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The FML (Fucose Mannose Ligand) of Leishmania donovani: a new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against human kala-azar


The Fucose-Mannose Ligand (FML) of Leishmania donovani is a complex glycoproteic fraction. Its potential use as a tool for diagnosis of human visceral leishmaniasis was tested with human sera from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The FML-ELISA test, showed 100% sensitivity and 96% specificity, identifying patients with overt kala-azar (p < 0.001, when compared to normal sera), and subjects with subclinical infection. More than 20% apparently healthy subjects with positive reaction to FML developed overt kala-azar during the following 10 months. In the screening of human blood donnors, a prevalence of 5% of sororeactive subjects was detected, attaining 17% in a single day. The GP36 glycoprotein of FHL is specifically reconized by human kala-azar sera. The immunoprotective effect of FML on experimental L. donovanii infection was tested in swiss albino mice. The protection scheemes included three weekly doses of FML, supplemented or not with saponin by the subcutaneous or intraperitoneal routes and challenge with 2x 10(7) amastigotes of Leishmania donovani. An enhancement of 80.0 % in antibody response (p<0.001) and reduction of 85.5 % parasite liver burden (p<0.001) was detected in animals immunized with FML saponin, unrespectivety of the immunization route.

Glycoconjugate; Leishmania donovani; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Kala-azar; Visceral leishmaniasis; Blood transfusion; Leishmanial antigens

O FML (Ligame de Fucose-Manose) de Leishmania donovani é uma fração glicoproteica complexa. O seu potencial no diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana foi testado com soros provenientes de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O teste de FML-ELISA mostrou 100% de sensibilidade e 96% de especificidade, identificando pacientes com calazar declarado (p<0.001, comparados com soros normais) e indivíduos com infecção subclínica. Mais de 20% dos sororreativos assimptomáticos desenvolveram a doença no prazo de 10 meses. Na análise de doadores de sangue, 5% de sororeativos, atingindo até 17% num único dia foram detectados. A glicoproteínaGP36 do FHL é reconhecida especificamente por soros de pacientes com calazar. O potencial imunoprotetor do FML no calazar experimental foi testado no modelo swiss albino em combinação com saponina pelas vias subcutâneas e/ou intraperitoneal seguido de desafio com 2x 10(7) amastigolas de Leishmania donovani. Um aumento de 80.0% na resposta de anticorpos específicos (p<0.001) e a redução de 85.5 % da carga parasitária no fígado (p<0.001 )foi detectado nos animais vacinados com FML e saponina, independentemente da via de administração.

Glicoconjugado; Leishmania donovani; Calazar; Transfusão de sangue; Diagnóstico


The FML (Fucose Mannose Ligand) of Leishmania donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against human kala-azar

Claris B. Palatnik de Sousa; Elza M. Gomes; Edilma Paraguai de Souza; Wania R. dos Santos; Sirley R. de Macedo; Linnete V. de Medeiros; Kleber Luz

Instituto de Microbiologia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia-HEMONORTE. Hospital de Doenças Infecciosas GiseldaTrigueiro. Departamento de Infectologia. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Address to Address to: Dra. Clarisa B. Palatnik de Sousa. Instituto de Microbiologia/CCS/UFRJ. C. Universitária. I. do Fundão. CP: 68040, 21941-590 Rio de Janeiro, RJ.


The Fucose-Mannose Ligand (FML) of Leishmania donovani is a complex glycoproteic fraction. Its potential use as a tool for diagnosis of human visceral leishmaniasis was tested with human sera from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The FML-ELISA test, showed 100% sensitivity and 96% specificity, identifying patients with overt kala-azar (p < 0.001, when compared to normal sera), and subjects with subclinical infection. More than 20% apparently healthy subjects with positive reaction to FML developed overt kala-azar during the following 10 months. In the screening of human blood donnors, a prevalence of 5% of sororeactive subjects was detected, attaining 17% in a single day. The GP36 glycoprotein of FHL is specifically reconized by human kala-azar sera. The immunoprotective effect of FML on experimental L. donovanii infection was tested in swiss albino mice. The protection scheemes included three weekly doses of FML, supplemented or not with saponin by the subcutaneous or intraperitoneal routes and challenge with 2x 107 amastigotes of Leishmania donovani. An enhancement of 80.0 % in antibody response (p<0.001) and reduction of 85.5 % parasite liver burden (p<0.001) was detected in animals immunized with FML saponin, unrespectivety of the immunization route.

Key-words: Glycoconjugate. Leishmania donovani. Diagnosis. Prognosis. Kala-azar. Visceral leishmaniasis. Blood transfusion. Leishmanial antigens.


O FML (Ligame de Fucose-Manose) de Leishmania donovani é uma fração glicoproteica complexa. O seu potencial no diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana foi testado com soros provenientes de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O teste de FML-ELISA mostrou 100% de sensibilidade e 96% de especificidade, identificando pacientes com calazar declarado (p<0.001, comparados com soros normais) e indivíduos com infecção subclínica. Mais de 20% dos sororreativos assimptomáticos desenvolveram a doença no prazo de 10 meses. Na análise de doadores de sangue, 5% de sororeativos, atingindo até 17% num único dia foram detectados. A glicoproteínaGP36 do FHL é reconhecida especificamente por soros de pacientes com calazar. O potencial imunoprotetor do FML no calazar experimental foi testado no modelo swiss albino em combinação com saponina pelas vias subcutâneas e/ou intraperitoneal seguido de desafio com 2x 107 amastigolas de Leishmania donovani. Um aumento de 80.0% na resposta de anticorpos específicos (p<0.001) e a redução de 85.5 % da carga parasitária no fígado (p<0.001 )foi detectado nos animais vacinados com FML e saponina, independentemente da via de administração.

Palavras-chaves: Glicoconjugado. Leishmania donovani. Calazar. Transfusão de sangue. Diagnóstico.

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1. Ashford DA, Badaró R, Eulalio C, Freire M, Miranda C, Zalis M, David, JR. Studies on the control of visceral leishmaniasisrvalidation of the Falcon assay screening test-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Fast-ElisaTM) for field diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 48:1-8, 1993.

2. Badaró R, Reed SG, Barrai A, Orge G, Jones TC. Evaluation of the microenzyme linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies in american visceral Ieishmaniasis:antigen selection for detection of infection- specific responses. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 35:72-78,

3. Bomford R. Saponin and other haemolysins (Vitamin A, aliphatic amines, polyene antibiotics) as adjuvants for SRBC in the mouse. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 63:170-177, 1980.

4. Bomford R. The comparative selectivity of adjuvants for humoral and cell mediated immunity II. Effect on delayed type hypersensitivity in the mouse, guinea pig, and cell mediated immunity to tumor antigens in the mouse of Freund's incomplete and complete adjuvant, alhydrogel, Corynebacterium parvum, Bordetella pertussis, muramyl dipeptide and saponin. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 39:435-441, 1984.

5. Borowy NK, Schell D, Schaeffer C, Overath P. Diagnostic of human african trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis based on detection of antiparasite-enzyme antibodies. Journal of Infectious Diseases 164:422-425, 1991.

6. Bradley DJ, Kirkley J. Regulation of Leishmania population within the host. I. Variable course of Leishmania

7. Brumpt E. Le Kala-azar. In: Masson e Cie (ed) Precis de Parasitologie, 6eme edition, Collectionde Precis Médicaux, Paris p. 256-277, 1949.

8. Burns Jr JM, Shreffler WG, Benson DR, Ghalib HW, Badaró R, Reed SG. Molecular characterization of a kinesin-related antigen of Leishmania chagasi that detects specific antibody in African and American Visceral Leishmaniasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 90:775-779, 1993.

9. Castellani A Chalmers AJ. Visceral Leishmaniasis In: Baillière, Tindall, Cox (eds) Manual of Tropical Medicine, 3rd edition, University

10. Cohen C, Corazza F, De Mol P, Brasseur D. Leishmaniasis acquired in Belgium. Lancet 338:128, 1991.

11. Convit J, Castellano PL, Rondon A, Penardi ME, Ulrich M, Castes M, Bloom B, Garcia L. Immunotherapy versus chemoterapy in localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. The Lancet I:401-404, 1987.

12. Grogl M, Daugirda JL, Hoover DL, Magill AJ, Berman J. Survaivability and infectivity of viscerotropic Leishmania tropica from Operation Desert Storm participates inhuman blood products maintainance under blood banking conditions. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 49:308-315, 1993.

13. Handman E, Mitchell GF. The glycoconjugate derived from a Leishmania major receptor for macrophages is a suppressogenic disease promoting antigen in murine Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Parasite Immunology 8:255- 263, 1986.

14. Holbrook TW, Cook JA, Parker BW. Immunization against Leishmania donovani: glucan as an adjuvant with killed promastigotes. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 30:762-768, 1981.

15. Jaffe CL Zalis M. Use of purified parasite proteins from Leishmania donovani for the rapid serodiagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 157, 1212- 1220, 1988.

16. Jaffe CL, Rachamim N, Sarfstein R. Characterization of two proteins from Leishmania donovani and their use for vaccination against visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Immunology 144:699-706, 1990.

17. Jardim A, Tolson DL, Turco SJ, Pearson TW, Olafson RW.Leishmania donovani lipophosphoglycan T lymphocyte reactive component is a tightly associated protein complex. Journal of lmmunology 147:3538-3544, 1991.

18. Jarecki-Black JC, James ER, Kirshtein JW, Kirshtein JD, Glassman AB. Leishmaniadonovani: immunization against infection as a function of parasite growth phase. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 35:1117-1121, 1986.

19. Kudo RR. Family 5 Trypanosomatidae Doflein. In: Thomas CC (ed) Protozoology, 4th edition, Thomas Books, USA p. 355-356, 1960.

20. Marzochi, MCA, Marzochi KBF, Carvalho RW. Visceral Leishmaniasis in Rio de Janeiro. Parasitology Today 10:37-40, 1994.

21. Mayrink W, William P, Costa CA, Magalhães PA, Melo HN, Dias M, Lima AO, Michalick MSM, Carvalho EF, Barros GC, Sessa PA, Alencar JE. An experimental vaccine against American dermal Leishmaniasis experience in the State of Espirito Santo Brazil. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 79:259-269, 1985.

22. Mebrahtu YB, Hendricks LD, Oster CN, Lawyer PG, Perkins PV, Pamba H, Koech D, Roberts CR. Leishmania donovani parasites in the nasal secretions, tonsillopharyngeal mucosa, and urine centrifugates of visceral leishmaniasis patients in Kenya. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 48:530-535, 1993.

23. Mendonça SCF, Russell DG, Coutinho SG. Analysis of the human T cell responsiveness to purified antigens of Leishmania: Lypophosphoglycan (LPG) and glycoprotein 63 (GP63). Clinical and Experimental Immunology 83:472- 478, 1991.

24. Modabber F. Experiences with vaccines against cutaneous leishmaniasis of men and mice. Parasitology 98 (S):49-60, 1989.

25. Modabber, F. Leishmaniasis. In: World Health Organization (ed) Tropical Disease Research. Progress. 1991-1992, Geneva p.77-87, 1993.

26. O' Daly CJA, Cabrera Z. Immunization of hamsters with TLCK-killed parasites induced protection against Leishmania infection. Acta Tropica 43:225-232, 1986.

27. Palatnik CB, Borojevic R,Previato JO, Mendonça-Previato L. Inhibition of Leishmania donovani promastigote internalization into murine macrophages by chemically defined parasite glycoconjugate ligands. Infection and Immunity 57:754-763, 1989.

28. Palatnik CB, Previato JO, Mendonça-Previato L, Borojevic R. A new approach to phylogeny of Leishmania: species- specificity of glycoconjugate ligands for promastigote internalization into murine macrophages. Parasitology Research 76:289-293, 1990.

29. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Dutra HS, Borojevic R. Lrishftumid donovani surface glycoconjugate GP36 is the major immunogen component of the Fucose-Mannose Ligand (FML). Acta Tropica 5J.59-72, 1993.

30. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Paraguai de Souza E, Gomes EM, Borojevic R. Experimental murine Leishmania donovani infection: immunoprotection by the Fucose Mannose Ligand (FML). Brazilian Journal of Medical an Biologycal Research 27:547-551, 1994.

31. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Bunn Moreno MM, Paraguai de Souza E, Borojevic R. The FML vaccine (Fucose Mannose Ligand) protects hamsters from experimental kala-azar. Jounal of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science. Ciência e Cultura. 46:290-296, 1994.

32. Palatnik de Sousa CB, Gomes EM, Paraguai de Souza E, Palatnik M, Luz KG, Borojevic R. The Fucose Mannose Ligand of Leishmania donovani in diagnosisand prognosis of visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89:(In press), 1995.

33. Rachamim N, Jaffe CL. Pure protein from Leishmania donovani protects mice against both Cutaneous and Viceral Leishmaniasis. Journal of Immunology 150:2322-2331, 1993.

34. Reed SG, Badaro R, Cherry Lloyd RM Identification of specific cross reactive antigen of Leishmania donovani chagasi by human infection sera. Journal of Immunology 138:1596-1601, 1987.

35. Reed SG, Schreffler WG, Burns JMJ, Scott JM, Orge MG, Ghalib MS, Badaro R. An improved serodiagnostic procedure for visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 43:632-639, 1990.

36. Sartori A, Viana de Oliveira A, Roque Barreira MC, Rossi MA, Campos-Neto A. Immune complex glomerulonephritis in exprimental kala-azar. Parasite Immunology 9:93-103, 1987.

37. Scott MT, Bahr G, Modabber F, Afchain D, Chedid L. Adjuvant requirement for protective immunization of mice using Trypanosoma cruzi 90K cell surface glycoprotein. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 74:373-377, 1984.

38. Scott JE, Schreffler WG, Ghalib HW, El Asad A, Siddig M, Badaro R, Reed SG. A rapid and simple diagnostic test for active visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 44:272-277, 1991.

39. Schreffler WG, Burns JMJ, Badaro R, Ghalib HW, Button LL, McMaster R, Reed SG. Antibody responses of visceral leishmniasis patients to GP63, a major surface glycoprotein of Leishmania species. Journal of Infectious Diseases 167:426-430, 1993.

40. Toison DL, Jardim AJ, Schnur L F, Stebeck C, Tuckey C, Beecroft RP, Teh HS, Olafson RW, Pearson TW. The kinetoplastid membrane protein 11 of Leishmani donovani and African trypanosomes is a potent stimulator of T- lymphocyte proliferation. Infection and Immunity 62:4893- 4899, 1994.

41. World Health Organization. Kala-azar surges on two front. TDR News 37:1-2, 1991.

42. Xiao-Su H, Qing L, Fang-King L, Tao-Lin Y, Ya-Jin W, Zhi Q, Ping Q, Ling L.Kala-azar infected serum circulating antigens and their characteristics detected by monoclonal antibodies. Chinese Medical Journal 101:1-6, 1988.

43. Youden J. Index for rating diagnostic tests. Cancer, 3:32- 35, 1950.

Recebido para publicação em 08/01/96.

  • 1. Ashford DA, Badaró R, Eulalio C, Freire M, Miranda C, Zalis M, David, JR. Studies on the control of visceral leishmaniasisrvalidation of the Falcon assay screening test-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Fast-ElisaTM) for field diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 48:1-8, 1993.
  • 2. Badaró R, Reed SG, Barrai A, Orge G, Jones TC. Evaluation of the microenzyme linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies in american visceral Ieishmaniasis:antigen selection for detection of infection- specific responses. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 35:72-78,
  • 3. Bomford R. Saponin and other haemolysins (Vitamin A, aliphatic amines, polyene antibiotics) as adjuvants for SRBC in the mouse. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 63:170-177, 1980.
  • 4. Bomford R. The comparative selectivity of adjuvants for humoral and cell mediated immunity II. Effect on delayed type hypersensitivity in the mouse, guinea pig, and cell mediated immunity to tumor antigens in the mouse of Freund's incomplete and complete adjuvant, alhydrogel, Corynebacterium parvum, Bordetella pertussis, muramyl dipeptide and saponin. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 39:435-441, 1984.
  • 5. Borowy NK, Schell D, Schaeffer C, Overath P. Diagnostic of human african trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis based on detection of antiparasite-enzyme antibodies. Journal of Infectious Diseases 164:422-425, 1991.
  • 7. Brumpt E. Le Kala-azar. In: Masson e Cie (ed) Precis de Parasitologie, 6eme edition, Collectionde Precis Médicaux, Paris p. 256-277, 1949.
  • 8. Burns Jr JM, Shreffler WG, Benson DR, Ghalib HW, Badaró R, Reed SG. Molecular characterization of a kinesin-related antigen of Leishmania chagasi that detects specific antibody in African and American Visceral Leishmaniasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 90:775-779, 1993.
  • 10. Cohen C, Corazza F, De Mol P, Brasseur D. Leishmaniasis acquired in Belgium. Lancet 338:128, 1991.
  • 11. Convit J, Castellano PL, Rondon A, Penardi ME, Ulrich M, Castes M, Bloom B, Garcia L. Immunotherapy versus chemoterapy in localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. The Lancet I:401-404, 1987.
  • 12. Grogl M, Daugirda JL, Hoover DL, Magill AJ, Berman J. Survaivability and infectivity of viscerotropic Leishmania tropica from Operation Desert Storm participates inhuman blood products maintainance under blood banking conditions. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 49:308-315, 1993.
  • 13. Handman E, Mitchell GF. The glycoconjugate derived from a Leishmania major receptor for macrophages is a suppressogenic disease promoting antigen in murine Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Parasite Immunology 8:255- 263, 1986.
  • 14. Holbrook TW, Cook JA, Parker BW. Immunization against Leishmania donovani: glucan as an adjuvant with killed promastigotes. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 30:762-768, 1981.
  • 15. Jaffe CL Zalis M. Use of purified parasite proteins from Leishmania donovani for the rapid serodiagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 157, 1212- 1220, 1988.
  • 16. Jaffe CL, Rachamim N, Sarfstein R. Characterization of two proteins from Leishmania donovani and their use for vaccination against visceral leishmaniasis. Journal of Immunology 144:699-706, 1990.
  • 17. Jardim A, Tolson DL, Turco SJ, Pearson TW, Olafson RW.Leishmania donovani lipophosphoglycan T lymphocyte reactive component is a tightly associated protein complex. Journal of lmmunology 147:3538-3544, 1991.
  • 18. Jarecki-Black JC, James ER, Kirshtein JW, Kirshtein JD, Glassman AB. Leishmaniadonovani: immunization against infection as a function of parasite growth phase. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 35:1117-1121, 1986.
  • 19. Kudo RR. Family 5 Trypanosomatidae Doflein. In: Thomas CC (ed) Protozoology, 4th edition, Thomas Books, USA p. 355-356, 1960.
  • 20. Marzochi, MCA, Marzochi KBF, Carvalho RW. Visceral Leishmaniasis in Rio de Janeiro. Parasitology Today 10:37-40, 1994.
  • 21. Mayrink W, William P, Costa CA, Magalhães PA, Melo HN, Dias M, Lima AO, Michalick MSM, Carvalho EF, Barros GC, Sessa PA, Alencar JE. An experimental vaccine against American dermal Leishmaniasis experience in the State of Espirito Santo Brazil. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 79:259-269, 1985.
  • 22. Mebrahtu YB, Hendricks LD, Oster CN, Lawyer PG, Perkins PV, Pamba H, Koech D, Roberts CR. Leishmania donovani parasites in the nasal secretions, tonsillopharyngeal mucosa, and urine centrifugates of visceral leishmaniasis patients in Kenya. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 48:530-535, 1993.
  • 23. Mendonça SCF, Russell DG, Coutinho SG. Analysis of the human T cell responsiveness to purified antigens of Leishmania: Lypophosphoglycan (LPG) and glycoprotein 63 (GP63). Clinical and Experimental Immunology 83:472- 478, 1991.
  • 24. Modabber F. Experiences with vaccines against cutaneous leishmaniasis of men and mice. Parasitology 98 (S):49-60, 1989.
  • 25. Modabber, F. Leishmaniasis. In: World Health Organization (ed) Tropical Disease Research. Progress. 1991-1992, Geneva p.77-87, 1993.
  • 26. O' Daly CJA, Cabrera Z. Immunization of hamsters with TLCK-killed parasites induced protection against Leishmania infection. Acta Tropica 43:225-232, 1986.
  • 27. Palatnik CB, Borojevic R,Previato JO, Mendonça-Previato L. Inhibition of Leishmania donovani promastigote internalization into murine macrophages by chemically defined parasite glycoconjugate ligands. Infection and Immunity 57:754-763, 1989.
  • 28. Palatnik CB, Previato JO, Mendonça-Previato L, Borojevic R. A new approach to phylogeny of Leishmania: species- specificity of glycoconjugate ligands for promastigote internalization into murine macrophages. Parasitology Research 76:289-293, 1990.
  • 29. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Dutra HS, Borojevic R. Lrishftumid donovani surface glycoconjugate GP36 is the major immunogen component of the Fucose-Mannose Ligand (FML). Acta Tropica 5J.59-72, 1993.
  • 30. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Paraguai de Souza E, Gomes EM, Borojevic R. Experimental murine Leishmania donovani infection: immunoprotection by the Fucose Mannose Ligand (FML). Brazilian Journal of Medical an Biologycal Research 27:547-551, 1994.
  • 31. Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Bunn Moreno MM, Paraguai de Souza E, Borojevic R. The FML vaccine (Fucose Mannose Ligand) protects hamsters from experimental kala-azar. Jounal of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science. Ciência e Cultura. 46:290-296, 1994.
  • 32. Palatnik de Sousa CB, Gomes EM, Paraguai de Souza E, Palatnik M, Luz KG, Borojevic R. The Fucose Mannose Ligand of Leishmania donovani in diagnosisand prognosis of visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89:(In press), 1995.
  • 33. Rachamim N, Jaffe CL. Pure protein from Leishmania donovani protects mice against both Cutaneous and Viceral Leishmaniasis. Journal of Immunology 150:2322-2331, 1993.
  • 34. Reed SG, Badaro R, Cherry Lloyd RM Identification of specific cross reactive antigen of Leishmania donovani chagasi by human infection sera. Journal of Immunology 138:1596-1601, 1987.
  • 35. Reed SG, Schreffler WG, Burns JMJ, Scott JM, Orge MG, Ghalib MS, Badaro R. An improved serodiagnostic procedure for visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 43:632-639, 1990.
  • 36. Sartori A, Viana de Oliveira A, Roque Barreira MC, Rossi MA, Campos-Neto A. Immune complex glomerulonephritis in exprimental kala-azar. Parasite Immunology 9:93-103, 1987.
  • 37. Scott MT, Bahr G, Modabber F, Afchain D, Chedid L. Adjuvant requirement for protective immunization of mice using Trypanosoma cruzi 90K cell surface glycoprotein. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 74:373-377, 1984.
  • 38. Scott JE, Schreffler WG, Ghalib HW, El Asad A, Siddig M, Badaro R, Reed SG. A rapid and simple diagnostic test for active visceral leishmaniasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 44:272-277, 1991.
  • 39. Schreffler WG, Burns JMJ, Badaro R, Ghalib HW, Button LL, McMaster R, Reed SG. Antibody responses of visceral leishmniasis patients to GP63, a major surface glycoprotein of Leishmania species. Journal of Infectious Diseases 167:426-430, 1993.
  • 40. Toison DL, Jardim AJ, Schnur L F, Stebeck C, Tuckey C, Beecroft RP, Teh HS, Olafson RW, Pearson TW. The kinetoplastid membrane protein 11 of Leishmani donovani and African trypanosomes is a potent stimulator of T- lymphocyte proliferation. Infection and Immunity 62:4893- 4899, 1994.
  • 41. World Health Organization. Kala-azar surges on two front. TDR News 37:1-2, 1991.
  • 42. Xiao-Su H, Qing L, Fang-King L, Tao-Lin Y, Ya-Jin W, Zhi Q, Ping Q, Ling L.Kala-azar infected serum circulating antigens and their characteristics detected by monoclonal antibodies. Chinese Medical Journal 101:1-6, 1988.
  • 43. Youden J. Index for rating diagnostic tests. Cancer, 3:32- 35, 1950.
  • Address to:
    Dra. Clarisa B. Palatnik de Sousa.
    Instituto de Microbiologia/CCS/UFRJ.
    C. Universitária. I. do Fundão.
    CP: 68040, 21941-590 Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      09 Apr 2013
    • Date of issue
      Apr 1996


    • Accepted
      08 Jan 1996
    • Received
      08 Jan 1996
    Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil