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Strategies for self-management support by patients with stroke: integrative review

Estrategias de autocuidado apoyado para pacientes con accidente vascular cerebral: revisión integradora



To analyze strategies for self-management support by patients with stroke in the light of the methodology of the five A's (ask, advice, assess, assist and arrange).


Integrative review conducted at the following databases CINAHL, SCOPUS, PubMed, Cochrane and LILACS.


A total of 43 studies published between 2000 and 2013 comprised the study sample. All proposed actions in the five A's methodology and others were included. We highlight the Assist and Arrange, in which we added actions, especially with regard to the use of technological resources and joint monitoring between patients, families and professionals. No study included all five A's, which suggests that the actions of supported self-management are developed in a fragmented way.


The use of five A's strategy provides guidelines for better management of patients with stroke with lower cost and higher effectiveness.


Analizar las estrategias de autocuidado apoyado para pacientes con accidente vascular cerebral, a la luz de la metodología de las 5 As (apreciación, aconsejamiento, acuerdo, asistencia y acompañamiento).


Revisión integradora de la literatura llevada a cabo en las bases de datos CINAHL, SCOPUS, PubMed, Cochrane y LILACS.


Fueron seleccionados 43 artículos, publicados entre 2000 y 2013, que compusieron el muestreo del estudio. Todas las acciones propuestas en la metodología de las 5 As fueron contempladas, y otras fueron incluidas. Se destacaron las concernientes a la Asistencia y el Acompañamiento, a las que se añadieron acciones, especialmente en lo que se refiere al uso de recursos tecnológicos y trabajo conjunto de monitoreo entre pacientes, familiares y profesionales. Ningún estudio contempló todas las 5 As, lo que sugiere que las acciones de autocuidado apoyado se desarrollan de manera fragmentada.


El empleo de la estrategia de las 5 As brinda directrices para un mejor abordaje del paciente portador de accidente vascular cerebral con menor costo y mayor efectividad.

Accidente Cerebrovascular; Autocuidado; Actividades Cotidianas; Atención de Enfermería; Revisión


Analisar as estratégias de autocuidado apoiado para pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral, à luz da metodologia dos 5 As (avaliação, aconselhamento, acordo, assistência e acompanhamento).


Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, PubMed, Cochrane e LILACS.


Foram selecionados 43 artigos, publicados entre 2000 e 2013, que compuseram a amostra do estudo. Todas as ações propostas na metodologia dos 5 As foram contempladas, e outras foram incluídas. Destacaram-se as relativas à Assistência e Acompanhamento, nas quais foram acrescentadas ações, especialmente no que se refere ao uso de recursos tecnológicos e trabalho conjunto de monitoramento entre pacientes, familiares e profissionais. Nenhum estudo contemplou todos os 5 As, o que sugere que as ações de autocuidado apoiado são desenvolvidas de forma fragmentada.


O uso da estratégia dos 5 As fornece diretrizes para uma melhor abordagem do paciente com acidente vascular cerebral com menor custo e maior efetividade.

Acidente Vascular Cerebral; Autocuidado; Atividades Cotidianas; Cuidados de Enfermagem; Revisão


Considering the magnitude of chronic conditions, the concept of self-management support, proposed by the Chronic Care Model (CCM), has been much discussed in recent years. Self-management support refers to strategies used in order to prepare and empower people so that users self-manage their health and attention to the provision of health, emphasizing the central role of individuals in managing their own care(1Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Cuidados innovadores para las condiciones crónicas: organización y prestación de atención de alta calidad a las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en las Américas. Washington: OPAS; 2013.).

Self-management is supported by a methodology developed by the National Cancer Institute in 1989 for use with smoking people. However, over time this method was altered and can be applied in several clinical settings. Becoming known as the methodology of the 5 A's: ask, advice, assess, assist and arrange. Actions represented by 5 A's are strongly interrelated, and support the self-management system, which is most effective when used together(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

There is robust evidence that individual and group interventions to promote the empowerment of people and to empower them for self-management are very effective in the management of chronic conditions. This means empowering people to establish their goals, participating in the development of their care plans and identifying and overcoming the barriers that are faced to their health(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

This methodology can be applied effectively to patients affected by stroke (CVA), which is the main cause of chronic disability worldwide(3World Health Organization. Global status health report on non communicable diseases 2010. Geneva: WHO; 2011.), causing limitations in physical, psychological and social functioning in individuals affected by this neurological condition(4Korpershoek C, Van der Bijl J, Hafsteinsdottir TB. Self-efficacy and its influence on recovery of patients with stroke: a systematic review. J Adv Nurs. 2011;67(9):1876-94.).

It is estimated that between 30 and 40% of stroke survivors develop some degree of functional dependence, which prevents them from reintegrating into the labor market and demand some kind of assistance in performing basic activities of daily living (ADLs)(5Oliveira ARS, Araujo TL, Costa AGS, Morais HCC, Silva VM, Lopes MVO. Evaluation of patients with stroke monitored by home care programs. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013;47(5):1143-9.). A study conducted with patients in the rehabilitation phase identified the location of the injury, recovery time, performance in instrumental activities of daily living and age were the most important determinants of quality of life of patients(6Huang YH, Wu CY, Lin KC, Hsieh YW, Snow WM, Wang TN. Determinants of change in strokespecific quality of life after distributed constraint-induced therapy. Am J Occup Ther. 2013;67(1):54-63.).

It should be noted that the problems of secondary health for stroke can further reduce the quality of life of patients. Among the main impairments developed after a stroke, we cite signs of motor skills worsening, sleep problems, falls, urinary incontinence and memory deficits(7Divani AA, Majidi S, Barrett AM, Noorbaloochi S, Luft AR. Consequences of stroke in community-dwelling elderly: the health and retirement study, 1998-2008. Stroke. 2011;42(7):1821-5.).

In this context, health professionals play an important role in assisting patients with stroke, monitoring the process of treatment and rehabilitation, preventing or detecting early complications, with the purpose of achieving the well-being of patients and thus health promotion(8Cavalcante TF, Moreira RP, Guedes NG, Araujo TL, Lopes MVO, Damasceno MMC, et al. Nursing interventions for stroke patients: an integrative literature review.. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2011;45(6):1486-90.). Furthermore, the starting point for the assistance consists in the perception of professionals regarding patients' health needs, introduced in the integrality of care plan(9Maniva SJCF, Freitas CHA, Jorge MSB, Carvalho ZMF, Moreira TMM. Experiencing acute stroke: the meaning of the illness for hospitalized patients. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013;47(2):357-63.).

To this end, it is necessary that these health professionals develop skills to act together to individuals who have had a stroke, providing greater opportunities for harm and disabilities reduction, as well as improving the ability to self-management seeking a better quality of life.

However, it is recognized that the process of empowerment needs to be based on appropriate methods so that the results can be effective. In this context, the following questions emerged: Which strategies have been used to increase self-management support of patients who have had a stroke, published and available in databases? The answer can collaborate for a critical reflection of the assistencial practice of health professionals in the provision of self-management support of stroke patients, aiming to improve their performance. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the strategies related to self-management support in patients who have had a stroke, published and available in databases.


This is an integrative review, method that aims to organize and synthesize research findings on a delimited topic or question, systematically and orderly, contributing to the deepening of the knowledge of the topic investigated(1010 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2008;17(4):758-64.).

To achieve the proposed objective, we used the following steps: (1) identification of the problem or topic (drafting the guiding question, establishment of descriptors); (2) determination of criteria for inclusion/exclusion of studies (study selection); (3) categorization of studies according to the methodology of the 5 A's; (4) definition of information to be extracted from selected studies; (5) analysis and discussion; (6) summary of findings evidenced in studies analyzed(1111 Pompeo DA, Rossi LA,. Galvão CM Revisão integrativa: etapa inicial do processo de validação de diagnóstico de enfermagem. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009;22(4):434-8.).

The methodology of the 5 A's comprises five strategies that should be used to support the construction of the care plan, they are: Ask, which investigate the beliefs, behaviors and knowledge of patients; Advise, when they are informed about health risks and benefits of change; Assist, necessary for the definition of collaborative goals, planning actions and degree of confidence; Assess, which evaluates through the identification of barriers, technologies of troubleshooting and material and/or social support; and arrange follow-up, when the monitoring system is applied(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.). These strategies guided data analysis of this study.

The inclusion criteria for the selection of the studies were: to include some thematic strategy of support for self-management in stroke patients; to be electronic available and free; to be classified as original study, case report or systematic review studies; to be indexed in at least one of the following databases: Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS, National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (PubMed), Cochrane and Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). We excluded editorials, letters to the editor, studies of reflection and duplicates.

The search for studies was held in November 2013, using the controlled descriptors of LILACS "stroke" and "self care". The MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) descriptors, "stroke" and "self-care" were used in the CINAHL, SCOPUS, PubMed and Cochrane databases. It should be noted that the search, the selection of studies and data extraction were performed by a single researcher.

From the association of descriptors 560 articles were found, they were published between the years of 2000 and 2013. Initially, the titles and abstracts were read and evaluated according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After this step, we read 73 studies in full, of which 43 were chosen according to the inclusion criteria (Table 1).

Table 1:
Distribution of studies found and selected - Fortaleza, 2013

From the excluded studies, 83 were unavailable electronically (21 in PubMed, 24 in CINAHL, 36 in SCOPUS and two in Cochrane); 19 were editorials or opinion of specialists (PubMed, SCOPUS); six narratives review (CINAHL, SCOPUS); four abstracts of Conferences (CINAHL, SCOPUS); Two dissertations (CINAHL); and 288 did not respond our research question (39 in PubMed, 224 in SCOPUS, 23 in CINAHL and 2 in LILACS) and 115 were duplicates (107 in PubMed, 7 in SCOPUS and 1 in CINAHL).

The results of the study are presented in form of Chart and analyzed according to the predefined categories, according to the 5 A's methodology. Initially, titles and abstracts were read to pre-select the studies, then we proceeded to read the full studies to confirm their permanence in the sample and start the data extraction. One research could present more of one strategy and may include more than one of the 5 A's.


From a total of 560 studies, 43 composed the sample of the study, contemplating the inclusion criteria. They were published between the years 2000 to 2013, with a concentration of publications in the last four years.

Chart 1 presents the self-management support strategies, identified in the selected publications by the integrative review. The underlined actions were identified in the included studies, but not included in the methodology developed by the National Cancer Institute. As proposed, we divided according to the actions of the 5 A's methodology.

We highlight that no study brought together all five strategies of the methodology. Two studies(1212 Goldfinger JZ, Kronish IM, Fei K, Graciani A, Rosenfeld P, Lorig K, et al. Peer education for secondary stroke prevention in inner-city minorities: desing and methods of the prevent recurrence of all inner-city strokes through education randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012;33(5):1065-73.-1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.) approached four strategies, while 18 studies contemplated only a single strategy. It was similar to the amount of studies that addressed two and three strategies, 12 and 11 publications, respectively. Assist and Assess strategies were the most identified. It should be noted that some of the strategies can be classified into more than one category of the methodology, and that this choice was defined from the context of the study analyzed.

Chart 1
Self-management support strategies used in patients with stroke according to the 5 A's method - Fortaleza, 2013


Stroke patients have special needs as they are subjects that require different care. Because this is a sudden onset disease, they require greater professional care in the first moments, followed by greater responsibility by the individual for their own care. We highlight that some patients are still dependent on professional help due to the severity of the sequel arising from this condition. Although, these individuals should have their self-management encouraged.

Consonant with the actions listed, the first A (Ask) consists in understanding beliefs and values, knowledge(1414 Satink T, Cup EH, Ilott I, Prins J, de Swart BJ, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MW. Patients' views on the impact of stroke on their roles and self: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013;94(6):1171-83.

15 Guidetti S, Asaba E, Tham K. The lived experience of recapturing self-care.. Am J Occup Ther 2007;61(3):303-10.

16 Ghatnekar O, Eriksson M, Glader EL. Mapping health outcome measures from a stroke registry to EQ-5D weights. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013;11:34.

17 Ellis C, Grubaugh AL, Egede LE. The association between major depression, health behaviors, and quality of life in adult with stroke. Int J. Stroke 2012;7(7):536-43.
-1818 Marsden D, Quinn R, Pond N, Golledge R, Neilson C, White J, et al. A multidisciplinary group programme in rural settings for community-dwelling chronic stroke survivors and their carers: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2010;24(4):328-41.) and the behaviors of the people in sanitary and motivational areas. Within the Community area, one should understand the health condition of the person and what their ability to self-monitoring. In the emotional component is important to the assessment of motivation for change and the identification of barriers(1414 Satink T, Cup EH, Ilott I, Prins J, de Swart BJ, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MW. Patients' views on the impact of stroke on their roles and self: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013;94(6):1171-83.,2121 Olofsson A, Andersson SO, Carlberg B. 'If only I manage to get home I'll get better'--interviews with stroke patients after emergency stay in hospital on their experiences and needs. Clin Rehabil.2005;19(4):433-40.,2323 Brady MC, Clark AM, Dickson S, Paton G, Barbour RS. Dysarthria following stroke: the patient's perspective on management and rehabilitation. Clin Rehabil.2011;25(10):935-52.) to achieve the goals set out in the self-management plan.

The patient who has had a stroke must be included in their treatment as responsible, especially because the disease causes important functional and psychological deficits. We highlight the importance of assessing what is important to the individual at the time of self-management(1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.,1919 Huijbregts MPJ, McEwen S, Taylor D. Exploring the feasibility and efficacy of a telehealth stroke self-management programme: a pilot study. Physiother Can. 2009;61(4):210-20.

20 Proot IM, Abu-Saad HH, Van Oorsouw GG, Stevens JJ. Autonomy in stroke rehabilitation: the perceptions of care providers in nursing homes. Nurs Ethics. 2002;9(1):36-50.

21 Olofsson A, Andersson SO, Carlberg B. 'If only I manage to get home I'll get better'--interviews with stroke patients after emergency stay in hospital on their experiences and needs. Clin Rehabil.2005;19(4):433-40.
-2222 Choi-Kwon S, Lee SK, Park HA, Kwon SU, Ahn JS, Kim JS. What stroke patients want to know and what medical professionals think they should know about stroke: Korea perspectives. Patient Educ Couns. 2005;56(1):85-92.) and their ability to carry out the proposed interventions(3030 Palmer R, Enderby P, Cooper C, Latimer N, Julious S, Paterson G, et al. Computer therapy compared with usual care for people with long-standing aphasia poststroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial.. Stroke 2012;43(7):1904-11.). In addition to investigate depressive symptoms, which directly influence on the achievement of general care of prevention, such as receiving a flu shot, performing treatment against pneumonia, a mammogram in the past two years and blood test to track changes, etc.(1717 Ellis C, Grubaugh AL, Egede LE. The association between major depression, health behaviors, and quality of life in adult with stroke. Int J. Stroke 2012;7(7):536-43.).

The second A, Advise, consists of the transmission of specific information about the risks and benefits of the changes through health education and skills training. It is connected with the importance that the person gives to behavioral changes(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

In the actions included in advise, we highlight health education, especially aimed at patient's self-management of their chronic condition(3838 Jones F, Mandy A, Partridge C. Changing self-efficacy in individuals following a first time stroke: preliminary study of a novel self-management intervention. Clin Rehabil.2009;23(6):522-33.), being associated with better clinical outcomes and lower costs(3636 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.). This strategy must be supported by scientific evidence and clinical guidelines(31,33-34) to promote behavior change in a more extensive and permanent way. Various studies have addressed the implementation of an intervention program to improve knowledge about the illness of patients and involve them with self-management(1212 Goldfinger JZ, Kronish IM, Fei K, Graciani A, Rosenfeld P, Lorig K, et al. Peer education for secondary stroke prevention in inner-city minorities: desing and methods of the prevent recurrence of all inner-city strokes through education randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012;33(5):1065-73.,1818 Marsden D, Quinn R, Pond N, Golledge R, Neilson C, White J, et al. A multidisciplinary group programme in rural settings for community-dwelling chronic stroke survivors and their carers: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2010;24(4):328-41.,2929 Nir Z, Weisel-Eichler A. Improving knowledge and skills for use of medication by patients after stroke: evaluation of a nursing intervention. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85(7):582-92.,3535 Sit JWH, Yip VYB, Ko SKK, Gun AP, Lee JSH. A quasi-experimental study on a community-based stroke prevention programme for clients with minor stroke. J Clin Nurs. 2007;16(2):272-81.

36 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.
-3737 Gustafsson L, Hodge A, Robinson M, McKenna K, Bower K. Information provision to clients with stroke and their carers: self-reported practices of occupational therapists. Aust Occup Ther J. 2010;57(3):190-6.).

According to the results of this review, the actions of the third A (Assess) have been fully considered, and no different actions were found. The care planning or specific goals must be constructed in this stage(12-13,19,26-27,39). This action must be performed and shared between professionals, patients, family and friends(4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.-4141 Azab M, Al-Jarrah M, Nazzal M, Maayah M, Sammour MA, Jamous M. Effectiveness os constraint-induced movement theraphy (CIMT) as home-based therapy on barthel index in patients with chronic stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2009;16(3):207-11.). Another important aspect is the determination of the patient's self-efficacy to reach the proposed goal(3232 Ireland S, MacKenzie M, Gould L, Dassinger D, Koper A, LeBlanc K. Nurse case management to improve risk reduction outcomes in a stroke prevention clinic. Can J Neurosci Nurs. 2010;32(4):7-13.,3939 Damush TM, Ofner S, Yu Z, Plue L, Nicholas G, Willians LS. Implementation of a stroke self-management program a randomized controlled pilot study of veterans with stroke. Transl Behav Med. 2011;1(4):561-72.).

In this review, no reference to the risks of change were found. We believe in the fact that the characteristics of stroke patients, who already have illness installed, and the content of the proposed interventions, which seek secondary prevention, as new occurrence of events.

Among the A's, the fourth, Assist, grouped a greater amount of studies. Among the actions consolidated(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.), we can observe a reaffirmation of those undertaken previously, such as identification of barriers to achieving goals(1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.,4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.), discussion of the care plan(4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.), and review of progress according to the goals established(1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.), revising the plan to suit the real needs of the patient to each monitoring meeting. We highlight the study that pointed out the importance of the Nursing Process in the rehabilitation of the patient who have had a stroke and the use of the Orems' theory, which works the self-management of individuals(4444 Lessmann JC, De Conto F, Ramos G, Borenstein MS, Meirelles BMS. Atuação da enfermeira no autocuidado e reabilitação de pacientes que sofrem com Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Rev Bras Enferm. 2011;64(1):198-202.).

Another action would be referring the person and their caregivers to a group or to a course on self-management support (12,18,27-29), interfering so that community resources and family support the rehabilitation(3636 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.,4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.,4343 Quintas R, Cerniauskaite M, Ajovalasit D, Sattin D, Boncoraglio G, Parati EA, et al. Describing functioning, disability, and health with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Brief Core Set for. Stroke Am J Phys Med Rehabil.2012;91(13 Suppl 1):S14-21.-744 Lessmann JC, De Conto F, Ramos G, Borenstein MS, Meirelles BMS. Atuação da enfermeira no autocuidado e reabilitação de pacientes que sofrem com Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Rev Bras Enferm. 2011;64(1):198-202.). It is worth noting the importance of the family in this process and the creation of appropriate courses to the culture of the people(1212 Goldfinger JZ, Kronish IM, Fei K, Graciani A, Rosenfeld P, Lorig K, et al. Peer education for secondary stroke prevention in inner-city minorities: desing and methods of the prevent recurrence of all inner-city strokes through education randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012;33(5):1065-73.,2929 Nir Z, Weisel-Eichler A. Improving knowledge and skills for use of medication by patients after stroke: evaluation of a nursing intervention. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85(7):582-92.,3636 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.,740 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.). One of the approaches identified as effective in patient's approach is the motivational interview(3232 Ireland S, MacKenzie M, Gould L, Dassinger D, Koper A, LeBlanc K. Nurse case management to improve risk reduction outcomes in a stroke prevention clinic. Can J Neurosci Nurs. 2010;32(4):7-13.).

Other actions were identified belonging to this A - Assist, which must be implemented to self-management support. They are: to implement an intervention of self-monitoring patient-centered(1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.,4545 Chaiyawat P, Kulkantrakorn K. Effectiveness of home rehabilitation program for ischemic stroke upon disability and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012;114(7):866-70.) according to their difficulties, for example, the ability to dress up(4646 Christie L, Bedford R, McCluskey A. Task-specific practice of dressing task in a hospital setting improved dressing performance post-stroke: a feasibility study. Aust Occup Ther J.2011;58(5):362-69.). Allow the patient to discover their own abilities(2020 Proot IM, Abu-Saad HH, Van Oorsouw GG, Stevens JJ. Autonomy in stroke rehabilitation: the perceptions of care providers in nursing homes. Nurs Ethics. 2002;9(1):36-50.,2929 Nir Z, Weisel-Eichler A. Improving knowledge and skills for use of medication by patients after stroke: evaluation of a nursing intervention. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85(7):582-92.,4747 Kuo YH, Chien YK, Wang WR, Chen CH, Chen LS, Liu CK. Development of a home-based telehealthcare model for improving the effectiveness of the chronic care of stroke patients. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2012;28(1):38-43.), avoiding an overprotection that impede the achievement of autonomy; presence of multi-professional teams for the care(1818 Marsden D, Quinn R, Pond N, Golledge R, Neilson C, White J, et al. A multidisciplinary group programme in rural settings for community-dwelling chronic stroke survivors and their carers: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2010;24(4):328-41.,2020 Proot IM, Abu-Saad HH, Van Oorsouw GG, Stevens JJ. Autonomy in stroke rehabilitation: the perceptions of care providers in nursing homes. Nurs Ethics. 2002;9(1):36-50.,2727 Huijbregts MPJ, Myers AM, Streiner D, Teasell R. Implementation, process, and preliminary outcome evaluation of two community programs for persons with stroke and their care partners. Top StrokeRehabil. 2008;15(5):503-20.,2929 Nir Z, Weisel-Eichler A. Improving knowledge and skills for use of medication by patients after stroke: evaluation of a nursing intervention. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006;85(7):582-92.,4848 Askim T, Mørkved S, Engen A, Roos K, Aas T, Indredavik B. Effects os a community-based intensive motor training program combined with early supported discharge after treatment in a comprehensive stroke unit: a randomized, controlled trial.. Stroke 2010;41(8):1697-703.); implementation of more intensive physical rehabilitation plans, with more professional presence and encouragement to the self-management of the exercises(3333 Huijben-Schoenmakers M, Rademaker A, Scherder E. 'Can practice undertaken by patients be increased simply through implementing agreed national guidelines?' An observational study. Clin Rehabil.2013;27(6):513-20.,3737 Gustafsson L, Hodge A, Robinson M, McKenna K, Bower K. Information provision to clients with stroke and their carers: self-reported practices of occupational therapists. Aust Occup Ther J. 2010;57(3):190-6.,4141 Azab M, Al-Jarrah M, Nazzal M, Maayah M, Sammour MA, Jamous M. Effectiveness os constraint-induced movement theraphy (CIMT) as home-based therapy on barthel index in patients with chronic stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2009;16(3):207-11.,4949 Harris JE, Eng JJ, Miller WC, Dawson AS. A self-administered graded repetitive arm supplementary program (GRASP) improves arm function during inpatient stroke rehabilitation: a multi-site randomized controlled trial.. Stroke 2009;40(6):2123-28.-5050 Skidmore ER, Rodgers JC, Chandler LS, Holm MB. Dynamic interactions between impairment and activity after stroke: examining the utility of decision analysis methods. Clin Rehabil.2006;20(6):523-35.).

Interventions with the use of technological resources, such as telemedicine(4747 Kuo YH, Chien YK, Wang WR, Chen CH, Chen LS, Liu CK. Development of a home-based telehealthcare model for improving the effectiveness of the chronic care of stroke patients. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2012;28(1):38-43.), telerehabilitation(4242 McCullagh PJ, Mountain GA, Black ND, Nugent CD, Zheng H, Davies RJ, et al. Knowledge transfer for technology based interventions: collaboration, development and evaluation. Technol Disabil. 2012;24(3):233-43.,5151 Taylor DM, Stone S, Huijbregts MP. Remote participants' experiences with a group-based stroke self-management program using videoconference technology. Rural Remote Health Online [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2014 May 26];12:1947. Available from:
), virtual reality(5252 Langan J, DeLave K, Phillips L, Pangilinan P, Brown SH. Home-based telerehabilitation shows improved upper limb function in adults with chronic stroke: a pilot study. J Rehabil Med. 2013;45(2):217-20.) and computer programs(3030 Palmer R, Enderby P, Cooper C, Latimer N, Julious S, Paterson G, et al. Computer therapy compared with usual care for people with long-standing aphasia poststroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial.. Stroke 2012;43(7):1904-11.,5252 Langan J, DeLave K, Phillips L, Pangilinan P, Brown SH. Home-based telerehabilitation shows improved upper limb function in adults with chronic stroke: a pilot study. J Rehabil Med. 2013;45(2):217-20.), were employed to assist the rehabilitation of individuals. We highlight the subsequent studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions that should be carried out. Stroke patients often complain of difficulties of mobility or financial resources to attend to the care centers, they may benefit from the use of these technological resources and carry out the rehabilitation in an early, complete and permanent manner.

It should be noted that the rehabilitation assistance programs with professional help provide subsidies only in the first year after the stroke, impairing the full rehabilitation process of the individual. It is recommended the need for expansion of this follow-up, because studies indicate advances in recovery even after two years of the event(1818 Marsden D, Quinn R, Pond N, Golledge R, Neilson C, White J, et al. A multidisciplinary group programme in rural settings for community-dwelling chronic stroke survivors and their carers: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2010;24(4):328-41.,4545 Chaiyawat P, Kulkantrakorn K. Effectiveness of home rehabilitation program for ischemic stroke upon disability and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012;114(7):866-70.).

After caring for a patient who have had a stroke, the latter A consist in arrange follow-up, in other words, in preparation and implementation of a monitoring system(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

Self-management support strategy is not a short-term activity, especially in a patient affected by stroke, who commonly have to live with the after effects of cerebrovascular event. Thus, it is necessary that health professionals conduct regular and systematic monitoring for a long time, adopting various forms, such as: regular visits to health services, home visits, telephone calls(1717 Ellis C, Grubaugh AL, Egede LE. The association between major depression, health behaviors, and quality of life in adult with stroke. Int J. Stroke 2012;7(7):536-43.,2828 Kendall E, Catalano T, Kuipers P, Posner N, Buys N, Chaker J. Recovery following stroke: the role of self-management education. Soc Sci Med. 2007;64(3):735-46.,3939 Damush TM, Ofner S, Yu Z, Plue L, Nicholas G, Willians LS. Implementation of a stroke self-management program a randomized controlled pilot study of veterans with stroke. Transl Behav Med. 2011;1(4):561-72.), e-mail, peer groups(3636 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.) or community resources(1212 Goldfinger JZ, Kronish IM, Fei K, Graciani A, Rosenfeld P, Lorig K, et al. Peer education for secondary stroke prevention in inner-city minorities: desing and methods of the prevent recurrence of all inner-city strokes through education randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012;33(5):1065-73.,2828 Kendall E, Catalano T, Kuipers P, Posner N, Buys N, Chaker J. Recovery following stroke: the role of self-management education. Soc Sci Med. 2007;64(3):735-46.).

In this review, it was found that only one study reported a self-management plan written to the patient(4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.). This result was considered negative, since is recommended that plan must be written and placed in a visible place to be consulted every day, such as on the refrigerator door(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

Regular monitoring can be performed not only by health professionals, but also by patients and their families(1313 Guidetti S, Ytterberg C. A randomised controlled trial of a client-centred self-care intervention after stroke: a longitudinal pilot study. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(6):494-503.,3232 Ireland S, MacKenzie M, Gould L, Dassinger D, Koper A, LeBlanc K. Nurse case management to improve risk reduction outcomes in a stroke prevention clinic. Can J Neurosci Nurs. 2010;32(4):7-13.,4040 Harwood M, Weatherall M, Talemaitoga A, Barber PA, Gommans J, Taylor W, et al. Taking charge after stroke: promoting self-directed rehabilitation to improve quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil.2012;26(6):493-501.,742 McCullagh PJ, Mountain GA, Black ND, Nugent CD, Zheng H, Davies RJ, et al. Knowledge transfer for technology based interventions: collaboration, development and evaluation. Technol Disabil. 2012;24(3):233-43.), so that the plan may be adequate to the real possibilities of the person. For that reason, we must use the problem based solving methods: identify the problem, list the alternatives to solve it, choose the most viable alternatives, monitor the results and, in some circumstances, accept the idea that the problem cannot be solved at this time(2Mendes EV. O cuidado das condições crônicas na atenção primária à saúde: o imperativo da consolidação da estratégia da saúde da família. Brasília: OPAS; 2012.).

The monitoring can be very beneficial when using peer groups, with the presence of several people, or even groups of two people. In this context, the primary health care professionals can meet patients with the same chronic condition, which facilitates dialogue and mutual assistance facing the barriers, as well as sharing emotions with the goals reached. Peer monitoring with the help of professionals was one approach used in only one of the studies included in this review(3636 Ovbiagele B. 'Al pie de la letra': crafting a report card for elderly spanish-only-speaking patients with stroke.. Stroke 2010;41(4):771-7.).

Self-management support strategy is a recurring topic studied in literature, especially for patients with stroke, which ratifies its importance. However, we highlight the fact that none of the studies analyzed used all of the 5 A's, which represents a downside, because, when used together, they greatly reinforce self-management support.

Among the present study limitations, we include the use of only five databases, and we found a large number of studies in three of them; a search conducted by a single researcher; the scarcity of Brazilian studies dealing with the subject in question, since only one study was found. Thus, the analysis of published studies in other countries may have suffered cultural interference, since they are inserted into another cultural and social reality.


We analyzed 43 studies on self-management support strategies, used in patients affected by stroke. However, no studies comprised the 5 A's methodology, and the Assist was the most used, what prompts a reflection on how fragmented health care professionals are adopting to encourage and support the patient to achieve greater levels of autonomy and self-management.

Self-management support structured according to the strategy of the 5A's provides guidelines for a better approach to the patient with stroke, with lower cost and greater effectiveness. Especially when employed physical and social rehabilitation of the individual.

Therefore, it is essential to develop an individualized plan of self-management with realistic goals that meet the needs of stroke patients. It should be drafted together with the patient, professional and family members, and all resources available in the community should be listed for its effective performance.

Finally, we highlight that this review can contribute to a theoretical-practical reflection on the part of professionals who attend patients affected by stroke, mainly those of primary health care. In search of a humanized and integral care in all levels of attention, it is necessary that the family health team be prepared and proactive, in order to contribute to the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals with this chronic condition.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Feb 2015


  • Received
    25 July 2014
  • Accepted
    18 Oct 2014
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil