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Treatment of Cutaneous Larva Migrans with albendazole: preliminary report

Tratamiento del Síndrome de Larva Cutanea Migratoria con Albendazol: reporte Preliminar


Twenty three patients with Cutaneous Larva Migrans syndrome were prospectively treated with 400 mg/day of Albendazole for 3 consecutive days. Clinical response, compliance and tolerance was excellent. Patients were asymptomatic within the first 72 hours of treatment and recurrences did not occurred. Preliminary results with three additional patients suggest that a single oral 400 mg dose may be effective as well.

Cutaneous larva migrans; Treatment; Albendazole

Veintitrés pacientes con el sindrome de Larva Cutanea Migratoria, fueron tratados prospectivamente con 400 mg/dia VO de albendazol por tres dias consecutivos. La respuesta clínica, aceptación y tolerancia del tratamiento fué excelente. Todos los pacientes se volvieron asintomáticos durante las primeras 72 horas de tratamiento y no se observaron recurrencias de lesiones. Los resultados preliminares obtenidos entres pacientes adicionales, sugieren que la dosis única de 400 mg puede ser igualmente efectiva.


Treatment of Cutaneous Larva Migrans with albendazole. Preliminary report

Tratamiento del Síndrome de Larva Cutanea Migratoria con Albendazol. Reporte Preliminar

Jaime R. Torres R.; Angel R. Orihuela; David Garcia; Salha Abdul-Hadi

Address for correspondence Address for correspondence: Salha Abdul-Hadi Instituto de Medicina Tropical Universidad Central de Venezuela Apartado 2109, Caracas, Venezuela


Twenty three patients with Cutaneous Larva Migrans syndrome were prospectively treated with 400 mg/day of Albendazole for 3 consecutive days. Clinical response, compliance and tolerance was excellent. Patients were asymptomatic within the first 72 hours of treatment and recurrences did not occurred. Preliminary results with three additional patients suggest that a single oral 400 mg dose may be effective as well.

Key words: Cutaneous larva migrans; Treatment; Albendazole.


Veintitrés pacientes con el sindrome de Larva Cutanea Migratoria, fueron tratados prospectivamente con 400 mg/dia VO de albendazol por tres dias consecutivos. La respuesta clínica, aceptación y tolerancia del tratamiento fué excelente. Todos los pacientes se volvieron asintomáticos durante las primeras 72 horas de tratamiento y no se observaron recurrencias de lesiones. Los resultados preliminares obtenidos entres pacientes adicionales, sugieren que la dosis única de 400 mg puede ser igualmente efectiva.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Recebido para publicação em 20/5/1988.

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  • 5. WINTER P. A. & FRIPP, P. J. - Treatment of cutaneous larva migrans (sandworm disease). S. Afr. med. J., 52: 556-559, 1978.
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  • Address for correspondence:
    Salha Abdul-Hadi
    Instituto de Medicina Tropical
    Universidad Central de Venezuela
    Apartado 2109, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      18 Feb 2011
    • Date of issue
      Feb 1989


    • Received
      20 May 1988
    Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470, 05403-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil, Tel. +55 11 3061-7005 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil