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Atrioventricular Conduction System Disorders and Potential Risks of Arrhythmic Events in Endurance Athletes

Keywords: Athletes; Resistance Training; Physical Fitness; Ventricular Remodeling; Sedentarism; Arrhythmias, Cardiac; Eletrocardiography/methods; Ventricular Function

Short Editorial related to the article: Assessing Dynamic Atrioventricular Conduction Time to RR-interval Coupling in Athletes and Sedentary Subjects

Some disorders found on electrocardiograms are commonly seen in endurance or high-performance athletes and often have characteristics that are similar to those observed in elderly individuals or in those with cardiovascular disease.11. Batlouni M, Ghorayeb N, Armaganijan, D, Meneghello, R S .Electrocardiographic changes in professional athletes. II Rhythm and conduction disorders. Arq Bras Cardiol. 1980;35(3):187-95.

2. Zehender M, Meinertz T, Keul J, Just H. ECG variants and cardiac arrhythmias in athletes: clinical relevance and prognostic importance. Am Heart J. 1990;119(6):1378-90.

3. Forester J, Bo H, Sleigh J Wand Henderson JD. Variability of R-R, P wave-to-R wave, and R wave-to-T wave intervals. Am J Physiol. 1997;273(6):H2857-60.
- 44. Malliani A, Lombardi AF, Pagani M. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability: a tool to explore neural regulatory mechanisms. Br Heart J.1994;71(1):1-2.

High-intensity training done by high-performance athletes can induce intrinsic physiological adaptations to the cardiac stimulus conduction system and, consequently, a higher prevalence of abnormalities in atrioventricular (AV) conduction.33. Forester J, Bo H, Sleigh J Wand Henderson JD. Variability of R-R, P wave-to-R wave, and R wave-to-T wave intervals. Am J Physiol. 1997;273(6):H2857-60. , 55. Stein R, Medeiros CM, Rosito GA, Zimerman LI, Ribeiro JP. Intrinsic Sinus and atrioventricular node electrophysiologic adaptations in endurance athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002; 39(6):1033-8.

The physiological or even pathophysiological mechanisms by which athletic training induces such intrinsic changes in the cardiac conduction system still have limited understanding, and are likely to be multifactorial. However, the anatomical changes observed, such as atrial and ventricular dilation, demonstrated the creation of a mechanical-electrical remodeling necessary to cause intrinsic AV electrophysiological adaptations.44. Malliani A, Lombardi AF, Pagani M. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability: a tool to explore neural regulatory mechanisms. Br Heart J.1994;71(1):1-2.

5. Stein R, Medeiros CM, Rosito GA, Zimerman LI, Ribeiro JP. Intrinsic Sinus and atrioventricular node electrophysiologic adaptations in endurance athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002; 39(6):1033-8.
- 66. Chapman JH. Profound sinus bradycardia in the athletic heart syndrome. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1982; 22(1): 45-8.

Among the most common electrocardiographic expressions, resulting from cardiac changes induced by high-performance sports and high levels of training, include sinus bradycardia and AV block. They do not usually require special care or attention as long as they are asymptomatic or do not produce pauses longer than 4 seconds. First-degree AV block is more common, followed by 2nddegree Mobitz I AV block. Mobitz II and 3rddegree atrioventricular blocks are more unusual findings, even in athletes, and should be considered a sign of potential organic injuries.

The occurrence of complex ventricular forms of arrhythmia should always lead to cardiological examination in search of cardiogenic substrate, especially hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy. The presence of ventricular arrhythmias with no evidence of underlying heart disease does not appear to indicate any special or increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Higher incidence of right and/or left ventricular hypertrophy, reversible ST-segment elevation on exercise and reversible abnormalities on exercise on T waves (T negativity, sudden and/or excessive T waves) can be considered physiological abnormalities in the athletes’ ECG scans.

Endurance or major physical training exposes the heart to intense overloads over time. These constant exposures to intense training can generate cardiac automatism disorders as described, in addition to atrioventricular conduction disorders, depolarization and ventricular repolarization.11. Batlouni M, Ghorayeb N, Armaganijan, D, Meneghello, R S .Electrocardiographic changes in professional athletes. II Rhythm and conduction disorders. Arq Bras Cardiol. 1980;35(3):187-95. , 22. Zehender M, Meinertz T, Keul J, Just H. ECG variants and cardiac arrhythmias in athletes: clinical relevance and prognostic importance. Am Heart J. 1990;119(6):1378-90. , 66. Chapman JH. Profound sinus bradycardia in the athletic heart syndrome. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1982; 22(1): 45-8.

Besides, these cardiac structural adjustments can be remarkable and lead to increases of up to 85% in left ventricular mass. Although these functional and structural abnormalities are documented, their actual limits within standards considered normal, as well as their long-term consequences, are still unknown.

Stein et al.55. Stein R, Medeiros CM, Rosito GA, Zimerman LI, Ribeiro JP. Intrinsic Sinus and atrioventricular node electrophysiologic adaptations in endurance athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002; 39(6):1033-8. described high-performance training actions as a corollary of their effects on sinus node, where increased parasympathetic tone, reduced sympathetic tone and non-autonomic components can contribute to sinus bradycardia and adaptations to the special system of cardiac conduction. Such mechanisms lead to a higher prevalence of abnormalities in intrinsic atrioventricular conduction observed in athletes.

In elite athletes, in addition to the predominance of vagal tone and, consequently, bradycardia at rest, which increase absolute QT interval duration,77. Santos M, Pinheiro-Vieira A, Hipólito-Reis A. Bradycardia in the athlete: don’t always blame the autonomic system! Europace. 2013;15(11):1650. , 88. Azevedo LF, Brum PC, Rosemblatt D, Perlingeiro PS, Barretto ACP, Negrão CE, Matos LDNJ. Características cardíacas e metabólicas de corredores de longa distância do ambulatório de cardiologia do esporte e exercício, de um hospital terciário. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2007;88(1):17-25. an increase in left ventricular mass is considered a benign physiological phenomenon, also known as “athlete’s heart”. Observations made, such as a slightly prolonged isolated QT interval in athletes, may reflect the late repolarization resulting from increased ventricular wall thickness88. Azevedo LF, Brum PC, Rosemblatt D, Perlingeiro PS, Barretto ACP, Negrão CE, Matos LDNJ. Características cardíacas e metabólicas de corredores de longa distância do ambulatório de cardiologia do esporte e exercício, de um hospital terciário. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2007;88(1):17-25. , 99. Pluim BM, Zwinderman AH, Laarse A van der, Wall EE van der. The Athlete´s Heart. A meta-analysis of cardiac structure and function. Circulation. 1999;101(3):336-44. and/or bradycardia, both as a reflex of training and ultimately as a form of impairment to the special conduction system of the cardiac stimulus.1010. Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjornstad HH, Vanhess L, Biffi A, Borjesson M et al. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Eur Heart J. 2005;26(5):16-24. , 1111. Basu J, Malhotra A. Interpreting the Athlete’s ECG: Current State and Future Perspectives. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. 2018;20(12):104. These endurance athletes often present AV node remodeling, characterized by varying degrees of AV conduction block, low non-sinus atrial or junctional rhythm and, more rarely, complete AV block.11. Batlouni M, Ghorayeb N, Armaganijan, D, Meneghello, R S .Electrocardiographic changes in professional athletes. II Rhythm and conduction disorders. Arq Bras Cardiol. 1980;35(3):187-95. , 22. Zehender M, Meinertz T, Keul J, Just H. ECG variants and cardiac arrhythmias in athletes: clinical relevance and prognostic importance. Am Heart J. 1990;119(6):1378-90. , 66. Chapman JH. Profound sinus bradycardia in the athletic heart syndrome. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1982; 22(1): 45-8. , 99. Pluim BM, Zwinderman AH, Laarse A van der, Wall EE van der. The Athlete´s Heart. A meta-analysis of cardiac structure and function. Circulation. 1999;101(3):336-44. These AV conduction disorders depend on the fitness status and are related not only to increased parasympathetic activity on the AV node, but also to the secondary remodeling of the AV node fibers and to cell-to-cell coupling.88. Azevedo LF, Brum PC, Rosemblatt D, Perlingeiro PS, Barretto ACP, Negrão CE, Matos LDNJ. Características cardíacas e metabólicas de corredores de longa distância do ambulatório de cardiologia do esporte e exercício, de um hospital terciário. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2007;88(1):17-25. , 99. Pluim BM, Zwinderman AH, Laarse A van der, Wall EE van der. The Athlete´s Heart. A meta-analysis of cardiac structure and function. Circulation. 1999;101(3):336-44.

Thus, the analysis of autonomic contributions to the dependence of the variability in the dynamic duration of ventricular repolarization (DVR) can be a valuable tool to assess the adaptation of DVR to the cardiac cycle duration in this population.1212. Lecocq B., et al. “Physiologic relation between cardiac cycle and QT duration in healthy volunteers”. American Journal of Cardiology 64.8 (1989): 481-486.

In a previous study, Nazario and Benchimol-Barbosa1313. Nasario-Junior Olivasse, Benchimol-Barbosa PR, Nadal J. Beat-To-Beat Ventricular Repolarization Duration Variability Assessed By Cardiac Acceleration and Deceleration Phases in Athletes. EC Cardiology 1.1 (2015): 33-42. described the variability in the duration of beat-by-beat ventricular repolarization assessed by phases of cardiac acceleration and deceleration in athletes. The duration of dynamic ventricular repolarization (DVR) and coupling with RR interval are related to autonomic control and electrical myocardial stability. The phase rectification of the series with RR interval separates the acceleration and deceleration phases, reflecting sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on heart rate, respectively, where they observed that these have a longer ventricular repolarization duration for all RR interval durations.

In athletes, DVR variability decreases as the RR interval increases, indicating a beneficial effect of physical fitness on the stability of repolarization and also the evaluation of RR interval using a start or peak wave approach as fiducial points providing proper accurate results for the analysis of physiological variation of the beat-to-beat interval.1313. Nasario-Junior Olivasse, Benchimol-Barbosa PR, Nadal J. Beat-To-Beat Ventricular Repolarization Duration Variability Assessed By Cardiac Acceleration and Deceleration Phases in Athletes. EC Cardiology 1.1 (2015): 33-42. , 1414. Nasario-Junior O, Benchimol-Barbosa PR, Pedrosa RC, Nadal J. Validity of P-peak to R-peak interval compared to classical PR-interval to assess dynamic beat-to-beat AV conduction variability on surface electrocardiogram. Biomed Phys Eng Express. 2018;4(3):035037.

Although AV conduction disorders have been repeatedly documented in athletes, the dynamic adaptation of AV conduction to the cardiac cycle in this population still needs clarification. In the general population, AV duration varies dynamically according to the RR interval duration, characterizing an accordion-like effect. However, in athletes, autonomic remodeling can influence dynamic AV conduction in the adaptation of the RR interval, leading to a different behavior from AV conduction, in response to the variation of the RR interval related to time. The study by Benchimol-Barbosa et al.1515. Benchimol-Barbosa, Paulo Roberto; Nasario-Junior, Olivassé; Nadal, Jurandir. Avaliação do Tempo de Condução Atrioventricular Dinâmica para Acoplamento ao Intervalo RR em Atletas e Indivíduos Sedentários. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(1):71-77. evaluated beat-by-beat variability of AV conduction time (AVCT) and RR interval in elite runners and in healthy sedentary individuals, at rest, with the objective of evaluating the effect of physical fitness on the duration of spontaneous coupling of AVCT to the RR interval. In this study, athletes had mean RR values and RR standard deviations significantly higher than controls and the RR-AVCT slope on controls and athletes resulted in significant differences between groups, demonstrating that this RR-AVCT slope decreases as metabolic capacity (MET) increases.

We believe that some mechanism of intrinsic organic protection is activated when the individuals suffer, due to chronic intense exercising, these physiological adaptations and develop, through this discrepant response, a defense to maintain specialized cardiac conduction.

It is still necessary to investigate the potential impact of current findings in clinical settings, such as a marker for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, particularly AV nodal reentry arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation.

Finally, we observed that the intriguing finding in the Benchimol-Barbosa1515. Benchimol-Barbosa, Paulo Roberto; Nasario-Junior, Olivassé; Nadal, Jurandir. Avaliação do Tempo de Condução Atrioventricular Dinâmica para Acoplamento ao Intervalo RR em Atletas e Indivíduos Sedentários. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(1):71-77. study was precisely the disagreement between the dynamic coupling of AVCT and denoting the different responses between athletes and sedentary people regarding the behavior of PR and RR intervals. Such observations deserve further investigation and follow-up on the potential effects of high-intensity training and improvements in the clinical guidelines for this population.


  • 1
    Batlouni M, Ghorayeb N, Armaganijan, D, Meneghello, R S .Electrocardiographic changes in professional athletes. II Rhythm and conduction disorders. Arq Bras Cardiol. 1980;35(3):187-95.
  • 2
    Zehender M, Meinertz T, Keul J, Just H. ECG variants and cardiac arrhythmias in athletes: clinical relevance and prognostic importance. Am Heart J. 1990;119(6):1378-90.
  • 3
    Forester J, Bo H, Sleigh J Wand Henderson JD. Variability of R-R, P wave-to-R wave, and R wave-to-T wave intervals. Am J Physiol. 1997;273(6):H2857-60.
  • 4
    Malliani A, Lombardi AF, Pagani M. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability: a tool to explore neural regulatory mechanisms. Br Heart J.1994;71(1):1-2.
  • 5
    Stein R, Medeiros CM, Rosito GA, Zimerman LI, Ribeiro JP. Intrinsic Sinus and atrioventricular node electrophysiologic adaptations in endurance athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002; 39(6):1033-8.
  • 6
    Chapman JH. Profound sinus bradycardia in the athletic heart syndrome. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1982; 22(1): 45-8.
  • 7
    Santos M, Pinheiro-Vieira A, Hipólito-Reis A. Bradycardia in the athlete: don’t always blame the autonomic system! Europace. 2013;15(11):1650.
  • 8
    Azevedo LF, Brum PC, Rosemblatt D, Perlingeiro PS, Barretto ACP, Negrão CE, Matos LDNJ. Características cardíacas e metabólicas de corredores de longa distância do ambulatório de cardiologia do esporte e exercício, de um hospital terciário. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2007;88(1):17-25.
  • 9
    Pluim BM, Zwinderman AH, Laarse A van der, Wall EE van der. The Athlete´s Heart. A meta-analysis of cardiac structure and function. Circulation. 1999;101(3):336-44.
  • 10
    Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjornstad HH, Vanhess L, Biffi A, Borjesson M et al. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Eur Heart J. 2005;26(5):16-24.
  • 11
    Basu J, Malhotra A. Interpreting the Athlete’s ECG: Current State and Future Perspectives. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. 2018;20(12):104.
  • 12
    Lecocq B., et al. “Physiologic relation between cardiac cycle and QT duration in healthy volunteers”. American Journal of Cardiology 64.8 (1989): 481-486.
  • 13
    Nasario-Junior Olivasse, Benchimol-Barbosa PR, Nadal J. Beat-To-Beat Ventricular Repolarization Duration Variability Assessed By Cardiac Acceleration and Deceleration Phases in Athletes. EC Cardiology 1.1 (2015): 33-42.
  • 14
    Nasario-Junior O, Benchimol-Barbosa PR, Pedrosa RC, Nadal J. Validity of P-peak to R-peak interval compared to classical PR-interval to assess dynamic beat-to-beat AV conduction variability on surface electrocardiogram. Biomed Phys Eng Express. 2018;4(3):035037.
  • 15
    Benchimol-Barbosa, Paulo Roberto; Nasario-Junior, Olivassé; Nadal, Jurandir. Avaliação do Tempo de Condução Atrioventricular Dinâmica para Acoplamento ao Intervalo RR em Atletas e Indivíduos Sedentários. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(1):71-77.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Aug 2020
  • Date of issue
    July 2020
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