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Desempenho dos ajustes do Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): revisão integrativa

Rendimiento de los ajustes de Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): revisión integrativa



identificar estudos que realizaram ajustes na equação do Trauma and InjurySeverity Score (TRISS) e compararam a capacidade discriminatória da equação modificada com a original.


Revisão integrativa de pesquisas publicadas entre 1990 e 2014 nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed e SciELO utilizando-se a palavra TRISS.


foram incluídos 32 estudos na revisão. Dos 67 ajustes de equações do TRISS identificados, 35 (52,2%) resultaram em melhora na acurácia do índice para predizer a probabilidade de sobrevida de vítimas de trauma. Ajustes dos coeficientes do TRISS à população de estudo foram frequentes, mas nem sempre melhoraram a capacidade preditiva dos modelos analisados. A substituição de variáveis fisiológicas do Revised Trauma Score (RTS) e modificações do Injury Severity Score (ISS) na equação original tiveram desempenho variado. A mudança na forma de inclusão da idade na equação, assim como a inserção do gênero, comorbidades e mecanismo do trauma apresentaram tendência de melhora do desempenho do TRISS.


Diferentes propostas de ajustes no TRISS foram identificadas nesta revisão e indicaram, principalmente, fragilidades do RTS no modelo original e necessidade de alteração da forma de inclusão da idade na equação para melhora da capacidade preditiva do índice.

Índices de Gravidade do Trauma; Ferimentos e Lesões; Avaliação de Resultados; Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde; Revisão



Identificar los estudios que se ajuste a La ecuación de Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) y comparar con la capacidad discriminatoria de la ecuación modificado con el original.


revisión de estudios publicados entre 1990 y 2014 en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed y SciELO utilizando la palabra clave TRISS.


Se incluyeron 32 estudios. De los 67 TRISS ecuaciones ajustes identificados, 35 (52,2%) resulto en una mejora en la precisión del índice para predecir la probabilidad de supervivencia de las víctimas de trauma. Ajustes coeficientes TRISS a la población del estudio eran frecuentes, pero no siempre mejoran la capacidad predictiva de los modelos analizados. La sustitución de variables fisiológicas revisadas Trauma Score (RTS) y modificaciones Del Injury Severity Score (ISS) en La ecuación tenía variada rendimiento. El cambio en la forma de inclusión de la edad, así como La inserción de género, las comorbilidades y mecanismo de la lesión mostro tendencia de mejora del rendimiento TRISS.


diferentes propuestas de ajustes a la TRISS fueron identificados en esta revisión y señalaron principalmente RTS debilidades en el modelo original y la necesidad de cambiar la forma de inclusión de la edad en la ecuación para mejorar la capacidad predictiva del índice.

Índices de Gravedad del Trauma; Heridas y Traumatismos; Evaluación de Resultado; Calidad de la Atención de Salud; Revisión



Identify studies that made adjustments to the equation of Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and compared the discriminatory ability of both modified and original equations.


An integrative review of studies published between 1990 and 2014 using the following databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO, based on searches using the term “TRISS”.


32 studies were included in this review. Of 67 adjustments to TRISS equations identified, 35 (52.2%) resulted in improved accuracy of this index in the prediction of survival probability for trauma patients. Adjustments of TRISS coefficients to study population were frequent, but did not always improve the predictive ability of the analyzed models. Replacement of physiological variables of the Revised Trauma Score (RTS) and changes in the Injury Severity Score (ISS) in the original equation presented varied performance. An alteration to the method of age inclusion in the equation, and the insertion of gender, comorbidities and trauma mechanism, presented a tendency towards improved performance of the TRISS.


Different proposals of adjustments to the TRISS were identified in this review and indicated, in particular, RTS fragilities in the original model and the need to change the method of age inclusion in the equation to improve the predictive ability of this index.

Trauma Severity Indices; Wounds and Injuries; Outcome Assessment; Quality of Health Care; Review


As lesões traumáticas configuram um problema de saúde pública pandêmico, responsável por 5 milhões de mortes por ano em todo o mundo(11.World Health Organization (2010) Injuries and violence: the facts [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2010 [cited 2015 Feb 08]. Available from:
-22.Mock C, Joshipura M, Arreola-Risa C, Quansah R. An estimate of the number of lives that could be saved through improvements in trauma care globally. World J Surg. 2012;36(5):959-63.). No Brasil, segundo dados do Ministério da Saúde, no ano de 2012, 152.013 indivíduos morreram em decorrência de lesões por causas externas(33.Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. DATASUS. Informações de Saúde. Estatísticas de mortalidade. Óbitos por ocorrência segundo causas externas no Brasil [Internet]. Brasília; 2012 [citado 2015 mar. 02]. Disponível em:
). Melhorias na prevenção do trauma e no controle da qualidade dos sistemas de atendimento ao traumatizado demonstraram efeitos mensuráveis e previsíveis em termos de vidas salvas e melhoria dos resultados(44.Stewart TC, Lane PL, Stefanits T. An evaluation of patient outcomes before and after trauma center designation using Trauma and Injury Severity Score analysis. J Trauma. 1995;39(6):1036-40.). A maneira mais adequada de se controlar os resultados de sistemas de atendimento ao traumatizado são por meio de Programas de Melhoria de Qualidade, cujas bases são os registros de trauma, com a utilização dos índices de gravidade(55.World Health Organization; International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care. Guidelines for trauma quality improvement programmes. Geneva: WHO; 2009.).

Os índices de gravidade no trauma são sistemas de triagem ou de avaliação prognóstica, baseados em alterações fisiológicas e/ou lesões anatômicas da vítima. A avaliação desses índices permite estimar e analisar a probabilidade de sobrevida (Ps) da vítima e também comparar resultados dentro de um serviço ou entre serviços diferentes, na análise da qualidade do atendimento prestado(66.Pereira Junior GA, Scarpelini S, Basile Filho A, Andrade JI. Índices de trauma. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto). 1999;32:237-50.).

Atualmente, os índices de gravidade do trauma mais utilizados, obtidos a partir de informações da vítima, são agrupados em três categorias: anatômicos, como o Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)(77.Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS): 1990 revision, update 1998. Illinois: Des Plaines; 1998.)e o Injury Severity Score (ISS)(88.Baker SP, O’Neill B, Haddon W Jr, Long WB. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. 1974;14(3):187-96.); fisiológicos, como o Revised Trauma Score (RTS)(99.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS, Gennarelli TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the trauma score. J Trauma. 1989;29(5):623-9.); e mistos, que utilizam medidas anatômicas e fisiológicas, como o Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.).

O TRISS, foi desenvolvido pelo Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões a partir de um estudo iniciado em 1982 e publicado em 1990, denominado Major Outcome Study (MTOS), com o objetivo de se obter um método matemático para o cálculo da Ps de uma vítima ou população após um trauma grave, além de permitir a comparação da mortalidade de pacientes de diferentes centros hospitalares e sistemas de atendimento, estratificando os traumatizados segundo as diferenças na gravidade do trauma(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.

11.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Carnazzo AJ, Copes W, Fouty WJ. Trauma score. Crit Care Med. 1981;9(9):672-6.
-1212.Boyd CR, Tolson MA, Copes WS. Evaluating trauma care: the TRISS method. Trauma Score and the Injury Severity Score. J Trauma. 1987;27(4):370-8.).

Para o cálculo do TRISS, é necessária a utilização dos índices RTS e ISS, além de considerar a idade da vítima e o tipo de trauma – contuso ou penetrante(99.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS, Gennarelli TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the trauma score. J Trauma. 1989;29(5):623-9.-1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.). O RTS, índice fisiológico, considera informações dos seguintes componentes: escore da Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECGl), valor da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e valor da frequência respiratória (FR) no momento da admissão hospitalar da vítima. O cálculo deste índice é realizado pela soma dos produtos resultantes dos valores atribuídos aos três componentes, multiplicados por respectivos pesos(99.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS, Gennarelli TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the trauma score. J Trauma. 1989;29(5):623-9.-1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.)

O ISS é um índice anatômico que estima a gravidade do trauma, cujo cálculo é baseado na AIS(77.Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS): 1990 revision, update 1998. Illinois: Des Plaines; 1998.). Para identificar os valores da AIS, utiliza-se um manual de descritores anatômicos de ferimentos que determina, em uma escala de um (lesão leve) e seis (lesão grave, normalmente fatal), a gravidade de cada lesão traumática segundo regiões corpóreas. O ISS considera seis regiões corpóreas (cabeça e pescoço; face; tórax; abdômen ou conteúdo pélvico; extremidades ou cintura pélvica; superfície externa) e a soma do quadrado dos maiores valores da AIS de três regiões distintas define o escore final do índice(88.Baker SP, O’Neill B, Haddon W Jr, Long WB. The injury severity score: a method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma. 1974;14(3):187-96.).

A Ps identificada pelo TRISS é calculada pela equação Ps=1/(1+e-b), onde “e” representa a base do logaritmo neperiano e “b” é originado da fórmula que considera valores do RTS, ISS, idade (<55 ou ≥55 anos) e distintos coeficientes segundo o tipo de trauma (contuso ou penetrante)(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.).

O desenvolvimento da metodologia TRISS e o estabelecimento do MTOS representaram grande melhoria da avaliação da qualidade do cuidado prestado ao traumatizado, levando este índice a ser considerado padrão ouro na avaliação de resultados do atendimento das vítimas de trauma(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.

11.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Carnazzo AJ, Copes W, Fouty WJ. Trauma score. Crit Care Med. 1981;9(9):672-6.

12.Boyd CR, Tolson MA, Copes WS. Evaluating trauma care: the TRISS method. Trauma Score and the Injury Severity Score. J Trauma. 1987;27(4):370-8.
-1313.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Hunt TK. Trauma severity scoring to predict mortality. World J Surg. 1983;7(1):4-11.). Ainda assim há limitações apontadas ao uso TRISS, que envolvem principalmente seus componentes e o cálculo de seus coeficientes. Neste sentido, pesquisadores vêm propondo diferentes modificações para esse índice na tentativa de aprimorar a sua acurácia para estimar Ps(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.

16.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.
-1717.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.).

Considerando-se a importância do TRISS como instrumento para melhorar a qualidade da assistência das vítimas de trauma e as variações propostas na literatura científica a esse índice na tentativa de aprimorar a sua acurácia, foi realizada revisão integrativa que teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os estudos que fizeram ajustes na equação original do TRISS e compararam a capacidade discriminatória da equação modificada com a original, para predição de sobrevida.


Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, cuja busca de dados foi realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), PubMed e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) utilizando-se a palavra “TRISS”.

Os critérios de inclusão dos estudos nesta revisão foram: pesquisas relacionadas ao TRISS, publicadas na íntegra entre 1990 (ano de publicação do TRISS) a 2014, nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol. Foram excluídos capítulos de livros, teses de doutorado, dissertações de mestrado, artigos de revisão de literatura e de atualização.

Inicialmente, foi realizada busca nas bases de dados e eliminação dos estudos duplicados. Após esta etapa, foi realizada leitura dos títulos, dos resumos e das publicações na íntegra de forma independentemente por dois revisores e um terceiro foi consultado em caso de discordância na seleção das pesquisas. Na fase de análise dos resumos, quando as informações não eram suficientes para a decisão, o artigo foi mantido para leitura na íntegra.

Foram excluídos estudos que após a leitura dos títulos, resumos e/ou artigos na íntegra tiveram a seguinte classificação: aplicação do TRISS original como preditor de sobrevida, comparação da performance do TRISS com a de outros índices e propostas de variações do TRISS sem comparação com a equação original do MTOS(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.,1212.Boyd CR, Tolson MA, Copes WS. Evaluating trauma care: the TRISS method. Trauma Score and the Injury Severity Score. J Trauma. 1987;27(4):370-8.).

Dos estudos selecionados para a amostra final, foram coletados os seguintes dados: ano, país e idioma de publicação, local de realização da pesquisa, direcionalidade (retrospectivo e/ou prospectivo) e extensão do estudo (multicêntrico nacional, internacional ou institucional), tempo de abrangência dos dados, fonte de dados (banco de dados, registros hospitalares e/ou pré-hospitalares), tipo de trauma da casuística analisada (contuso, penetrante ou ambos), população-alvo (adulta, pediátrica ou ambas) e tamanho da amostra. Além disso, foram identificados os ajustes da equação do TRISS e o resultado da comparação-classificado em melhor, equivalente ou pior do que a equação original, de acordo com a conclusão dos estudos.

Os dados foram inseridos no programa da Microsoft Excel® 2010, submetidos à análise descritiva e a síntese dos resultados está apresentada em tabelas e quadro, de forma narrativa. Não foi possível realizar a metanálise devido à heterogeneidade de ajustes na equação do TRISS encontrados na literatura.


A partir das buscas nas bases de dados e aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, foram incluídos 32 estudos na presente revisão. A Figura 1 apresenta o fluxograma de seleção desses estudos.

Figura 1
Fluxograma da seleção dos estudos segundo o Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)

Na distribuição dos artigos desta revisão a cada cinco anos, foi possível observar que houve homogeneidade no número de publicações nos períodos analisados, com exceção dos anos entre 2006 a 2010, período em que ocorreu aumento do número de publicações com propostas de modificações do TRISS. A maioria dos estudos foi desenvolvida e publicada nos EUA(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5,2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,2727.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.
-2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.-3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3434.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.

35.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.
-3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.,4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.) sendo, dessa forma, o inglês o idioma mais frequente de publicação(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.
-1616.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.,1818.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.

19.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.

29.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.

30.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.

33.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.

34.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.

35.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.

39.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.).

A seguir, apresentam-se tabelas e quadro com a análise descritiva dos 32 artigos incluídos nesta revisão(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.

16.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.

17.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.

18.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.

19.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.

29.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.

30.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.

33.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.

34.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.

35.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.

39.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.).

Os dados da Tabela 1 mostram que houve predomínio de estudos retrospectivos (87,5%)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.
-1616.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.,1919.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.

29.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.

30.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.
-3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.

39.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.), multicêntricos nacionais (62,5%)(1818.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.

19.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.
-2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.,2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.-2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.

29.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.

30.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.
-3333.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.,3838.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.,4141.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.-4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.,4444.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.), utilizando como fonte os bancos de dados (81,3%)(1919.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.

29.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.

30.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.
-3333.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.

39.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.) e com período de abrangência de até 5 anos (62,8%)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.
-1616.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.,1818.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.,2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.-2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5,2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.
-2828.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.,3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.

31.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.

33.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.

34.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.

35.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.
-3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.,4040.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.
-4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.,4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.).

Tabela 1
Distribuição dos estudos (n=32) segundo características do método utilizado, bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed e SciELO, 1990-2014.

A maioria das pesquisas (56,3%) incluiu vítimas de trauma contuso e penetrante(1515.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.,1717.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.

18.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.

19.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.
-2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.,2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2626.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.
-2828.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.,3434.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.,3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.
-3838.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.,4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.), seguida por trauma exclusivamente contuso (40,6%)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5-2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.,2424.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.-2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.-3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.,3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.-3333.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.
-4141.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.). Nenhum estudo abordou apenas o trauma penetrante. A clientela mais comumente analisada foi a adulta (n=18; 56,3%)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.

16.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.

17.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.
-1818.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.,2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.,2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.,2424.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.-2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.-3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.,3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.-3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.,3838.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.-3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.,4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.-4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.), seguida por investigações de populações adulta e pediátrica (n=6; 18,8%)(2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2626.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.
-2828.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.,3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.). O tamanho da amostra das pesquisas variou de 34 a 2.350.596 indivíduos, sendo que amostras maiores do que 10.000 vítimas foram as mais frequentes (40,6%)(2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.-2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2727.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.

28.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.
-2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.,3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.).

De acordo com as modificações propostas na equação original do TRISS, os estudos apresentaram de uma a dez novas equações. Entretanto, houve predomínio de pesquisas que propuseram apenas uma equação modificada (43,8%)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.

15.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.

16.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.
-1717.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.,2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.,2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.-2626.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.,2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.,3434.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.-3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.,3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.-3838.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.,4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.).

Na análise dos 83 ajustes das equações observou-se que 16 deles foram elaborados visando grupos específicos de doentes, tais como vítimas de trauma abdominal, craniencefálico e entubadas. Essas equações(2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2727.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.-2828.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.

33.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.
-3434.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.,3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.,3838.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.,4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.)não foram incluídas nas análises deste estudo devido à especificidade da proposta de sua aplicabilidade. Do total das equações analisadas (n=67), 52 (77,6%) substituíram os coeficientes da equação original(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,1919.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.
-2626.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.,3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3535.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.
-3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.
-4141.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.,4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.), 42 (62,7%) modificaram a variável fisiológica(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,1818.Raux M, Thicoïpé M, Wiel E, Rancurel E, Savary D, David JS, et al. Comparison of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation to assess severity in trauma patients. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(3):405-12.

19.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.
-2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.,2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.-2323.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.,2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,2929.Davis DP, Serrano JA, Vilke GM, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Eastman AB, et al. The predictive value of field versus arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score and TRISS calculations in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):985-90.,3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.-3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.

41.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.
-4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.,4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.) e 31 (46,3%) alteraram a variável anatômica(1515.Domingues CA, Sousa RMC, Nogueira LS, Poggetti RS, Fontes B, Muñoz D. The role of the New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (NTRISS) for survival prediction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(6):1353-8.

16.Aydin SA, Bulut M, Ozgüç H, Ercan I, Türkmen N, Eren B, et al. Should the New Injury Severity Score replace the Injury Severity Score in the Trauma and Injury Severity Score? Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2008;14(4):308-12.
-1717.Fraga GP, Mantovani M, Magna LA. Índices de trauma em doentes submetidos à laparotomia. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2004;31(5):299-306.,2222.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.
-2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,3232.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.,3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.-3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.,4141.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.

42.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.

43.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.
-4444.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.). Em 10 (14,9%) equações, novas variáveis foram incluídas(2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.
-2424.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.,3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.,3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.-4040.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.,4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.-4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.) e novas propostas de inserção da idade foi observada em 26 (38,8%)(1919.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.,2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.
-2525.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.,3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.-4040.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.,4242.Schluter PJ. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): is it time for variable re-categorisations and re-characterisations? Injury. 2011;42(1):83-9.-4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.).

A Tabela 2 apresenta o desempenho dessas 67 equações de acordo com os ajustes realizados. Melhor desempenho em relação ao TRISS original foi observado em 35 equações (52,2%), equivalente, em 29 (43,3%) e pior, em três (4,5%) dos ajustes.

Tabela 2
Variações do TRISS (n=67) segundo ajustes na equação e desempenho em relação à equação original, bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed, SciELO, 1990-2014.

Os resultados da Tabela 2 mostram que os ajustes dos coeficientes foram bastante frequentes nas equações; porém, seus resultados não mostraram uma clara tendência de melhora no desempenho dos modelos com esse tipo de modificação: quando realizado ajuste exclusivamente dos coeficientes, os resultados mostraram melhora de desempenho somente em 3 de 10 equações; nas modificações combinadas que incluíram ajuste de coeficientes, 26 (61,9%) de 42 equações tiveram melhor desempenho.

Em relação aos ajustes na variável fisiológica, as mudanças isoladas não reverteram em melhora de desempenho do modelo e as combinadas ora geraram melhora (23 equações), ora resultaram em manutenção ou piora de desempenho em relação ao TRISS (12 equações). Quanto à variável anatômica, entre as três mudanças isoladas propostas, duas reverteram em melhora de desempenho. As 28 modificações combinadas resultaram em melhora de desempenho em 16 propostas (57,1%).

A idade e a inclusão de novas variáveis nas equações ocorreram com menor frequência nos estudos; no entanto, resultaram em melhor desempenho das equações. A mudança na forma de inclusão da idade nas propostas melhorou o desempenho de 23 (88,5%) das 26 equações e a inclusão de novas variáveis reverteu em melhora de 8 (80,0%) entre 10 equações.

O gênero foi incluído em uma equação, que teve melhor desempenho que a original. Comorbidades foram adicionadas como componentes do TRISS em seis ajustes, melhorando a capacidade preditiva de sobrevida em cinco deles e mantendo o desempenho no outro. O mecanismo de trauma foi incluído como componente em três equações, substituindo o ajuste dos coeficientes proposto na versão original do índice – esta modificação do TRISS resultou em melhora do desempenho em duas equações e manutenção em uma delas.

As características das mudanças das 67 equações segundo desempenho estão apresentadas no quadro abaixo.

Nas modificações relacionadas às variáveis fisiológicas, observa-se no Quadro 1 que melhora da performance ocorreu com a exclusão do RTS do índice, porém as variáveis ECGl, Melhor Resposta Motora (MRM), PAS e FR tiveram desempenhos variados quando substituíram o RTS. O excesso de base, a frequência cardíaca e os valores de cena dos parâmetros fisiológicos não melhoraram o desempenho do índice e o uso da Saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2) com a FR neutralizada no RTS também não resultou em melhora de performance.

Quadro 1
Variáveis fisiológicas e anatômicas utilizadas e modo de inclusão da idade nas equações modificadas, segundo desempenho. Bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed e SciELO, 1990-2014.

Em relação às variáveis anatômicas, nota-se que, além de alterações na forma de introduzir o ISS na equação do TRISS, diferentes índices anatômicos foram propostos para substituir o ISS. Os resultados dessas mudanças foram algumas vezes melhora de desempenho do índice e outras não. A proposta de exclusão da variável anatômica não favoreceu a performance do TRISS (Quadro 1).

A variável idade foi considerada como variável categórica (mínimo de 4 categorias), contínua ou spline cúbico. Nas duas primeiras formas, apresentou tanto melhora do desempenho da equação quanto manutenção da acurácia (Quadro 1).


Nesta revisão de literatura todas as análises e comparações realizadas foram na tentativa de determinar as variações do TRISS mais acuradas para predizer a Ps em doentes traumatizados e, consequentemente, contribuir para a avaliação da qualidade da assistência prestada às vítimas de trauma pela equipe multidisciplinar. Tendo em vista esta premissa, alguns aspectos dos resultados das análises realizadas precisam ser enfatizados.

O TRISS tem recebido críticas na literatura científica por ter sido baseado em um banco de dados de vítimas de trauma em território americano e canadense, apresentando coeficientes de regressão relativos à realidade desses países(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,1919.Kroezen F, Bijlsma TS, Liem MSL, Meeuwis JD, Leenen LPH. Base deficit-predictive modeling of outcome in trauma patients admitted to intensive care units in Dutch trauma centers. J Trauma. 2007;63(4):908-13.

20.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.

27.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.
-2828.Schluter PJ, Nathens A, Neal ML, Goble S, Cameron CM, Davey TM, et al. Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) coefficients 2009 revision. J Trauma. 2010;68(4):761-70.,3131.Mancuso C, Barnoski A, Tinnell C, Fallon W. Using Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)-based analysis in the development of regional risk adjustment tools to trend quality in a voluntary trauma system: the experience of the Trauma Foundation of Northeast Ohio. J Trauma. 2000;48(4):629-34.

32.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Gorthy SF, Bessey PQ, Cayten CG, Cooper A, et al. Predictors of mortality in adult patients with blunt injuries in New York State: a comparison of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) and the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision-based Injury Severity Score (ICISS). J Trauma. 1999;47(1):8-14.

33.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Validation of trauma and injury severity score in blunt trauma patients by using a Canadian trauma registry. J Trauma. 1996;40(5):733-7.

34.Milham FH, Malone M, Blansfield J, LaMorte WW, Hirsch EF. Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH. Arch Surg. 1995;130(3):307-11.

35.Hannan EL, Mendeloff J, Farrell LS, Cayten CG, Murphy JG. Validation of TRISS and ASCOT using a non-MTOS trauma registry. J Trauma. 1995;38(1):83-8.

36.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.

37.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.

38.Cayten CG, Murphy JG, Stahl WM. Basic life support versus advanced life support Basic life support versus advanced life support for injured patients with an injury severity score of 10 or more. J Trauma. 1993;35(3):460-6.

39.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.

40.Kimura A, Chadbunchachai W, Nakahara S. Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) method provides better survival prediction in Asian blunt trauma victims. World J Surg. 2012;36(4):813-8.
-4141.Kimura A, Nakahara S, Chadbunchachai W. The development of simple survival prediction models for blunt trauma victims treated at Asian emergency centers. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:9.,4343.Schluter PJ. The Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) revised. Injury. 2011;42(1):90-6.

44.Osler TM, Rogers FB, Badger GJ, Healey M, Vane DW, Shackford SR. A simple mathematical modification of TRISS markedly improves calibration. J Trauma. 2002;53(4):630-4.
-4545.Schall LC, Potoka DA, Ford HR. A new method for estimating probability of survival in pediatric patients using revised TRISS methodology based on age-adjusted weights. J Trauma. 2002;52(2):235-41.). Estas críticas demandaram o desenvolvimento de muitos estudos em que os coeficientes de regressão foram ajustados à realidade do local de aplicação visto que, segundo alguns pesquisadores, o valor preditivo desse índice pode ser maximizado quando são utilizados coeficientes ajustados à própria população em que está sendo aplicado(2020.Schluter PJ, Cameron CM, Davey TM, Civil I, Orchard J, Dansey R, et al. Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS (NZ). N Z Med J. 2009;122(1302):54-64.

21.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.

24.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.

25.Hannan EL, Farrell LS, Cayten CG. Predicting survival of victims of motor vehicle crashes in New York State. Injury. 1997;28(9-10):607-15.

26.Lane PL, Doig G, Mikrogianakis A, Charyk ST, Stefanits T. An evaluation of Ontario trauma outcomes and the development of regional norms for Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) analysis. J Trauma. 1996;41(4):731-4.
-2727.Millham FH, LaMorte WW. Factors associated with mortality in trauma: re-evaluation of the TRISS method using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Trauma. 2004;56(5):1090-6.). Inesperadamente, a análise do conjunto dos resultados desses estudos não mostrou propensão de melhora da capacidade preditiva do modelo com as alterações dos coeficientes da equação e trouxe incerteza sobre a importância de gerar coeficientes para o TRISS ajustados à realidade local de sua aplicação.

Para o cálculo do TRISS, é necessária a utilização do RTS que considera as variáveis escore da ECGl, valor da PAS e FR no momento da admissão hospitalar da vítima, preferencialmente em um centro de trauma(99.Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Copes WS, Gann DS, Gennarelli TA, Flanagan ME. A revision of the trauma score. J Trauma. 1989;29(5):623-9.).

Nos últimos anos, uma grande dificuldade para o cálculo do RTS decorre do aumento do número de intubações endotraqueais, de sedações e de bloqueios neuromusculares durante o atendimento pré-hospitalar, o que inviabiliza a obtenção do valor do escore da ECGl e da FR espontânea à admissão hospitalar(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,4646.Davis EG, MacKenzie EJ, Sacco WJ, Bain LW Jr, Buckman RF, Champion HR, et al. A new “TRISS-like” probability of survival model for intubated trauma patients. J Trauma. 2003;55(1):53-61.). Dessa maneira, essas intervenções realizadas durante o atendimento pré-hospitalar interferem na avaliação inicial intra-hospitalar e, consequentemente, nos resultados do RTS e TRISS.

Estudos mostram que os doentes submetidos à intubação endotraqueal, quando analisados separadamente, são os mais gravemente traumatizados e com alta taxa de mortalidade; consequentemente, a exclusão dessas vítimas gera viés na avaliação de qualidade dos serviços(1010.Champion HR, Copes WS, Sacco WJ, Lawnick MM, Keast SL, Bain LW, et al. The major trauma outcome study: establishing national norms for trauma care. J Trauma. 1990;30(11):1356-65.,1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,4646.Davis EG, MacKenzie EJ, Sacco WJ, Bain LW Jr, Buckman RF, Champion HR, et al. A new “TRISS-like” probability of survival model for intubated trauma patients. J Trauma. 2003;55(1):53-61.); além disso, recursos como atribuir pontuação um no item MRV para pacientes entubados ou considerar valores de cena não têm melhorado o desempenho do TRISS(3636.Voskresensky IV, Rivera-Tyler T, Dossett LA, Riordan WP Jr, Cotton BA.Use of scenevital signs improves TRISS predicted survival in intubated trauma patients. J Surg Res. 2009;154(1):105-11.).

Na literatura vários estudos incluíram as variáveis ECGl ou MRM, PAS, FR e SpO2 nos modelos e excluíram o RTS da equação de regressão, tendo em vista que esses parâmetros excluem os pacientes presumivelmente mais graves das análises de probabilidade de sobrevida (entubados)(1414.Offner PJ, Jurkovich GJ, Gurney J, Rivara FP. Revision of TRISS for intubated patients. J Trauma. 1992;32(1):32-5.,4747.Garber BG, Hebert PC, Wells G, Yelle JD. Differential performance of TRISS-like in early and late blunt trauma deaths. J Trauma. 1997;43(1):1-5.-4848.Lane PL, Doig G, Stewart TC, Mikrogianakis A, Stefanits T. Trauma outcome analysis and the development of regional norms. Accid Anal Prev. 1997;29(1):53-6.) Nas análises dos estudos comparativos do TRISS original com modelos modificados verificou-se que a melhora do desempenho do TRISS foi obtida quando o RTS foi retirado do modelo e substituído pelos parâmetros ECGl, MRM, PAS e FR diretamente na equação; porém, há a ressalva que em vários estudos essa substituição não adicionou valor preditivo ao TRISS; a capacidade preditiva dos modelos se manteve equivalente à do TRISS original e até piorou sua performance. Tais resultados trazem indefinição sobre o desempenho desses parâmetros e remetem à necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre os componentes fisiológicos na estimativa da Ps das vítimas de trauma.

Para melhorar a capacidade do TRISS em estimar Ps, algumas propostas de modificações no parâmetro anatômico do índice também têm sido realizadas nas publicações científicas, porém seus resultados nem sempre foram benéficos para o desempenho do índice. A nova versão do ISS, o NISS, parece substituir o índice original com vantagens(4949.Nogueira LS, Domingues CA, Campos MA, Sousa RM. Tenyears of newinjury severity score (NISS): is it a possible change? Rev Latino Am Enfermagem. 2008;16(2):314-9.); no entanto, a habilidade do NISS de melhorar o desempenho do TRISS ainda não foi claramente estabelecida na literatura. Vale aqui lembrar que o NISS simplifica o cálculo do ISS e isto por si só deve indicar seu uso na equação visto que, até então, a literatura mostra que esta substituição não prejudica o desempenho do TRISS.

Nas publicações analisadas, a mudança na forma da idade ser incluída nas equações resultou em melhor desempenho dos modelos em aproximadamente 90% das novas propostas. Estes achados destacam a idade como um parâmetro que requer reavaliação quanto sua forma de inserção no TRISS. O ponto de corte de 55 anos precisa ser revisto, uma vez que os avanços da medicina e das condições de vida influenciaram diretamente os fatores relacionados à reserva fisiológica das pessoas mais idosas. Nesse sentido, a idade como variável dicotômica parece pouco aconselhável principalmente porque respostas diferenciadas à doença têm sido observadas não somente entre adultos e idosos, mas também entre os idosos e muito idosos (≥80 anos) da população(5050.Sousa RMC, Padilha KG, Nogueira LS, Miyadahira AMK, Oliveira VCR. Nursing workload among adults, elderly and very elderly patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2009;43(n.spe2):1284-91.).

A adição das variáveis gênero, comorbidades e mecanismo do trauma no modelo de Ps melhorou, em vários estudos(2121.Cinelli SM, Brady P, Rennie CP, Tuluca C, Hall TS. Comparative results of trauma scoring systems in fatal outcomes. Conn Med. 2009;73(5):261-5

22.Bouamra O, Wrotchford A, Hollis S, Vail A, Woodford M, Lecky F. Outcome prediction in trauma. Injury. 2006;37(12):1092-7.

23.Kilgo PD, Meredith JW, Osler TM. Incorporating recent advances to make the TRISS approach universally available. J Trauma. 2006;60(5):1002-8.
-2424.Bergeron E, Rossignol M, Osler T, Clas D, Lavoie A. Improving the TRISS methodology by restructuring age categories and adding comorbidities. J Trauma. 2004;56(4):760-7.,3030.Gabbe BJ, Magtengaard K, Hannaford AP, Cameron PA. Is the Charlson Comorbidity Index useful for predicting trauma outcomes? Acad Emerg Med. 2005;12(4):318-21.,3737.Rutherford EJ, Morris JA, Reed GW, Hall KS. Base deficit stratifies mortality and determines therapy. J Trauma. 1992;33(3):417-23.,3939.Moore L, Lavoie A, Turgeon AF, Abdous B, Le Sage N, Emond M, et al. Improving trauma mortality prediction modeling for blunt trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68(3):698-705.), a performance do TRISS. O gênero feminino tem sido apontado como fator protetor após o trauma devido às especificidades hormonais(5151.Brattstrom O, Granath F, Rossi P, Oldner A. Early predictors of morbidity and mortality in trauma patients treated in the intensive care unit. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54(8):1007-17.

52.Frink M, Pape HC, van Griensven M, Krettek C, Chaudry IH, Hildebrand F. Influence of sex and age on mods and cytokines after multiple injuries. Shock. 2007;27(2):151-6.
-5353.Angele MK, Frantz MC, Chaudry IH. Gender and sex hormones influence the response to trauma and sepsis: potential therapeutic approaches. Clinics (São Paulo). 2006;61(5):479-88.), o que pode justificar a melhor performance da equação quando essa variável foi adicionada.

Estudos mostram que a presença de comorbidades tem sido associada a resultados indesejáveis e o mecanismo do trauma, apesar de já ser considerado nos coeficientes do TRISS, também tem sido proposto como um dos itens da equação.

Apesar dos benefícios do acréscimo dessas variáveis no modelo, deve-se considerar que a inserção de cada item na equação requer validação em grandes populações. Além disso, essas variáveis devem ser parâmetros de imediata obtenção, o que nem sempre ocorre em relação às comorbidades.

Por fim, algumas limitações desta revisão merecem ser pontuadas: os estudos apresentaram grande variabilidade de propostas de ajustes, impossibilitando a realização de metanálise para definição da melhor equação modificada do TRISS e as equações ajustadas propostas nos estudos necessitam ser validadas em diferentes populações.


Cerca de metade dos ajustes realizados na equação do TRISS original resultou em melhora na acurácia do índice para predizer a Ps em doentes traumatizados. Os ajustes dos coeficientes à população de estudo foram realizados na grande maioria das equações, porém não apresentaram uma clara tendência de melhora na capacidade preditiva dos modelos, conforme esperado. Foi melhor o desempenho das variações do TRISS quando os ajustes incluíram a mudança na forma que a variável idade foi introduzida na equação. As variações do TRISS que mantiveram o RTS na equação não apresentaram melhora na performance do instrumento, independentemente dos ajustes realizados no índice. Outros parâmetros fisiológicos que substituíram o RTS tiveram desempenho variado, assim como as modificações relacionadas ao ISS. O gênero, comorbidades e mecanismo do trauma foram variáveis que, quando introduzidas diretamente na equação, apresentaram tendência de melhorar seu desempenho.


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    World Health Organization (2010) Injuries and violence: the facts [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2010 [cited 2015 Feb 08]. Available from:
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    Mock C, Joshipura M, Arreola-Risa C, Quansah R. An estimate of the number of lives that could be saved through improvements in trauma care globally. World J Surg. 2012;36(5):959-63.
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  • 4
    Stewart TC, Lane PL, Stefanits T. An evaluation of patient outcomes before and after trauma center designation using Trauma and Injury Severity Score analysis. J Trauma. 1995;39(6):1036-40.
  • 5
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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    Dez 2015


  • Recebido
    14 Abr 2015
  • Aceito
    20 Ago 2015
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