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Decolorization and toxicity of municipal waste by horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia)


The Municipal Station of Americana, SP, Brazil, treats a volume of 400 l s-1 of effluent, of domestic and textile origin, and produces about 20 t of sludge per day. The plant horseradish, which contains high amount of peroxidases, was able to decolorize this effluent in 2 h and the solid waste in 2 days, at concentrations of 10 and 50%, respectively. However, there was an increase in the toxicity for the bioassays with Hydra attenuatta, Selenastrum capricornutum and lettuce seeds, indicating formation of more toxic substances. Since horseradish showed the ability to decolorize these residues, it can be used as pre-treatment resulting in a sludge of less complex composition.

textile dyes; bioassays; sludge


Decolorization and toxicity of municipal waste by horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia)

Priscila Maria Dellamatrice; Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro* * e-mail:

Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo, CP 96, 13400-970 Piracicaba - SP, Brasil


The Municipal Station of Americana, SP, Brazil, treats a volume of 400 l s-1 of effluent, of domestic and textile origin, and produces about 20 t of sludge per day. The plant horseradish, which contains high amount of peroxidases, was able to decolorize this effluent in 2 h and the solid waste in 2 days, at concentrations of 10 and 50%, respectively. However, there was an increase in the toxicity for the bioassays with Hydra attenuatta, Selenastrum capricornutum and lettuce seeds, indicating formation of more toxic substances. Since horseradish showed the ability to decolorize these residues, it can be used as pre-treatment resulting in a sludge of less complex composition.

Keywords: textile dyes; bioassays; sludge.


The textile plants produced a large volume of effluent, which might contain about fifteen percent of the total dyes used in the process and other products such as: starch, surfactants, dispersants, oil, emulsifiers, caustic soda, anti-foam, etc. The effluent treatment by aerobic process such as activated sludge is inefficient for removing the color of the effluent1-3 since these substances are xenobiotics and microorganisms living in natural ecosystems don't have specific enzymes for its degradation4. This process also has the disadvantage of producing large amount of solid waste in the final of the process that might become another environmental problem4.

In an effluent containing many structural different dyes belonging to several chemical groups, is very difficult to isolate microorganisms that could degrade several classes of dyes5. In fact, in some cases a change in a position of a substituting group of the molecule might limit the degradation, and specificity between microorganism and molecule has been verificated6. Enzymes with wide spectrum like peroxidases, laccases, mono and dioxigenases have been tested as alternative.

The anaerobic process promoted decolorization of dyes, especially azo dyes, but the degradation result in the production of amines as metabolite, which are carcinogenic and toxic7. The aeration subsequent showed these amines can be degraded in aerobic system8 and combined system have been tested9. The uses of white rot fungi have also been studied and have revealed their ability to decolorize many kinds of dyes10-12. This degradation involves the action of extracellular lignolitic enzymes such as lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase13-14.

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a heme-containing plant peroxidase that catalyzes oxidations of various substrates in the presence of hydrogen peroxide that leads to formation of the intermediate Compound I via a two-electron oxidation. Compound I can be reduced by an oxidable substrate to compound II. This intermediate reacts with another substrate molecule to produce the initial state of the enzyme15.

The horseradish plant was studied in the degradation of phenols16-17, clorophenols18-22, PCBs15 and anilines23, however chemical characteristics affected the degradation, since anilines and phenols substituted with ions chlorine were more resistant to degradation19,23. PCBs were degraded by HRP to several intermediates via dechlorination and hydroxylation followed by cleavage of the ring leading to complete degradation of these molecules15.

The decolorization of several dyes by horseradish was observed24-29. Ferreira-Leitão et al.29 studied the degradation of the dye metileno blue (MB) by HRP and LiP and observed that 4.7% of the MB remained in the mixture for HRP and the degradation was 100% for LiP. In accord with Tonegawa et al.30, the horseradish-peroxidase is able to degrade amines, which are known as metabolites of azo dyes degradation.

Enzyme immobilization in a matrix allows reusability over the process and has showed increase in the degradation efficiency31. About 79% of an azo dye remotion (Acid Black) was observed with acrylamide gel immobilized beads, while only 67% was found with free HRP and 54% with alginate matrix31.

Many treatments can be efficient in the decolorization, but it necessary to know if there is formation of toxic products during the process. A valuable technique to evaluate the efficiency of the process of degradation is the use of bioindicators32.

The Municipal Treatment Station of Americana, SP, is responsible for the treatment of effluents from 43 textiles industries together with 70% of city sewage and approximately 3/4 of total volume originates from industries. The treatment mainly involves biologic filters for effluent and anaerobic digestion for the sludge. Each day an average of 20 t of sludge with approximating 30% of solids is produced and the process has 50% of effectiveness.

In this work, the decolorization and toxicity of effluent and solid waste of Municipal Treatment Station of Americana, SP were evaluated after treatment by the plant horseradish.



The horseradish material was donated by the Toyobo, Ltda. It was used in four different forms, the plant grinded in the laboratory (HLG), grinded in the industry (HIG), the bagasse resulting from the industrial peroxidase extraction process and the enzyme extracted by the industry.

Peroxidase activity

The peroxidase activity was evaluated in the plant extract (10 g of plant in 100 mL of water) by the methods of syringalzine33 and O-dianisidine33. The reactions were carried out in triplicates and the absorbance was evaluated at 460 nm after 10 min of reaction. For the Syringaldazine method, it were used 0.6 mL of plant extract, which was added with 100 µL of a 0.1% solution of syringaldazine in ethanol absolute, 200 µL of citric acid/sodium hydrogenphosphate buffer solution at pH 5.0 and 100 µL of H2O2 2 nM. For the O-Dianisidine Method, 0.6 mL of enzymatic extract were added with 100 µL of 1 mM solution of o-dianisidine, 200 µL of citric acid/sodium hydrogenphosphate buffer solution at pH 5.0 and 100 µL of H2O2 2 nM. Peroxidase activity is expressed in International Unit per gram (UI g-1) that is equivalent to mmol min-1 of syringaldazine or o-dianisidine oxidided.

Decolorization of the effluent

The effluent was sampled (3 L) after complete treatment in the Municipal Station. Erlenmeyer flasks containing 30 mL of the effluent was mixed with 3 g of horseradish or 3 mL of extract. Hydrogen peroxide was added to a final concentration of 20 mM in accord with Dec and Bollag18. The decolorization was evaluated by spectrophotometry and the percentage of decolorization was calculated as recommended by Glenn and Gold34, who suggest that if the maximum/minimum absorbance rate was kept constant there was not decolorization but adsorption effect.

Decolorization of the sludge

The sludge was sampled (3 kg) after the anaerobic digestion, addition of polymers and centrifugation, ready to leave the treatment station. The decolorization of the sludge was done by homogenization with the root grinded in the lab (HLG), grinded by the industrial process for extraction of peroxidases (HIG) and the bagasse, which is the residue of the enzyme extraction process. It was used 100 g of sludge mixed with the plant material in three proportion, 1:1, 3:1 and 9:1 (w/w), and H2O2 was added to a final concentration of 20 mM. The decolorization was evaluated by reflectance in Spectrophotometer Minolta Chroma Meter Cr-200 that give 3 parameters, "L", "a" and "b" that correspond to different wave of light reflected by the Spectrophotometer: "L" (color varying between black to white), "a" (green to red) and "b" (blue to yellow). Increase in the parameters L, a and b indicate decolorization35.

Toxicity tests

For Hydra attenuata, three organisms were placed into each of three (12-well microplate) wells into which 6 dilutions of effluent and sludge extracted (100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 and 1.56%). Lethal and sublethal effects were observed after 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of exposure36.

For algal tests, similar dilutions of the effluent and sludge extracted were used and 2.5 ml were placed into scintillation vials with a 104 cells-1 inoculum of Selenastrum capricornutum (Printz). After 72 h of incubation at 24 °C at 4000 (±100) lux, growth inhibition was evaluated by counting the number of cells present in each vial with a Neubauer measuring chamber under a microscope at 400 X37.

The lettuce seed root growth inhibition test was performed with 20 seeds in a polystyrene Petri dish, containing a filter paper embedded in 2 mL of each sample dilution. Root lengths were measured after 72 h of exposition38.

Data analysis

Comparisons were made with standard measurement endpoints including NOEC (No observed effect concentration), LOEC (Lowest observed effect concentration) for Hydra and the determination of 50% effects (IC50 for the algal assay and Lactuca assay). IC50s were calculated using the EcoTox-Statistics Version 1.1 program.


Peroxidase activity

Grinded roots in lab showed higher peroxidase activity compared to the industry, probably due to some problem during the transportation to the lab. The bagasse showed lower activity and the enzyme extract showed the highest activity (Table 1). The two methods used for analyses showed similar values for peroxidase activity in HIG and extract (Table 1), but for HLG and bagasse the O-dianisidine values were higher than syringaldazine.

Decolorization of the effluent

The effluent was decolorized equally, by visual observation, in all treatments. There was influence of the plant color in the lectures, mainly for HIG and bagasse. Although the bagasse had the lowest peroxidase activity, it seams to have the same efficiency for decolorization of the effluent. The complete decolorization occurred after 2h of exposition to the treatments. There was no observed color adsorption by the solid material and the difference between two absorbance measurements, as recommended by Glenn and Gold34, also indicate that no adsorption had occurred.

Decolorization of the sludge

The decolorization of the sludge visually occurred in the proportions of 1:1 w/w (50% of horseradish) in 2 days. The decolorization with horseradish at 10 and 25% depends on continuous homogenization of the material, due the decolorization was restricted to the region of contact with the horseradish grinded material. Decolorization was observed by reflectance (Table 3) with decrease in the L, a and b parameters showing clarification.

Toxicity tests

The non-treated effluent (control) showed lower toxicity effects than the decolorized effluent, for Hydra and Selenastrum (Table 4), however the treatments did not cause any inhibition for lettuce growth roots. In the algal test there were not toxicity for the effluent control, but after the treatment with horseradish the toxicity was high and the dilution of 2.76% of HLG inhibited 50% of the algal growth (Table 4).

For the sludge, the toxicity also increased after the treatment. The IC50 decreased about 9 times for algal and 2.7-6.5 times for lettuce root growth, meaning high increase in the toxicity compared to the control (Table 5).

The increase in toxicity may be due the incomplete degradation of the several products present in the sludge. The low degradation efficiency of products might be caused by adsorption of their metabolites to enzyme during the reaction resulting in the enzyme inactivation30. This could be minimized by addition of polyethylene glycol and surfactants or the use of immobilized enzyme, which had showed decrease in the formation of the product-enzyme conjugates21.


The horseradish decolorizes the effluent and sludge from the municipal treatment station of Americana, but after the treatment there was an increase in the toxicity of these residues, showing that the degradation leads to formation of toxic substances. Thereafter, horseradish could be used in the initial steps of the effluent treatment for decolorization followed by a conventional treatment for further degradation and elimination of the toxicity.

Recebido em 4/11/04; aceito em 28/9/05; publicado na web em 14/3/06

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  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      25 May 2006
    • Date of issue
      June 2006


    • Accepted
      25 Sept 2005
    • Received
      04 Nov 2004
    Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil