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Governança e pensamento estratégico: uma crítica a Michael Porter


No presente trabalho, o autor procura analisar, ou mais exatamente desconstruir, a essência do pensamento dito de “estratégia” e de governança das organizações, atualmente dominante na cena acadêmica da administração. Servindo-se de uma leitura tanto histórica, heurística, como epistemológica e metodológica da obra e do sistema dominantes no assunto, denominado por ele “porterismo”, o autor faz um balanço crítico do conjunto de teorias da “estratégia” gerencial em geral e daquela do autor mais considerado no assunto: Michael Porter.

Michael Porter; porterismo; estratégia; competitividade; vantagem competitiva

In this essay, the author analyses, or more precisely deconstructs, the essence of thinking about “strategy” and the overall governance of organizations predominating the current academic management scene. By drawing on a simultaneously historical, heuristic, epistemological and methodological reading of the dominant work and system on this subject, which he refers to as “porterism”, the author presents a resolutely critical review of the full range of theories of managerial “strategy” as well as those of the most notable author in the field, namely, Michael Porter.

Michael Porter; porterism; strategy; competitiveness; competitive advantage


Governança e pensamento estratégico: uma crítica a Michael Porter

Omar Aktouf

Professor Titular da HEC, Montreal. E-mail:


No presente trabalho, o autor procura analisar, ou mais exatamente desconstruir, a essência do pensamento dito de “estratégia” e de governança das organizações, atualmente dominante na cena acadêmica da administração. Servindo-se de uma leitura tanto histórica, heurística, como epistemológica e metodológica da obra e do sistema dominantes no assunto, denominado por ele “porterismo”, o autor faz um balanço crítico do conjunto de teorias da “estratégia” gerencial em geral e daquela do autor mais considerado no assunto: Michael Porter.

Palavras-chave: Michael Porter, porterismo, estratégia, competitividade, vantagem competitiva.


In this essay, the author analyses, or more precisely deconstructs, the essence of thinking about “strategy” and the overall governance of organizations predominating the current academic management scene. By drawing on a simultaneously historical, heuristic, epistemological and methodological reading of the dominant work and system on this subject, which he refers to as “porterism”, the author presents a resolutely critical review of the full range of theories of managerial “strategy” as well as those of the most notable author in the field, namely, Michael Porter.

Key words: Michael Porter, porterism, strategy, competitiveness, competitive advantage.

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  • ALBERT, M. Capitalisme contre capitalisme Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1991.
  • ALVESSON, M.; SKOLDBERG, K. Reflexive methodology London : Sage, 2000.
  • ARISTOTE. Éthique à nicomaque Paris : Béatrice Nauwlaerts, 1970, 2 vol.
  • ARISTOTE. Politique : livre I à VIII. Paris : Gallimard, 1993.
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  • BARAN, P.A.; SWEEZY, P.M. Monopoly capital New York : Monthly Review Press, 1966.
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  • BRAVERMAN, H. Labor and monopoly capital. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1974.
  • BROWN, L.R. State of the world 1990 Washington : Worldwatch Institute, 1990.
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  • CHOSSUDOVSKY, M. La mondialisation de la pauvreté Montréal : Écosociété, 1998.
  • DEBREU, G. General equilibrium theory. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 1966.
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  • GALBRAITH, J.K. Voyage à travers le temps économique Paris : Seuil, 1989.
  • GEORGESCU-ROEGEN, N. The entropy law and the economic process. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1971.
  • GIDDENS, A. La constitution de la société : éléments de la théorie de la structuration, Paris : PUF, 1987.
  • GODELIER, M. Rationalité et irrationalité en économie Paris : Maspéro, 1966.
  • GROUPE DE LISBONNE. Les limites de la compétitivité Montréal : Boréal, 1995.
  • HAFSI, T.; SÉGUIN, F.; TOULOUSE, J.M. La stratégie des organisations : une synthèse. Éd. Transcontinental inc. 2000.
  • HEILBRONER, R. The wordly philosophers New York : Washington Square Press, 1970.
  • HEILBRONER, R. Marxism: for and against. New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 1980.
  • HOBSON, J.A. Imperialism . Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 1965
  • JALÉE, P. Le pillage du tiers monde . Paris : F. Maspéro, 1965.
  • JONES, E.L. The european miracle Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1987.
  • KNIGHTS, David. Changing spaces: the disruptive impact of a new epistemological location for the study of management, 1992.
  • KOLAKOWSKI, L. Histoire du marxisme , vol. 2. Paris : Fayard, 1987.
  • MC CLOSKEY, D. « Bourgeois Virtue », American Scholar, vol. 63 (2), p. 177-191, printemps 1994.
  • MINC, A. Paris : Seuil, 2000.
  • MINTZBERG, H. The rise and fall of strategic planning New York : The Free Press, 1994.
  • MORGAN, G. Images of organizations Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, 1986.
  • NAHREMA, M.; BAWTREE, V. (Éd.). The postdevelopment Reader London & New Jersey : Zed Books, 1997.
  • NORTH, D.C. « Institutions », The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 5 (1), p. 97-112, 1991.
  • NOVAK, M. The catholic ethic and the spirit of capitalism New York : Free Press, 1993.
  • ODUM, H. PILLET, G. E3 : énergie, écologie, économie. Genève : Georg, 1987.
  • OLSON, M. The logic of collective action . Boston : Harvard University Press, 1965.
  • OHLIN, B. Interregional and international trade Boston : Harvard University Press, 1967.
  • PERROUX, P. Pôles de développement ou nations Paris : PUF, 1958.
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  • PORTER, M. The competitive advantage of nations. New York : Free Press, 1990.
  • PUTTERMAN, L. The economic nature of the firm, A Reader. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986. p. 72-85.
  • QUESNAY, F. Tableau économique des physiocrates Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1969.
  • RIFKIN, J. Entropy, a new world view New York : Bentam Books (édition révisée), 1989.
  • SALONER, G.; SHELPARD, A.; PODOLNY, J. Strategic Management Whiley & Sons, 2000.
  • SAMUELSON, P.A.; STOPER, W.F. « Protection and real wages », Review of Economic Studies, vol. 9, 1941, p. 58-73.
  • SCHUMPETER, J. Capitalism, socialism and democracy New York : Harper and Brothers, 1942.
  • SMITH, A. Enquête sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
  • VEBLEN, T. Théorie de la classe de loisir Paris : Gallimard, 1970.
  • VERNON, R. Les entreprises multinationales : la souveraineté nationale en péril. Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1973.
  • WEBER, M. Économie et société Paris : Plon, 1971.
  • WEBER, M. Histoire économique Paris : Gallimard, 1991.
  • WEITZMAN, M.L. The share economy: conquering stagflation. Cambridge : Mass, Harvard University Press, 1984.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. « Strategizing, economizing, and economic organization », Strategic Management Journal, vol. 12, p. 75-94, 1991.
  • WOLMAN, W.; COLAMOSCA. A. The judas economy The triumph of capital and the betrayal of work. Massachussetts : Addison-Wesley, 1998.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    15 Fev 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Set 2002
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