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In vitro detection of hepatitis C virus in platelets from uninfected individuals exposed to the virus



Despite hepatocytes being the target cells of hepatitis C virus (HCV), viral ribonucleic acid RNA has been detected in other cells, including platelets, which have been described as carriers of the virus in the circulation of infected patients. Platelets do not express cluster differentiation 81 CD81, the main receptor for the virus in hepatocytes, although this receptor protein has been found in megakaryocytes. Still, it is not clear if HCV interacts with platelets directly or if this interaction is a consequence of its association with megakaryocytes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction of HCV with platelets from non-infected individuals, after in vitro exposure to the virus.


Platelets obtained from 50 blood donors not infected by HCV were incubated in vitro at 37°C for 48h with serum containing 100,000IU∕mL of genotype 1 HCV. After incubation, RNA extracted from the platelets was assayed for the presence of HCV by reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR.


After incubation in the presence of virus, all samples of platelets showed HCV RNA.


The results demonstrate that, in vitro, the virus interacts with platelets despite the absence of the receptor CD81, suggesting that other molecules could be involved in this association.

HCV; Platelets; CD81


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects approximately 170 million people in all the world, where it is one of the principal causes of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocarcinom11. World Health Organization (WHO). Media Center - Hepatitis C. [Internet]. WHO; 2011. [Cited 2011 August 18] Available from: http:∕∕∕mediacentre∕factsheets∕fs164∕en∕index.html∕.
33. Revie D, Salahuddin SZ. Human cell types important for Hepatitis C Virus replication in vivo and in vitro. Old assertions and current evidence. Virol J 2011; 8:346. .

Hepatocytes constitute the principal target cells of the virus44. Reynolds GM, Harris HJ, Jennings A, Hu K, Grove J, Lalor PF, et al. Hepatitis C virus receptor expression in normal and diseased liver tissue. Hepatol 2008; 47:418-427.,55. Oliveira GSS, Nicodemo AC, Carvalho VC, Zambrini H, Siqueira AM, Amato AS. Severe hepatitis and jaundice during the evolution of dengue virus infection: case report. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2010; 43 (suppl III):339-341. and express cluster differentiation 81 CD81, the main receptor associated with the entrance of HCV66. Farquhar MJ, Harris HJ, McKeating JA. Hepatitis C virus entry and the tetraspanin CD81. Biochem Soc Trans 2011; 39:532-536.,77. Molina S, Castet V, Garcia PL, Wychowski C, Meurs EJ, Pascussi JM, et al. Serum-Derived Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Primary Human Hepatocytes Is Tetraspanin CD81 Dependent. J Virol 2008; 82:569-574.. However, studies have demonstrated the presence of viral ribonucleic acid RNA in other cell types44. Reynolds GM, Harris HJ, Jennings A, Hu K, Grove J, Lalor PF, et al. Hepatitis C virus receptor expression in normal and diseased liver tissue. Hepatol 2008; 47:418-427., including platelets88. Hamaia S, Li C, Allain JP. The dynamics of hepatitis C virus binding to platelets and 2 mononuclear cell lines. Blood 2001; 98:2293-2300.,99. Almeida AJ, Campos-de-Magalhães M, Melo-Marçal OP, Brandão-Mello CE, Okawa MY, Oliveira RV, et al. Hepatitis C virus-associated thrombocytopenia: a controlled prospective, Virological Study Ann Hematol 2004; 83:434-440.. In addition, platelets have been shown to act as carriers of the virus in the circulation of individuals infected by the virus1010. Pugliese A, Gennero L, Cutufia M, Enrietto ME, Morra E, Pescarmona P, et al. HCV infective virions can be carried by human platelets. Cell Biochem Funct 2004; 22:353-358.. However, platelets do not express CD81, although the presence of this receptor has been described in megakaryocytes1111. Ma F, Wada M, Yoshino H, Ebihara Y, Ishii T, Manabe A, et al. Development of human lymphohematopoietic stem and progenitor cells defined by expression of CD34 and CD81. Blood 2001; 97:3755-3762..

Still, little is known about the interaction HCV and platelets. It is not known if this process occurs initially in the megakaryocyte, where the virus is consequently transferred to the platelets or if the platelets can interact directly with HCV, even though not expressing CD81.

Thus, the aim of this study was evaluate in vitro the possible interaction of HCV with platelets from non-infected blood donors.


Aliquots of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA-anticoagulated peripheral venous blood were collected from 50 donors at the Botucatu Medical School's Blood Transfusion Center. Inclusion criteria were: serology negative for anti-HCV antibody, absence of RNA-HCV confirmed by molecular assays and signed informed consent.

The blood sample was centrifuged for 3min at 1,312xg for plasma separation. The plasma was then centrifuged for 5min at 1,600xg to pellet the platelets. The supernatant was removed and the platelet pellet was washed with 0.9% NaCl five times. At this step, platelet pellet aliquots were separated and used to prepare slides for Leishman staining.

The platelet pellet was incubated with 1mL of serum pool containing 100,000IU∕mL of genotype 1 HCV. The incubation was at 37°C in an Incubator Shaker (New Brunswick Scientific, USA) for 48h with horizontal mixing at 30xg.

After incubation, the samples were washed with 0.9% NaCl five times, and the last supernatant was used for HCV amplification for reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), to assure the absence of HCV serum.

The platelet pellet was isolated using Buffer RLT (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA, USA) followed by the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA, USA) protocol and was used as the source for HCV 5′UTR genomic region amplification by RT-PCR1212. Garson JA, Ring C, Tuke P, Tedder RS. Enhanced detection by PCR of hepatitis C vírus RNA. The Lancet 1990; 336:878-879.,1313. Sawada L, Pinheiro ACC, Locks D, Pimenta ASC, Rezende PR, Crespo DM. Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes among different exposure categories in the State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2011; 44 (supl lI):8-12.. To evaluate the quantification of HCV-RNA in platelets the RNA was used as source for Real Time PCR according methodology described by Dexter et al.1414. Drexler JF, Kupfer B, Petersen N, Grotto RMT, Rodrigues SMC, Grywna K, et al. A novel diagnostic target in the hepatitis C virus genome. PLoS Med 2009; 6:2-11..

Two negative controls were used in the procedure: one with the platelet pellet incubated with pooled HCV seronegative serum and the other consisting of an empty tube incubated with the same serum pool used in test samples, without platelets.

Ethical considerations

The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Botucatu School of Medicine (number 3134-2009), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP).


The 50 blood donors included in this study had a mean age of 33.5 years, (interquartile range, 24.5 - 42.7), where 13 (26%) were men and 37 (74%) women.

All samples gave a result of not detectable for the presence of the viral RNA of HCV before incubation with the virus.

After incubation with HCV-RNA positive serum, the presence of HCV RNA was detected in all platelet samples, evidenced by the amplification of the 5′UTR region, but when RT-PCR was used 32 (64%) samples presented HCV-RNA upper 18.4UI∕mL. All negative controls utilized showed undetectable RT-PCR, validating the experiment.


The platelets have been described as carriers of HCV in infected patients88. Hamaia S, Li C, Allain JP. The dynamics of hepatitis C virus binding to platelets and 2 mononuclear cell lines. Blood 2001; 98:2293-2300., despite that these cells do not express CD81, the principal receptor utilized by the virus for entrance into hepatocytes66. Farquhar MJ, Harris HJ, McKeating JA. Hepatitis C virus entry and the tetraspanin CD81. Biochem Soc Trans 2011; 39:532-536.. However, previous studies have demonstrated the presence of mRNA coding for CD81 in megakaryocytes1212. Garson JA, Ring C, Tuke P, Tedder RS. Enhanced detection by PCR of hepatitis C vírus RNA. The Lancet 1990; 336:878-879., and expression of the receptor protein as well1111. Ma F, Wada M, Yoshino H, Ebihara Y, Ishii T, Manabe A, et al. Development of human lymphohematopoietic stem and progenitor cells defined by expression of CD34 and CD81. Blood 2001; 97:3755-3762.. Still, little is known about the direct interaction of HCV with platelets.

The results obtained here showed that in 100% of the platelets tested, HCV RNA was detected after incubation with serum containing viral RNA, suggesting that the virus-platelet interaction does not require the megakaryocyte as the initial step of the process.

In addiction others molecules can be suggest how candidates in interaction HCV-platelets as fibronectin1010. Pugliese A, Gennero L, Cutufia M, Enrietto ME, Morra E, Pescarmona P, et al. HCV infective virions can be carried by human platelets. Cell Biochem Funct 2004; 22:353-358. or others adhesion molecules1515. Tanaka M, Kamijo T, Koike K, Ueno I, Nakazawa Y, Kurokawa Y, et al. Specific autoantibodies to platelet glycoproteins in Epstein-Barr virus-associated immune thrombocytopenia. Int J Hematol 2003; 78:168-170.. Further studies are needed for a better understanding of these interactions.

To volunteer donors for their participation in the study.


  • 1
    World Health Organization (WHO). Media Center - Hepatitis C. [Internet]. WHO; 2011. [Cited 2011 August 18] Available from: http:∕∕∕mediacentre∕factsheets∕fs164∕en∕index.html∕
    » http:∕∕∕mediacentre∕factsheets∕fs164∕en∕index.html∕
  • 2
    Davis GL, Albright JE, Cook SF, Rosenberg DM. Projecting future complications of chronic hepatitis C in the United States. Liver Transpl 2003; 9:331-338.
  • 3
    Revie D, Salahuddin SZ. Human cell types important for Hepatitis C Virus replication in vivo and in vitro. Old assertions and current evidence. Virol J 2011; 8:346.
  • 4
    Reynolds GM, Harris HJ, Jennings A, Hu K, Grove J, Lalor PF, et al. Hepatitis C virus receptor expression in normal and diseased liver tissue. Hepatol 2008; 47:418-427.
  • 5
    Oliveira GSS, Nicodemo AC, Carvalho VC, Zambrini H, Siqueira AM, Amato AS. Severe hepatitis and jaundice during the evolution of dengue virus infection: case report. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2010; 43 (suppl III):339-341.
  • 6
    Farquhar MJ, Harris HJ, McKeating JA. Hepatitis C virus entry and the tetraspanin CD81. Biochem Soc Trans 2011; 39:532-536.
  • 7
    Molina S, Castet V, Garcia PL, Wychowski C, Meurs EJ, Pascussi JM, et al. Serum-Derived Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Primary Human Hepatocytes Is Tetraspanin CD81 Dependent. J Virol 2008; 82:569-574.
  • 8
    Hamaia S, Li C, Allain JP. The dynamics of hepatitis C virus binding to platelets and 2 mononuclear cell lines. Blood 2001; 98:2293-2300.
  • 9
    Almeida AJ, Campos-de-Magalhães M, Melo-Marçal OP, Brandão-Mello CE, Okawa MY, Oliveira RV, et al. Hepatitis C virus-associated thrombocytopenia: a controlled prospective, Virological Study Ann Hematol 2004; 83:434-440.
  • 10
    Pugliese A, Gennero L, Cutufia M, Enrietto ME, Morra E, Pescarmona P, et al. HCV infective virions can be carried by human platelets. Cell Biochem Funct 2004; 22:353-358.
  • 11
    Ma F, Wada M, Yoshino H, Ebihara Y, Ishii T, Manabe A, et al. Development of human lymphohematopoietic stem and progenitor cells defined by expression of CD34 and CD81. Blood 2001; 97:3755-3762.
  • 12
    Garson JA, Ring C, Tuke P, Tedder RS. Enhanced detection by PCR of hepatitis C vírus RNA. The Lancet 1990; 336:878-879.
  • 13
    Sawada L, Pinheiro ACC, Locks D, Pimenta ASC, Rezende PR, Crespo DM. Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes among different exposure categories in the State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2011; 44 (supl lI):8-12.
  • 14
    Drexler JF, Kupfer B, Petersen N, Grotto RMT, Rodrigues SMC, Grywna K, et al. A novel diagnostic target in the hepatitis C virus genome. PLoS Med 2009; 6:2-11.
  • 15
    Tanaka M, Kamijo T, Koike K, Ueno I, Nakazawa Y, Kurokawa Y, et al. Specific autoantibodies to platelet glycoproteins in Epstein-Barr virus-associated immune thrombocytopenia. Int J Hematol 2003; 78:168-170.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Apr 2013
  • Date of issue
    Mar-Apr 2013


  • Received
    10 May 2012
  • Accepted
    16 Jan 2013
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