ao de valor para pesquisadores por meio de coopera,ao indireta. São Paulo: NPP/EAESP/FGV. Relatorio em editora,ao com edi,ao prevista para o segundo semestre de 2000.

BERRY, Michael, LINOFF, Gordon. Data mining techniques for marketing, sales and customer support. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1997. 454 p.

BERRY, Michael, LINOFF, Gordon. Mastering data mining. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 494 p.

BIBLIOTECA KARL A. BOEDECKER. Relatório estatístico anual de 1998. Documento interno.

CABENA, Peter et al. Discovering data mining: from concept to implementation. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 195 p.

CARSON, Kerry D., CARSON, Paula P., PHILIPS, Joyce S. The ABCs of collaborative change: the manager's guide to library renewal. Chicago: ALA Editions, 1997. 272 p.

DYER, C., BROWN, R., GOLDSTEIN, D. School libraries: theory and practice. London: Clive Bingley, 1970. 181 p.

ECO, Umberto. Como se faz uma tese em Ciencias Humanas. Lisboa: Presen,a, 1982.

GOLDBERG, Henry, SENATOR, Ted. Restructuring databases for knowledge discovery by consolidation and link formation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, 1.,1995, Menlo Park. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 1995.

HAIR, Joseph et al. Multivariate data analysis. 4. ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1995. 745 p.

HANN, Leslie. High-tech sleuths. Best's Review, v. 99, n. 7, p. 83-85, Nov. 1998.

IBICT. Classificação Decimal Universal. Brasília: MCT/CNPQ/ IBICT, 1987. 505 p.

JACKSON, Barbara. Multivariate data analysis: an introduction. Homewood: Irwin, 1983. 242 p.

JENSEN, David. Prospective assessment of AI technologies for fraud detection. July 1997. Working Papers of the AAAI97 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Fraud Detection and Risk Management.

KAUTZ, Henry, SELMAN, Bart, SHAH, Mehul. Combining social networks and collaborative filtering. Communications of the ACM, v. 40, n. 3, p. 63-65, Mar. 1997a.

KAUTZ, Henry, SELMAN, Bart, SHAH, Mehul. The hidden web. AI Magazine, p. 27-36, Summer 1997b. Disponfvel na Internet: <> .

MILLER, Kathy. Librarians getting a handle on knowledge. Information World Review, issue 137, p. 25-26, June 1998.

PAYTON, David. Discovering collaborators by analyzing trails through an information space. Artificial Intelligence and link analysis Papers from the 1998 Fall Symposium, Oct. 23-25, Orlando, Florida.

PEPPERS, Don, ROGERS, Martha. Is your company ready for one-to-one marketing? Harvard Business Review, v. 77, n. 1, p. 151-163, Jan./Feb. 1999.

RAMO, Joshua C. The fast-moving Internet economy has a jungle of competitors... and here is the king: Jeffery Preston Bezos, 1999 Person of the Year. TIME Magazine, v. 154, n. 26, p. 42-59, 27/12/1999.

SANTOS, Erico R. Implantario de tecnologia de data warehouse em bibliotecas com uso de tecnologia adequada. São Paulo: EAESP/FGV, 1999. Relatorio Parcial de Projeto de Pesquisa do PIBIC - Programa de Bolsas de Inicia,ao Cientffica. 53 p.

SCHWARTZ, Michael, WOOD, David. Discovering shared interests using graph analysis. Communications of the ACM, v. 36, n. 8, p. 78-89, Aug. 1993.

SILVA, Odilon. Manual de CDU. Brasflia: Briquet de Lemos, 1994. 89 p.

SWANSON, Don, SMALHEISER, Neil. Link analysis of medline titles as an aid to scientific discovery. [1999]. Disponfvel na Internet: <> .

UNICA. Intelligent solutions for the business of marketing. [2000]. Disponfvel na Internet: <>.


Este artigo baseia-se em pesquisa financiada pelo NPP - Núcleo de Pesquisas e Publicações da EAESP/FGV intitulada "Perfil de usuarios da Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker".

  • ARANHA, Francisco. Perfil de usuarios da Biblioteca Karl A Boedecker: gera,ao de valor para pesquisadores por meio de coopera,ao indireta. São Paulo: NPP/EAESP/FGV. Relatorio em editora,ao com edi,ao prevista para o segundo semestre de 2000.
  • BERRY, Michael, LINOFF, Gordon. Data mining techniques for marketing, sales and customer support. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1997. 454 p.
  • BERRY, Michael, LINOFF, Gordon. Mastering data mining New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 494 p.
  • BIBLIOTECA KARL A. BOEDECKER. Relatório estatístico anual de 1998 Documento interno.
  • CABENA, Peter et al. Discovering data mining: from concept to implementation. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 195 p.
  • CARSON, Kerry D., CARSON, Paula P., PHILIPS, Joyce S. The ABCs of collaborative change: the manager's guide to library renewal. Chicago: ALA Editions, 1997. 272 p.
  • DYER, C., BROWN, R., GOLDSTEIN, D. School libraries: theory and practice. London: Clive Bingley, 1970. 181 p.
  • ECO, Umberto. Como se faz uma tese em Ciencias Humanas Lisboa: Presen,a, 1982.
  • GOLDBERG, Henry, SENATOR, Ted. Restructuring databases for knowledge discovery by consolidation and link formation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, 1.,1995, Menlo Park. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 1995.
  • HAIR, Joseph et al. Multivariate data analysis 4. ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1995. 745 p.
  • HANN, Leslie. High-tech sleuths. Best's Review, v. 99, n. 7, p. 83-85, Nov. 1998.
  • IBICT. Classificação Decimal Universal. Brasília: MCT/CNPQ/ IBICT, 1987. 505 p.
  • JACKSON, Barbara. Multivariate data analysis: an introduction. Homewood: Irwin, 1983. 242 p.
  • JENSEN, David. Prospective assessment of AI technologies for fraud detection July 1997. Working Papers of the AAAI97 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Fraud Detection and Risk Management.
  • KAUTZ, Henry, SELMAN, Bart, SHAH, Mehul. Combining social networks and collaborative filtering. Communications of the ACM, v. 40, n. 3, p. 63-65, Mar. 1997a.
  • KAUTZ, Henry, SELMAN, Bart, SHAH, Mehul. The hidden web. AI Magazine, p. 27-36, Summer 1997b. Disponfvel na Internet: <>
  • MILLER, Kathy. Librarians getting a handle on knowledge. Information World Review, issue 137, p. 25-26, June 1998.
  • PAYTON, David. Discovering collaborators by analyzing trails through an information space. Artificial Intelligence and link analysis Papers from the 1998 Fall Symposium, Oct. 23-25, Orlando, Florida.
  • PEPPERS, Don, ROGERS, Martha. Is your company ready for one-to-one marketing? Harvard Business Review, v. 77, n. 1, p. 151-163, Jan./Feb. 1999.
  • RAMO, Joshua C. The fast-moving Internet economy has a jungle of competitors... and here is the king: Jeffery Preston Bezos, 1999 Person of the Year. TIME Magazine, v. 154, n. 26, p. 42-59, 27/12/1999.
  • SANTOS, Erico R. Implantario de tecnologia de data warehouse em bibliotecas com uso de tecnologia adequada São Paulo: EAESP/FGV, 1999. Relatorio Parcial de Projeto de Pesquisa do PIBIC - Programa de Bolsas de Inicia,ao Cientffica. 53 p.
  • SCHWARTZ, Michael, WOOD, David. Discovering shared interests using graph analysis. Communications of the ACM, v. 36, n. 8, p. 78-89, Aug. 1993.
  • SILVA, Odilon. Manual de CDU. Brasflia: Briquet de Lemos, 1994. 89 p.
  • SWANSON, Don, SMALHEISER, Neil. Link analysis of medline titles as an aid to scientific discovery [1999]. Disponfvel na Internet: <>

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    23 Mar 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 2000
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