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We close the year of 2014 with a significant amount of 50 articles published, produced by 129 authors from 13 states, the Brazilian Federal District (DF), besides other North American and European countries. These articles cover virtually all areas of Business Management, with greater representation for the themes: strategy and business economics, marketing, human resources and finance.

It is worth highlighting the Issue number 2, which brings a tribute to Professor Sérgio Baptista Zaccarelli who, in 1976, has resumed the Revista de Administração in its current model.

The 2014 four issues highlight the Revista de Administração inserting level in the scientific community of Administration, which is reinforced with the fast-track publishing of Congress articles and the growing presence of international authors in the submissions and publications.

Papers that fall within the mainstream of the Administration research mingle with contributions in emerging areas and with themes that go beyond the borders of Business Management and Accounting, and seek to reflect the diversity of our research as well as the editorial guideline openness of the Revista.

The annual statistics published at the end of this issue 4 present in detail the submission flows, the publishing, the authorship, besides the addition of the names (Nominata) of our dedicated evaluators and Indices by Author, Subject Area and Title.

An important event this year was the inclusion of the Revista de Administração in new indices such as the Web of Knowledge, of Thomson Reuters, in addition to the consolidation of the SPELL – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library, of ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, which has a significant role in order to facilitate the access and increase the visibility of the Revista and its authors.

The end of a year is also the opportunity to thank, especially to the large number of our reviewers, whose careful work has ensured the quality of the publication, as well as to our authors, to the editorial staff and to the other employees, who perform their work with dedication in constant tension between quality, deadlines and process costs.

It will never be enough to request them all the assistance in disseminating the Revista de Administração content, so that it can achieve its objective of making known the national scientific production, impacting the research and the professional practice in the area.

Lastly, we draw attention to the contributions of this issue in the areas of technology management, productivity, strategy, marketing, human resources and organizations.

We wish our readers a useful reading, expecting we will meet again in the Revista de Administração pages next year.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct-Dec 2014
Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908, sala F184, 05508-900 São Paulo / SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 3818-4002 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil