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Validation of a spectrophotometric method to estimate the adsorption on nanoemulsions of an antimalarial oligonucleotide


This study describes the validation of a spectrophotometric method to estimate oligonucleotides association with cationic nanoemulsions. Phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides targeting Plasmodium falciparum topoisomerase II were analyzed at 262 nm. Linear response (r > 0.998) was observed from 0.4 to 1.0 nmol/mL, the relative standard deviation values for the intra- and inter-days precision were lower than 2.6% and the recovery ranged from 98.8 to 103.6% for both oligonucleotides. The association efficiency was estimated based on an ultrafiltration/centrifugation method. Oligonucleotides recovery through 30 kDa-membranes was higher than 92%. The extent of oligonucleotides association (42 to 98%) varied with the composition of nanoemulsions

antimalarial oligonucleotides; nanoemulsions; UV analysis


Validation of a spectrophotometric method to estimate the adsorption on nanoemulsions of an antimalarial oligonucleotide

Fernanda Bruxel; Silvia S. Guterres; Helder F. Teixeira* * e-mail:

Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Ipiranga, 2752, 90610-000 Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil


This study describes the validation of a spectrophotometric method to estimate oligonucleotides association with cationic nanoemulsions. Phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides targeting Plasmodium falciparum topoisomerase II were analyzed at 262 nm. Linear response (r > 0.998) was observed from 0.4 to 1.0 nmol/mL, the relative standard deviation values for the intra- and inter-days precision were lower than 2.6% and the recovery ranged from 98.8 to 103.6% for both oligonucleotides. The association efficiency was estimated based on an ultrafiltration/centrifugation method. Oligonucleotides recovery through 30 kDa-membranes was higher than 92%. The extent of oligonucleotides association (42 to 98%) varied with the composition of nanoemulsions.

Keywords: antimalarial oligonucleotides; nanoemulsions; UV analysis.


Malaria is a disease that affects approximately 300 million people every year. Over the last 2 decades, the situation of malaria has become worse due to the resistance of parasites (gender Plasmodium) to the main antimalarial drugs, as well as that of mosquitoes to the insecticides.1

The use of oligonucleotides has been considered a new strategy for the treatment of malaria given the fact that these single strand nucleic acids can interfere in protein synthesis, thus inhibiting parasite growth.2,3 However, the use of oligonucleotides is hampered in vivo due to their very low penetration ability4,5 and susceptibility against nuclease degradation.6,7 In addition to chemical modifications, oligonucleotides association with positively-charged colloidal carriers has been extensively investigated to circumvent such drawbacks.8

For this reason, cationic oil-in-water (o/w) nanoemulsions have been investigated.9-13 Nucleic acids interact spontaneously with the oppositely charged cationic lipids to form polyionic complexes. Such complexes are able to increase the oligonucleotides cell uptake and protect them against nuclease degradation.10,11 Recently, the cationic lipid composition of nanoemulsions has been optimized in order to obtain the best conditions for the adsorption and release of a model oligonucleotide (oligothymidilate) from emulsions. Both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions were found to play important roles in those complexes.13

However, the estimation of oligonucleotides association rate with colloidal carriers, such as o/w cationic nanoemulsions, is difficult due to the physical obstacles associated with the small size of the oil droplets.14,15 In most cases, drug association efficiency is estimated indirectly, by calculating the difference between the amount of the drug added and the amount of free drug found in the external phase of colloidal carriers, obtained after separation of part of the external phase (water phase) on ultrafiltration membranes, using centrifugation or pressure.16,17

The design of intravenous nanoemulsions for antimalarial oligonucleotides delivery is currently under study by our research group. In the present study, we describe the validation of a spectrophotometric method, aimed at estimating the oligonucleotides association efficiency with cationic nanoemulsions, using an ultrafiltration/centrifugation procedure. Phosphodiester and chemically modified phosphorothioate oligonucleotides sequences targeting P. falciparum topoisomerase II have been previously described in the literature.2,3


Chemical and reagents

Medium-chain triglycerides and egg lecithin (Lipoid E-80®) were kindly donated by Lipoid GmbH, Germany. The cationic lipid dioleoyl trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP) was obtained from Sigma (USA), oleylamine from Aldrich (USA), and glycerol from Merck (Brazil). Oligonucleotides were purchased from Invitrogen Brazil Ltda. The antisense sequence (5' ATG TAA TAT TCT TTT GAA CCA TAC GAT TCT 3') was obtained as phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides. Ultrapure water was obtained from a Milli-Q apparatus (Millipore, Billerica, USA). Ethanol was obtained from Quimex (Brazil).


The UV apparatus consists of a UV-Vis scanning spectrophotometer, model Hewlett-Packard 8452A, with the software HP Chemstation for data processing. For the ultrafiltration/centrifugation process, an Eppendorf centrifuge 5417 R was used (Eppendorf, Germany).

Method validation

The method used in the present work was validated according to the "International Conference on the Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use" (ICH)18 parameters required for assaying dosage forms: specificity, linearity, accuracy, and precision (repeatability and intermediate precision).

The specificity of the method was assessed by comparing the absorption spectra of a water solution of oligonucleotides in comparison with a solution containing glycerol at 2.25%. This solution was prepared so as to reproduce the ultrafiltrate of the nanoemulsions (water phase) after the ultrafiltration/centrifugation process used to estimate the oligonucleotides association with cationic nanoemulsions.

To assess the linearity of the method, oligonucleotide solutions were analyzed in 3 different days. Each day, 7 concentrations within the range of 0.4 to 1.0 nmol/mL were prepared in triplicate and determined three times in the spectrophotometer. The detection limit and the quantification limit were also calculated, based on the deviation of the response and the slope, using the linearity curve data.

The precision of the UV method was analyzed in two different ways. First, precision was evaluated by analyzing the linearity data. The repeatability (intra-day precision) and intermediate precision (inter-day precision) were evaluated according to the relative standard deviation of the analysis on the same day and on the 3 different days, respectively. After that, 6 independent samples at 100% of the concentration (0.7 nmol/mL) of oligonucleotides in glycerol solution were prepared on three different days. The absorbance was determined 3 times for each sample and a mean was calculated. The relative standard deviation was calculated for the intra-day and inter-day precision.

The accuracy was evaluated by means of the recovery method, using 3 concentration levels (low, medium, and high) prepared in triplicate and determined 3 times, corresponding to 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 nmol/mL. Water solution containing 2.25% of glycerol were spiked with known amounts of oligonucleotides and analyzed. The results are expressed as the mean of recovery for three independent samples.

The recovery of the oligonucleotides throughout the ultrafiltration membranes was also tested. Solutions (0.5 to 20 nmol/mL) were ultrafiltrated (10 mins at 5,000 × g through a porous membrane, 30 kDa Ultrafree Millipore, USA) and the concentration was determined. Results were expressed as oligonucleotides recovery (%).

Preparation of nanoemulsions

Nanoemulsions were obtained through the spontaneous emulsification procedure, as previously described.12,13 The organic phase contained lipid components and ethanol as a solvent. This solution was injected into the aqueous phase (glycerol 2.25%) under magnetic stirring for 15 min. Subsequently, the organic solvent was removed by evaporation under reduced pressure at 50 ºC. The final composition of emulsions (%, w/w) was medium chain triglycerides 8.0, egg-lecithin 2.0, glycerol 2.25, either oleylamine 0.05 (oleylamine-emulsion) or DOTAP 0.132 (DOTAP-emulsion), and MilliQ water up to 100. The cationic lipid concentration in the formulations corresponds to 2 mM of oleylamine or DOTAP cationic lipids. A control emulsion obtained in the absence of cationic lipids (lecithin-emulsion) was also prepared.

The physicochemical properties of formulations used for the oligonucleotides association study were previously characterized using a Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instrument, UK). Nanoemulsions exhibit a mean droplet size of approximately 220-250 nm, showing a unimodal distribution (polydispersity index < 0.2). The ζ-potential of oleylamine and DOTAP emulsions were approximately +55 mV, whereas lecithin formulation presents a negative value of -23 mV. These results are in agreement with previously reported data for formulations obtained at a similar quali-quantitative composition and under the same emulsification conditions.13

Oligonucleotides association efficiency

Oligonucleotides association efficiency was performed at the end of the manufacturing process. Water solutions at the concentration of 5 nmol/mL were combined with nanoemulsions and incubated for 30 min. Free oligonucleotides (in the external water phase) were determined in the clear ultrafiltrate, obtained following a 10 min centrifugation (at 5,000 × g through a porous membrane 30 kDa Ultrafree Millipore, USA). The amount of oligonucleotides was determined by specrophotometry at 262 nm. Their association efficiency could be obtained as follows:

Association efficiency (%) = [(ONadded-ONfree)/ONadded] × 100

where, ONadded = amount of oligonucleotide added (nmol), and ONfree = amount of free oligonucleotide determined in the ultrafiltrate (nmol).


Figure 1a shows the UV spectra of oligonucleotides water solutions. As can be seen, phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides exhibit typical nucleic acid UV spectra, with a maximum absorption wavelength found at 262 nm. This absorption occurs because of the conjugated system in their nitrogenated bases. Considering that phosphorothioate differs from phosphodiester only as regards the modification in the phosphodiester linkage, where non-bonding phosphate oxygen is replaced by sulphur, the conjugated system and the extinction coefficient remained unmodified. Thus, absorption spectra obtained for both oligonucleotides were quite similar, which is in accordance with previous literature.19

To assess whether excipients could interfere in the determination of the oligonucleotides, the first validation procedure was aimed to determine the specificity of the method. This parameter was evaluated using a water solution containing glycerol 2.25% (external phase of nanoemulsions) due to the fact that oligonucleotides were determined in the presence of this excipient after having performed the ultrafiltration/centrifugation procedure. No interference of glycerol was noticed since no significant changes in the oligonucleotides spectra were detected in the wavelengths tested, as shown in Figure 1b.

The linearity of the method (Table 1) was satisfactory over the concentration range of 0.4-1.0 nmol/mL and the linear equations were similar for phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (p < 0.05), with a correlation coefficient higher than 0.998. Least square regression equations were highly significant for the method (p < 0.05). The confidence intervals for the intercept included zero, which confirms the absence of a constant systematic error. From linearity data, the detection and the quantification limit were also calculated based on the standard deviation of the response and slopes of the calibration curves. The results remained quite similar for both oligonucleotides.

The precision of the method was first assessed considering repeatability (intra-day analysis) and intermediate precision (inter-day analysis) from linearity data (Table 2).

The intra-day and inter-day precision presented relative standard deviation values which were lower than 2.60% (intra-day) and 1.34% (inter-day) for phosphodiester oligonucleotides and lower than 2.42% (intra-day) and 2.38% (inter-day) for phosphorothioate oligonucleotides. Concerning intra-day and inter-day experiments, performed in glycerol solutions (Table 3), the relative standard deviation values found were lower than 2.03 and 1.40% for phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides, respectively. Based on these results (Tables 2 and 3), the analytical methodology was considered precise.

The results of accuracy were expressed as recovery of oligonucleotides (%) added to the glycerol solution (2.25%). The recovery for the three concentration levels remained comprised between 98.8 and 100.3% for phosphodiester oligonucleotides, and between 99.5 and 103.6% for phosphorothioate oligonucleotides, indicating a good agreement between the amount added and the amount experimentally found (Table 4).

Before estimating the oligonucleotides association efficiency, the membrane recovery was evaluated to verify whether any adsorption or interaction mechanisms between oligonucleotides and the ultrafiltration units had occurred20 (Figure 2). Irrespective of oligonucleotides concentration (0.5 to 20 nmol/mL) and type (phosphodiester or phosphorothioate), the recovery proved to be higher than 92%. Such results showed a limited binding of oligonucleotides across the regenerated cellulose membranes, presenting a molecular weight cut-off of 30 kDa. Therefore, it can be assumed that free oligonucleotides were allowed to pass through the pores into the filtrate.

The present method was also used to estimate the association of oligonucleotides with nanoemulsions, using the conditions described above. The data (Table 5) clearly show that oligonucleotides association efficiency with lecithin-emulsion (control) was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than with oleylamine- and DOTAP-emulsions, regardless of the type of oligonucleotide. As expected, because of their positive charge, oleylamine and DOTAP allow to engage electrostatic interactions between oligonucleotides and the oil droplets, which have favored the association.9-11,13 In addition, no significant difference (p > 0.05) between phosphodiester and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides association efficiency was found, for a given formulation. However, despite the negative surface charge (related to the presence of negatively-charged phospholipids of egg-lecithin), oligonucleotides were able to associate with lecithin-nanoemulsions. Considering that phospholipids located at the emulsion interface are zwitterionic molecules, it can be suggested that due to the existence of positive charges in their polar head group, they are able to attract nucleic acids, even if the global surface charge is negative.9,10


In conclusion, the proposed spectrophotometric method can be used to determine either phosphodiester or phosphorothioate oligonucleotides in the water phase of nanoemulsions, aimed at estimating their association efficiency. The method was found to be linear, specific, precise, and accurate. The results remained quite similar for both forms of oligonucleotides.


The authors wish to thank CNPq and CAPES/COFECUB (540/05) for their financial support and Lipoid GmbH for the materials provided.

Recebido em 3/12/10; aceito em 22/3/11; publicado na web em 10/6/11

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  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      16 Nov 2011
    • Date of issue
      Sept 2011


    • Accepted
      22 Mar 2011
    • Received
      03 Dec 2010
    Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil