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Experiências de adubação mineral e orgânica com Capim Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.)


Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.

Experiências de adubação mineral e orgânica com Capim Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.)* * Tese apresentada ao II Congresso Pan Americano de Agronomia em Abril de 1953. Piracicaba, E. S. Paulo. 14a. Secção Técnica Científica: - Pastagens e Plantas Forrageiras

T. Coury, A. P. Torres; G. Ranzani

E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", da Universidade de S. Paulo


Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows:

1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring)

2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg)

3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca)

4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N)

5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P)

6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K)

7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers)

8 control

Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure.

As far yields are concerned the following observations were made:

1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others;

2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5;

3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that:

1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content;

2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content;

3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8;

4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low;

5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7;

6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element.

As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.

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  • *
    Tese apresentada ao II Congresso Pan Americano de Agronomia em Abril de 1953. Piracicaba, E. S. Paulo.
    14a. Secção Técnica Científica: - Pastagens e Plantas Forrageiras
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      28 Set 2012
    • Data do Fascículo
    Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil