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Kinetics of the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation in vivo


Sitice most studies on the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation have been carried out in vitro, the authors used the inoculation ofcercariae into the peritoneal cavity of mice tofollow the steps involved in this progressive adaptation of cercarie to the vertebmte host. The main conclusions were: 1. Most cercariae reach the schistosomular stage between 90-120 min after intraperitoneal inoculation. 2. Changes usuallystart with detachment of the tail followed by loss, rupture or changes of the glycocalix. 3. After 120 min most larvae loss their tails and present water sensitivity. 4. Acetabular grands depletion usually does not occur in cercaria-shistosomulum changes in the peritoneal cavity of mice. These steps differ in some way from those described in the kinetics of the in vitro observations performed by other investigators, and is more like those described in the penetration in the skin of living vertebrates.

Schistosoma mansoni; Cercariae; Schistosomula; In vivo transformation

Uma vez que a maioria dos estudos da transformação cercária-esquistossômulo têm sido realizados in vitro, os autores usaram a inoculação de cercárias na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos para seguir as etapas envolvidas nesta adaptação progressiva das larvas ao hospedeiro vertebrado. conclusões principais foram: 1. A maioria das cercárias atinge 0 estádio de esquistossômulo entre 90 - 120 minutos após a inoculação intraperitoneal. 2. As modificações usualmente são iniciadas com a perda da cauda, seguidas pela perda, ruptura ou modificações do glicocálice. 3. Após 120 minutos do inóculo, a maioria das larvas perde sua cauda e apresenta intolerância à água. 4. A depleção das glândulas acetabulares habitualmente não ocorre durante o processo de transformação cercária-esquistossômulo, na cavidade peritoneal do camundongo. Os resultados da inoculação intraperitoneal em camundongos aproximam-se mais dos achados da penetração da cercária na pele de hospedeiros vertebrados, e diferem, em parte, das observações realizadas in vitro.

Schistosoma mansoni; Cercária; Esquistossômulo; Transformação in vivo


Kinetics of the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation in vivo

A. L. Melo; L. H. Pereira


Sitice most studies on the cercaria-schistosomulum transformation have been carried out in vitro, the authors used the inoculation ofcercariae into the peritoneal cavity of mice tofollow the steps involved in this progressive adaptation of cercarie to the vertebmte host. The main conclusions were: 1. Most cercariae reach the schistosomular stage between 90-120 min after intraperitoneal inoculation. 2. Changes usuallystart with detachment of the tail followed by loss, rupture or changes of the glycocalix. 3. After 120 min most larvae loss their tails and present water sensitivity. 4. Acetabular grands depletion usually does not occur in cercaria-shistosomulum changes in the peritoneal cavity of mice. These steps differ in some way from those described in the kinetics of the in vitro observations performed by other investigators, and is more like those described in the penetration in the skin of living vertebrates.

Keywords:Schistosoma mansoni. Cercariae. Schistosomula. In vivo transformation.


Uma vez que a maioria dos estudos da transformação cercária-esquistossômulo têm sido realizados in vitro, os autores usaram a inoculação de cercárias na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos para seguir as etapas envolvidas nesta adaptação progressiva das larvas ao hospedeiro vertebrado. conclusões principais foram:

1. A maioria das cercárias atinge 0 estádio de esquistossômulo entre 90 - 120 minutos após a inoculação intraperitoneal.

2. As modificações usualmente são iniciadas com a perda da cauda, seguidas pela perda, ruptura ou modificações do glicocálice.

3. Após 120 minutos do inóculo, a maioria das larvas perde sua cauda e apresenta intolerância à água.

4. A depleção das glândulas acetabulares habitualmente não ocorre durante o processo de transformação cercária-esquistossômulo, na cavidade peritoneal do camundongo.

Os resultados da inoculação intraperitoneal em camundongos aproximam-se mais dos achados da penetração da cercária na pele de hospedeiros vertebrados, e diferem, em parte, das observações realizadas in vitro.

Palavras-chave:Schistosoma mansoni. Cercária. Esquistossômulo. Transformação in vivo.

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Austin FG, Stirewalt MA, Danziger RE. Schistosoma mansoni: Stimulatory effect of rat skin lipid fractions on cercarial penetration behaviour. Experimental Parasitology 31: 217-224, 1972.

2. Clegg JA. In vitro cultivation of Schistosoma mansoni. Experimental Parasitology 16: 133-147, 1965.

3. Clegg JA, Smithers R. Death of schistosome cercariae during penetration of the skin. II. Penetration of mammalian skin by Schistosoma mansoni. Parasitology 58: 111-128, 1968.

4. Clegg JA, Smithers R. The effects of immune rhesus monkey serum on schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni during cultivation in vitro. International Journal of Parasitology 2: 79-98, 1972.

5. Colley DG, Wikel SK. Shistosoma mansoni: simplified method for the production of schistosomule. Experimental Parasitology 35: 44-51, 1974.

6. Cram EB, Bozicevich J. Experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection by intraperitoneal injection. Tropical Medicine News 1: 16-17, 1944.

7. Eveland LK. Schistosoma mansoni: Conversion of cercariae to schistosomula. Experimental Parasitology 32: 261-264, 1972.

8. Gazzinelli G, Oliveira CC, Figueiredo EA, Pereira LH, Coelho PMZ, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: biochemical evidence for morphogenetic change from cercaria to schistosomule. Experimental Parasitology 34: 181-188, 1973.

9. Gilbert B, Da Rosa MN, Borojevic R, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: In vitro transformation of cercariae into schistosomule. Parasitology 64: 333-339, 1972.

10. Gordon RM, Griffiths, RB. Observations on the means by which the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni penetrate mammalian skin together with an account of certain morphological changes observed in the newly penetrated larvae. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 45: 227-243, 1951.

11. Hockley DJ, MacLaren DJ. The outer membrane of Schistosoma mansoni. TransactionsoftheRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65: 432, 1971.

12. Hockley DJ, MacLaren DJ. Schistosoma mansoni: Changes in the outer membrane of the tegument during development from cercaria to adult worm. International Journal of Parasitology 3: 13-25, 1973.

13. Jensen DV, Stirewalt MA, Walters M. Growth of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae under dyalisis membranes in Rose chambers. Experimental Parasitology 17: 15-27, 1965.

14. Kusel J. The penetration of human epidermal sheets by the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and the collection schistosomula. Parasitology 60: 89-96, 1970.

15. Pellegrino J, Macedo DG. A simplified method for the concentration of cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 41: 329-330, 1955.

16. Pereira LH, Pellegrino J, Valadares TE, Mello RT, Coelho PMZ. A new approach for screening prophylactic agents in schistosomiasis. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 16: 123-126, 1974.

17. Ramalho-Pinto FJ, Gazzinelli G, Howells RE, Mota- Santos TA, Figueiredo EA, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: A defined system for the step-wise transformation of the cercaria to schistosomule in vitro. Experimental Parasitology 36: 360-372, 1974.

18. Stirewalt MA. Cercariae vs schistosomule (S. mansoni): Absence of the pericercarial envelope in vivo and the early physiological and histological metamorphosis of the parasite. Experimental Parasitology 13: 395-406, 1963.

19. Stirewalt MA. Schistosoma mansoni: cercaria to schistosomule. Advances in Parasitology 12: 115-182,1974.

20. Stirewalt MA. Schistosomule vs cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 47: 47, 1961

21. Stirewalt MA, Fregeau WA. An invasive enzyme system presentf in cercariae but absent in schistosomules of S. mansoni. Experimental Parasitology 19: 206-215,1966.

22. Stirewalt MA, Kruidenier FJ. Activity of the acetabular secretory apparatus of cercariae of S. mansoni under experimental conditions. Experimental Parasitology 11: 191-211, 1961.

23. Stirewalt MA, Minnick DR, Fregeau WA. Definition and collection in quantity of schistosomules of S. mansoni. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 60: 352-260, 1966.

24. Stirewalt MA, Uy A. Schistosoma mansoni: cercarial penetration and schistosomule collection in an in vitro system. Experimental Parasitology 26: 17-28, 1969.

25. Yolles TK, Moore DV, Meleney HE. Post-cercarial development of Schistosoma mansoni in the rabbit and hamster after intraperitoneal and percutaneous infection. Journal of Parasitology 35: 276-294, 1949.

Recebido para publicação em 27/4/1984.

Departamento de Parasitologia and Grupo Interdepartamental de Estudos sobre Esquistossomose (GIDE), ICB/ UFMG, Caixa Postal 2486, 30.000 Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

This work received financial support from FINEP, CNPq - Brasil, and the World Health Organization, Switzerland.

  • 2. Clegg JA. In vitro cultivation of Schistosoma mansoni Experimental Parasitology 16: 133-147, 1965.
  • 3. Clegg JA, Smithers R. Death of schistosome cercariae during penetration of the skin. II. Penetration of mammalian skin by Schistosoma mansoni Parasitology 58: 111-128, 1968.
  • 4. Clegg JA, Smithers R. The effects of immune rhesus monkey serum on schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni during cultivation in vitro International Journal of Parasitology 2: 79-98, 1972.
  • 5. Colley DG, Wikel SK. Shistosoma mansoni: simplified method for the production of schistosomule. Experimental Parasitology 35: 44-51, 1974.
  • 6. Cram EB, Bozicevich J. Experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection by intraperitoneal injection. Tropical Medicine News 1: 16-17, 1944.
  • 7. Eveland LK. Schistosoma mansoni: Conversion of cercariae to schistosomula. Experimental Parasitology 32: 261-264, 1972.
  • 8. Gazzinelli G, Oliveira CC, Figueiredo EA, Pereira LH, Coelho PMZ, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: biochemical evidence for morphogenetic change from cercaria to schistosomule. Experimental Parasitology 34: 181-188, 1973.
  • 9. Gilbert B, Da Rosa MN, Borojevic R, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: In vitro transformation of cercariae into schistosomule. Parasitology 64: 333-339, 1972.
  • 10. Gordon RM, Griffiths, RB. Observations on the means by which the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni penetrate mammalian skin together with an account of certain morphological changes observed in the newly penetrated larvae. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 45: 227-243, 1951.
  • 11. Hockley DJ, MacLaren DJ. The outer membrane of Schistosoma mansoni TransactionsoftheRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65: 432, 1971.
  • 12. Hockley DJ, MacLaren DJ. Schistosoma mansoni: Changes in the outer membrane of the tegument during development from cercaria to adult worm. International Journal of Parasitology 3: 13-25, 1973.
  • 13. Jensen DV, Stirewalt MA, Walters M. Growth of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae under dyalisis membranes in Rose chambers. Experimental Parasitology 17: 15-27, 1965.
  • 14. Kusel J. The penetration of human epidermal sheets by the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and the collection schistosomula. Parasitology 60: 89-96, 1970.
  • 15. Pellegrino J, Macedo DG. A simplified method for the concentration of cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 41: 329-330, 1955.
  • 16. Pereira LH, Pellegrino J, Valadares TE, Mello RT, Coelho PMZ. A new approach for screening prophylactic agents in schistosomiasis. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 16: 123-126, 1974.
  • 17. Ramalho-Pinto FJ, Gazzinelli G, Howells RE, Mota- Santos TA, Figueiredo EA, Pellegrino J. Schistosoma mansoni: A defined system for the step-wise transformation of the cercaria to schistosomule in vitro Experimental Parasitology 36: 360-372, 1974.
  • 18. Stirewalt MA. Cercariae vs schistosomule (S. mansoni): Absence of the pericercarial envelope in vivo and the early physiological and histological metamorphosis of the parasite. Experimental Parasitology 13: 395-406, 1963.
  • 19. Stirewalt MA. Schistosoma mansoni: cercaria to schistosomule. Advances in Parasitology 12: 115-182,1974.
  • 20. Stirewalt MA. Schistosomule vs cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 47: 47, 1961
  • 21. Stirewalt MA, Fregeau WA. An invasive enzyme system presentf in cercariae but absent in schistosomules of S. mansoni Experimental Parasitology 19: 206-215,1966.
  • 22. Stirewalt MA, Kruidenier FJ. Activity of the acetabular secretory apparatus of cercariae of S. mansoni under experimental conditions. Experimental Parasitology 11: 191-211, 1961.
  • 23. Stirewalt MA, Minnick DR, Fregeau WA. Definition and collection in quantity of schistosomules of S. mansoni Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 60: 352-260, 1966.
  • 24. Stirewalt MA, Uy A. Schistosoma mansoni: cercarial penetration and schistosomule collection in an in vitro system. Experimental Parasitology 26: 17-28, 1969.
  • 25. Yolles TK, Moore DV, Meleney HE. Post-cercarial development of Schistosoma mansoni in the rabbit and hamster after intraperitoneal and percutaneous infection. Journal of Parasitology 35: 276-294, 1949.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 June 2013
  • Date of issue
    Mar 1985


  • Accepted
    27 Apr 1984
  • Received
    27 Apr 1984
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil