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Human fusariosis: An emerging infection that is difficult to treat


Fusarium spp. has been associated with a broad spectrum of emerging infections collectively termed fusariosis. This review includes articles published between 2005 and 2018 that describe the characteristics, clinical management, incidence, and emergence of these fungal infections. Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum are globally distributed and represent the most common complexes. Few therapeutic options exist due to intrinsic resistance, especially for the treatment of invasive fusariosis. Therefore, the use of drug combinations could be an important alternative for systemic antifungal resistance. Increase in the number of case reports on invasive fusariosis between 2005 and 2018 is evidence of the emergence of this fungal infection.

Fusarium spp; Emerging fungal infection; Human fusariosis


Fusariosis is an infection that affects plants, animals, and humans, and is caused by various fungi of the genus Fusarium11. Gomes LB, Ward TJ, Badiale-Furlong E, Del Ponte EM. Species composition, toxigenic potential and pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum species complex isolates from southern Brazilian rice. Plant Pathol. 2014;64(4):980-7.,22. Al-Hatmi AMS, Bonifaz A, Ranques S, de Hoog GS, Verweij PE, Meis JF. Current antifungal treatment of Fusariosis. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2018;51(3):326-32.. Fusarium spp. is responsible for significant economic losses in the agricultural field worldwide33. Spolti P, Del Ponte EM, Dong Y, Cummings JA, Bergstrom GC. Triazole sensitivity in a contemporary population of Fusarium graminearum from New York wheat and competitiveness of a tebuconazole-resistant isolate. Plant Dis. 2014;98(5): 607-13.due to difficulties in management of diseases caused by this species44. Dalhoff A. Does the use of antifungal agents in agriculture and food foster polyene resistance development? A reason for concern. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2018;13:40-8.. Similarly, in the medical field, different Fusarium species have been related to local or invasive infections in both immunodepressed and immunocompetent individuals55. Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.,66. Dabas Y, Bakhshi S, Xess I. Fatal cases of bloodstream infection by Fusarium solani and review of published literature. Mycopathologia. 2016;181(3-4):291-6.,77. Van Diepeningen AD, Brankovics B, Iltes J, Van Der Lee TA, Waalwijk C. Diagnosis of Fusarium infections: approaches to identification by the clinical mycology laboratory. Curr Fungal Infect Rep. 2015;9(3):135-43..

However, infections are difficult to treat because of the lack of consensus regarding treatment protocols for fusariosis in humans caused by multi-drug resistant isolates22. Al-Hatmi AMS, Bonifaz A, Ranques S, de Hoog GS, Verweij PE, Meis JF. Current antifungal treatment of Fusariosis. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2018;51(3):326-32.,88. Espinel-Ingroff A, Colombo AL, Cordoba S, et al. International evaluation of MIC distributions and epidemiological cutoff value (ECV) definitions for Fusarium species identified by molecular methods for the CLSI broth microdilution method. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(2):1079-84.,99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.. In addition, it is possible that environmental isolates from Fusarium spp. acquire resistance due to previous exposure to fungicides that were used in the agricultural fields1010. Deising HB, Reimann S, Pascholati SF. Mechanisms and significance of fungicide resistance. Braz J Microbiol. 2008;39(2):286-95.,1111. Ribas ADR, Spolti P, Del Ponte EM, Donato KZ, Schrekker H, Fuentefria AM. Is the emergence of fungal resistance to medical triazoles related to their use in the agroecosystems? A mini review. Braz J Microbiol . 2016;47(4):793-9., and these isolates may disseminate and consequently infect humans1212. Zhang N, O’Donnell K, Sutton SA, et al. Members of the Fusarium solani species complex that cause infections in both humans and plants are common in the environment. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44(6):2186-90.,1313. Anaissie EJ, Kuchar RT, Rex JH, et al. Fusariosis associated with pathogenic Fusarium species colonization of a hospital water system: a new paradigm for the epidemiology of opportunistic mold infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2001;33(11):1871-8.. Perhaps this process of infection may be avoided by implementing public control policies regarding the sale and use of fungicides.

As such, the aim of this study is to review the literature to demonstrate the characteristics, clinical management, incidence, and emergence of fungal infections caused by Fusarium species. The lack of attention on these cases by public health institutions and the insufficient research on the development of novel antifungal agents as therapeutic options emphasize the need to address the main factors involved in fusariosis, such as clinical forms, treatment, and lack of epidemiological control. To address this problem, articles published between 2005 and 2018 were analyzed, and 23 publications were obtained that included important conclusions regarding this proposition (Table 1).

Timeline of fusariosis: publication basis for the review study and conclusions of the last 15 years.


Fusarium species exhibit global distribution, and it is believed that approximately ten complexes are related to human pathogens, including F. solani, F. oxysporum, F. fujikuroi, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. clamydosporum, F. dimerum, F. sambucinum, F. concolor, and F. lateritium55. Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.,1414. Van Diepeningen AD, Al-Hatmi ABMS, Brankovics B, de Hoog GS. Taxonomy and clinical spectra of Fusarium species: where do we stand in 2014? Curr Clin Microbiol Rep. 2014;1(1-2):10-8.. Among these complexes, members of the F. solani complex are the most common and virulent (comprising approximately 40-60% of infections), followed by F. oxysporum (~20%), F. fujikuroi and F. moniliforme (~10%)55. Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.,1414. Van Diepeningen AD, Al-Hatmi ABMS, Brankovics B, de Hoog GS. Taxonomy and clinical spectra of Fusarium species: where do we stand in 2014? Curr Clin Microbiol Rep. 2014;1(1-2):10-8.,1515. Van Diepeningen AD, Feng P, Ahmed S, Sudhadham M, Bunyaratavej S, de Hoog GS. Spectrum of Fusarium infections in tropical dermatology evidenced by multilocus sequencing typing diagnostics. Mycoses. 2015;58(1):48-57. (b).

Despite global distribution, endemic regions are tropical and subtropical in nature77. Van Diepeningen AD, Brankovics B, Iltes J, Van Der Lee TA, Waalwijk C. Diagnosis of Fusarium infections: approaches to identification by the clinical mycology laboratory. Curr Fungal Infect Rep. 2015;9(3):135-43.,1616. Al-Hatmi AMS, Hagen F, Menkenm SBJ, Meis JF, de Hoog GS. Global molecular epidemiology and genetic diversity of Fusarium, a significant emerging group of human opportunists from 1958 to 2015. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2016;5(12):e124.. Although fusariosis is associated with specific climatic conditions, environmental and clinical isolates have been reported to cause infections outside previously established borders1414. Van Diepeningen AD, Al-Hatmi ABMS, Brankovics B, de Hoog GS. Taxonomy and clinical spectra of Fusarium species: where do we stand in 2014? Curr Clin Microbiol Rep. 2014;1(1-2):10-8.. This fungus has efficient mechanisms of dispersion, and its conidia reach considerable distances99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.. Moreover, genetic similarities between clinical isolates and environmental isolates of the same species may be related to infections in patients by Fusarium spp. in the environment1616. Al-Hatmi AMS, Hagen F, Menkenm SBJ, Meis JF, de Hoog GS. Global molecular epidemiology and genetic diversity of Fusarium, a significant emerging group of human opportunists from 1958 to 2015. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2016;5(12):e124..


Fusarium species cause a wide spectrum of infections in humans, ranging from superficial and locally invasive to disseminated, with the most prevalent infections being onychomycosis, skin infections, and keratitis1515. Van Diepeningen AD, Feng P, Ahmed S, Sudhadham M, Bunyaratavej S, de Hoog GS. Spectrum of Fusarium infections in tropical dermatology evidenced by multilocus sequencing typing diagnostics. Mycoses. 2015;58(1):48-57. (b).

Invasive infections can be widespread involving the skin, brain, bloodstream, lungs, eyes, and bones1414. Van Diepeningen AD, Al-Hatmi ABMS, Brankovics B, de Hoog GS. Taxonomy and clinical spectra of Fusarium species: where do we stand in 2014? Curr Clin Microbiol Rep. 2014;1(1-2):10-8.,1717. Garcia RR, Min Z, Narasimhan S, Bhanot N. Fusarium brain abscess: case report and literature review. Mycoses. 2015;58(1):22-6.,1818. Douglas AP, Chen SCA, Slavin MA. Emerging infections caused by non-Aspergillus filamentous fungi. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2016;22(8):670-80.. Patients with severe and prolonged neutropenia, especially those with hematological malignancies, are most susceptible to prevalent infections99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,1818. Douglas AP, Chen SCA, Slavin MA. Emerging infections caused by non-Aspergillus filamentous fungi. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2016;22(8):670-80..

In their epidemiological study, Garnica and Nucci described the worldwide incidence of Fusarium spp. as the main non-dermatophyte filamentous fungus that causes onychomycosis1919. Garnica M and Nucci M. Epidemiology of fusariosis. Curr Fungal Infect Rep . 2013;7:301-5.. These infections are presented as subungual distal and total dystrophic infections that are often associated with paronychia and characterized by purulent periungual inflammation. The most commonly involved complexes are F. oxysporum and F. solani2020. Al-Hatmi AMS, Curfs-Breuker I, de Hoog GS, Meis JF, Verweij PE. Antifungal susceptibility testing of Fusarium: a pratical approach. J Fungi . 2017;3(2):1-14.. Treatment is difficult and prolonged, usually lasting more than 4 or 6 months, even with the use of topical and systemic antifungal agents2121. Varon AG, Nouer AS, Barreiros G, et al. Superficial skin lesions positive for Fusarium are associated with subsequent development of invasive fusariosis. J Infect. 2014;68(1):85-9..

Keratitis is one of the most common infections caused by Fusarium spp. and primarily develops from trauma to the eye, contact lens wear, and use of corticosteroids99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,1919. Garnica M and Nucci M. Epidemiology of fusariosis. Curr Fungal Infect Rep . 2013;7:301-5.,2222. Nucci F, Nouér AS, Capone D, Anaissie E, Nucci M. Fusariosis. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2015;36(5):706-14.. Trauma is the key predisposing factor and occurs in 40-60 % of patients1919. Garnica M and Nucci M. Epidemiology of fusariosis. Curr Fungal Infect Rep . 2013;7:301-5..

Skin infections are the result of dissemination of the fungus primarily in immunocompromised patients1414. Van Diepeningen AD, Al-Hatmi ABMS, Brankovics B, de Hoog GS. Taxonomy and clinical spectra of Fusarium species: where do we stand in 2014? Curr Clin Microbiol Rep. 2014;1(1-2):10-8.. The most common pattern of disseminated disease is the combination of multiple painful erythematous papules or nodules, commonly with central necrosis. Such occurrences spread throughout the body and continuously release fungal cells, thereby resulting in a positive blood culture, and often pulmonary involvement, with or without involvement at other sites99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,1717. Garcia RR, Min Z, Narasimhan S, Bhanot N. Fusarium brain abscess: case report and literature review. Mycoses. 2015;58(1):22-6..

The airways represent the main gateway to infection, followed by the skin at the site of the tissue or onychomycosis, contact lens wear, and possibly mucous membranes99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,1818. Douglas AP, Chen SCA, Slavin MA. Emerging infections caused by non-Aspergillus filamentous fungi. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2016;22(8):670-80.,2222. Nucci F, Nouér AS, Capone D, Anaissie E, Nucci M. Fusariosis. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2015;36(5):706-14.. Prior to initiating immunosuppressive therapy- given the severity associated with disseminated fusariosis- signs of the presence of skin or nail infections should be carefully investigated, as they comprise the focus of fungal dissemination and are often neglected upon initial physical examinations55. Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.,99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,2222. Nucci F, Nouér AS, Capone D, Anaissie E, Nucci M. Fusariosis. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2015;36(5):706-14..


The immune system impedes the establishment of invasive infections by various species of fungi as high mortality is seen in immunosuppressed individuals2323. Neofytos D, Horn D, Anaissie E, et al. Epidemiology and outcome of invasive fungal infection in adult hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: analysis of multicenter prospective antifungal therapy (PATH) alliance registry. Clin Infect Dis . 2009;48(3):265-73.. However, in terms of the emerging pathogenic species of the genus Fusarium, the lymphocyte response via Th2 may facilitate the invasiveness of this disease and explain the self-limiting difficulty related to its complex mycosis2424. Nucci M, Anaissie E. Fusarium infections in immunocompromised patients. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2007;20(4):695-704..

When the infective structures of Fusarium spp. reach the mucous membranes, the innate cellular immune response of the host is activated, which includes dendritic cells, macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, and soluble mediators of the complement system2525. Romani L. Immunity to fungal infections. Nat Rev Immunol. 2011;11:275-88.. These responses are initiated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which recognize a series of common and constant molecular patterns that are present in nearly all microorganisms, denominated as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The activation of PRRs plays a dual role: it initiates processes of the innate immune system, such as phagocytosis, and establishes a link between innate and adaptive immunity via MHC type I and type II expressions2525. Romani L. Immunity to fungal infections. Nat Rev Immunol. 2011;11:275-88..

The most important PAMPs in filamentous fungi are mannan, β-glucan, and chitin. The primary soluble PRR is pentraxin-3, whereas cellular PRRs are lectins, Toll-like-receptors, and NOD receptors. Fusarium species are recognized by type 2 Toll-like-receptors, which are generated in response to the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL4 and IL10), and thus promote an adaptive immune system response that is mediated by Th2 lymphocytes2626. Leal SMJ, Pearlman E. The role of cytokines and pathogen recognition molecules in fungal keratitis - Insights from human disease and animal models. Cytokine. 2012;58(1):107-11.,2727. Kolar SS, Baidouri H, Mcdermott AM. Role of pattern recognition receptors in the modulation of antimicrobial peptide expression in the corneal epithelial innate response to F. solani. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58(5):2463-72.. Thus, invasive Fusarium infections stimulate a Th2-type lymphocyte response, in which anti-inflammatory cytokines are produced, thereby leading to an inadequate response by the host to the infection and high morbidity and mortality2828. Nucci M, Marr KA, Vehreschild MJ, et al. Improvement in the outcome of invasive fusariosis in the last decade. Clin Microbiol Infect . 2014;20(6):580-5..

Despite their minor importance, various humoral factors also participate in the innate response, as the complement is activated by their associated classical and alternating pathways2525. Romani L. Immunity to fungal infections. Nat Rev Immunol. 2011;11:275-88.. However, the predisposing factors of invasive mycoses relate to the dysfunction of the immune system of phagocytosis, rather than defects in humoral immunity. More knowledge on humoral immunity activity in response to fungal infections is required, although some studies have attempted to demonstrate a specific marker of invasive diseases caused by Fusarium spp.2929. Shoham S, Levitz SM. The immune response to fungal infections. Br J Haematol. 2005;129(5):569-82..


Fusarium spp. exhibit intrinsic resistance to echinocandins22. Al-Hatmi AMS, Bonifaz A, Ranques S, de Hoog GS, Verweij PE, Meis JF. Current antifungal treatment of Fusariosis. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2018;51(3):326-32.. Moreover, some isolates exhibit resistance to azoles that are associated with a third analogue of the CYP51 gene3030. Homa M, Galgóczy L, Manikandan P, et al. South Indian isolates of the Fusarium solani species complex from clinical and environmental samples: identification, antifungal ausceptibilities, and virulence. Front Microbiol. 2018;9:1-14.. On the other hand, the intrinsic resistance of echinocandins is linked to the Y639 region of the FKS1 gene, which is responsible for encoding the catalytic subunit of β-1-3 glucan synthase3131. Katiyar SK, Edlind TD. Role for Fks1 in the intrinsic echinocandin resistance of Fusarium solani as evidenced by hybrid expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother . 2009;53(5):1772-8.. These fungi also exhibit mechanisms that contribute to acquiring resistance to most diverse antifungal agents, such as changes in amino acid sequences, overexpression of the CYP51 gene, and overexpression of genes that encode efflux pumps3232. Price CL, Parker JE, Warrilow AGS, Kelly DE, Kelly SL. Azole fungicides - understanding resistance mechanisms in agricultural fungal pathogens. Pest Manag Sci. 2015;71(8):1054-8..

Minimal inhibitory concentrations and minimum effective concentrations have not been established for Fusarium species2020. Al-Hatmi AMS, Curfs-Breuker I, de Hoog GS, Meis JF, Verweij PE. Antifungal susceptibility testing of Fusarium: a pratical approach. J Fungi . 2017;3(2):1-14.. To present this missing knowledge, Espinel-Ingroff88. Espinel-Ingroff A, Colombo AL, Cordoba S, et al. International evaluation of MIC distributions and epidemiological cutoff value (ECV) definitions for Fusarium species identified by molecular methods for the CLSI broth microdilution method. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(2):1079-84. defined the epidemiological breakpoints for amphotericin B, posaconazole, and itraconazole in relation to the main Fusarium species that cause fusariosis. In this scenario, a few options exist to combat this infection, and the frequently used antifungal agents include natamycin, amphotericin B, voriconazole, and posaconazole55. Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.. Therefore, depending on the clinical case, amphotericin B and voriconazole are the drugs of choice99. Taj-Aldeen SJ. Reduced multidrug susceptibility profile is a common feature of opportunistic Fusarium species: Fusarium multi-drug resistant pattern. J Fungi. 2017;3(2):18.,3333. Tortorano AM, Prigitano A, Esposto MC, Arsic Arsenijevic V, Kolarovic J, Ivanovic D, et al. European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) epidemiological survey on invasive infections due to Fusarium species in Europe. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis . 2014;33:1623-30.. In vitro and in vivo tests also reveal natamycin and voriconazole as drugs of choice to treat keratitis induced by Fusarium spp.22. Al-Hatmi AMS, Bonifaz A, Ranques S, de Hoog GS, Verweij PE, Meis JF. Current antifungal treatment of Fusariosis. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2018;51(3):326-32.

In the case of resistance, the use of combinations of drugs may be an important alternative to combat various Fusarium species, increase the efficacy and spectrum of action of antifungal agents, and lower drug dosage and thus reduce toxic side effects3434. Spader TB, Venturini TP, Rossato L, et al. Synergysm of voriconazole or itraconazole with other antifungal agents against species of Fusarium. Rev Iberoam Micol. 2013;30(3):200-4.,3535. Fuentefria AM, Pippi B, Dalla Lana DF, Donato KK, de Andrade SF. Antifungals discovery: an insight into new strategies to combat antifungal resistance. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2017;66(1):2-13.. Moreover, in vitro drug combinations have demonstrated the ability to control fungal biofilms in other fungal species3636. Xia J, Qian F, Xu W, Zhang Z, Wei X. In vitro inhibitory effects of farnesol and interactions between farnesol and antifungals against biofilms of Candida albicans resistant strains. Biofouling. 2017;33(4):283-93., and studies focused on Fusarium sp. remain scarce. Combinations of antifungal and non-antifungal agents have also been tested in vitro and the results are promising, especially in fusariosis, as a strong association with the inflammatory response has been found3737. Al-Hatmi AMS, Meletiadis J, Curfs-Breuker I, Bonifaz A, Meis JF, de Hoog GS. In vitro combinations of natamycin with voriconazole, itraconazole and micafungin against clinical Fusarium strains causing keratitis. J Antimicrob Chemoth. 2016;71(4):953-5.,3838. Venturini TP, Rossato L, Chassot F, et al. In vitro synergistic combinations of pentamidine, polymyxin B, tigecycline and tobramycin with antifungal agents against Fusarium spp. J Med Microbiol. 2016;65(8):770-4.. Despite promising results in an in vitro context, the use of combinations requires clinical studies to verify its effectiveness in vivo. A few reports have been conducted on treating patients with fusariosis using more than one drug. Tortorano et al. (2014) have reported an association between the use of lipid-based amphotericin B and voriconazole, as well as the use of up to three antifungals in the same patient3333. Tortorano AM, Prigitano A, Esposto MC, Arsic Arsenijevic V, Kolarovic J, Ivanovic D, et al. European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) epidemiological survey on invasive infections due to Fusarium species in Europe. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis . 2014;33:1623-30..

Factors that contribute to the severity of fusariosis include increased incidence of multidrug resistance to Fusarium spp.3939. Batista BG, Dalla Lana DF, Silveira GP, et al. Allylic selenocyanates as new agents to combat Fusarium species involved with human infections. Chemistry Select. 2017;2(35):11926-32. and the lack of research relating to the development of new therapeutic options for treatment. In general, these infections progress with a severe prognosis, especially in terms of ophthalmology, in which cases of fungal keratitis led to negative outcomes, such as loss of vision, in affected individuals. Currently, isavuconazole, characterized as a second generation triazole antifungal, is being studied as an alternative for its potential treatment of fungal diseases in patients with hematological diseases4040. Clinical Trials. Fungal Prophylaxis With Isavuconazole for Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT). [updated 2020 March 25]. Available from:


Fungicides are specific substances that are used in the agricultural field to combat and prevent fungal diseases. Waste from the use of these substances is considered a pollutant with potential risk to the human body, as well as more commonly to the environment4141. Chen ZF, Ying GG. Occurrence, fate and ecological risk of five typical azole fungicides as therapeutic and personal care products in the environment: A review. Environ Int. 2015;84:142-53.. Demethylation inhibitors are abundantly used in the agricultural field. Moreover, demethylation inhibitors change the fungal population after multiple applications, thus requiring the application of new fungicides. A substitute used is triazole, and its time of permanence in the soil depends on the concentration used and generally ranges from 67 days to more than 1688 days, with a trend of accumulation based on the frequency of use4242. Sulowicz S, Cycón M, Piotrowska-Seget Z. Non-target impact of fungicide tetraconazole on microbial communities in soil with different agricultural management. Ecotoxicology. 2016;25(6):1047-60..

A risk factor that may be associated with fungicides in the environment is the development of microbial resistance44. Dalhoff A. Does the use of antifungal agents in agriculture and food foster polyene resistance development? A reason for concern. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2018;13:40-8. similar to that associated with the overuse of antifungals in humans3030. Homa M, Galgóczy L, Manikandan P, et al. South Indian isolates of the Fusarium solani species complex from clinical and environmental samples: identification, antifungal ausceptibilities, and virulence. Front Microbiol. 2018;9:1-14.. Azoles are the most commonly used of all groups for both pest control and treatment of human infections. Therefore, the potential development of resistance to this specific class is of increasing concern44. Dalhoff A. Does the use of antifungal agents in agriculture and food foster polyene resistance development? A reason for concern. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2018;13:40-8.. Some benefits of the azole class include low cost and high efficacy, thereby rendering it the first-choice antifungal for use as a fungicide agent in crops since the 1970s3232. Price CL, Parker JE, Warrilow AGS, Kelly DE, Kelly SL. Azole fungicides - understanding resistance mechanisms in agricultural fungal pathogens. Pest Manag Sci. 2015;71(8):1054-8..

Proper fungicide management in agricultural fields is a current demand in terms of the economics related to agricultural practices, as well as in terms of negative environmental impact4343. Bashir MR, Atiq M, Sajid M, et al. Antifungal exploitation of fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici causing Fusarium wilt of chilli pepper in Pakistan. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018;25(7):6796-801..


Cutaneous lesions have been observed due to the spread of fungi in patients with hematological diseases. In Brazil, from 2007 to 2009, invasive fusariosis was proved to be the most frequent or probable invasive fungal disease, with 23 episodes among 937 patients with hematologic diseases1919. Garnica M and Nucci M. Epidemiology of fusariosis. Curr Fungal Infect Rep . 2013;7:301-5.. Based on the information discussed thus far, a bibliographical search was conducted on the PubMed and Science Direct platforms using the term "fusariosis in human," including case reports published between 2005 and 2018. In this review, we included data from articles published only in 2005 and 2018, comprising 14 publications, with the aim to observe possible changes in both the etiology of infections and treatment (Table 2). The factors for inclusion of the case reports involve the presence of relevant information on etiological agents, predisposing factors, and treatments. The exclusion factor was defined as the lack of any required information, as previously cited.

The symptoms of patients, treatments, etiological agents, and risk factors for patients described in articles published in 2005 and 2018.

We observed that F. solani prevails as the etiological agent of fusariosis. The treatment also did not change over the years, indicating that amphotericin B, voriconazole, and posaconazole are prophylactic agents and treatment options for fusariosis4444. Herkert PF, Al-Hatmi MAS, Salvador GLO, Muro MD, Pinheiro RL, Nucci M, Queiroz-Telles F, de Hoog GS, Meis JF. Molecular characterization and antifungal susceptibility of clinical Fusarium species from Brazil. Front. Microbiol. 2019;10:1-11.. The clinical forms of the disease in the case reports focused more on infections that present cutaneous lesions, which is characterized by the spread of the disease in patients with hematological dysfunctions.

The increased incidence of fusariosis from 2005 to 2018 can be observed in Figure 1 (A-B), which graphically shows the increase in the number of articles published on the PubMed and Science Direct platforms in this time period.

(A): Case reports of fusariosis published on the Pubmed Plataform between 2005 and 2018. (B): Case reports of fusariosis published on the Science Direct platform between 2005 and 2018


The efficient mechanisms of the dispersion of Fusarium spp. have led to the global distribution of clinical and environmental isolates. F. solani and F. oxysporum are the most common complexes. Infections in humans range from superficial to disseminated, and patients with hematological malignancies are the most susceptible. Dissemination of the fungus is seen mainly in immunocompromised patients because of the ease of infection related to the portal of entry of the fungus in the host, such as via the airways or the rupture of tissues and mucous membranes.

Invasive Fusarium infections stimulate an inadequate response by the host towards the infection, which accounts for the high mortality caused by this fungus. As such, biofilm formation renders treatment more difficult. Fusarium spp. exhibit intrinsic resistance to echinocandins, and some isolates exhibit resistance to azoles. In this scenario, the drugs of choice are amphotericin B and voriconazole, and drug combinations are an important means to combat multi-drug resistance. Just as the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration provides an overview on in vitro resistance, it can also be considered strong evidence for selecting an antifungal treatment. Low investment by the pharmaceutical industry towards developing drugs to combat these infections was observed.

Risk factors of individuals contribute to the occurrence of new cases and F. solani continues to be the main etiological agent of fusariosis. Treatment also has not changed over the years, because of the lack of research in the development of new therapeutic options for the treatment of this infection. The increased incidence of fusariosis, as reported in the articles published between 2005 to 2018, is evidence of the emergence of this fungus.


The authors thank the Brazilian agencies Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS - EDITAL 04/2016 - PRONUPEQ 2016) for their financial support and research fellowships.


  • 1
    Gomes LB, Ward TJ, Badiale-Furlong E, Del Ponte EM. Species composition, toxigenic potential and pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum species complex isolates from southern Brazilian rice. Plant Pathol. 2014;64(4):980-7.
  • 2
    Al-Hatmi AMS, Bonifaz A, Ranques S, de Hoog GS, Verweij PE, Meis JF. Current antifungal treatment of Fusariosis. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2018;51(3):326-32.
  • 3
    Spolti P, Del Ponte EM, Dong Y, Cummings JA, Bergstrom GC. Triazole sensitivity in a contemporary population of Fusarium graminearum from New York wheat and competitiveness of a tebuconazole-resistant isolate. Plant Dis. 2014;98(5): 607-13.
  • 4
    Dalhoff A. Does the use of antifungal agents in agriculture and food foster polyene resistance development? A reason for concern. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2018;13:40-8.
  • 5
    Guarro J. Fusariosis, a complex infection caused by a high diversity of fungal species refractory to treatment. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;32(12):1491-1500.
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  • Financial Support: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 June 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Feb 2020
  • Accepted
    14 Apr 2020
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