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Triatomine bugs (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) in the Domiciles of the Guaribas Valley Territory, in Northeastern Brazil



Triatomine bugs are hematophagous insects that are extremely important in public health because they are natural vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease. In this study, we aimed to assess the occurrence of triatomine species and the natural T. cruzi infection in the Guaribas Valley territory, an endemic region for Chagas disease in northeastern Brazil.


Insects were actively captured from July 2017 to October 2019 in the intra- and peridomiciles of 16 municipalities of the Guaribas Valley territory, in the southeast area of Piauí state. Triatomine species were identified following a taxonomic key, and natural infection was investigated through insects’ fresh feces exams.


A total of 430 triatomines were collected, including 211 nymphs and 219 adults. Of all collected specimens, 39 (9.1%) were from the intradomiciles and 391 (90.9%) from peridomiciles. Nine species, including two subspecies, could be identified: Triatoma brasiliensis brasiliensis, T. brasiliensis macromelasoma, T. pseudomaculata, T. sordida, T. juazeirensis, T. melanocephala, Panstrongylus lutzi, Rhodnius domesticus, R. nasutus, and R. robustus. T. brasiliensis were the most frequently collected bugs, representing 72% of all the identified insects. None of the examined invertebrates presented flagellate forms of T. cruzi.


This is the first report of T. b. macromelasoma and T. juazeirensis in the Guaribas Valley territory. The persistence of triatomine species in the domiciles in an endemic area for Chagas disease emphasizes the relevance of entomological surveillance and vector control measures in the studied area.

Triatomine; Guaribas Valley; Brazil


Chagas disease (CD), also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening parasitic illness caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas, 1909) and naturally transmitted by the feces of infected triatomine bugs (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae). Although other types of transmissions, such as oral transmission, have gained significant attention, vectorial CD remains a public health problem in endemic areas11. Dias JCP. Human Chagas Disease and Migration in the Context of Globalization: Some Particular Aspects. J Trop Med. 2013;2013:1-9.. An estimated 6-7 million people are infected with T. cruzi, especially in poor and disadvantaged areas in Latin America, where it remains an infection with remarkable medical and social impact and is regarded as a neglected tropical disease22. Pérez-Molina JA, Molina I. Chagas disease. Lancet. 2018;391:82-94..

In Brazil, although the number of new cases of CD has dramatically reduced in recent years, approximately 1.2-4.6 million people are infected with T. cruzi, causing approximately 6,000 deaths annually, making it the most lethal neglected tropical disease in the country33. Martins-Melo FR, Ramos Jr AN, Alencar CH, Heukelbach J. Prevalence of Chagas disease in Brazil: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Trop. 2014;130:167-74.,44. Martins-Melo RF, Carneiro M, Luiz A, Ribeiro ALP, Bezerra JMT, Werneck GL. Burden of Chagas disease in Brazil, 1990-2016: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Int J Parasitol 2019;49:301-10.. The highest prevalence rates occur in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country, presenting an estimated mean of 5.0% of prevalence in the last decades33. Martins-Melo FR, Ramos Jr AN, Alencar CH, Heukelbach J. Prevalence of Chagas disease in Brazil: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Trop. 2014;130:167-74.. In Piauí state in the northeast region of Brazil, although the existence of CD has been suggested since 1916, the first autochthonous case was only confirmed in 197555. Figueiredo PZ, Lima FGC, Nunes JNP. Doença De Chagas: Primeiros Casos Autóctones No Estado Do Piauí. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 1975;9(2):105-7.. The state is among the poorest in Brazil, 34% of its population lives in rural areas, where CD predominates66. Borges-Pereira J, Castro JAF, Silva AG, Zauza PL, Bulhões TP, Gonçalves ME, et al. Seroprevalence of Chagas disease infection in the State of Piauí, 2002. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2006;39(6):530-39.. Although previous studies reported decreasing seroprevalence (4% to 1.9%) in the last decades in the state77. Camargo ME, Silva GR, Castilho EA, Silveira AC. Inquérito sorológico da prevalência de infecção chagásica no Brasil, 1975/1980. Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo. 1984;26(4):192-204., the T. cruzi transmission still occurs, perhaps due to recent triatomine infestations. The health regions of Oeiras (5.8%), São João do Piauí (5.3%), and Picos (4.3%), which are all in the central-southern region of the state, present the highest prevalence rates for CD66. Borges-Pereira J, Castro JAF, Silva AG, Zauza PL, Bulhões TP, Gonçalves ME, et al. Seroprevalence of Chagas disease infection in the State of Piauí, 2002. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2006;39(6):530-39.,77. Camargo ME, Silva GR, Castilho EA, Silveira AC. Inquérito sorológico da prevalência de infecção chagásica no Brasil, 1975/1980. Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo. 1984;26(4):192-204..

Control measures focused on vector elimination inside houses have been successful in the country, including in the state of Piauí, and in 2006, Brazil was certified by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) as free of CD transmission by its main vector, Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834)88. Ferreira ILM, Silva TPT. Transmission elimination of Chagas’ disease by Triatoma infestans in Brazil: an historical fact. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2006;39(5):507-9.. However, native triatomine species, such as Triatoma brasiliensis (Neiva, 1911), T. pseudomaculata (Corrêa & Espinola, 1964), T. sordida (Stål, 1859) and Panstrongylus lutzi (Neiva & Pinto, 1923), are endemic in Piauí and present high risk of colonization inside houses besides a variable natural infection index ranging from 0.01 to 0.57 in the state99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64., increasing the possibility of vector transmission of T. cruzi, especially in rural areas or houses close to wild environments, where entomological surveys and control programs may be deficient99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.,1010. Santos SM, Sousa DM, Santos JP, Vieira JFP, Gonçalves TC, Santos-Mallet JR, et al. Entomological survey in the state of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil, reveals intradomiciliary colonization of Triatoma brasiliensis macromelasoma. Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo . 2017;59:e27..

Knowledge of the geographical distribution and natural infections of triatomine bugs is fundamental for understanding the epidemiological aspects related to T. cruzi transmission and should be considered for guiding the control actions and surveillance of CD. Thus, the aim of the present work was to analyze the geographical distribution of triatomines and their natural T. cruzi infection in the Guaribas Valley territory, a region with endemic CD, in northeastern Brazil.


The study was conducted in the Guaribas Valley territory in the semiarid region in the eastern part of Piauí state-one of the driest areas of Brazil, covering an area of 22,693.41 km21111. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial. Perfil Territorial do Vale do Garibas - PI. Brasília: MDA; 2015. 12 p.. The Valley is composed of 39 municipalities distributed along the Guaribas River, with a population of 340,229 inhabitants, of which 180,797 (53.14%) live in rural areas1111. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial. Perfil Territorial do Vale do Garibas - PI. Brasília: MDA; 2015. 12 p. and usually have poor quality human dwellings, which are favorable shelters for triatomines99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.. For this study, the triatomine bug collection occurred in houses of the municipalities of Acauã (16 houses), Bocaina (7 houses), Francisco Santos (1 house), Inhuma (2 houses), Ipiranga do Piauí (1 house), Itainópolis (13 houses), Jacobina do Piauí (1 house), Monsenhor Hipólito (3 houses), Paulistana (12 houses), Picos (7 houses), Pio IX (1 house), Queimada Nova (2 houses), São João da Canabrava (1 house), São José do Piauí (2 houses), São Luís do Piauí (3 houses), and Sussuapara (2 houses) (Figure 1).

Municipalities of the Guaribas Valley territory, Piauí, Brazil, where triatomine bugs were collected.

The insects (nymphs and adults) were manually captured in the studied municipalities from July 2017 to October 2019. The collections occurred in the intra- and peridomiciles of houses where members of the community had previously reported suspicious bugs. The materials used for triatomine collection were tweezers, flashlights (to inspect cracks and sites deprived of light), and plastic containers to safe keep and transport the specimens. No dislodging substance was used in the collections. The collected material was then taken to the Laboratory of Parasitology, Ecology and Neglected Diseases of the Universidade Federal do Piauí, Picos, for gender classification, species identification1212. Lent H, Wygodzinsky P. Revision Of The Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), And Their Significance As Vectors Of Chagas’ Disease. Bull Am Museum Nat Hist. 1979;163(3):123-520.,1313. Jurberg J, Rodrigues JMS, Moreira FFF, Dale C, Cordeiro IRS, Lamas VD, et al. Atlas Iconográfico dos Triatomíneos do Brasil (Vetores da doença de Chagas). 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; 2014.,1414. Galvão C. Vetores da Doença de Chagas no Brasil. Curitiba: Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia; 2014., and investigation of the T. cruzi infection. The nymphs were not taxonomically identified, as only a small proportion of the known species had morphologically described immature forms, which hampered the construction of specific taxonomic keys that allowed the identification of immature forms of all known species of triatomine bugs1313. Jurberg J, Rodrigues JMS, Moreira FFF, Dale C, Cordeiro IRS, Lamas VD, et al. Atlas Iconográfico dos Triatomíneos do Brasil (Vetores da doença de Chagas). 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; 2014..

Research on the flagellate forms of T. cruzi in the digestive tracts of living insects was performed through abdominal compression with tweezers and examination of fresh feces on glass slides. The material was then observed using an optical microscope at 40x and 100x magnification.


From July 2017 to October 2019, 430 triatomine bugs were collected, including 219 adults and 211 nymphs. The insects were classified and included in 3 genera, 9 species, and 2 subspecies, as observed in Table 1. Of the 219 collected adult insects, 123 (56.2%) were female and 96 (43.8%) were male (Table 1). A total of 391 (90.9%) specimens were collected in the peridomicile, including all the nymphs (Table 1). Thirty nine specimens were collected in the intradomicile, all adult forms of 5 triatomine species and 2 subspecies (Table 1).

Triatomine bugs collected in the Guaribas Valley territory from July 2017 to October 2019 by species, gender, and environments.

Nine triatomine species were morphologically identified. The species T. brasiliensis was the most prevalent, with 158 collected specimens, including 98 (62.0%) individuals belonging to the subspecies T. b. brasiliensis (Neiva, 1911) and 60 (38.0%) individuals of the subspecies T. b. macromelasoma (Galvão, 1956). Triatoma pseudomaculata, T. sordida, and Panstrongylus lutzi were the next most prevalent species, with 27, 13, and 10 collected individuals, respectively. Three samples of Rhodnius domesticus (Neiva & Pinto, 1923) and one each of T. juazeirensis (Costa & Felix, 2007), T. melanocephala (Neiva & Pinto, 1923), R. nasutus (Stål, 1859), and R. robustus (Larrousse, 1927) were also collected. Four adult invertebrates (one male and three females) were identified only as Triatoma sp., as they did not morphologically match any of the described species (Table 1).

The highest number of triatomines (adults and nymphs) was collected in the municipality of Acauã (166 specimens), followed by Itainópolis (114 specimens), Paulistana (43 specimens), Bocaina (36 specimens), Queimada Nova (23 specimens), and Picos (22 specimens). Bocaina and Itainópolis presented the greatest varieties of triatomines, with 6 and 5 different species, respectively. The species T. brasiliensis was found in all municipalities except Monsenhor Hipólito (Table 2). A total of 104 collected adults triatomines were examined for the T. cruzi infection, but none of the examined bugs tested positive for the flagellate forms of the parasite.

Triatomine bugs collected in the Guaribas Valley territory from July 2017 to October 2019 by municipality.


CD is endemic in Piauí, especially in the southeastern part of the state, including the Guaribas Valley territory33. Martins-Melo FR, Ramos Jr AN, Alencar CH, Heukelbach J. Prevalence of Chagas disease in Brazil: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Trop. 2014;130:167-74.,66. Borges-Pereira J, Castro JAF, Silva AG, Zauza PL, Bulhões TP, Gonçalves ME, et al. Seroprevalence of Chagas disease infection in the State of Piauí, 2002. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2006;39(6):530-39.. Once the T. cruzi transmission by T. infestans was eliminated in Piauí, secondary vectors gained importance in the epidemiology of the disease due to the possibility of house colonization and re-emergence of vector-borne transmission. In the present study, triatomine bugs were found mainly in the peridomiciles, however, 39 adults were found in the intradomiciles. Several triatomine species are native to the semiarid region99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64., and CD control measures, such as domestic insecticide spraying, have been discontinued in the study area, which may have favored our findings of such a high number of bugs.

Triatoma brasiliensis, the most common species, was present in almost all studied municipalities of the Guaribas Valley. Moreover, it represented the majority of the specimens collected in the intradomiciles. These findings confirmed previous studies that demonstrated T. brasiliensis as the most prevalent triatomine in Piauí, presenting the highest infestation rate in the state99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.,1515. Costa J, Almeida CE, Dotson EM, Lins A, Vinhaes M, Silveira AC, et al. The Epidemiologic Importance of Triatoma brasiliensis as a Chagas Disease Vector in Brazil: a Revision of Domiciliary Captures during 1993-1999. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2003;98(4):443-9.. This species, which is commonly found in northeastern Brazil, is currently considered the most important T. cruzi vector in the country’s semiarid zones1515. Costa J, Almeida CE, Dotson EM, Lins A, Vinhaes M, Silveira AC, et al. The Epidemiologic Importance of Triatoma brasiliensis as a Chagas Disease Vector in Brazil: a Revision of Domiciliary Captures during 1993-1999. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2003;98(4):443-9..The control of T. brasiliensis remains a challenge in the northeast, as it is native to the region, and able to disperse by flight guided by artificial lights, favoring the invasion and colonization of houses even after a few months of insecticide treatment in the intradomicile1616. Fuente AL, Minoli SA, Lopes CM, Noireau F, Lazzari CR, Lorenzo MG. Flight dispersal of the Chagas disease vectors Triatoma brasiliensis and Triatoma pseudomaculata in northeastern Brazil. Acta Trop . 2007;101:115-9.,1717. Diotaiuti L, Faria Filho OF, Carneiro FC, Dias JCP, Pires HHR, Schofield CJ. Operational aspects of Triatoma brasiliensis control. Cad Saúde Pública. 2000;16(2):61-7.. In the present study, no specimens of T. brasiliensis tested positive for T. cruzi, confirming the tendency of decreasing natural infection of this species1515. Costa J, Almeida CE, Dotson EM, Lins A, Vinhaes M, Silveira AC, et al. The Epidemiologic Importance of Triatoma brasiliensis as a Chagas Disease Vector in Brazil: a Revision of Domiciliary Captures during 1993-1999. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2003;98(4):443-9.. Our study also reports-for the first time-on the subspecies T. brasiliensis macromelasoma in the Guaribas Valley territory. Triatoma b. macromelasoma belongs to the T. brasiliensis complex and was restricted to the state of Pernambuco1515. Costa J, Almeida CE, Dotson EM, Lins A, Vinhaes M, Silveira AC, et al. The Epidemiologic Importance of Triatoma brasiliensis as a Chagas Disease Vector in Brazil: a Revision of Domiciliary Captures during 1993-1999. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2003;98(4):443-9.. Interestingly, specimens of T. b. macromelasoma were collected in the municipalities of Acauã, Queimada Nova, and Paulistana, which form a frontier with Pernambuco (Figure 1).

The species T. pseudomaculata was the second-most collected in the Guaribas Valley territory, found in seven of the 16 studied municipalities, predominantly in the peridomiciles. This species is commonly reported in entomological surveys in the northeast region of Brazil1818. Silva TRM, Barros GMM, Lima TAR, Giannelli A, Silva GM, Alves KM, et al. Spatial distribution of triatomine bugs in a Chagas disease endemic region in Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2019;52(e20190278):1-5.,1919. Barbosa-Silva AN, Souza RCM, Diotaiuti L, Aguiar LMA, Câmara ACJ, Galvão LMC, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): infestation, colonization, and natural infection by trypanosomatids in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2019;52(e20190061):1-8., including in the state of Piauí99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.. Although usually found mainly in the peridomicile99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.,1919. Barbosa-Silva AN, Souza RCM, Diotaiuti L, Aguiar LMA, Câmara ACJ, Galvão LMC, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): infestation, colonization, and natural infection by trypanosomatids in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2019;52(e20190061):1-8. and described as feeding on birds2020. Freitas SPC, Lorosa ES, Rodrigues DCS, Freitas ALC, Gonçalves TCM. Feeding patterns of Triatoma pseudomaculata in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Rev Saúde Pública. 2005;39(1):27-32., recent investigations have reported T. pseudomaculata inside houses and feeding on human blood in central Brazil, indicating the potential of this species for intradomicile colonization and T. cruzi transmission2121. Minuzzi-Souza TTC, Silva LR, Hagström L, Hecht M, Nitz N, Gurgel-Gonçalves R. Molecular bloodmeal analyses reveal that Trypanosoma cruzi-infected, native triatomine bugs often feed on humans in houses in central Brazil. Med Vet Entomol. 2018;32(4):504-8..

The species P. lutzi and T. sordida, which have both been previously reported in the state of Piauí99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64., were also collected in the study area. Panstrongylus lutzi is frequently found in the northeastern region of Brazil1818. Silva TRM, Barros GMM, Lima TAR, Giannelli A, Silva GM, Alves KM, et al. Spatial distribution of triatomine bugs in a Chagas disease endemic region in Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2019;52(e20190278):1-5.,1919. Barbosa-Silva AN, Souza RCM, Diotaiuti L, Aguiar LMA, Câmara ACJ, Galvão LMC, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): infestation, colonization, and natural infection by trypanosomatids in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2019;52(e20190061):1-8.,2222. Silva MBA, Barreto AVMS, Silva HA, Galvão C, Rocha D, Jurberg J, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil: geographical distribution and natural Trypanosoma infection rates between 2006 and 2007. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2012;45(1):60-5.and presents greater importance as a T. cruzi vector because it can be found in the intradomicile and present high levels of natural infections2222. Silva MBA, Barreto AVMS, Silva HA, Galvão C, Rocha D, Jurberg J, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil: geographical distribution and natural Trypanosoma infection rates between 2006 and 2007. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2012;45(1):60-5.,2323. Caranha L, Lorosa ES, Rocha DS, Jurberg J, Galvão C. Feeding sources evaluation of Panstrongylus lutzi (Neiva & Pinto, 1923) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) in the State of Ceará. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2006;39(4):347-51.. In contrast, T. sordida is typical of the cerrado biome (central region of Brazil) and occurs in the northeast region mainly in areas bordering that biome with the caatinga1414. Galvão C. Vetores da Doença de Chagas no Brasil. Curitiba: Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia; 2014.. This species is predominantly observed in peridomiciles especially around bird nests and chicken coops, presenting low levels of natural infection since avians are refractory to T. cruzi infection2424. Diotaiuti L, Azeredo BVM, Busek SCU, Fernandes AJ. Controle do Triatoma sordida no peridomicílio rural do município de Porteirinha, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Pan Am J Public Heal. 1998;3(1):21-5..

In our study, the species T. melanocephala, T. juazeirensis, R. domesticus, R. nasutus, and R. robustus were found in small numbers. Triatoma melanocephala has been previously found in small numbers in Piauí99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.. There is a lack of information about its biological habits and role in T. cruzi transmission in humans, although high natural infection rates have been reported, suggesting a role in the maintenance of the sylvatic cycle of T. cruzi2222. Silva MBA, Barreto AVMS, Silva HA, Galvão C, Rocha D, Jurberg J, et al. Synanthropic triatomines (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil: geographical distribution and natural Trypanosoma infection rates between 2006 and 2007. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2012;45(1):60-5.. To our knowledge, this is the first report on T. juazeirensis in Piauí. Triatoma juazeirensis belongs to the T. brasiliensis species complex and was first described in Bahia state, where it lives among rocks in the sylvatic environment and in the peridomicile, with potential for domiciliary infestation2525. Costa J, Felix M. Triatoma juazeirensis sp. nov. from the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz . 2007;102(1):87-90.. The species R. domesticus has already been reported in Piauí2626. Carcavallo R, Girón I, Jurberg J, Herman L. Atlas of Chagas disease vectors in the Americas. Fiocruz; 1999.although it predominates in areas of Atlantic forest from the southern states to Bahia in the northeast, with reports of intradomicile invasion2727. Ferreira RA, Silva JD, Faria TCM, Lage DL, Barbosa SE, Diotaiuti LG. Primeiro Encontro De Rhodnius domesticus Neiva & Pinto, 1923 (Hemiptera: Reduvidae) No Município De Açucena, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Rev Patol Trop. 2014;43(3):369-75.. Rhodnius nasutus was already found in small numbers mainly in the north of Piauí, where it presents considerably high intradomicile colonization rates99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.. Rhodnius robustus, despite having no colonization rate, has been dispersed throughout the state, although it was first restricted to the extreme north of Piauí99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.and currently can be found in the Guaribas Valley territory.

Firstly reported in small amounts in the southeast of Piauí in 19802828. Silveira AC. Entomological survey (1975-1983). Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2011;44(Suppl 2):26-32., the species Triatoma infestans has neither been found in following triatomine surveys in the state99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64., nor in our collections. The lack of occurrence of T. infestans in the Guaribas Valley reflected the success of the Southern Cone Initiative for elimination of the most important T. cruzi vector in Brazil, evidencing the interruption of CD transmission by this vector in the Piauí as in other Brazilian states2929. Dias JCP. Southern Cone Initiative for the elimination of domestic populations of Triatoma infestans and the interruption of transfusional Chagas disease. Historical aspects, present situation, and perspectives. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz . 2007;102:11-8.. In this work, none of the examined triatomine bugs presented the T. cruzi infection. The absence of flagellate forms in the collected bugs followed the tendency of decreasing natural infection rates in triatomines from Piauí99. Gurgel-Gonçalves R, Pereira FCA, Lima IP, Cavalcante RR. Geographic distribution, domiciliary infestation and natural infection of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Piauí State, Brazil, in 2008. Rev Pan-Amaz Saúde. 2010;1(4):57-64.. However, investigation of natural infection by abdominal compression and examination of fecal material with optical microscopy used in this study may present low sensitivity and was performed only on a quarter of the collected bugs. With a higher number of collected specimens, the polymerase chain reaction method could improve the detection of the T. cruzi natural infection3030. Barbosa-Silva AN, Câmara AC, Martins K, Nunes DF, Oliveira PI, Azevedo PR, et al. Characteristics of Triatomine infestation and natural Trypanosoma cruzi infection in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop . 2016;49(1):57-67..

In the present study, only adult triatomine bugs were found in the intradomicile, indicating infestation but not colonization of the investigated houses. However, a high number of immature forms and adults were present in the peridomiciles, (for example, animal shelters), demonstrating colonization of these environments by triatomine species, which could be in contact with humans and synanthropic reservoirs, representing a risk of the T. cruzi transmission for the population of the Guaribas Valley. In this scenario, our results contribute to a better comprehension of the distribution of triatomines in the northeast region of Brazil and highlighted the importance of conducting periodic entomological surveys and preventive vector control measures against this life-threatening disease.


  • 1
    Dias JCP. Human Chagas Disease and Migration in the Context of Globalization: Some Particular Aspects. J Trop Med. 2013;2013:1-9.
  • 2
    Pérez-Molina JA, Molina I. Chagas disease. Lancet. 2018;391:82-94.
  • 3
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 Sept 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    09 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    26 May 2020
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