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Organização e satisfação no contexto do teletrabalho


Este artigo baseia-se em uma pesquisa sobre o teletrabalho realizada em seis organizações dos setores público e privado, bem como em 500 respostas obtidas a partir de uma pesquisa telefônica. Destas, a metade provinha de teletrabalhadores assalariados. Após a apresentação dos indivíduos implicados no teletrabalho, trataremos dos impactos deste no que concerne à organização e às condições de trabalho, bem como às vantagens e desvantagens que os trabalhadores a ele conferem. Abordaremos, em seguida, a questão da satisfação para os teletrabalhadores e as principais dimensões a serem consideradas pelas organizações que desejem implementar o teletrabalho. Ainda que a pesquisa tenha sido desenvolvida no Canadá, as empresas brasileiras apresentam os mesmos interesses que as canadenses no desenvolvimento desse tipo de trabalho: redução do engarrafamento urbano, aumento de sua presença em diferentes partes do território nacional e garantia da satisfação dos trabalhadores para aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade.

Teletrabalho; satisfação; Canadá; organização do trabalho; condições de trabalho

This article results from a research on telework which was conducted with six public and private organizations. We also did a phone survey for which we have some 500 respondents, half of which are “salaried teleworkers”. After having presented a portrait of who does telework, we deal with issues such as the impacts of telework on work organization and working conditions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that workers see in telework. We also address the issue of satisfaction among teleworkers, and conclude on the main dimensions to be addressed by organizations that want to implement telework. While the research was not carried out in Brazil, but in Canada, Brazilian firms have the same interest as Canadian firms in developing telework, that is reducing urban congestion, increasing their presence in different parts of the large national territory and ensuring the satisfaction of their workers to increase productivity and quality.

Telework; satisfaction; Canada; work organisation; work conditions


Organização e satisfação no contexto do teletrabalho

Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Professora e Diretora de Pesquisa da Télé-université da Universidade de Quebec. E-mail:


Este artigo baseia-se em uma pesquisa sobre o teletrabalho realizada em seis organizações dos setores público e privado, bem como em 500 respostas obtidas a partir de uma pesquisa telefônica. Destas, a metade provinha de teletrabalhadores assalariados. Após a apresentação dos indivíduos implicados no teletrabalho, trataremos dos impactos deste no que concerne à organização e às condições de trabalho, bem como às vantagens e desvantagens que os trabalhadores a ele conferem. Abordaremos, em seguida, a questão da satisfação para os teletrabalhadores e as principais dimensões a serem consideradas pelas organizações que desejem implementar o teletrabalho. Ainda que a pesquisa tenha sido desenvolvida no Canadá, as empresas brasileiras apresentam os mesmos interesses que as canadenses no desenvolvimento desse tipo de trabalho: redução do engarrafamento urbano, aumento de sua presença em diferentes partes do território nacional e garantia da satisfação dos trabalhadores para aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade.

Palavras-chave: Teletrabalho, satisfação, Canadá, organização do trabalho, condições de trabalho.


This article results from a research on telework which was conducted with six public and private organizations. We also did a phone survey for which we have some 500 respondents, half of which are “salaried teleworkers”. After having presented a portrait of who does telework, we deal with issues such as the impacts of telework on work organization and working conditions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that workers see in telework. We also address the issue of satisfaction among teleworkers, and conclude on the main dimensions to be addressed by organizations that want to implement telework. While the research was not carried out in Brazil, but in Canada, Brazilian firms have the same interest as Canadian firms in developing telework, that is reducing urban congestion, increasing their presence in different parts of the large national territory and ensuring the satisfaction of their workers to increase productivity and quality.

Key words: Telework, satisfaction, Canada, work organisation, work conditions.

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  • AKYEAMPONG, E. B. Work arrangements; 1995 overview. Perspectives on labour and income Ottawa, Statistics Canada Publication, n. 75-001-XPE, p. 48- 52, Spring, 1997.
  • AKYEAMPONG, E. B., NADWODNY, R. Evolution du lieu de travail: le travail à domicile. Perspective. Ottawa, Statistics Canada Publication, n. 75-001-XPF, p. 33-46, 2001.
  • AKYEAMPONG, E. B., SIROONIAN, J. Work arrangements of Canadians; an overview. Perspectives on labour and income Ottawa, Statistics Canada Publication, n. 75-001-XPE, p. 8-10, Autumn, 1993.
  • CEE. Les enjeux sociaux de la bureaucratique en Europe. Europe sociale, supplément 5.91, CEE, Luxembourg.
  • CHAPMAN, A. J., SHEEHY, N. P., HEYWOOD, S., DOOLLEY, B., COLLINS, S. C. The organizational implications of teleworking. In: COOPER, C. L., ROBERTSON, I. T. (Ed.) International review of industrial and organizational psychology, John Wiley & Sons, n. 10, p. 229-248, 1995.
  • CHRISTENSEN, K. E. Impacts of computer-mediated home based work on women and their families. Technology and People, n. 3, p. 211-230, 1987.
  • FELSTEAD, A., JEWSON, N. In home, at work: towards an understanding of homeworking. London : Routledge, 2000.
  • FELSTEAD, A., JEWSON, N., PHIZACKLEA, A., Walters, S. A statistical portrait of working at home in the UK: evidence from the labour force survey. (Discussion paper). March 23, 2000.
  • GREENGARD, S. Making a virtual office a reality. Personnel Journal, v.73, n. 9, p. 66-79, 1994.
  • HAFER, M. Telecommuting: an alternate route to work (v. 1, Step by Step Guide). Washington: State Energy Office. 1992.
  • HEILMANN, W. The organizational development of teleprogramming. In: KORTE, W. B., ROBINSON, S., STEINLE, W. J. (Ed.). Telework: present situation and future development of a new form of work organization. North-Holland : Elsevier Science Publishers, 1988. p. 39- 58.
  • HUWS, U., KORTE, W. B., ROBINSON, S. Telework: towards the elusive office. (John Wiley, Information Systems Series). Londres : John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
  • KATZ, A. I. The management, control, and evaluation of a telecommuting project: a case study. Information & Management, v. 13, p. 179-190, 1987.
  • KONRADT, U., SCHMOOK, R., MÄLECKE, M. Impacts of telework on individuals, organizations and families a critical review. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (ed. by COOPER, C. L., ROBERTSON, I. T.), v. 15, p. 63-98, 2000.
  • KURKLAND, N. B., BAILEY, D. E. Telework: the advantage and challenge of working here, there, anywhere, and anytime. Organizational Dynamics, p. 53-68, Autumn 1999.
  • NADWODNY, R. Canadians working at home. Canadian Social Trends. p. 16-20, Spring 1996. NILLES, J. M. et al. The telecommunications transportation trade-off : options for tomorrow. London : Willey Interscience Publication/John Wiley & Sons,
  • PINSONNEAULT, A. Le télétravail: état de la question. Gestion, v. 21, n. 2, p. 66-71, 1996.
  • PRATT, J. Home Teleworking: a study of its pionners. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 25, p. 1-14, 1984.
  • TREMBLAY, D.-G. Le télétravail: définitions et enjeux. In: TREMBLAY, D.-G. Télétravail: concilier performance et qualité de vie. Montréal : IQ collectif et Cefrio, 2001. p. 23-32.
  • TREMBLAY, D.-G., VAILLANCOURT-LAFLAMME, C. La conciliation emploi-famille et le temps de travail (Résultats de recherche), 120 p., 2000.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    15 Fev 2011
  • Data do Fascículo
    Set 2002
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