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For the past seven years, I've been RAE's editor-in-chief and can say it was a fantastic experience. I've learned a lot and come to understand a little better the world of academic publications. In this last editorial of mine, the 37th, I'd like to take stock of the other 36 published in this space, expecting to evaluate some of the ideas I have been disseminating about the management of journals, the internationalization of scientific production, academic impact indicators, among others.

Based on access data that are measured by RAE's website, one can have an approximate view of the repercussion these editorials had among the journal's readers. Of them all, the most accessed editorial was the one published on the 50th anniversary issue (May/June 2011), followed by the editorial commenting on the development of the journal's indicators in 2011 (January/February 2012), leaving the third place for the text treating the relationship between international collaboration and scientific production quality (September/October 2014). While the first two had about 30,000 accesses since their publication, the thirdis among those with the highest number of daily views, pointing to 45 readings a day since it was published.

If we classify them by theme, of the 36 editorials, 14 (nearly 40 percent) dealt with aspects related with the management of academic journals, which clearly identifies one of this editor's favorite subjects. In this thematic, open access, plagiarism, editorial systems, journal's business models, and submission rules, among other topics, were approached. One of these editorials, which was republished with the title Similar or plagiarism? New challenges for the management of academic journals, remained among the top ten on the Scielo Humanities blog in 2015.

The second most approached theme was internationalization, with eight editorials presenting RAE's evolution in the international scene and the relationship between international collaboration and scientific production quality. When we group editorials by theme, we can see that, although it appears in a smaller number, internationalization seems to attract more of the interest of RAE's readers: while editorials about journal management had an average 16 daily views, those about internationalization scored an average 24 daily views.

Starting in this year's second issue, RAE's readers will enjoy, in this page, the style and thematics brought by Professor Maria José Tonelli, the journal's next editor-in-chief. The former Academic Director at FGV/ EAESP and an experienced researcher with an active participation in boards of important journals, Professor Tonelli has all it takes to lead RAE to higher grounds, consolidating its position among the most important journals in the emerging countries.

As I say goodbye, I'd like to thank the attention of readers, the thoughtful collaboration of scientific editors and reviewers, as well as the interest of the authors who submitted their articles to RAE. Mainly, I'd like to make note of the efforts of the whole editorial team, who have patiently, tenaciously and competently made RAE a reference in the academic area of Business Administration, both in Brazil and abroad.

On this issue of RAE, we bring two articles presenting a Spanish take on corporate social responsibility. One of them, Relation between background variables, values and corporate social responsibility, discusses the relation between basic human values and the public perception of corporate social responsibility based on a study with Spanish students. The other, Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: The Spanish case, analyzes the relation between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in face of the debate present in the literature on the subject, based on a sample of Spanish companies. And we have another three Spanish articles. Influence of manufacturer signature on store brands' loyalty and purchase intention investigates the differences in purchase likelihood for store brands with and without a manufacturer identification, as well as the moderating role of the manufacturer's signature on purchase intention. ¿Influye la personalidad de los directivos de Pymes en los resultados exportadores? is a study about the variation of values between executives from successful and unsuccessful export SMEs according to Schwartz's scale. Comparative analysis of American and Spanish cruise passengers' behavioral intentions studies the effects of nationality on the relationships between perceived value, satisfaction, trust and behavioral intention for Spaniards and Americans. We also feature Critérios de estratificação e comparação de classificadores socioeconômicos no Brasil, which presents the conceptual and methodological comparison of five classification tools in order to produce socioeconomic stratifications of the Brazilian society and to measure misclassification tradeoffs between them, and The role of earnings persistence in valuation accuracy and the time horizon, which investigates earnings persistence under the premise that it is a good input for firm evaluation and long-term market and managerial orientation. The issue closes with the Colombian article Gestión humana de orientación analítica: Un camino para la responsabilización, a study on the human management that privileges spaces for conversation in organizations, through a verbalization that entails symbolization, socialization and accountability for individuals, groups and organizations.

The issue is completed by the review of the book Elements of influence: The art of getting others to follow your lead, as well as recommended bibliography on neuroscience applied to education and psycho-economics.

Enjoy your reading!

EDUARDO DINIZ | Editor-in-Chief
Professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP, Brazil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Feb 2016
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil