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Estimating the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy<D> (M-L) for adducts using empirical equations supported by TG data


In this work is presented and tested (for 106 adducts, mainly of the zinc group halides) two empirical equations supported in TG data to estimate the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy for adducts: <D> (M-O) = t i / g if t i < 420 K and <D> (M-O) = (t i / g ) - 7,75 . 10-2 . t i if t i > 420 K. In this empirical equations, t i is the thermodynamic temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of the adduct, as determined by thermogravimetry, andg is a constant factor that is function of the metal halide considered and of the number of ligands, but is not dependant of the ligand itself. To half of the tested adducts the difference between experimental and calculated values was less than 5%. To about 80% of the tested adducts, the difference between the experimental (calorimetric) and the calculated (using the proposed equations) values are less than 15%.

metal-ligand bond enthalpy; adducts; empirical equations; thermogravimetry


Estimating the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy<D> (M-L) for adducts using empirical equations supported by tg data

Robson Fernandes de Farias* * present address: Instituto de Química - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp - CP 6154 - 13083 970 - Campinas - SP - Brasil e-mail:

Departamento de Química - Universidade Federal de Roraima - 69310-270 - Boa Vista - Roraima - Brasil

Recebido em 11/12/97; aceito em 10/11/98

In this work is presented and tested (for 106 adducts, mainly of the zinc group halides) two empirical equations supported in TG data to estimate the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy for adducts: <D> (M-O) = ti / g if ti < 420 K and <D> (M-O) = (ti / g ) - 7,75 . 10-2 . ti if ti > 420 K. In this empirical equations, ti is the thermodynamic temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of the adduct, as determined by thermogravimetry, and g is a constant factor that is function of the metal halide considered and of the number of ligands, but is not dependant of the ligand itself. To half of the tested adducts the difference between experimental and calculated values was less than 5%. To about 80% of the tested adducts, the difference between the experimental (calorimetric) and the calculated (using the proposed equations) values are less than 15%.

Keywords: metal-ligand bond enthalpy; adducts; empirical equations; thermogravimetry.


In the thermochemical study of adducts, the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy is estimated using the equation: <D> (M-L) = - DgHmo / n , were DgHmo is the Lewis acid (metal halide) - Lewis base (ligand) gaseous phase reaction enthalpy, calculated as DgHmo = DrHmo + DsubHmo (MX m . nL) - n DsubHmo (L) - DsubHmo (M Xm ) were MXm represents a metal halide, L is the ligand and n is the number of ligands. That is, to calculate <D> (M-L) we neeed the value of DrHmo wich is determined calorimetricaly as described in detail elsewere1,2 the value of DsubHmo (M Xm ) (generally found in the literature) and the values of DsubHmo (L) (the enthalpy of sublimation or vaporization of the ligand) and DsubHmo (MX m . nL). At this point, we have two problems: the value of DsubHmo (L) generaly is not found in the literature for many ligands and so, must be measured, by using vapor pressure data (for liquids), or by the Knudsen technique (for solid samples). If a measurement is not possible, the DsubHmo (L) value must be estimated (by DSC data or another technique). The value of DsubHmo (MX m . nL) could not be determined, since the great part of the adducts, take thermal degradation before sublimation3. To overcame this difficulty, the widely used assumption take the value of DsubHmo (MX m . nL) as been equal DsubHmo (L)3 , but this assumption could not be so correct to some compounds .

Since thermogravimetry is a very quick and easy technique to use, requering only few mg of material for one analysis, should be really useful some kind of quantitative relation between thermogravimetric data and calorimetric ones.

In previous works4,6, were found some mathematical relations (empirical equations) between the value of ti , that is, the thermodynamic temperature (SI unit: Kelvin) of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of adducts (as determined by thermogravimetry) and some thermochemical parameters, making possible estimate the values of DfHmo4 (formation enthalpy), DMHmo 5 (lattice enthalpy) and DDHmo 6 (decomposition enthalpy), for adducts, by using thermogravimetric data.

In this work are presented and tested for 106 adducts two empirical equations to estimate the value of <D> (M-L), the mean metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy, by using thermogravimetric data.

Obtainning The Equations

As in previous works4-6, the adducts with dimetylformamide (dmf) and the zinc group halides7,8 were used as models to obtain the empirical equations, but with no special reasons to do this, only by a question of choice.

Searching for the possible mathematical relations between the thermochemical and the thermogravimetric data for that adducts, two empirical equations were obtained, correlating the mean metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy <D>(M-L) and ti, the thermodynamic temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of the adduct, as obtained by thermogravimetry :

<D> (M-L) = ti / g (1)

if ti < 420 K and

<D> (M-L) = (ti / g) - 7,75 . 10-2 . ti (2)

if ti > 420 K

The g values are function of the metal halide and of the number of ligands. The g values for adducts with 1 and 2 ligands were obtained using the thermogravimetric and calorimetric data for dmf and zinc group halides adducts7,8. The g values for adducts with 3 ligands were obtained by extrapolation, assuming that, the increase (in percentage) in the value of g from 2 to 3 ligands, is the same that is observed from 1 to 2 ligands. The values of g for adducts with fractionary number of ligands, were obtained assuming that, for this adducts, the values of g are the average values for adducts with integer number of ligands. For example, the values of g for adducts with 1.5 ligand is considered as been the average value of g for adducts with 1 and 2 ligands. The values of g are presented in table 1.


The proposed equations were tested for a total of 106 adducts: adducts with zinc group halides and e-caprolactam (cl)1, 2-pyrrolidone (butyrolactam-bul)2, tioacetamide (ta)9, tiobenzamide (tb)9, methylurea (mu)10, dimethylurea (dmu)10, tetramethylurea (tmu)10, urea (u)11,12, hexamethylfosforamide (hmpa)13, triphenylfosfinoxide (tppo)13,14, aniline (an)15, dimethylacetamide (dma)16, and dimethylethyleneurea (dmeu)17; adducts with Sb and Bi triiodides and tetramethyltiourea (tmtu)18, dimethyltioacetamide (dmta)19 and dimethyltioformamide (dmtf)19 ; adducts with halides of As and pyridine (py)20, b-pycoline (b-mpy) 20 and g-pycoline (g-mpy)20.

The results obtained are presented in Table 2.

To calculate the values of <D> (M-L) for As group halide adducts, the values of g used were that for zinc group halides.

The fact that there are different values of g to the different zinc halides whereas the same value of g is valid for all the halides of cadmium and mercury, suggests that the metal-ligand bond enthalpy in zinc halides adducts are much more sensitive to structural variations (because of variations in the halide radius) than in Cd and Hg adducts. Furthermore, the halide hardness presents the order Cl> Br>I, and, as reported elsewere17, the metal cation Zn2+ is more sensitive than Cd2+ and Hg2+ to variations in the hardness of the donor atom in the ligand molecule, wich is an example, in adduct chemistry, of the general thermochemical feature observed for hard and soft acid-bases interactions21.

Certainly, in the proposed equations, the correct value of ti is very important. The values of ti presented in table 2, are that provided by the respective authors1,2, 9-20.

Is necessary pay attention in two important facts : all the ligands presented are monodentate and although the equations were obtained using a ligand that coordinate through oxygen (dmf), its were used too for adducts that coordinate through sulfur and nitrogen.

The results could be summarized as follows : for half of the tested adducts, the difference between the experimental (calorimetric) and the calculated values (using the proposed equations) are less than 5%, which is a very good result. For about 80 % of the tested adducts the difference between experimental and calculated values was less than 15% which could be considered as a good agreement for this kind of procedure.

The generally bad results obtained for adducts with hmpa and tppo (for many adducts the calculated values are greater than the experimental ones) could be, at first , understood as consequence of the esterical hyndrance, since that ligands are the bigger ones among the adducts studied,that is, the metal-ligand bond lenghts used (implicit) in the calculated values are shorter than the real bond lenghts.

The term (-7,75.10-2).ti in equation (2), could be understood as a correction factor to take in account the contribution of the vibrational heat capacity of the metal-ligand bond.

Since the experimental values of <D> (M-L) are estimations with an error of ± 10 or 15 kJ mol-1, and the t i values presents an error of ± 5 or 10 K depending on the experimental apparatus used and the calibration procedures, the fact that, to about 40 compounds, the difference between calculated and experimental (calorimetric) values exceeds 10% is not a bad result.


1. Silva, Z. R. da, Queiroz, J. C. de, Vieira, E. F. S.; Dias, F. S.; Thermochim. Acta 1996, 285, 289.

2. Vieira, E. F. S.; Queiroz, J. C. de, Dias, F. S.; Thermochim. Acta 1995, 256, 249.

3. Airoldi, C.; Chagas, A. P.; Coord. Chem. Rev. 1992, 119, 29.

4. Farias, R. F. de; An. Assoc. Bras. Quím. 1997, 46, 172.

5. Farias, R. F. de; Quím. Nova 1997, 20, 478.

6. Farias, R. F. de; Quím. Nova 1998, 21, 437. 7.

7. Oliveira, O. A. de, Doctor's Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 1981.

8. Oliveira, O. A. de, Airoldi, C.; Chagas, A. P.; Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22,136.

9. Airoldi, C.; Digiampietri, E. A.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1992, 24, 33.

10. Assunção, F. P.; Doctor's Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 1980.

11. Santos, M. R. M. C.; Master's Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 1985.

12. Santos, M. R. M. C.; Airoldi, C.; Thermochim. Acta 1988, 125, 295.

13. Queiroz, J. C. de, Doctor's Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 1983.

14. Queiroz, J. C. de, Airoldi, C.; Chagas, A. P.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1986, 18, 709.

15. Silva, U. G. da Jr.; Master's Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, RN, 1996.

16. Simoni, J. de A.; Doctor's Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, 1978.

17. Farias, R. F. de, Oliveira, O. A. de, Quím. Nova 1996, 19, 100.

18. Santos, L. C. R. dos, Oliveira, S. F. de, Espínola, J. G. P.; Airoldi, C.; Thermochim.; Acta 1992, 206, 13.

19. Santos, L. C. R. dos, Oliveira, S. F. de, Espínola, J. G. P.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1993, 25, 1319.

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21. Jensen, W. B.; The Lewis Acid-Base Concepts, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1980.

  • *
    present address: Instituto de Química - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp - CP 6154 - 13083 970 - Campinas - SP - Brasil e-mail:
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      03 May 2000
    • Date of issue
      June 1999


    • Received
      11 Dec 1997
    • Accepted
      10 Nov 1998
    Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil