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The management of urban waste is a problem for any city, but recent studies have ignored the management of the entities responsible for this issue. To solve this, a case study on urban waste management with a holistic organizational analysis methodology is presented. With this methodology, a profound and systematic approach to the constitutive dimensions of and organization is achieved, which contributes to the understanding of management in complex environments. The study is made about the responsible entity of urban solid waste management, in the second biggest city of Mexico, Guadalajara, and who lives a serious problem in the field.

Organizational analysis; urban solid waste management; case study; organizational theory; Mexico


La gestión de residuos urbanos es un problema por resolver en toda ciudad, pero los estudios recientes han soslayado la gestión de las entidades responsables en el tema. Para solventar esto, se presenta un estudio de caso sobre la gestión de residuos urbanos con una metodología holística de análisis organizacional. Con esta metodología se logra un acercamiento profundo y sistemático a las dimensiones constitutivas de una organización, lo que abona a la comprensión de la gestión en ambientes complejos. El estudio se centra en la entidad responsable del manejo de residuos urbanos, en la segunda ciudad más grande de México, Guadalajara, y que vive una problemática grave en el rubro.

Palabras Clave:
Análisis organizacional; gestión de residuos urbanos; estudio de caso; teoría de las organizaciones; México


A gestão de resíduos urbanos é um problema que deve ser resolvido em cada cidade, mas estudos recentes têm negligenciado o gerenciamento das entidades responsáveis pelo problema. Para resolver isso, é apresentado um estudo de caso sobre gerenciamento de resíduos urbanos com uma metodologia holística de análise organizacional. Com essa metodologia, é alcançada uma abordagem profunda e sistemática das dimensões constituintes de uma organização, o que contribui para a compreensão do gerenciamento em ambientes complexos. O estudo é realizado sobre a entidade responsável pela gestão de resíduos urbanos, na segunda maior cidade do México, Guadalajara, que está enfrentando um grave problema no campo.

Análise organizacional; gestão de resíduos urbanos; estudo de caso; teoria da organização; México


The Integrated Waste Management Unit (IWMU) of the Municipality of Guadalajara (state of Jalisco, Mexico) was recently created to manage the urban solid waste programs of the city, which is the second largest in the country. However, the unit does not have the capacity to meet its goals and presents a history of poor results. Given the importance of the subject, the current situation of the IWMU, and the lack of organizational studies in urban solid waste (USW) management, this study seeks to help understand the management of these integrated waste management units. This research fills a knowledge gap on this issue and offers recommendations supported by evidence obtained with a solid methodology.

This article has six sections, including this introduction. The second section presents a literature review showing that academia has neglected USW management’s organizational and administrative dimension, contrasting with the global trends and importance of the issue. The third section introduces the theoretical framework and the methodological strategy supporting the case study, which is presented in the fourth section that discusses the unit’s general context and history. The fifth section presents the study’s relevant results in each of the organizational dimensions of the IWMU, followed by the conclusions considering the holistic methodology and offering recommendations to the unit’s administrators and also to improve the management of other units in the same situation.


The transition towards a society that generates zero waste requires changes in governments such as changes in the governance of USW (Gutberlet, 2016Gutberlet, j. (2016). Ways out of the waste dilemma: Transforming communities in the Global South. RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, 3, 1-476. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
; Gutberlet et al., 2017Gutberlet, J., Kain, J. H., Nyakinya, B., Oloko, M., Zapata, P., & Campos, M. J. Z. (2017). Bridging weak links of solid waste management in informal settlements. Journal of Environment and Development, 26(1), 106-131. doi: 10.1177/1070496516672263
), which does not replace the role of the governments’ organizational capacities (Gault, 2015Gault, D. A. (2015). ¿Uno o varios tipos de gobernanza? Más allá de la gobernanza como moda: La prueba del tránsito organizacional. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 1(2), 117-137. Recuperado de doi: 10.5209/rev_cgap.2014.v1.n2.47538
; López, 2011López, J. de J. S. (2011). Gobiernos locales y desarrollo territorial en México. Frontera Norte, 24(47), 171-192. Recuperado de
; Mendoza, 2004Mendoza, E. C. (2004). Capacidades institucionales en gobiernos subnacionales de México: ¿Un obstáculo para la descentralización fiscal? Gestión y Política Publica, XIII(3), 753-784. Recuperado de
; Villanueva, 2011Villanueva, L. F. A. (2011). Gobernanza pública para obtener resultados: marco conceptual y operacional. Recuperado de
, 2013Villanueva, L. F. A. (2013). El gobierno del gobierno. INAP. Recuperado de
, 2014Villanueva, L. F. A. (2014). Las dimensiones y los niveles de gobernanza. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 1(1), 11-36. doi: 10.5209/rev_cgap.2014.v1.n1.45156
). The literature reviewed confirms the dissociation between the governance of USW and its administration and management. In addition to such a gap, a search on Jstor considering the period from 2015 to date using the keywords of this article resulted in only about twenty studies published in relevant journals.

Underdeveloped countries usually present inadequate USW management due to the distance between public administration and society (Torrente-Velásquez, Chifari, Ripa, & Giampietro, 2020Torrente-Velásquez, J. M., Chifari, R., Ripa, M., & Giampietro, M. (2020). Robust information for effective municipal solid waste policies: Identifying behaviour of waste generation across spatial levels of organization. Waste Management, 103, 208-217. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.12.032
; Zohoori & Ghani, 2017Zohoori, M., & Ghani, A. (2017). Municipal solid waste management challenges and problems for cities in low-income and developing countries. International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, 6(2), 39-48. doi: 10.7753/ijsea0602.1002
). Also, their USW management systems do not recognize organizational problems such as high operating costs, poorly elaborated goals (Poletto, Mori, Schneider, & Zattera, 2016Poletto, M., Mori, P. R. De, Schneider, V. E., & Zattera, A. J. (2016). Urban solid waste management in Caxias do Sul/Brazil: Practices and challenges. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 10(1), 50-56. doi: 10.4090/juee.2016.v10n1.050056
), or the difficulties in monitoring and supervising the cities’ performance (Kabera, Wilson, & Nishimwe, 2019Kabera, T., Wilson, D. C., & Nishimwe, H. (2019). Benchmarking performance of solid waste management and recycling systems in East Africa: Comparing Kigali Rwanda with other major cities. Waste Management and Research, 37(1_suppl), 58-72. doi: 10.1177/0734242X18819752
). Thus, the applicability of USW management loses space in the public agenda and becomes a secondary issue (Ak & Braida, 2015Ak, H., & Braida, W. (2015). Sustainable municipal solid waste management decision making: Development and implementation of a single score sustainability index. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 26(6), 909-928. doi: 10.1108/MEQ-03-2015-0028
). It is worth mentioning that the governmental organizations in charge of USW are more dedicated to the issue than politicians and civil society organizations (Chu, Wu, He, Zhuang, & Wang, 2019Chu, Z., Wu, B., He, Z., Zhuang, J., & Wang, W. (2019). The policy-making trend analysis of municipal solid waste in China 1980-2015. Waste Management and Research, 37(6), 601-610. doi: 10.1177/0734242X19836722

Another organizational problem is the insufficient coverage of services of collection and treatment of USW (Alfaia, Costa, & Campos, 2017Alfaia, R. G. de S. M., Costa, A. M., & Campos, J. C. (2017). Municipal solid waste in Brazil: A review. Waste Management and Research, 35(12), 1195-1209.
). According to Bernache, “coverage” is an indicator of the percentage of users served by municipal collection systems (Bernache, 2015Bernache Pérez, G. (2015). La gestión de los residuos sólidos: un reto para los gobiernos locales. Sociedad y Ambiente, 1(7), pp. 72-98. doi: 10.31840/sya.v0i7.1592
). Insufficient services occur because the organizations that manage the USW have practices that collide with each other, which is a challenge in sustainable waste management to be addressed through staff training (Ali, Wang, Chaudhry, & Geng, 2017Ali, M., Wang, W., Chaudhry, N., & Geng, Y. (2017). Hospital waste management in developing countries: A mini review. Waste Management and Research, 35(6), 581-592.
). Even in contexts with consolidated solid waste management systems, such as those in the European Union, gaps challenge subnational governments’ administrative capacities (Scheinberg et al., 2016Scheinberg, A., Nesic, J., Savain, R., Luppi, P., Sinnott, P., Petean, F., & Pop, F. (2016). From collision to collaboration - Integrating informal recyclers and re-use operators in Europe: A review. Waste Management and Research, 34(9), 820-839. doi: 10.1177/0734242X16657608

The concept of institutional path dependence indicates the options for reforming municipal solid waste management systems, even against extreme liberalization policies (Kørnøv, Hill, Busck, & Løkke, 2016Kørnøv, L., Hill, A. L., Busck, O., & Løkke, S. (2016). Liberalization in the Danish waste sector: An institutional perspective. Waste Management and Research, 34(12), 1201-1209. doi: 10.1177/0734242X16671799
). The administrative component leads to perverse effects on the service, deepening previous inequalities (Ferronato et al., 2018Ferronato, N., Portillo, M. A. G., Lizarazu, E. G. G., Torretta, V., Bezzi, M., & Ragazzi, M. (2018). The municipal solid waste management of La Paz (Bolivia): Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable development. Waste Management and Research, 36(3), 288-299. doi: 10.1177/0734242X18755893
). We do not find uniform local administrations in all countries. Each situation requires a contingent scheme. However, the constant elements in its effectiveness are the political and financial support and a solid administrative capacity to offer the service (Wilson et al., 2017Wilson, D. C., Kanjogera, J. B., Soós, R., Briciu, C., Smith, S. R., Whiteman, A. D., ... Oelz, B. (2017). Operator models for delivering municipal solid waste management services in developing countries. Part A: The evidence base. Waste Management and Research, 35(8), 820-841. doi:10.1177/0734242X17705723

According to Wilson, Rodic, Scheinberg, Velis, and Alabaster (2012)Wilson, D. C., Rodic, L., Scheinberg, A., Velis, C. A., & Alabaster, G. (2012). Comparative analysis of solid waste management in 20 cities. Waste Management and Research, 30(3), 237-254. doi: 10.1177/0734242X12437569
, understanding specific cases facilitates the success of indigenous models; reliable information on policies, governance, technologies, and the strengths of each case, enables the adoption of appropriate solutions. Differently, not having such information represents a problem for USW management, jeopardizing the achievement of more ambitious goals, such as offering infrastructure (Daskal, Ayalon, & Shechter, 2018Daskal, S., Ayalon, O., & Shechter, M. (2018). The state of municipal solid waste management in Israel. Waste Management and Research, 36(6), 527-534. doi: 10.1177/0734242X18770248

In some cases, the adoption of cost-effective strategies makes USW management difficult due to this same lack of information (Jaunich, Levis, Decarolis, Barlaz, & Ranjithan, 2019Jaunich, M. K., Levis, J. W., Decarolis, J. F., Barlaz, M. A., & Ranjithan, S. R. (2019). Solid waste management policy implications on waste process choices and systemwide cost and greenhouse gas performance. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(4), 1766-1775. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04589
). Thus, systems analysis becomes a well-used tool in municipal solid waste management, and these systems’ organizational dimensions stand out, considering their relevance in decision-making (Klang, Vikman, & Brattebø, 2006Klang, A., Vikman, P. Å., & Brattebø, H. (2006). Systems analysis as support for decision making towards sustainable municipal waste management: A case study. Waste Management and Research, 24(4), 323-331. doi: 10.1177/0734242X06066314

International experience suggests that the USW’s social and economic factors, its administration, and the organization of its managerial systems affect the performance of the waste cycle (Razavian, Khosmanesh, & Izadyar, 2016Razavian, F., Khosmanesh, B., & Izadyar, S. (2016). Participation of people in waste source separation program. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 8(2), 1017-1025. doi: 10.32388/361986
). At the same time, administrative efficiency is an attribute of a robust USW management system (Hasome, Tachio, Yokota, & Nitta, 2001Hasome, H., Tachio, K., Yokota, I., & Nitta, Y. (2001). Studies on the evaluation of municipal waste management systems. Waste Management and Research, 19(1), 2-11. doi: 10.1177/0734242X0101900102
). In some cases, an improvement in the processes of obtaining permission and licenses would facilitate the adoption of innovative solid waste management schemes (Saadeh, Al-Khatib, & Kontogianni, 2019Saadeh, D., Al-Khatib, I. A., & Kontogianni, S. (2019). Public-private partnership in solid waste management sector in the West Bank of Palestine. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(4). 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s10661-019-7395-2
). According to Yeh, Chang, and Liu (2016)Yeh, L. T., Chang, D. S., & Liu, W. (2016). The effect of organizational learning on the dynamic recycling performance of Taiwan’s municipal solid waste (MSW) system. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18(5), 1535-1550. doi: 10.1007/s10098-016-1135-x
, organizational learning positively affects USW. Evidence shows that the challenges towards optimization in waste management necessarily refer to local organizational systems. In this sense, understanding the organizational and institutional dimensions of the administration in charge is essential (Zaman & Lehmann, 2011Zaman, A. U., & Lehmann, S. (2011). Urban growth and waste management optimization towards “zero waste city”. City, Culture and Society, 2(4), 177-187. doi: 10.1016/j.ccs.2011.11.007
). Proposals for innovations in USW management include the design and improvement of organizations, whether public, private, or hybrid (public and private) institutions (Chen, Luo, Yang, Liu, & Ma, 2018Chen, F., Luo, Z., Yang, Y., Liu, G. J., & Ma, J. (2018). Enhancing municipal solid waste recycling through reorganizing waste pickers: A case study in Nanjing, China. Waste Management and Research, 36(9), 767-778.

Governments have taken administrative measures to increase recycling and reuse. Regardless of their success, the expansion of administrative and organizational best practices leads to sustainable management. Also, the rationalization of the central activities of organizations dedicated to waste management is a crucial element (Alves & Farina, 2018Alves, D. S., & Farina, M. C. (2018). Disposal and reuse of the information technology waste: A case study in a Brazilian university. European Business Review, 30(6), 720-734.
), and explaining their processes and results will help develop this theme (Gallini, 2016Gallini, S. (2016). The zero garbage affair in Bogotá. RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, 3, 69-77. doi:
). In this respect, the global experience should not leave local administrations behind since they focus on management’s cultural, educational, and political factors - which is a gap in the study of USW management.

The problem of urban solid waste in Guadalajara

Mexico is one of the largest waste producers in Latin America. The mass of waste generated is expected to keep growing, and the estimate is to reach 671,000 tons of USW per day by 2050 (Organización de las Naciones Unidas [ONU], 2018Organización de las Naciones Unidas. (2018). Cómo la basura afecta al desarrollo de América Latina. Recuperado de
). Waste production is considered a public health issue worldwide, with a direct environmental impact.

According to data from the Mexican National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), the country collects 86,343 tons of garbage every day (Inegi, 2019Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía. (2019). Medio ambiente. Cuéntame de México. Recuperado de
), produced mainly in homes, buildings, streets, parks, and gardens (Semarnat, 2016Semarnat. (2016). Informe de la situación del medio ambiente en México. Semarnat.). In Guadalajara, each person produces 1.2 kg of waste per day (Gobierno de Guadalajara, 2019Gobierno de Guadalajara. (2019). Yo Limpio Guadalajara Limpia. Recuperado de
), and the response to this environmental pressure is the responsibility of the local government. Therefore, the local public administration has to think of strategies to improve the effectiveness of the waste management programs and the organizations operating them.

According to interviews conducted for the case study presented in this article, the main organizational problems of USW in Guadalajara occur due to failures in the implementation of programs focused on waste separation, recycling, and reduction, poor management of sanitary landfills, and the lack of supervision of the licensed organizations in charge of waste management. For the interviewees, the poor results of the local government’s actions to improve USW separation, recycling, and reduction have been accumulating over time.

The implementation of programs to reduce USW started in 2008, with the creation of the Mexican waste separation standard, NAE-SEMADES-007/2008, establishing the mandatory separation, classification, selective collection, and waste valorization in the state of Jalisco, Mexico (Gobierno de Jalisco, 2008Gobierno de Jalisco. (2008, Noviembre 16). Norma ambiental estatal nae-semades-007/2008. Recuperado de
). The municipality of Guadalajara adapted the USW program by requesting the population to separate waste and offering selective collection on specific days (Bernache, 2019Bernache Pérez, G. (2019). Evaluación de los sistemas de manejo de residuos en cuatro municipios de Jalisco, México. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, (32), 19-27. doi:10.20937/rica.2019.35.esp02.03
). These measures presented poor results due to inefficiencies of the local government and the inability to oversee the work of the organization responsible for waste collection, which delivered the material without separating it.

Later, in 2010, the program Papeleras Inteligentes (intelligent trash cans) was started (Ortiz & Carapia, 2015Ortiz, E., & Carapia, F. (2015, Septiembre 28). Más basura y menos multas. NTR Guadalajara. El Diario NTR. Recuperado de
), managed by the company Plastic Omnium (El Informador, 2011El Informador. (2011, Junio 24). Papeleras del Centro nunca fueron “inteligentes.” El Informador. Recuperado de
). However, the trash cans did not measure the level of waste and were always full of unsorted material. Also, because they were placed by the side of the light posts, people used the containers to dispose of their household waste.

Two years after the program Papeleras Inteligentes, several pilot programs were carried out to promote the separation of waste in the municipality of Guadalajara (Gobierno de Guadalajara, 2011Gobierno de Guadalajara. (2011, Julio 14). Acta de Cabildo. Recuperado de
), such as programs on handling batteries, cooking oils, pots, and furniture. Another program carried out in the city, also unsuccessfully, was the program for selective collection of solid household waste (Gobierno de Guadalajara, 2015Gobierno de Guadalajara. (2015). Programa de Prevención y Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos. Recuperado de
). The last important municipal action was the program Yo Lipio, Guadalajara Limpia (I clean, Guadalajara gets clean), started in 2016. It consists of three axes: 1) dignified urban image; 2) new model of waste management; and 3) cleaning and care. Nevertheless, this program also did not present the expected results regarding USW reduction, separation, recycling, and reuse.


The theoretical framework proposed by Scott (2003)Scott, W. R. (2003). Organizations: Rational, natural and open systems (5th ed.). New York: Prentice Hall. has the advantage of integrating the most relevant aspects that characterize any organization. An organization is a social structure created by individuals to achieve specific goals that can only be achieved collectively. This definition refers to the elements Scott introduced: participants, structure, context, technology, and goals. The discussion in this study led to a conceptual map (Figure 1) encompassing these elements and unfolding them towards a level of operationalization fit for the research.

Figure 1
Correlation among goals, structure, technologies, participants and context

This work combines the perspective of W. Richard Scott (1995Scott, W. R. (1995). Institutions and organizations. Thousand Oaks: Sage., 2003Scott, W. R. (2003). Organizations: Rational, natural and open systems (5th ed.). New York: Prentice Hall.) and the integrative methodological strategy that organizational analysts from Mexico and Colombia have developed, the critical path for strategic analysis of organizations (CP) (Morales, 2011Morales, G. R. (2011). Ruta crítica para el análisis estratégico de las organizaciones (RC-AEO). Propuesta metodológica para la intervención diagnóstica. In C. Gutiérrez Padilla (Ed.), Avatares del estudio de las organizaciones (pp. 301-319). México: Universidad de Guanajuato-Fontamara.; Morales & Castellanos, 2014Morales, G. R., & Castellanos, C. E. Q. (2014). Los gobiernos de las ciudades y los organismos que promueven su profesionalización. Gestión y Política Pública, 52(33), 79-120. Recuperado de
; Quiñonez, Morales, & Ortega, 2017Quiñonez, J. A. L., Morales, G. R., & Ortega, G. P. (2017). Misión y motivos de fundación de empresas: Análisis de congruencia en pequeñas empresas de Antioquia - Colombia. Saber, Ciencia y Libertad, 12(1), 124-133. doi: 10.18041/2382-3240/saber.2017v12n1.692
). Scott’s model considers organizations as a whole, encompassing five elements related to each other: participants, goals, structure, technology, and institutional context. For the author, a comprehensive view of the organization is obtained when explaining the relationship of each element with the others.

Methodological strategy

This study’s methodological strategy complements the robust theoretical framework presented above. It consisted of six steps: I) delineating the theoretical contributions from Scott; II) retrieving the CP and designing the variables and indicators; III) elaborating the research instrument (interview with key participants and questionnaires - the instruments were validated through a pilot test); IV) problematization of the organization analyzed in the case study; V) application of the analysis instrument; and VI) systematization and presentation of results. The method adopted was a mixed case study, with fieldwork to collect data using semi-structured interviews.


The General Coordination of the Municipality Integrated Management is in charge of the Municipality’ Environmental Office, which is responsible for the departments of urban forests, environmental protection, climate change, technical support, and integrated waste management, the latter being the object of the study. Figure 2 presents the organization chart.

Figure 2
Organization chart of the General Coordination of the Municipality Integrated Management

Figure 3
Actividades que realiza la Unidad de Gestión Integral de Residuos en la ciudad de Guadalajara

The main activity of the Integrated Waste Management Unit (IWMU) is to design policies to reduce the amount of urban solid waste (USW) disposed of in landfills. This activity is carried out through programs such as Puntos Limpios (waste collection points), glass collection, Tianguis del Recycle, among others (Figure 3).

The IWMU is located in the facilities of the Municipality’s Environmental Office (Av. Miguel Hidalgo 426 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico).

History of the integrated waste management unit

According to the person responsible for the unit, the IWMU was established at the end of 2015. Documents of the organization state its purpose of: “… developing programs, projects, and studies that contribute to reducing, reusing, recycling and offering correct disposal of the USW of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, in collaboration with other public and private institutions” (Gobierno de Guadalajara, 2018Gobierno de Guadalajara. (2018). Manual de Organización: Coordinación General de Gestión Integral de la Ciudad. Recuperado de
, p. 69, our translation).

Figure 4 shows the timeline with the IWMU’s milestones. There is a mismatch between the creation date according to the institution’s owner and its official documents (the documents stated the establishment in 2016). In 2017, the Programa Estatal para la Prevención y Gestión Integral de Residuos del Estado de Jalisco (program for integrated waste prevention and management of the state of Jalisco) was created. In 2018, the municipality of Guadalajara joined the Programa de Gestión Integral de Residuos Base Cero (a zero-based integrated waste management program) under the responsibility of the IWMU.

Figure 4

Exhibit 1 describes the most important events and changes regarding the management of the IWMU from 2015 to 2018.

Exhibit 1
Description of the important events and changes that influenced the IWMU

The administration of Mayor Enrique Alfaro Ramirez ended in 2017, and his successor Ismael del Toro Castro continued the waste management policies without making fundamental changes to the program and the management unit. This continuity may be explained by the friendship between the current and the former mayors (Ramirez is the current governor of Jalisco), who belong to the same political party.


The results are presented below based on the elements characterizing the organizations (goals, structure, participants, technology, and context) discussed in this article. They are organized according to the type of participant.

Organizational goals

From the perspective of the participants who worked in the organization’s top positions, an interviewee declared: “Consolidating an integrated waste management model that minimizes the environmental impacts caused by urban solid waste, optimizes its management economically, and responds to the needs of citizens with sustainability and order criteria” (Marín, 2020Marín, A. B. M. (2020, Abril 20). Entrevista. verbal., our translation).

In addition, the same interviewee indicated particular goals: building a culture of operating according to the law, increasing storage capacity, reducing waste taken to sanitary landfills, reintegrating the waste into the circular economy value chain, increasing the citizens’ co-responsibility regarding waste generation and management, and adopting a culture of order and productivity when handling waste.

Because of the responsibility inherent to the position, the interviewee in charge of the studied IWMU had clear goals guiding her leadership role. She reported three of them: 1) creating a pleasant work environment; 2) promoting team integration; and 3) considering each participant contribution valuable. It is possible to say that her daily activities were guided toward these goals, showing behavior of simple selection (Simon, 1976Simon, H. A. (1976). Administrative behavior: A study of decision-making processes in administrative organization. New York: Free Press.). The interviewee observed these goals throughout the activities at the IWMU, and she defined them herself (no manual or guidelines established these goals formally).

The general goal found in the organization’s manual (Government of Guadalajara, 2018, p. 69) states what the Integrated Waste Management Area must do: “… developing programs, projects, and studies that contribute to reducing, reusing, recycling and offering correct disposal of the USW of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, in collaboration with other public and private institutions.” It is the organization’s only manual, available on Guadalajara’s local government website. The interviewees demonstrated to be unaware of the available manual. Some of them actually declared not having such a document with the organization’s guidelines.

The person in charge of the Citizen Outreach Department mentioned that “this administration is creating the manuals to standardize the processes for the future.” The interviewee working in the position of process support mentioned a goal of “strengthening planning and management of actions, campaigns, and strategies that promote the culture of caring for the environment, the co-responsibility of citizens with the surrounding environment, and waste valorization of 15% by 2021” (Jaramillo, 2020Jaramillo, P. M. (2020, Abril 20). Entrevista. Verbal.).

The research clearly demonstrates the absence of a relationship among general goals, administration units, and the personnel in leading positions. Even though the interviewees declared to have received training, none were aware of the IWMU’s goals, objectives, and policies.

The person in charge of the Technical Department declared that the goal was to create policies to reduce waste in sanitary landfills, establish guidelines for compliance with environmental regulations, and promote environmental care among citizens. The person in charge of Process Support maintains that the goals of the organization are the development of the municipality’s organic waste management and treatment strategy, optimize the USW separation and valorization, control the waste taken to the municipal landfill, disseminate the culture of recycling, strengthening and updating municipal regulations, and integrate neighborhood projects to the Zero-Base Integrated Waste Management Program. The person in charge of the Citizen Outreach Department did not respond to the interviews and questionnaires. This shows the fragmentation and displacement of the IWMU’s goals and objectives.

Based on the information gathered during the research, the IWMU current products and goals are: 1) separate waste; 2) collect 500 tons of glass; 3) conduct educational programs; 4) collect 100 tons of waste in the Puntos Limpios; 5) Separate and collect 3 tons of waste in government offices; 6) collect 500 tons at the Tianguis del Recycle (recycling fairs); 7) collect 50 tons of tetrapak; 8) collect 5 tons of waste in public events; 9) collect 5 tons of cooking oil; and 10) collect 3,500 tons of trees. All participants agree to comply with them, but they do not agree on how to do it. There is evidence of an “individual adaptation of ritualism” since the same goals from the past administration continue to be applied, and innovation lies in the method used (Merton, 2013Merton, R. K. (2013). Teoría y estructura sociales. México: FCE.), which leads us to problematize the power within the IWMU.

Distribution of power in the integrated waste management unit

This case study adopted the concept of power developed by Crozier and Friedberg (1990)Crozier, M., & Friedberg, E. (1990). El actor y el sistema: Las restricciones de la acción colectiva. Madrid: Alianza Editorial., where the inequality relations around the control of the sources of uncertainty indicate the correlation of forces in the organizations.

The first source of uncertainty refers to regulations, represented by two mechanisms: budget control and the absence of operating manuals. Regarding the budget allocated to the IWMU, participants pointed out that every decision was restricted to the available resources, leading them to adapt to contingent variations and consequent uncertainty, annoyance, and dissatisfaction.

As for the absence of operating manuals, the IWMU did not formally assign responsibilities, rights, and processes. These elements arise from the context and the top management’s interpretation of the documents Código Urbano (urban norms) and Manual de Organización (organization manual) of the General Coordination of the Municipality Integrated Management - the higher hierarchical entity. The unwritten rules of the Mexican bureaucracies were applied since the previous administration (from the same political party) engaged in implicit agreements that left no room for a redesign. In addition, the operational staff was part of the previous mayor’s personnel (the former mayor Ramirez is currently the governor of the State of Jalisco), while the strategic leadership was formed of personnel appointed by the new local government.

The second source of uncertainties refers to technical expertise. The current leadership is trained in environmental issues but does not have expertise in urban waste management, demanding continuous support to lead the program’s operation. On the other hand, the personnel remaining from the previous administration have managerial experience in the field, which causes conflict between what the leadership wants to do and what is actually done. This leads to the third source of uncertainty detected, the control of the external environment: the current governor of Jalisco (former mayor of Guadalajara) has political control over a large part of the municipality’s top management. Thus, managers that were not appointed by the current mayor and remained from the previous administration depend on the former mayor’s influence to manage relationships with key entities for the fulfillment of goals such as the Congress of the State of Jalisco or the State of Jalisco’s secretariats of finance or public works.

The consequence of such strategic dynamics is a deep ambiguity in the USW management and policies definition. On the one hand, the interviewee from the Technical Department indicates “Adherence to current municipal, state, and national regulations on environmental issues, based on four main pillars: 1) a culture of operating according to the law; 2) increasing storage capacity; 3) reducing waste taken to sanitary landfills; and 4) productivity when handling waste” (Ramírez, 2020Ramírez, C. (2020, Abril 20). Entrevista. verbal.). On the other hand, the interviewees from the Department of Law and Order define the policy and management of USW as “carrying out each of the activities according to the benefit of the citizens of Guadalajara based on the IWMU goals” (Luna, 2020Luna, I. (2020, Abril 20). Entrevista. verbal.), and “reducing the waste generated in the municipality and the environmental damages caused by poor waste disposal” (Zúñiga, 2020Zúñiga, J. C. (2020, Abril, 24). Entrevista. Verbal.). These ambiguities occur concerning other aspects of goals and policies since there is no unanimity about definitions. Another inconsistency found in the research instruments was that most participants named their positions differently from what was observed in the organization’s chart. It is worth mentioning that the person responsible for the IWMU was the one that named the positions.

An aspect that stands out is the absence of problems derived from the control of information among the members of the IWMU. However, ambiguity and uncertainty regarding goals, objectives, and power distribution within the unit have a perverse effect on the organizational structure.


The unit performs its functions through an adhocratic structure and presents severe design problems (Mintzberg, 1988Mintzberg, H. (1988). La estructuración de las organizaciones. México: Ariel.). It is a small organization, with eighteen employees operating the programs and support tasks and separated into administrative personnel and process personnel.

The first group carries out tasks considered central to the organization’s goal. The second performs support, implementation, and operational tasks.

Figure 5
Hierarchical levels of the Integrated Waste Management Unit

Figure 5 presents the unit’s official organization chart. There is concern about the overlapping of competencies between the Technical Department and the Citizen Outreach Department over operational personnel. The unit counts on four departments: Technical, Citizen Outreach, Law and Order, and Operations, which are in charge of young controllers and technicians overseeing waste micro-generators, most of them between 24 and 35 years old. The IWMU adopt intense and direct monitoring as a coordination mechanism. This strategy is explained by the absence of operational manuals and bureaucracy politicization (resulting in the centralization of decisions at the strategic leadership group). The degree of proximity to the Weberian bureaucracy model (Weber, 2000Weber, M. (2000). ¿Qué es la burocracia?. Buenos Aires: Elaleph.) is low, in agreement with the study results presented in Exhibit 2.

Exhibit 2
Analysis of characteristics of bureaucracy - Weber (2000)Weber, M. (2000). ¿Qué es la burocracia?. Buenos Aires: Elaleph.

The structure of the IWMU responds to the institutionalization of decision-making as a regular process for participants (Hodgson, 1997Hodgson, G. M. (1997). The ubiquity of habits and rules. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21, 663-684. Recuperado de
). The set of possible options is restricted to those inherited from the previous administration. For the participants, the decisions have been refined when observing the performance of the adopted routines (Hodgson, 2006Hodgson, G. M. (2006). Economics in the shadows of Darwin and Marx: Essays on institutional and evolutionary themes. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.; Hodgson & Knudsen, 2004Hodgson, G. M., & Knudsen, T. (2004). The firm as an interactor: Firms as vehicles for habits and routines. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14(3), 281-307. doi: 10.1007/s00191-004-0192-1
). Thus, they adopt the logic of maintaining what has been done regardless of the relevant goals.


The IWMU participants’ motivation is a challenge. The routine of tasks, the politicization of the administration, and the gap between official goals and the goals declared by the bureaucrats overshadow the leadership role, leading to poor coordination and group cohesion. During a field visit, it was possible to observe a difference in attitudes of employees with more time in the organization. The head of the IWMU mentioned a desire to motivate the staff, but political commitments and regulations do not give her the power to work in this direction. In the six interviews, the participants indicated their motivation, determination, and commitment to carry out their work but stressed that it would be beneficial to have a manual with procedures to establish the activities clearly.

The physical environment affects the participants, who think the workspace is inadequate. They work in a warehouse adapted to an office, harming the organizational climate and, more importantly, communication.

Tables 1 and 2 show the formal and informal cross-impact matrices. The formal indicates the expected relationships based on the applicable norms, while the informal is based on the participant’s perception. The divergence in these two matrices accounts for the weight of leadership and cohesion. The strategic leadership is farther from the operational base than expected, giving rise to the emergence of informal groups that, according to the evidence, reinforce the presence of ritualism, low motivation, displacement of goals and objectives, and high politicization.

Table 1
Formal cross-impact matrix
Table 2
Informal cross-impact matrix


Technology is the dominant force in the organizations’ structure. It implies knowledge applied to decision-making (Child, 1972Child, J. (1972). Organizational structure, environment and performance: The role of strategic choice. Sociology, 6(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1177/003803857200600101
; Hanappi & Scholz-Waeckerle, 2015Hanappi, H., & Scholz-Waeckerle, M. (2015). Evolutionary political economy: Content and methods. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (No. 75447).; Nelson & Winter, 1982Nelson, R. R., & Winter, S. G. (1982). An evolutionary theory of economic change. The Economic Journal, 93(371), 652-654,
; Scott, 2003Scott, W. R. (2003). Organizations: Rational, natural and open systems (5th ed.). New York: Prentice Hall.). These technologies can be understood as central tasks (Wilson, 1989Wilson, J. Q. (1989). Bureaucracy: What government agencies do and why they do it. New York: Basic Books.). They are those requiring more time from participants and are considered more interesting. The central tasks of the IWMU are shown in Exhibit 3.

Exhibit 3
Central tasks of the Integrated Waste Management Unit

Participants consider secondary tasks to (1) strengthen and update the municipal regulations on integrated waste management; (2) apply a dissemination strategy to educate on waste separation and management; (3) integrate neighborhood projects as an area of a ctivity of the Programa de Gestión Integral de Residuos Base Cero; (4) promote campaigns to collect hazardous waste, preventing this material from reaching sanitary landfill; (5) release opinions on solicitations from waste microgenerator and Puntos Limpios (waste collection points); and (6) promote zero-waste public events and waste separation in public offices.

The different importance given to the tasks suggests, based on Wilson, two dimensions: benefits and results. Benefits correspond to whether the task is materially observable. The task results imply that the participants are sure that their activities contribute to the stated goals. Table 3 shows the results of this evaluation.

Table 3
Tasks according to income and results

This situation explains the difficulties inherent to the management of the IWMU. The organization’s tasks are recognized, but it is not clear whether these tasks contribute to achieving the goals and objectives.


The strategic context of the organization is relatively stable. The institution’s regulatory entities are the General Coordination of the Municipality Integrated Management and the Municipality’s Environmental Office. The interviewees also recognized the political influence of Jalisco’s state government, considering it another regulatory entity. However, they do not identify any other instance responsible for the issue since the organization’s relevant authority is the legal mandate.

The municipality’s administrative units provide supplies for the IWMU operation, adopting the logic of budgeted compensation or in-kind allocations. Participants also identified private companies as suppliers since the unit outsources the service of collecting and transporting USW to these enterprises. The most dynamic relationships are concentrated with clients. The clients are waste microgenerators, commercial and service establishments, and the citizens of Guadalajara.


The Integrated Waste Management Unit (IWMU) is affected by low institutionalization, reflected in aspects such as the lack of operation manuals, budget, and human resources. This condition jeopardizes the organization’s performance largely because of the politicization of the administration, ambiguity of goals, and low routinization of processes, among others.

The formalization of decision-making requires determining written codes applied to the activity. This measure forces the organization to adopt clearer goals, leading to less politicized operational and leadership positions.

It is essential to establish plans with objectives and goals for each department leader within the unit, including deadlines and adequate resources. This procedure allows measuring the efficiency of the personnel, and each participant understands their role and individual impact on the organization’s performance, reducing the moral hazard to the city.

It is noteworthy that the unit’s efficiency depends on the availability of financial resources, human capital, government interest to connect the effects of public policies on USW with other instances of public administration, and the correct and efficient design - on the part of the unit - of USW policies. However, the unit must first count on the basic elements so it can operate efficiently with the available resources.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 May 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 July 2020
  • Accepted
    18 June 2021
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