Acessibilidade / Reportar erro



The objective of this paper is to check if integrated reporting adheres properly to International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) requirements or only follows some guidelines, and whether these are prioritized depending on the effects of other variables. We studied a sample of all the voluntarily issued integrated reports available on the IIRC database at 1st April 2017, for the period 2011-2015, which total 174. The main conclusions are that compliance with IIRC guiding principles is low and heterogeneous, and that some principles are adhered to more than others. There are core principles of the integrated reporting that are determined by the date of publication of the IIRC framework, while the materiality used depends on the type of company.

Integrated information; non-financial information; IIRC; directives of integrated information; disclosure


El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si efectivamente se está revelando la información integrada de forma completa según las directrices del IIRC y si esta priorización está influenciada por otras variables. Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra compuesta por todos los informes integrados elaborados de forma voluntaria disponibles en la base de datos del IIRC a 1 de abril de 2017, para el período 2011-2015, formada por 174 informes. Como principales conclusiones se puede resaltar que el cumplimiento de los requisitos del IIRC es bajo y heterogéneo, y que efectivamente se está revelando información sobre determinadas directrices frente a otras. Existen principios básicos de la información integrada que están determinados principalmente por el momento en el que se publicó el Marco Conceptual del IIRC, y la materialidad se utiliza dependiendo del tipo de empresa.

Información integrada; Información no financiera; IIRC; Directrices de la información integrada; Revelación


O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a informação integrada está efetivamente sendo divulgada de acordo com as diretrizes do IIRC e se a qualidade da divulgação é influenciada por outras variáveis. Para isso, foi analisada uma amostra constituída por todos os relatórios integrados preparados voluntariamente com a base de dados do IIRC a partir de 1 de abril de 2017, com dados do período 2011-2015, formada por 174 relatórios. Os principais resultados que podem ser ressaltados são de que a conformidade com os requisitos do IIRC é baixa e heterogênea, e que informações sobre certas diretrizes são mais divulgadas do que outras. Existem princípios básicos de informações integradas que são determinados principalmente pelo momento em que foi publicado o Marco Conceitual do IIRC, e a materialidade é dependente do tipo de empresa analisada.

Informação integrada; informação não financeira; IIRC; orientações integradas de informação; Divulgação


Disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has evolved from the separate publication of financial and non-financial information to the publication of the integrated report (Cheng al., 2014Cheng, M., Green, W., Conradie, P., Konishi, N., & Romi, A. (2014). The International Integrated Reporting Framework: Key issues and future research opportunities. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. 25(1), 90-119. doi:10.1111/jifm.12015
). The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC, 2012International Integrated Reporting Council. (2012). Integrated Reporting Pilot Programme. Retrieved from
, 2015International Integrated Reporting Council. (2015). Marco Internacional<IR>. Retrieved from
) lays down the requirements for including all the information-financial and non-financial-in a single report for an overall view of the company. Thus, accounting can also provide social information (Caliskan, 2014Caliskan, A. O. (2014). How accounting and accountants may contribute in sustainability? Social Responsibility Journal. 10(2), 246-267. doi:10.1108/SRJ-04-2012-0049

Previously, only big companies voluntarily issued non-financial information. In Europe, however, since the publication of the Directive on non-financial information, it is compulsory. Nevertheless, drawing up and publishing integrated reports is not common, because questions remain as to whether the integrated information complies with all the stakeholders’ needs or if it has shortfalls.

In this study, we analyze integrated reports, considered as leading practices by the IIRC, the council that includes such information on its database. Our aim is a) to check if they comply with all seven guiding principles of the IIRC framework; b) if these guiding principles are followed consistently and in full, without priorities; and c) if there are other variables that might determine the adoption of these guiding principles, such as year, region where the company is established, type of company, sector in which the company operates, or if the reports were published prior to or after the IIRC framework.

The results show that integrated reports are not complete, as they do not comply with all the IIRC guiding principles in the same way, because they use basic principles such as materiality. Hence, integrated reporting is far from being globally accepted and requires further development. This finding may be because issuing integrated reports is voluntary and because of the global hegemony of Global Reporting Initiative (2013)Global Reporting Initiative. (2013). The sustainability content of integrated reports: A survey of pioneers. Retrieved from hhtps://
(GRI) in the field of non-financial information.

The structure of this paper is as follows: First, the theoretical framework that justifies our analysis and the proposed hypotheses are presented. This is followed by a description of the methodology and the sample. The results are then presented, and the paper ends with the main conclusions.


The integrated report proposed by IIRC seeks to cover financial and non-financial information in a single report. To prepare an integrated report, the IIRC establishes a list of guiding principles and content elements that have to be borne in mind to offer a true and fair view of the company. The IIRC aims to create added value in the medium and long term and also to facilitate sustainable growth of companies in the future. Although research works on integrated reporting exist (Villiers, Rinaldi, & Unerman, 2014Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736
), few examine integrated reporting according to IIRC requirements, and mainly for two reasons. Until recently, integrated reporting was only required for listed companies in South Africa (Bernardi & Stark, 2018Bernardi, C., & Stark, A.W. (2018). Environmental, social and governance disclosure, integrated reporting, and the accuracy of analyst forecasts. The British Accounting Review. 50(1), 16-31. doi:10.1016/
), and there are few companies that voluntarily issue integrated reports-a study of these does not afford general results (Pope & McLeay, 2011Pope, P.F., & McLeay, S.J. (2011). The European IFRS experiment: Objectives, research challenges and some early evidence. Accounting and Business Research. 41(3), 233-266. doi:10.1080/00014788.2011.575002

Research on integrated reporting-its content and utility-has followed two lines: the literature that reports that this type of disclosure continues to suffer from weaknesses, and therefore requires further development; and that which argues that integrated reporting is mainly advantageous for companies and that it generates profit, thus offering incentives to companies to adopt it. One common criticism is its voluntary nature (Flower, 2015Flower, J. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 1-17. doi:10.1016/
). Although, the main criticism lies in the content of integrated reporting, which, in theory, should cover both financial and non-financial information.

It has also been stated that integrated reporting seems to deal with accounting in greater depth than with the sustainability of the information (Villiers et al., 2014Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736
). This is due to “the victory of the realism” (Flower, 2015Flower, J. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 1-17. doi:10.1016/
)-in the final analysis, how regulators and practitioners put the guidelines into practice, rather than the idealism of the defenders of social and environmental accounting, becomes important.

There are other disadvantages of integrated reporting: It is supposed to be complete and homogeneous, but it is not; it should include quality information, but also quantitative one; it should include more information about the future of the company; and there are differences depending on variables such as size of the company or its leverage (Kilic & Kuzey, 2018Kilic, M., & Kuzey, C. (2018). Determinants of forward looking disclosures in integrated reporting. Managerial Auditing Journal. 33(1), 115-144. doi:10.1108/MAJ-12-2016-1498
). It has also been found that there are fundamental concepts, guiding principles, and content elements established in theory by the IIRC; however, an analysis of integrated reports finds these aspects to be missing or there is weak adherence (Lopes & Coelho, 2018Lopes, A.I., & Coelho, A.M. (2018). Engaged in integrated reporting? Evidence across multiple organizations. European Business Review. 30(4), 398-426. Retrieved from https://10.1108/EBR-12-2016-0161
). Other authors are in favor of implementing integrated reporting; these include Paolucci and Cerioni (2017)Paolucci, G., & Cerioni, E. (2017). Integrated reporting and Italian companies: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Business and Management. 12(9), 221-230. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v12n9p221
and Badia, Dicuonzo, Petruzzelli, and Dell’Atti (2019)Badia, F., Dicuonzo, G., Petruzzelli, S., & Dell’Atti, V. (2019). Integrated reporting in action: Mobilizing intellectual capital to improve management and governance practices. Journal of Management and Governance. 23, 299-320. doi:10.1007/s10997-018-9420-1
. Cosma, Soana, and Venturelli (2018)Cosma, S., Soana, M.G., & Venturelli, A. (2018). Does the market reward integrated report quality? African Journal of Business Management. 12(4), 78-91. doi:10.5897/AJBM2017.8469
conclude that integrated reporting is positive-but not any type of integrated reporting; only quality reporting. It is quality integrated reporting when it follows the requirements established by the IIRC. Hence, one of the objectives of this study is to check if integrated reports do follow the IIRC guiding principles homogeneously and in full, as is stated in our first hypothesis:

H1: Ceteris paribus, publication of information according to the IIRC guiding principles in the integrated report is neither homogeneous nor complete.

Companies obviously have not been issuing integrated reports for long, given the recent nature of the initiative compared with disclosure of non-financial information. Thus, more time is needed for integrated reporting to develop and expand (Villiers et al., 2014Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736
). Yet, this initiative has potential (Adams, 2015Adams, C.A. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A call to action. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 23-28. doi:10.1016/
). Over time, the practices of disclosure change because they are affected by many variables, such as different standards, changes in regulation, or their acceptance (Hoffman, 1999Hoffman, A. (1999). Institutional evolution and change: Environmentalism and the US chemical industry. Academy of Management Journal. 42(4), 351-371. Retrieved from
). The information that is published changes from what has been published in the past to what is going to be published in the future (Davis & Searcy, 2010Davis, G., & Searcy, C. (2010). A review of Canadian corporate sustainable development reports. Journal of Global Responsibility, 1(2), 316-329. doi:10.1108/20412561011079425
). Moreover, the period we analyze can be divided into two subperiods: before and after the publication of the IIRC framework in December 2013. Based on the above arguments, we propose our second hypothesis:

H2: Ceteris paribus, publication of information according to IIRC guiding principles in the integrated report changes over time and is determined by the date of issue of the IIRC framework.

The type of company is important when analyzing its integrated reporting because it may determine specific features included. There is a clear distinction between the disclosures of private and public companies (Sáez-Martín, Caba-Pérez & López-Hernández, 2017Sáez-Martín, A., Caba-Pérez, C., & López-Hernández, A. M. (2017). Freedom of information in local government: Rhetoric or reality? Local Government Studies. 43(2), 245-273. doi:10.1080/03003930.2016.1269757
). Initially, companies operating in the same sector adopted the same benchmarks in their non-financial information; and so the sector is an independent variable in the proposed models (Bonsón & Escobar, 2004Bonsón, E., & Escobar, T. (2004). La difusión voluntaria de información financiera en internet: Un análisis comparativo entre EstadosUnidos, Europa del Este y la Unión Europea. Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad. XXXIII(123), 1063-1101.). Companies that perform more socially or environmentally risky activities tend to disclose more non-financial information and of higher quality. The same occurs with companies that operate in regulated sectors (Oteo, 2015Oteo, O. V. (2015). Factores que influyen en la calidad y cantidad de responsabilidad social en las empresas españolas: Estudio de caso de las empresas del Ibex 35. CIRIEC- España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa. 85, 181-215. Retrieved from
). Stacchezzini, Melloni, and Lai (2016)Stacchezzini, R., Melloni, G., & Lai, A. (2016). Sustainability management and reporting: The role of integrated reporting for communication corporate sustainability management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 136, 102-110. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.01.109
study integrated reports available from the IIRC database and classify them into two groups: companies that operate in environmentally sensitive sectors and companies that do not. They find that the former companies are more concerned about disclosing non-financial information.

Lastly, the geographical origin of the company may also affect its disclosure of non-financial information. The geographical origin of the company is important in determining the features of its accounting, and hence the issue of information (Gray, 1988Gray, S. (1988). Towards a theory of cultural influence on the development of accounting systems internationally. Abacus. 24(1), 1-15. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6281.1988.tb00200.x
), because these features are classified differently in different accounting systems around the world (Nobes, 1998Nobes, C. (1998). Towards a general model of the reasons for international differences in financial reporting. Abacus. 34(2), 162-187. doi:10.1111/1467-6281.00028
). Different countries and accounting systems have their own cultural variables that affect the issue of information (Hofstede, 2001Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. Thousand Oaks, USA: Sage Publications.). Hence, integrated reporting is also determined by the country of origin of the company (García-Sánchez, Frías-Aceituno, & Rodríguez-Domínguez, 2013García- Sánchez, I.-M. Frías- Aceituno, J.-V. & Rodríguez- Domínguez, L. (2013). Determinants of corporate social disclosure in Spanish local governments. Journal of cleaner productions. 39, 60-72. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.08.037
). Based on the studies in this field, we propose our third hypothesis:

H3: Ceteris paribus, publication of information according to IIRC guiding principles in the integrated report is determined by the type of company, sector in which the company operates, and company’s place of origin.



This study is based on integrated reports included in the IIRC database ( The IIRC itself refers to these integrated reports as Leading practices (Kilic & Kuzey, 2018Kilic, M., & Kuzey, C. (2018). Determinants of forward looking disclosures in integrated reporting. Managerial Auditing Journal. 33(1), 115-144. doi:10.1108/MAJ-12-2016-1498
; Lopes & Coelho, 2018Lopes, A.I., & Coelho, A.M. (2018). Engaged in integrated reporting? Evidence across multiple organizations. European Business Review. 30(4), 398-426. Retrieved from https://10.1108/EBR-12-2016-0161
). We took all 204 integrated reports on the database dated from 2011 to 2015 on 1st April 2017. To study homogeneous and comparable data and to avoid bias in the analysis, we removed from the sample all the integrated reports of companies from Africa (30 reports). This was because we do not have a breakdown of the data by countries, so it was not possible to remove the integrated reports from just South Africa, where integrated reporting for listed companies is compulsory (Villiers & Sharma, 2017Villiers, C. De, & Sharma, U. (2017). A critical reflection on the future of financial, intellectual capital, sustainability and integrated reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. doi:10.1016/
). Finally, we analyzed all the integrated reports issued voluntarily during 2011-2015, and these totaled 174 (see Table 1).

Table 1
The sample (number of reports)

Dependent variables

Our aim was to ascertain if integrated reporting complies with IIRC guiding principles. We therefore separate our analysis according to each of the seven IIRC guiding principles (IIRC, 2015International Integrated Reporting Council. (2015). Marco Internacional<IR>. Retrieved from
). The IIRC database includes a file with the main features of the integrated reports containing the content elements and guiding principles that each company complies with (IIRC, 2015International Integrated Reporting Council. (2015). Marco Internacional<IR>. Retrieved from
) (Table 2).

Table 2
Guiding principles, content elements, and fundamental concepts that integrated reports should include

We analyzed whether information had been disclosed about each of the IIRC guiding principles and if there were differences in the information for each guiding principle based on whether the publication was before or after the IIRC framework, and the variables that influence this information. The information for each integrated report included in the IIRC database file was categorized as 0 or 1, where 1 meant that the integrated report included the content elements and fundamental concepts for each of the seven guiding principles, and 0 otherwise. As elsewhere (Gray, Meek & Roberts, 1995Gray, S.J., Meek, G.K., & Roberts, C.B. (1995). International capital market pressures and voluntary annual report disclosures by US and UK multinationals. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 6(1), 43-68. doi:10.1111/j.1467-646x.1995.tb00049.x
; Vanstraelen, Zarzeski & Robb, 2002Vanstraelen, A., Zarzeski, M.T., & Robb, S.W.G. (2002). The relationship of corporate nonfinancial disclosure practices and financial analyst behaviour across three European countries. Comunicación presentada al XXV Congreso Anual de la EAA.), we calculate a total score for each of the seven guiding principles based on whether they include the content elements and fundamental concepts that the IIRC requires.

Our dependent variables are the calculated scores for each of the IIRC seven guiding principles that should be included in integrated reporting, which is in line Nazari, Herremans and Warsame (2015)Nazari, J. A., Herremans, I. M., & Warsame, H. A. (2015). Sustainability reporting: External motivators and internal facilitators. Corporate Governance. 15(3), 375-390. doi:10.1108/CG-01-2014-0003
, who use measurements of non-financial information disclosure based on Meek, Roberts, and Gray (1995)Meek, G.K., Roberts, C.B., & Gray, S.J. (1995). Factors influencing voluntary annual report disclosures by US, UK, and continental European multinational corporations. Journal of International Business Studies. 26(3), 555-572.. There is a maximum score of 10 points for each of the guiding principles. This is attained when all eight content elements and the two fundamental concepts are included. The minimum score is 0.

Independent variables

The first independent variable (all the independent variables are included in Table 3) in our model is the date of the integrated report, and it is due to the significance of the publication of the IIRC framework in December 2013 (International IR Framework Other independent variables are related to the characteristics of the integrated reporting: type of company, sector of operation, and country or region of origin of the company-all of which are included in the file of the IIRC database.

Table 3
Variables included in the model

From the features of the sample and its distribution by type of company, sector, and geographical origin, we obtain the collinearity and the results of the variance inflation factor (VIF), which are over 5 in the majority of the cases for these independent variables. Hence, there is multicollinearity (Romero & Mendoza, 2008Romero, L. Q., & Mendoza, M.A. (2008). Econometría básica: modelos y aplicaciones a la economía mexicana. México D. F.: Plaza y Valdés.). To avoid this multicollinearity, we group the independent variables and reduce the number of categories. Then, the type of company is recategorized into just three groups: public companies, private companies, and others; sector is grouped solely according to environmental sensitivity (Stacchezzini et al., 2016Stacchezzini, R., Melloni, G., & Lai, A. (2016). Sustainability management and reporting: The role of integrated reporting for communication corporate sustainability management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 136, 102-110. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.01.109
); and region of origin is categorized by continents: America (covering the previous North America and South America), Asia (covering the two groups of Asia and Australasia), and Europe.


To check if these integrated reports properly include all the information about each of the seven IIRC guiding principles and do not depend on the publication of the IIRC framework, year of the report, type of company, sector of operation, and origin, we analyzed our sample with SPSS (version 24). First, we conducted a descriptive analysis for each of the seven IIRC guiding principles and a study of the grouped averages, according to each of the independent variables.

We then ran a test of paired samples by applying a T test to all the different pairs of guiding principles in order to check for significant differences between the averages for each, bearing in mind also the date of publication of the IIRC framework. This gives 21 hypotheses of the same average between each pair of guiding principles.

In the last part of the empirical study, we ran seven regression models (the general expression of the models is shown in expression (1)), in which the dependent variables are, respectively, the information included in the integrated reports about each of the seven IIRC guiding principles. The independent variables in the models are those that do not show multicollinearity after the analysis of the results obtained from VIF.

[1] P i = β 0 + β 1 Before or after IIRC framework i + β 2 Type of Company i + β 3 Environmental sensitivity i + β 4 Continent + ε it

Our aim is to check if there is indeed a relationship between the information included about a specific guiding principle in the integrated report and each of the independent variables. We consider a statistical significance of at least < 0.1.


IIRC guiding principles in the integrated reports and the effect of the publication of the IIRC framework

The first descriptive analysis of the sample focuses on compliance with the guiding principles established by the IIRC, if the integrated report covers them all, and if the publication of the IIRC framework has had an effect. On average, regardless of the date, the guiding principles most covered are materiality (P4) and consistency and comparability (P7), while after the publication of the IIRC framework, we also have reliability and completeness (P6) (Table 4).

Table 4
Descriptive Statistics of IIRC guiding principles

All the results are around the average (maximum value is 10 and all the guiding principles score around 5). Moreover, the mean for each guiding principle falls slightly in the first two years after the publication of the framework. It is as if the guiding principles of conciseness and materiality are used by the companies to disclose less information about the key aspects of the integrated reporting that make it different from the financial information (Villiers et al., 2014Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736

Table 5 shows the results of the test of paired samples for the period. They are statistically significant for five pairs of guiding principles; thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. That is, although all the guiding principles are equally required by IIRC for inclusion in integrated reporting, companies do not comply with them in equal measure.

Table 5
Test of paired samples

Specifically, there are differences in the compliance of the guiding principles about strategic focus and future orientation (P1), connectivity of information (P2), stakeholder relationships (P3), materiality (P4), reliability and completeness (P6), and consistency and comparability (P7) (Table 5). These results suggest that some guiding principles are sometimes considered “incompatible” versus other information required by others. This is confirmed by Abhayawansa, Elijido-Tem, and Dumay (2019)Abhayawansa, S., Elijido-Ten, E., & Dumay, J. (2019). A practice theoretical analysis of the irrelevance of integrated reporting to mainstream sell-side analysts. Accounting and Finance. 59(3), 1615-1647. doi:10.1111/acfi.12367
, who claim that the materiality guiding principle established by the IIRC is not widely used in practice, because companies use it to reduce the disclosure of information and to inform only about positive data or those data they consider proper. The same happens with the guiding principle of consistency and comparability, which is used to reduce disclosure or to interpret it, with the risk of introducing subjectivity or value judgments and of creating problems with the comparability of the integrated reporting between companies and over time. The paired sample test shows that with regard to the date of publication of the IIRC framework, there are only significant differences for one pair of averages before publication, and these again are in reference to strategic focus and future orientation (P1) and materiality (P4). In the integrated reports dated after the publication of the IIRC framework, we obtain the same differences in the pair formed by the guiding principle of connectivity of information (P2) and stakeholder relationships (P3).

Effect of the year, publication of IIRC framework, type of company, region, and sector on the information included in the integrated reports according to the IIRC guiding principles

Here, we check for a pattern, or if the average of the information disclosed for each guiding principle is separately affected by the independent variables chosen. The guiding principle most complied with, on average, is the consistency and comparability (P7) followed by materiality (P4) (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9).

Table 6
Mean of guiding principles by year and period
Table 7
Mean of guiding principles by type of company
Table 8
Mean of guiding principles by region
Table 9
Mean of guiding principles by sector

If the analysis focuses on the effect of year and publication of IIRC framework, the average information about each of the guiding principles is lower after publication, with the exception of reliability and completeness (P6) (Table 6). Thus, after the publication of this framework, the level of compliance with the guiding principles is mainly worse than before.

Regarding the type of company, private companies score higher for all the guiding principles, and this is regardless of when the IIRC framework was issued (Table 7).

In terms of company origin (averages are shown in Table 8), there are no important differences in the compliance of the IIRC guiding principles for voluntary disclosures regardless of dates. However, it does seem that the publication of the IIRC framework has led European companies to better comply with the guiding principles; before its publication, it was Asian companies that complied most.

Before the publication of the IIRC framework, environmentally sensitive companies made greater efforts to comply with the guiding principles, but the opposite was true for non-environmentally sensitive companies afterward (Table 9). However, this result is affected by the last analyzed years, when there are integrated reports from more European companies operating in less environmentally sensitive sectors but with more concerns about satisfying stakeholders’ information needs.

As for the dependent variables referring to strategic focus and future orientation (P1), materiality (P4), and reliability and completeness (P6), the proposed models are statistically significant (p-value of each model is < 0.10) (Table 10). Hence, the information disclosed about some of the IIRC guiding principles is indeed determined by other variables. These guiding principles are not complied with either equally or homogeneously, and thus hypothesis H1 can be accepted.

Table 10
Regression models

For all guiding principles with statistically significant results, the publication of the IIRC framework is determinant. The biggest absolute coefficient in the three significant models is obtained for the independent variable publication of the IIRC framework. These results support our second hypothesis because the information relating to these guiding principles in the integrated report is determined by the date of publication of the IIRC framework.

Regarding the guiding principle of strategic focus and future orientation, which is a key aim of integrated reporting, not only is the publication of the IIRC framework significant, but so is the geographical origin of the company. European companies are always near the average for compliance with this guiding principle. That is, there are other variables, such as the type of company or operating sector, which affect the kind of information that is disclosed in the integrated report. Thus, we can accept hypothesis H3.

According to the results, the guiding principle of materiality (P4) is determined by the type of company. These are the same results as obtained in the descriptive analysis because materiality is used by companies to disclose their integrated reporting flexibly (Abhayawansa et al., 2019Abhayawansa, S., Elijido-Ten, E., & Dumay, J. (2019). A practice theoretical analysis of the irrelevance of integrated reporting to mainstream sell-side analysts. Accounting and Finance. 59(3), 1615-1647. doi:10.1111/acfi.12367
; Villiers et al., 2014Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736
). The results on the guiding principle of materiality can be linked to those for reliability and completeness (P6) because the latter is affected by the publication of the IIRC framework, but there are no clear mean differences. Hence, flexibility in integrated reporting continues to be important in the case of the guiding principle of reliability and completeness (P6).


This study contributes to the literature on integrated reporting by ascertaining if companies disclose according to all the guiding principles established by the IIRC. The results show that integrated reports are still scarce and there is heterogeneity in the compliance with the requirements, although the sample comprises integrated reports in accordance with IIRC requirements (Castilla & Rosselló, 2013Castilla, M. L., & Rosselló, M. (2013). Avances en España: Hacia el reporting integrado. Boletín de Estudios Económicos. LXVIII(208), 61-87.). There are significant differences in the disclosures when they are analyzed by each guiding principle, which casts doubt on the usefulness of integrated reports (Stacchezini et al., 2016). The differences found between guiding principles, in the same integrated report, and non-compliance with all the requirements of the IIRC framework has led authors such as Flower (2015)Flower, J. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 1-17. doi:10.1016/
to adopt a critical position on integrated reporting, while others claim that it has failed in its mission (Villiers & Sharma, 2017Villiers, C. De, & Sharma, U. (2017). A critical reflection on the future of financial, intellectual capital, sustainability and integrated reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. doi:10.1016/
). The very flexibility that the IIRC affords leads to overly frequent use of the materiality guiding principle (P4 herein), and may be the cause of this failure (Flower, 2015Flower, J. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 1-17. doi:10.1016/
). Our study finds that the guiding principle of materiality is determined by the publication of the IIRC framework and the type of company; it may be used to disclose less information, or to convey a particular image that the company wants to promote. Hence, in practice, this guiding principle is used flexibly, and not as intended (Abhayawansa et al., 2019Abhayawansa, S., Elijido-Ten, E., & Dumay, J. (2019). A practice theoretical analysis of the irrelevance of integrated reporting to mainstream sell-side analysts. Accounting and Finance. 59(3), 1615-1647. doi:10.1111/acfi.12367

In conclusion, these differences in the integrated reporting lead us to question if it is adding value to the disclosure of information or if there are good and bad integrated reports. Cheng, Green, Conradie, Konishi, and Romi (2014)Cheng, M., Green, W., Conradie, P., Konishi, N., & Romi, A. (2014). The International Integrated Reporting Framework: Key issues and future research opportunities. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting. 25(1), 90-119. doi:10.1111/jifm.12015
and Villiers et al. (2014)Villiers, C. De, Rinaldi, L., & Unerman, J. (2014). Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 27(7), 1042-1067. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2014-1736
pose similar questions as well. That is, is the integrated report more useful than the traditional report? (Abhayawansa et al., 2019Abhayawansa, S., Elijido-Ten, E., & Dumay, J. (2019). A practice theoretical analysis of the irrelevance of integrated reporting to mainstream sell-side analysts. Accounting and Finance. 59(3), 1615-1647. doi:10.1111/acfi.12367
) Also, is the IIRC framework too flexible? (Dumay, Bernardi, Guthrie, & Torre, 2017Dumay, J., Bernardi, C., Guthrie, J., & Torre, M. La. (2017). Barriers to implementing the International Integrated Reporting Framework: A contemporary academic perspective. Meditari Accountancy Research. 25(4), 461-480. doi:10.1108/MEDAR-05-2017-0150

What seems to be true is that integrated reporting is far from being a generally accepted practice, and, even further, bearing in mind its voluntary nature and that there are authors who call for it to be compulsory (Adams, 2015Adams, C.A. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A call to action. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 23-28. doi:10.1016/
; Flower, 2015Flower, J. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 27, 1-17. doi:10.1016/
). It is worthwhile to continue developing this kind of information because there are authors who have empirically checked its positive effect on the market, but only when it enhances quality (Cosma et al., 2018Cosma, S., Soana, M.G., & Venturelli, A. (2018). Does the market reward integrated report quality? African Journal of Business Management. 12(4), 78-91. doi:10.5897/AJBM2017.8469
) and by complying with all the requirements in a complete, homogeneous, and extensive manner.

The flexibility that appears in the guiding principles of the integrated reports also leads other variables to have effects. Examples of these are the type of company or its geographical origin, which have a significant effect on compliance with the IIRC guiding principles. Another finding is that the publication of the IIRC framework at the end of 2013 marks a “before” and an “after” period, and it should have led to better disclosure in the integrated reports.

The conclusions drawn in this paper are important for regulators of non-financial information and integrated reporting and for elaborators and verifiers of the same, as well as for all the users of this information. Disclosure of integrated reporting is becoming an international benchmark and the IIRC and other regulators must continue moving toward standardization to ensure greater comparability and transparency. This will have important direct effects for companies, practitioners who elaborate and verify integrated reporting, and stakeholders.

As the main limitations of this study, we would point to the scarce number of integrated reports currently published in accordance with IIRC, and that sometimes we have analyzed differently dated integrated reports from the same company, but at other times we have not, which may affect the results.

It would be appropriate to perform a similar study, but with a larger number of reports in the sample, over a longer period, and with more information about each of the seven IIRC guiding principles, with specific analyses for specific guiding principles and the effects of the publication of the IIRC framework.

  • Evaluated through a double-blind review process.
  • Translated version


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Edited by

Scientific Editor: Paulo Lustosa

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    03 July 2020
  • Date of issue
    May-Jun 2020


  • Received
    12 Feb 2019
  • Accepted
    02 Sept 2019
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil