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Influence of Compound 16.842 on hookworm infections


Compound 16.842 was tried with three different groups of patients in order to evaluate its tolerancy, and efficacy as well, with a view of using the drug in mass campaigns against hookworm. Group I, used for a preliminary trial, consisted of 38 patients attending an out-patient clinic, and living either in the out-skirts or in the various urban areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro, including some inmates of an orphanage. Group II, a field trial, was carried out in two farms, where the drug was administered both to the positive cases (124) and to the rest of the population (nearly 90%). Group III, a field trial was also carried out in a small town where nearly 40% of the total population was treated with the Compound. Tolerability was considered rather satisfactory, mainly among the patients receiving two single doses (50-150mg), according to the age, 4 - 6 weeks apart). These results suggest that 2-4 courses of therapy within a shorter span of time should be the ideal for a mass treatment campaign. Efficacy varied from 26.6% to 76.2% parasitological cure in the various groups, with a wide range of variation also in the percent of mean reduction of eggs for hookworm. The drug showed also some effect against Ascaris lumbricoides giving cure rates between 10,5% and 35.7% in the various groups, with a percentage reduction in mean egg counts of 27% to 83.3% according to the various groups. It was concluded that Compound 16.842 possesses a marked effect on hookworm and a mild effect on A. lumbricoides. The findings indicate the need for more accurate studies to determine the most efficient schedules of treatment and the real value of the drug, as compared to other antihelminthics against the two parasites under study.

Os autores ensaiam um nôvo antihelmíntico, Composto 16.842, em 3 grupos de pacientes de modo a testar sua eficácia, tolerância e a possibilidade de seu emprêgo em campanhas de massa contra ancilostomíase. O primeiro grupo, em que se empregou a droga em ensaio preliminar, consistiu de um grupo de 38 pacientes de ambulatório do Serviço e de um orfanato no Estado da Guanabara. No grupo II administrou-se o medicamento a tôda a população de duas fazendas no município de Sumidouro e no grupo III incluiu-se grande parte da população da pequena cidade de Sumidouro. A tolerância foi satisfatória, principalmente nos pacientes que receberam 2 doses de 50 a 150 mg com intervalos de 4 a 6 semanas e os resultados obtidos sugerem que 2 a 4 cursos de tratamento num menor período de tempo são ideais para tratamento em massa. A cura parasitológica variou de 26,6% a 76,2% nos vários grupos, com grande variação também nos percentuais de redução média do número de ovos de ancilostomídeos nas fezes. Observou-se efeito contra Ascaris lumbricoides, com índices de cura de 13,5 a 35.7% nos vários grupos. Concluem os autores que o Composto 16.842 tem seu lugar no tratamento da infecção por ancilostomídeos e que são necessários maiores estudos para determinar os esquemas terapêuticos mais eficientes.

Influence of Compound 16.842 on hookworm infections

J. Rodrigues da SilvaI; Léa Camillo-CouraII

IFull Professor of Tropical Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Medical School; Director, National Institute of Endemic Rural Diseases, Ministery of Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

IIAssistant Professor of Tropical Medicine, Federal, University of Rio de Janeiro Medical School Brasil D.C.M.T. (London)


Compound 16.842 was tried with three different groups of patients in order to evaluate its tolerancy, and efficacy as well, with a view of using the drug in mass campaigns against hookworm.

Group I, used for a preliminary trial, consisted of 38 patients attending an out-patient clinic, and living either in the out-skirts or in the various urban areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro, including some inmates of an orphanage.

Group II, a field trial, was carried out in two farms, where the drug was administered both to the positive cases (124) and to the rest of the population (nearly 90%).

Group III, a field trial was also carried out in a small town where nearly 40% of the total population was treated with the Compound.

Tolerability was considered rather satisfactory, mainly among the patients receiving two single doses (50-150mg), according to the age, 4 - 6 weeks apart). These results suggest that 2-4 courses of therapy within a shorter span of time should be the ideal for a mass treatment campaign.

Efficacy varied from 26.6% to 76.2% parasitological cure in the various groups, with a wide range of variation also in the percent of mean reduction of eggs for hookworm.

The drug showed also some effect against Ascaris lumbricoides giving cure rates between 10,5% and 35.7% in the various groups, with a percentage reduction in mean egg counts of 27% to 83.3% according to the various groups.

It was concluded that Compound 16.842 possesses a marked effect on hookworm and a mild effect on A. lumbricoides. The findings indicate the need for more accurate studies to determine the most efficient schedules of treatment and the real value of the drug, as compared to other antihelminthics against the two parasites under study.


Os autores ensaiam um nôvo antihelmíntico, Composto 16.842, em 3 grupos de pacientes de modo a testar sua eficácia, tolerância e a possibilidade de seu emprêgo em campanhas de massa contra ancilostomíase. O primeiro grupo, em que se empregou a droga em ensaio preliminar, consistiu de um grupo de 38 pacientes de ambulatório do Serviço e de um orfanato no Estado da Guanabara. No grupo II administrou-se o medicamento a tôda a população de duas fazendas no município de Sumidouro e no grupo III incluiu-se grande parte da população da pequena cidade de Sumidouro.

A tolerância foi satisfatória, principalmente nos pacientes que receberam 2 doses de 50 a 150 mg com intervalos de 4 a 6 semanas e os resultados obtidos sugerem que 2 a 4 cursos de tratamento num menor período de tempo são ideais para tratamento em massa.

A cura parasitológica variou de 26,6% a 76,2% nos vários grupos, com grande variação também nos percentuais de redução média do número de ovos de ancilostomídeos nas fezes.

Observou-se efeito contra Ascaris lumbricoides, com índices de cura de 13,5 a 35.7% nos vários grupos.

Concluem os autores que o Composto 16.842 tem seu lugar no tratamento da infecção por ancilostomídeos e que são necessários maiores estudos para determinar os esquemas terapêuticos mais eficientes.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

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  • 8. HSIEH-CHEN HSIEN ET AL - The treatment of hookworms, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Trichuris infections with Bephenium hydroxynaphtoate J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 9: 496-499, 1960.
  • 9 . RODRIGUES DA SILVA, J. ET AL - O hidroxinaftoato de Befenio no tratamento da ancilostomiase, ascaridíase e tricuriase. J. Bras. Med. 6: .. 270-288, 1962.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Aug 2013
  • Date of issue
    Apr 1968
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